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Pemikiran Muhammad Syahrur tentang Wasiat Elva mahmudi; Elfia Elfia
Jurnal AL-AHKAM Vol 10, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/alahkam.v10i2.1858


Muhammad Syahrur viewed the ulama’s understanding of testaments as being very raw and stagnant so that it did not provide room for movement in resolving later cases. Therefore he suggests new ideas related to the testament which would symbolize that the Koran was indeed “shâlihun lî kulli zamân wa makân”. Syahrur sees the position and application of the testament more than the inheritance. The istinbath method of the Shahrur law is only of two kinds, which are sourced from the Koran and the Sunnah. The difference in views of Shahrur is based on his views on the Koran and the Sunnah which are different from the majority of scholars. In studying the Koran he also relied on sever- al approaches namely: linguistic, philosophical and intra-textual. The thought brought by Syahrur was in contradiction with classical scholars. Therefore, Syahrur’s opinion cannot be freely adopted in responding to the reality of fiqh today and is not one of the forms of renewal of Islamic law. However, what Syahrur did in the testament issue must not all be rejected outright, but there are parts that can be adopted in applying the will law.
SUHUF Vol 16 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf Al-Qur'an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22548/shf.v16i1.804


This research is an attempt to investigate further about the treasures of Indonesian scholars in the process of transmitting Islamic religious knowledge. The handwritten manuscript of Syekh H. Ali Imran Hasan which expounds the concepts of the teachings of the Tarekat Syattariyah is the main object in this library research. However, data from in-depth interviews with purposively selected credible sources are also used as supporting material in describing the qualitative analysis of this study. The main focus that becomes research angel in this manuscript is the aspect of the Qur’an which is quite unique in it. Several verses of the Qur’an are quoted and explained in such a way in the realm of esoteric interpretation in the style of the Sufis in general. In addition, several verses of the Qur’an are rewritten in the form of certain patterns, each of which has philosophical meanings in order to achieve certain purposes in the process of associating tarekat. The theory used in analyzing the texts contained in the manuscript is a hermeneutic approach of Jorge Gracia where in analyzing texts two general sub-theories are needed, namely; meaning function and implicative function. The results of this study indicate that the contact of the Indonesian Ulama with the Qur’an which is interpreted according to their respective horizons experiences quite varied dynamics, even different from the interpretation of the classical Ulama style which seems singular and normative.