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Konflik Peran Ganda Wanita Karir Saat Work From Home di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Meta analisis Dhiza Aliffia; Mawadah; Rabiatul Adawiyah; Khairun Na'imah; Shanty Komalasari; Ceria Hermina
Journal of Research and Measurement in Psychology: JPPP Vol 11 No 02 (2022): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengukuran Psikologi Vol 11 No 2 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UNJ dan Program Studi Psikologi Fakultas Pendidikan Psikologi Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPPP.112.08


The Covid-19 pandemic has made significant changes to people’s lives. Including career women who work from home, feel the impact of these changes. Challenges and burdens borne by career women in the middle of public stigma about women who should be at home, doing domestic work, taking care of their husbands and children and then increasing when they have to do it together with office work at home. The purpose of this study is to reveal the dual role conflict experienced by career women when working from home during covid-19 pandemic. The method used in writing this article uses the library method. A mother who has a dual role during a pandemic finds her work responsibilities getting more difficult. The burden is in the form of the responsibility of accompanying school children from home and work responsibilities which apparently during the pandemic are increasing. Especially when children learn online. Here the role of a mother increases because she has to act as a teacher to accompany her child. This makes career women find it difficult because they are also carrying out their duties from home (WFH) at the same time. Career women often find it difficult because they have to divide their focus between work and accompanying children during online school. So that the dual role conflict experienced by career women when working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic increases because roles in work and family are carried out in the same place at the same time.
Konflik Peran Ganda Wanita Karir Saat Work From Home di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dhiza Aliffia; Mawadah Mawadah; Rabiatul Adawiyah; Khairun Na’imah; Shanty Komalasari; Ceria Hermina
Muadalah Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/muadalah.v10i2.7450


The Covid-19 pandemic has made significant changes to people’s lives. Including career women who work from home, feel the impact of these changes. Challenges and burdens borne by career women in the middle of public stigma about women who should be at home, doing domestic work, taking care of their husbands and children and then increasing when they have to do it together with office work at home. The purpose of this study is to reveal the dual role conflict experienced by career women when working from home during covid-19 pandemic. The method used in writing this article uses the library method. A mother who has a dual role during a pandemic finds her work responsibilities getting more difficult. The burden is in the form of the responsibility of accompanying school children from home and work responsibilities which apparently during the pandemic are increasing. Especially when children learn online. Here the role of a mother increases because she has to act as a teacher to accompany her child. This makes career women find it difficult because they are also carrying out their duties from home (WFH) at the same time. Career women often find it difficult because they have to divide their focus between work and accompanying children during online school. So that the dual role conflict experienced by career women when working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic increases because roles in work and family are carried out in the same place at the same time. Pandemi Covid-19 membuat perubahan yang sangat signifikan bagi kehidupan masyarakat, diantaranya adalah melaksanakan pekerjaan dari rumah. Termasuk juga wanita karir yang melakukan work from home, merasakan dampak dari perubahan tersebut Tantangan dan beban yang dipikul wanita karir di tengah stigma masyarakat tentang wanita yang seharusnya berada di rumah, melakukan pekerjaan domestik, mengurus suami dan anak kemudian bertambah saat harus mengerjakannya bersamaan dengan pekerjaan kantor yang dilakukan dari rumah (work from home).  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan konflik peran ganda yang dialami oleh wanita karir saat Work From Home saat pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan. Seorang ibu yang mempunyai peran ganda selama pandemi merasa tanggungan pekerjaannya bertambah lebih sulit. Beban itu adalah tanggung jawab mendampingi anak sekolah dari rumah serta tanggungan pekerjaan yang semasa pandemi ini semakin bertambah. Terlebih saat anak-anak belajar secara daring. Disini peran seorang ibu bertambah karena harus berperan sebagai guru untuk mendampingi anaknya. Hal ini yang membuat wanita karir merasa kesulitan karena dalam waktu yang bersamaan mereka juga melaksanakan tugasnya dari rumah (WFH). Wanita karir sering merasa sulit karena harus membagi fokusnya antara pekerjaan dan mendampingi anak saat sekolah daring. Sehingga konflik peran ganda yang dialami wanita karir saat work from home di masa pandemi covid-19 meningkat karena peran dalam pekerjaan dan keluarga dilakukan di tempat dan waktu yang bersamaan.