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PEMBINAAN MORAL DAN KREATIVITAS REMAJA Ummah MS, S. Sumihatul; Habibullah, Mosleh; Basri, Hasan
NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol 8, No 1 (2011)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.198 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v8i1.7


Entering teen-age, in general, either adolescent son or daugther is hard to be arranged though by its own parents. This matter is problem had by each adolescences, there are four the important matters which become fundamental study at this research, that is: (1) Condition of moral and adolescent creativity in countryside of Bancelok, (2) Effort of moral construction and adolescent creativity in countryside of Bancelok, (3) Resistances faced in moral construction and adolescent creativity in countryside of Bancelok, and also (4) Effort is done to increase the moral construction and adolescent creativity [in countryside of Bancelok. This Research uses approach qualitative. There are four elements becoming the source of informations in this research, that is; old fellow, elite figure society, government officer, and young man figure. Whereas relating to field study (data collecting) using the observation method, interview, and documentation. Later, data that is gathered to be analysed using two approaches, that is: descriptive informative and descriptive analysis.
NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol 8, No 2 (2011)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (671.307 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v8i2.15


In English subject in university, lecturer often finds the difficulty to learn college students to be able to converse English truly and fluent to tell the opinion or enquiring. This research tries to solve those problems the through the class action at semester college students II Tadris English STAIN Pamekasan passing game method. Having taken thrice rotations ( 3 cycles) activity with completion in each rotations, this research proves that game can improve the bravery and college students skill at English conversing subject ( Speaking English ). College student performance at I cycle is sentence structure (structure) with score 82,5%, while at uppermost II cycle is utterance clarity (comprehensibility) equal to 85% and uppermost III cycle is fluency (fluency) and pronunciation equal to 85% and 95%. Beside that, college student performance percentage also obtained in each cycles progressively, such as those are described at percentage I cycleI equal to 55,31% with category enough; II cycle equal to 65% with category enough and at III cycle equal to 70% with good category. Thereby is suggested that curator lecturer of conversing English subject can apply games method in overcoming the problem of ability to communicate in English, by creating interesting study atmosphere, pleasing, dynamic, creative, and pleasing
Prophetic Parenting dalam Membentuk Akhlak Islami Anak Usia Dini pada Himpunan Wali Santri (HIWASI) RA Al Mansur Bulangan Haji Kecamatan Pegantenan Kabupaten Pamekasan Karimah, Kiswatul; Ummah MS, S. Sumihatul
Kiddo: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/kiddo.v1i2.3686


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui konsep implementasi, serta manfaat dari Prophetic Parenting  dalam Membentuk Akhlak Islami Anak Usia Dini pada Himpunan Wali Santri RA Al Mansur Bulangan Haji Kecamatan Pegantenan Kabupaten Pamekasan.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Data yang diperoleh melelalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, informannya yang dianggap menguasai bidang yang diteliti oleh peneliti adalah kepala sekolah, guru, ketua Himpunan wali santri dan wali santri. Sedangkan pengecekan keabsahan data melalui ketekunan, perpanjangan waktu dan trianggulasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, konsep Prophetic Parenting  dalam Membentuk Akhlak Islami Anak Usia Dini pada Himpunan Wali Santri RA Al Mansur yaitu dikonsep dengan beberapa materi kegiatan yang salaras dengan bagaimana Rasulullah SAW. mendidik anak yaitu melalui pembiasaan yang baik, penanaman kejujuran, pembiasaan berbahasa Madura halus, menjadi suri tauladan, pemberian perhatian dan kasih sayang, pemberian nasehat, sanjungan dan hukuman, membangun sosial kemasyarakatan anak serta membentuk aktivitas ibadah anak. Kedua,  implementasi Prophetic Parenting  yaitu terdapat pada program Parenting Class, Visiting Home, dan Perayaan Hari Besar Islam. Ketiga manfaat yang dirasakan oleh wali santri dan guru yaitu meningkatkan kesadaran orangtua tentang bagaimana mendidik anak dengan baik dan benar, wali santri bisa lebih memahami bagaimana cara mendidik anak yang mengacu pada bagaimana Rasulullah SAW. mendidik anak, wali santri mendapatkan informasi mengenai program pendidikan anak, silaturahmi, serta bisa mengetahui metode serta bagaimana menerapkan cara Nabi mendidik anak.