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NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.456 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v17i1.2979


Kasus penistaan agama kerap kali terjadi di Indonesia. Bukan disebabkan karena terjadi sebuah kekerasan fisik atau pun teror yang meresahkan, melainkan karena penggunaan wacana yang kurang tepat oleh penutur. Dalam penelitian ini, debat antar agama menjadi objek penelitian karena ketertarikan peneliti untuk mengetahui strategi apa saja yang digunakan oleh pembicara untuk menjelaskan doktrin Agama mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembicara menggunakan strategi tersebut dalam meningkatkan kualitas argumen mereka. Data dan sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tuturan kedua kandidat debat dalam sesi presentation dan refutation, yaitu Dr. Qureshi dan Dr. Ally. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara menonton video live-streaming debat tersebut, mentranskrip, memilih data yang sesuai, dan mengelompokkannya sesuai dengan kategori masing-masing. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis kualitatif untuk menentukan kategori dan cara pengaplikasian strategi retorika. Hasil penelitian setelah menganalisis dan membahas data adalah strategi retorika yang di tawarkan oleh Van Dijk dalam sesi presentation digunakan seluruhnya. Sedangkan dalam sesi refutation, kategori yang digunakan ialah evidentiality, example/illustration, norm expression, number game, reasonableness, dan religion self-glorification. Kedua pembicara menggunakan cara yang sama dalam pengaplikasian strategi tersebut di kedua sesi. Namun, strategi yang paling dominan digunakan ialah kategori evidentiality.(Religion blasphemy often occurs in Indonesia. It is not because of physical violence or disturbing terror occurred, but it causes the use of discourse which is not appropriate. In this study, the interfaith debate is the object of research because the researchers are interested in knowing what strategies are used by speakers to explain their religious doctrine. The purpose of this study is to find out how the speaker uses the strategy to support their arguments. Data and data source in this study is the utterances of the two debate candidates in the presentation and refutation sessions, those are Dr. Qureshi and Dr. Ally. The data is collected by watching the debate live-streaming video, transcribing, selecting the appropriate data, and grouping them according to their respective categories. The result of the study after analyzing and discussing the data is the rhetorical strategies offered by Van Dijk used by the speakers in the presentation session is all the categories, while in the refutation session, the categories used are evidentiality, example/illustration, norm expression, number game, reasonableness, and religion self-glorification. Both speakers used the same method in applying the strategy in both sessions. However, the most dominant strategy used is the evidentiality category).
PARADIGM: Journal of Language and Literary Studies Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Paradigm: Journal of Language and Literary Studies
Publisher : English Letter Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/prdg.v4i1.10932


Commissive speech acts are speech acts that bind the speaker to carry out what is stated in the speech. This research aims to analyze the types and the functions of commisives speech acts used by the characters in the Knives Out movie. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive in which the research instrument is the researcher herself. The utterances were classified based on the theory proposed by Searle (1985) and Austin (1969). The utterances found in that movie are classified into six types of commisives speech act: the promise, guarantee, refusal, threat, volunteer, and offer. The results revealed there are 13 data found in the Knives Out film. The function that the characters mainly use in the film is an act of illocution. In contrast, from 13 data, the researcher found 6 types of commisive speech acts are found in the Knives Out movie: 2 utterances for guarantee (guarantee), 2 utterances for promises (promise), 2 utterances for offers (to offer), 3 utterances for refuse (refuse), 2 utterances for threats (threatening), and 2 utterances for volunteers (volunteers). Then, the commissive speech act that is mainly produced by the characters is rejection.
Sebuah Reviu terhadap Kajian Partikel Pragmatik dalam Beberapa Bahasa Daerah di Indonesia Agwin Degaf; NFN Irham; Zainur Rofiq
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/rnh.v9i1.1411


