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JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan) Vol 3, No 2 (2018): JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan)
Publisher : Graduate Program Magister Manajemen Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.558 KB) | DOI: 10.31851/jmksp.v3i2.1855


This study purposed to find out how finance management in one of the international-based schools in the development of global issues of education today is useful to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. This research was qualitative, where in this paper I saw the strategies used by school in running the management of educational finance. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews with principals, vice principals, treasurers, and the results of financial observations in the Primary School of Indonesian Creative School Pekanbaru. The results showed that the management of educational finance had been done well 1) the process of budgeting according to the procedure; 2) sources of finance obtained from several sources of funds; 3) the constraining factor in the management of educational finance belongs to the flow of disbursement of funds long enough; 4) supervision and accountability in the educational finance is going well; and 5) Foundations, principals, vice principals, treasurers, school committees, teachers and UPTD Education involved in the education finance management process.
Rancangan dan Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Inventori APD untuk Covid-19 dengan Metode PIECES Rahmadoni, Jefril; Arifnur, Adi Arga; Akbar, Ricky
JEPIN (Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika) Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Volume 7 No 2
Publisher : Program Studi Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jp.v7i2.47543


Salah satu bagian yang begitu penting dalam menanggulangi Covid-19 adalah Alat pelindung diri (APD). Setiap tenaga kesehatan yang berhadapan dengan pasien Covid-19 harus menggunakan APD dan setiap fasilitas kesehatan yang ada di kota Padang harus memiliki stok APD agar selalu ada saat dibutuhkan. Namun kondisi APD di setiap fasilitas kesehatan yang terdapat di kota Padang tidak di rekap secara komputerisasi, petugas harus memeriksa ketersedian APD di gudang setiap saat. Tujuannya penelitian ini adalah agar setiap fasilitas kesehatan yang ada di kota Padang mengetahui ketersediaan APD setiap saat melalui sistem informasi yang berbasis web tanpa harus memeriksa di gudang agar tidak ada lagi kematian dari tenaga kesehatan akibat menangani pasien yang positif Covid-19 tanpa menggunakan APD. Dalam perancangan sistem digunakan metode waterfall. Sedangkan dalam evaluasi sistem yang telah diimplementasikan memanfaatkan metode PIECES (Performance, Information/Data, Economic, Control/Security, Efficiency, Service). Berdasarkan hasil dari setiap tahapan metode waterfall yaitu tahapan analisis, perancangan, pengkodean, dan implementasi, maka dapat ditarik sebuah kesimpulan bahwa perancangan aplikasi sistem informasi inventari APD di DKK Padang telah berhasil dibangun sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Evaluasi yang dilakukan terhadap sistem yang telah dirancang dan diimplentasikan menunjukkan bahwa nilai mean adalah sebesar 3,66 dengan kategori baik.
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v3i2.418


This community service aims to provide more practical, innovative and efficient learning methods that are adapted to the development of information technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 by utilizing the free Learning Management System (LMS) media, namely Schoology. The learning process in this LMS combines some content in one application that is packaged in an interactive form such as flash or animation, learning videos, assignments and examinations with various features including course content which includes articles, module materials. Therefore, we from the Andalas University Information Systems Study Program aim to socialize the utilization of information technology in the teaching and learning process with LMS Schoology at SMAN 1 Sutera. As the best school in Pesisir Selatan District, SMAN 1 Sutera has been equipped with facilities to support teaching and learning processes that can utilize information technology. The subjects of this dedication are all the teachers of SMAN 1 Sutera, where the teachers are given training in the use of Schoology in order to be able to apply the learning process based on information technology. The method of carrying out this activity is carried out in five stages: initial survey, planning, preparation, training and evaluation. During the training, the enthusiasm of the teacher was quite high by giving a positive response of 90% of the participants and responding that Schoology was another alternative for an interesting learning process. And the rest are not yet accustomed to using technology in the learning process due to age.
LITERASI VISUAL MEDIA EDUKASI POSTER TERKAIT COVID-19 PADA SISWA SMA DI KOTA PADANG Ullya Mega Wahyuni; Jefril Rahmadoni; Afriyanti Dwi Kartika; Adi Arga Arifnur; Husnil Kamil; Meza Silvana; Ricky Akbar; Wahyudi Wahyudi
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 4 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v4i1.494


Officially the World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that COVID-19 is a pandemic, and the Indonesian government has also declared the Corona outbreak a national disaster. To be able activities during a pandemic, we must carry out Communication, Information, and Education (IEC) to the public regarding COVID-19. IEC can be done by using posters as a communication medium. Socialization of education media is aim at high school students in the city of Padang. The purpose of this activity is to provide training to high school students in the city of Padang so that the knowledge provided can be used by making educational posters and share information related to COVID-19 to the public through social media as of concern for students to reduce the spread Coronavirus. This activity involved students from four schools in Padang, namely SMAN 7, SMAN 11, SMA Pertiwi 2, and SMA Don Bosco Padang. The method of implementing activities consists of three stages, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. During the activity, participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity until the final stage. This activity's target achievement was 90% seen from the participants who collected educational posters during the training. Meanwhile, the participants' visual literacy ability was 85%, assessed from participants' understanding in conveying visual messages into educational posters. To motivate participants to stay enthusiastic study during pandemics, the best posters were selected from the activity participants.
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 5 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v5i1.592