This paper aims to demonstrate studies of pragmatic particles in Indonesian vernacular languages. Given the fact that Indonesia ranked second most populated language in the world after New Guinea, we would expect a huge number of studies discussing Indonesian local languages. Review to studies of pragmatic particles in Indonesian language is therefore considered salient to carry out to shed light on how different authors examine different particles, what kind of method they employ to describe meaning and functions, and what potential implication this study could contribute in this field. Besides, it also enriches the cross-linguistic study of pragmatic particles in general. Following Macaro et al’s. (2017) guideline of systematic review, this study employed linear process of procedure by deciding keywords, screening title, reviewing abstract, examining full text, and drawing conclusion. The corpus of pragmatic particles employed in reviewed studies ranges from colloquial, spoken, dialogue, and monologue data. Some approaches were used to reveal the pragmatic meanings, such as conversation analysis approach, pragmatics, morpho-syntactic, and even phonological approach. This discussion in the present paper may be fruitful for researchers who are working on pragmatic particles or vernacular languages and suggests that more studies in local languages should be outstripped to sustain national linguistic identity in the global arena.   AbstrakThis paper aims to demonstrate studies of pragmatic particles in Indonesian vernacular languages. Given the fact that Indonesia ranked second most populated language in the world after New Guinea, we would expect a huge number of studies discussing Indonesian local languages. Review to studies of pragmatic particles in Indonesian language is therefore considered salient to carry out to shed light on how different authors examine different particles, what kind of method they employ to describe meaning and functions, and what potential implication this study could contribute in this field. Besides, it also enriches the cross-linguistic study of pragmatic particles in general. Following Macaro et al’s. (2017) guideline of systematic review, this study employed linear process of procedure by deciding keywords, screening title, reviewing abstract, examining full text, and drawing conclusion. The corpus of pragmatic particles employed in reviewed studies ranges from colloquial, spoken, dialogue, and monologue data. Some approaches were used to reveal the pragmatic meanings, such as conversation analysis approach, pragmatics, morpho-syntactic, and even phonological approach. This discussion in the present paper may be fruitful for researchers who are working on pragmatic particles or vernacular languages and suggests that more studies in local languages should be outstripped to sustain national linguistic identity in the global arena.  
Building moderate attitude and intercultural competence in literature classes: Teachers’ experience at higher education institutions Syafiyah Syafiyah; Agwin Degaf; Irham Irham; Miftahul Huda
Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ej.v10i1.11979


Foreign language teaching is a medium to raise students’ inter-cultural understanding, awareness, and sensitivity important for establishing tolerant mindset in multi-ethnic community. However, the use of literary works in foreign language teaching, for example TESOL, which could elevate intercultural competence since they promote respect and appreciation, is almost unexplored. This paper examined to which extent the values of moderation are presented during the teaching of literature and explicated in the curriculum, as well as the course outline of literary courses in three participating Indonesian Islamic Universities. This case study research collected data through a semi-structured interview with three lecturers English Literature Department, Walian University (pseudonym) administered under Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs and were analysed through critical exploratory lens. The results demonstrate that lecturers face complex issues regarding the incorporation and promotion of moderation values during the teaching of literature. Yet, the curriculum, on the other hand, has not embedded those values but are manifested in the teaching and learning process from the selection of teaching materials or learning activities. The lecturers remain the main actors in uplifting the introduction of moderate attitude during the teaching of literature.
LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 17, No 2 (2022): LiNGUA
Publisher : Laboratorium Informasi & Publikasi Fakultas Humaniora UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/ling.v17i2.17323


Translation frequently conveys information about culture, knowledge, and other social interactions. It is also considered from the perspective of intercultural communication access to developments in the humanities, sciences, and technologies. It is the fastest, most effective, and most efficient approach to transmitting knowledge and technology. Therefore, it is necessary to apply translation methodologies and techniques to ascertain the translator's translation ideology. The research method used in this research is the qualitative research design. This research took samples of the translation of mechanical engineering terms in Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Heat Transfer to look for techniques, methods, and ideologies used by translators to translate these terms from English into Indonesian. The data obtained were 175, with the discovery of 109 single translation techniques, 50 double translation techniques, and six triplet translation techniques. Three translation methods are applied: the literal translation method, the faithful translation method, and the semantic translation method. From the technical data and translation methods, the researcher concludes that the ideology applied by the translator is the ideology of foreignization. 
Language Engagement Program in the Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers Course (Prinsip Keterlibatan Bahasa Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing) Siti Masitoh; Agwin Degaf; Miftahul Huda
Indonesian Language Education and Literature Vol 8, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/ileal.v8i2.10152


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran bahasa pada program Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA). Penelitian studi kasus ini berlokus di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri di Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Universitas AKM menerapkan beberapa strategi pembelajaran BIPA yang sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip peran bahasa. Dalam implementasinya, Universitas AKM mengintegrasikan program BIPA dengan skema pembelajaran berbasis asrama sehingga mahasiswa peserta program BIPA memiliki lebih banyak pengalaman terhadap bahasa sasaran yang dipelajari, yaitu Bahasa Indonesia.This study aims to describe the role of language in the Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) program. This case study research focuses on one of the state universities in East Java. The results of the study show that AKM University applies several BIPA learning strategies that are in line with the principles of the role of language. In its implementation, AKM University integrates the BIPA program with a dormitory-based learning scheme so that students participating in the BIPA program have more experience with the target language being studied, namely Indonesian. 
Cooperative Principles at Work: Unveiling EFL Classroom Interaction in AKM University through a Sociopragmatic Lens Reza Oktaviabri; Agwin Degaf
Journal of Pragmatics Research Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Pragmatics Research
Publisher : UIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research explores the collaborative nature of successful conversations between lecturers and students at AKM's English Language Center, using Hymes' SPEAKING theory to understand the social aspects involved. The study employs qualitative methods and a sociopragmatic approach to analyze the data. The findings reveal 123 instances where maxims, principles that guide effective communication, were observed. Among these, 92 instances demonstrated the fulfillment of maxims, 29 exhibited the flouting of maxims, and 2 showed a combination of flouted maxims. Importantly, participants tended to adhere to maxims more often than deviate from them. The dominant maxims observed were relevance (21%), manner (18%), and quality (16%). Conversely, 71% of instances displayed the flouting of maxims, 19% showed violations, and 10% indicated infringements. The study also highlights the social aspects represented by the SPEAKING components. These elements include the classroom setting and morning time (S), involvement of lecturers and students (P), provision of explanations and instructions (E), usage of educational language to establish familiarity (A), striking a balance between seriousness, enthusiasm, and humor (K), oral communication (I), adherence to religious and politeness norms (N), and the presence of dialogues and narratives (G). Overall, the research indicates that the effective functioning of the class can be attributed to the active participation and adherence to cooperative principles by the speech participants.
International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) Vol 7, No 1 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/ijhs.v7i1.4857


This study explores the usage of commissive speech acts in the women-centric movies "Little Women" and "Enola Holmes." It employs Searle's classification of speech acts (1979), along with Hymes' social structure theory (2001) and Brown Levinson's politeness theory (1987). The analysis uncovers various types of commissive speech acts in movies set in the nineteenth century. Furthermore, it reveals that the employment of commissive speech acts and the politeness strategies employed by the characters are significantly influenced by the social structure of their respective societies. These findings contribute novel insights to the existing theories and extend the scope of sociopragmatics research, particularly in evaluating movies within academic settings. The study suggests conducting further research encompassing diverse cases, exploring other aspects of speech act studies, and engaging in comparative or cross-cultural analyses.
A Study of The Rhetorical Strategy Used by Shabir Ally and Nabeel Qureshi in Interfaith Debates Mubrizatul Ilmi; Agwin Degaf
NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol. 17 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Research Institute and Community Engagement of IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v17i1.2979


Kasus penistaan agama kerap kali terjadi di Indonesia. Bukan disebabkan karena terjadi sebuah kekerasan fisik atau pun teror yang meresahkan, melainkan karena penggunaan wacana yang kurang tepat oleh penutur. Dalam penelitian ini, debat antar agama menjadi objek penelitian karena ketertarikan peneliti untuk mengetahui strategi apa saja yang digunakan oleh pembicara untuk menjelaskan doktrin Agama mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembicara menggunakan strategi tersebut dalam meningkatkan kualitas argumen mereka. Data dan sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tuturan kedua kandidat debat dalam sesi presentation dan refutation, yaitu Dr. Qureshi dan Dr. Ally. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara menonton video live-streaming debat tersebut, mentranskrip, memilih data yang sesuai, dan mengelompokkannya sesuai dengan kategori masing-masing. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis kualitatif untuk menentukan kategori dan cara pengaplikasian strategi retorika. Hasil penelitian setelah menganalisis dan membahas data adalah strategi retorika yang di tawarkan oleh Van Dijk dalam sesi presentation digunakan seluruhnya. Sedangkan dalam sesi refutation, kategori yang digunakan ialah evidentiality, example/illustration, norm expression, number game, reasonableness, dan religion self-glorification. Kedua pembicara menggunakan cara yang sama dalam pengaplikasian strategi tersebut di kedua sesi. Namun, strategi yang paling dominan digunakan ialah kategori evidentiality.(Religion blasphemy often occurs in Indonesia. It is not because of physical violence or disturbing terror occurred, but it causes the use of discourse which is not appropriate. In this study, the interfaith debate is the object of research because the researchers are interested in knowing what strategies are used by speakers to explain their religious doctrine. The purpose of this study is to find out how the speaker uses the strategy to support their arguments. Data and data source in this study is the utterances of the two debate candidates in the presentation and refutation sessions, those are Dr. Qureshi and Dr. Ally. The data is collected by watching the debate live-streaming video, transcribing, selecting the appropriate data, and grouping them according to their respective categories. The result of the study after analyzing and discussing the data is the rhetorical strategies offered by Van Dijk used by the speakers in the presentation session is all the categories, while in the refutation session, the categories used are evidentiality, example/illustration, norm expression, number game, reasonableness, and religion self-glorification. Both speakers used the same method in applying the strategy in both sessions. However, the most dominant strategy used is the evidentiality category).