Digital marketing is the marketing of goods or services that are targeted, measurable, and interactive by using digital technology to reach many consumers. Through the scheme to build a Nagari at Andalas University, the authors carry out service by providing socialization and direct digital marketing practices to MSME actors. This activity is very necessary, considering that SMEs in Nagari Kamang Mudiak, Kamang Magek District, Agam Regency, have been doing traditional marketing through direct sales to consumers. Thus, this training was carried out for MSME actors in the Kamang Mudiak village. The purpose of this activity is to (1) provide knowledge as well as training to MSME actors to increase the marketing of MSME products with digital marketing methods, (2) increase the knowledge of MSME actors in Nagari Kamang Mudiak related to the types of digital marketing, and (3) MSMEs are able to market their products digitally. This activity is carried out using the lecture method and then the participants practice directly how to do product marketing digitally with their respective social media. The training which was attended by 36 participants succeeded in achieving the goal because the participants were able to market their products with various types of digital marketing media through WhatsApp Business, Facebook Marketplace, Instagram and Shopee. After training, MSME actors can place their own using WhatsApp Business, Facebook Marketplace, Instagram and Shopee. MSME actors and the nagari government hope that service activities like this will continue to be carried out in the context of business continuity for MSME actors in Kamang Mudiak Nagari.
Perancangan Simulasi Pembelajaran Kriptografi Klasik Menggunakan Metode Web Based Learning Jefril Rahmadoni
INTECOMS: Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTECOMS: Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (735.848 KB) | DOI: 10.31539/intecoms.v1i1.160


One of the main problems in the education system in Indonesia is a quality problem and the results of the learning process. This problem relates to the provision of learning materials and materials that have not been widely accessible without being limited by the constraints of distance and time. In realizing this requires a change in the paradigm of the learning process has been applied so far as implementing e-learning. To achieve these objectives developed model of e-learning by using web- based learning. Web based learning (WBL) is the learning associated with the teaching materials are presented via a web browser. Web-based learning applications created using programming languages PHP and MySQL. The results of a web-based learning can facilitate students in the learning process and provide information services in understanding a material that has been displayed on web- based learning site Keywords : E-learning, Web Based Learning, Classic Cryptography
JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan)
Publisher : Graduate Program Magister Manajemen Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.558 KB) | DOI: 10.31851/jmksp.v3i2.1855


This study purposed to find out how finance management in one of the international-based schools in the development of global issues of education today is useful to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. This research was qualitative, where in this paper I saw the strategies used by school in running the management of educational finance. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews with principals, vice principals, treasurers, and the results of financial observations in the Primary School of Indonesian Creative School Pekanbaru. The results showed that the management of educational finance had been done well 1) the process of budgeting according to the procedure; 2) sources of finance obtained from several sources of funds; 3) the constraining factor in the management of educational finance belongs to the flow of disbursement of funds long enough; 4) supervision and accountability in the educational finance is going well; and 5) Foundations, principals, vice principals, treasurers, school committees, teachers and UPTD Education involved in the education finance management process.
Web-Based Cooperation Information System at The Science Techno Park Technology Business Development Center Jefril Rahmadoni; Ricky Akbar; Ullya Mega Wahyuni
Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS)
Publisher : Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (598.133 KB) | DOI: 10.37385/jaets.v3i2.806


Science Techno Park (STP) Unand's partnership with various government, business, and legal institutions will continue for the foreseeable future in order to disseminate innovators' knowledge to the larger community. The issue that frequently arises is that the file search procedure is tough to locate. Furthermore, the enormous number of inventors at Andalas University are recorded in Microsoft Excel files, making it difficult for users to locate inventory data. The data that is then entered is frequently duplicated, leaving the user perplexed about the information presented. As a result, at STP Unand's Technology Business Development Center, a web-based cooperative information system was created. The goal is for STP Unand's engagement with partners to be automated, and for data collecting on the number of inventors in Unand to be structured. The SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) method is used in this study. SDLC is a software development cycle that encompasses software development techniques, phases, and tools. The waterfall paradigm was used in the design of this application. the waterfall method was successfully used to build or design a collaborative information system application. Based on the outcomes of each stage of the waterfall method, namely analysis, design, coding, and system testing, it is possible to conclude that the design of this collaborative information system application has been successfully built in accordance with needs.
Analysis And Design of File Security System AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Cryptography Based Khairul Muttaqin; Jefril Rahmadoni
Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS)
Publisher : Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.812 KB) | DOI: 10.37385/jaets.v1i2.78


The times has made human needs are increasing, including information needs. Therefore, sending and storing data through electronic media requires a process that is able to guarantee the security and integrity of the data that requires an encoding process. Encryption is the process of changing an original data into confidential data that cannot be read. Meanwhile, the decryption process is a process where the confidential data received will be converted back into the original data. In this case the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm is used as the latest cryptographic algorithm standard. The previous algorithm was considered unable to answer the challenges of the development of communication technology very quickly. AES is a cryptographic algorithm using the Rijndael algorithm that can encrypt and decrypt blocks of data over 128 bits with a key length of 128 bits. In this study the application of AES as a file security system is carried out, where the encryption and decryption process is carried out on the file. In testing the system a trial is performed on all files with different file sizes and for the results of the encryption process (ciphertext) in the form of files with the file format with the *.encrypted extension.
Determination Of Lecturer Reception Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Hafizah Hanim; Jefril Rahmadoni
Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS)
Publisher : Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.334 KB) | DOI: 10.37385/jaets.v1i2.100


During this time, the selection of non permanent lecturers, parts staffing difficulties in selecting lecturers. The obstacle faced is the large number of applicants who register to become prospective lecturers. So that the staffing or the campus must give extra time to choose prospective lecturers so that lecturers can be obtained that fit the desired criteria. The AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method is a method in the decision-making process, this method performs a hierarchical structure calculation where the top level in the hierarchy is the goal to be achieved then the hierarchy below in the form of criteria in achieving goals and the lowest level is the alternatives in achieving goals.