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Pemetaan Penelitian Akad Mudharabah Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah: Studi Bibliometrik Vosviewer Dan Literature Review Eka Wahyu Hestya Budianto
J-EBIS (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/j-ebis.v7i1.3895


This study aims to determine the map of the development of research regarding Mudharabah contracts at Islamic Financial Institutions with a VOSviewer bibliometric study and literature review. The research was conducted over a period of 21 years from 2001 to 2021 by searching through the Garuda website (Digital Reference Garba) with the keyword Mudharabah/Mudharabah. And obtained 857 research articles. The search results were then analyzed descriptively, inputted, analyzed using VOSViewer and literature review to determine the visualization of topic developments and research around the Mudharabah contract. The results showed that the number of publications regarding Mudharabah contracts has increased significantly every year. Then, based on the results of research visualization using VOSviewer, the Mudharabah contract is divided into 8 clusters. Based on the results of the literature review, there are 8 main themes and 435 research topics regarding Mudharabah contracts at Islamic Financial Institutions.
Pemetaan Penelitian Seputar Akad Musyarakah pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah: Studi Bibliometrik VOSviewer dan Literature Review Eka Wahyu Hestya Budianto
JESI (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Indonesia) Vol 12, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Alma Ata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (592.193 KB) | DOI: 10.21927/jesi.2022.12(1).25-36


This study aims to determine the map of research developments regarding Musyarakah contracts at Islamic Financial Institutions with a VOSviewer bibliometric study and a literature review study. The research was carried out for a period of 17 years from 2005 to 2021 by searching through the Garuda website (Garba Reference Digital) for the key to Musyarakah. And obtained 310 research articles. The search results were then analyzed descriptively and inputted to find out the visualization of the mapping of the development of topics and research subjects around the Musyarakah contract. The results of the study indicate that the number of publications regarding Musyarakah contracts has increased significantly every year, and based on the results of mapping visualization using VOSviewer, research on Musyarakah contracts is divided into 5 clusters. Meanwhile, based on the results of the literature review, there are 8 main themes and 124 research topics regarding Musyarakah contracts at Islamic Financial Institutions. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peta perkembangan penelitian seputar akad Musyarakah pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah dengan studi bibliometrik VOSviewer dan kajian literature review. Penelitian dilakukan selama kurun waktu 17 tahun dari tahun 2005 hingga 2021 dengan cara melakukan penelusuran melalui website Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital) berkata kunci Musyarakah. Dan didapatkan 310 artikel penelitian. Artikel hasil penelusuran tersebut kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif, diinput dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui visualisasi pemetaan perkembangan topik dan subjek penelitian seputar akad Musyarakah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah publikasi seputar akad Musyarakah mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan setiap tahunnya, dan berdasarkan hasil visualisasi pemetaan menggunakan VOSviewer, penelitian seputar akad Musyarakah terbagi menjadi 5 kluster. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil kajian literature review, terdapat 8 tema utama dan 124 topik penelitian seputar akad Musyarakah pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah.
Pemetaan Penelitian seputar Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah dan Konvensional: Studi Bibliometrik VOSviewer dan Literature Review Wasilatur Rohimah; Eka Wahyu Hestya Budianto; Nindi Dwi Tetria Dewi
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Perbankan Vol 5, No 1 (2023): JEMPER Januari - Juni
Publisher : Prodi Manajemen S1 dan D3 Keuangan & Perbankan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32897/jemper.v5i1.2607


This study aims to determine the development of research around CIMB Niaga Islamic and Conventional Bank. The research was conducted from 2011 to 2022, by searching national journals indexed by Sinta via the Garuda website, with the keyword “CIMB Niaga”. Based on the search results, there were 99 research articles, then inputted into the VOSviewer application and analyzed descriptively through a literature review study. The results showed that the number of publications had increased significantly every year. Furthermore, based on the results detected using the VOSviewer application, research related to CIMB Niaga Bank is divided into 8 clusters and 116 items. Meanwhile, based on the results of a literature review study, there are 8 main themes related to CIMB Niaga Islamic and Conventional Bank.
Bibliometric And Literature Review Of Financing Risk In Islamic Banking Eka Wahyu Hestya Budianto
JPS (Jurnal Perbankan Syariah) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): JPS (Jurnal Perbankan Syariah) - April
Publisher : LPPM Publishing & Printing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46367/jps.v4i1.1031


This study aims to show the map of research developments about the risk of financing in Islamic banking using a literature review approach. The object of this research is financing risk. Data sources come from searches of national and international journals indexed by Google Scholar, Sinta, and Scopus through the Publish or Perish software. Data analysis techniques include: mapping RIS (research information systems) data files on Mendeley Desktop based on the order of year, author, and publisher; mapping the results of visualization of bibliometric networks and trends in scientific publications using VOSviewer software; and mapping research topics. The results showed that the number of publications had increased significantly every year. Based on the bibliometric mapping, research on financing risk was obtained, which was grouped into 5 clusters and 85 items along with six gap research. Meanwhile, based on the results of a literature review study, eight main themes surround the risk of financing in Islamic banking. This study can be a reference for future research.
Pemetaan Penelitian seputar Manajemen Zakat pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah: Studi Bibliometrik VOSviewer dan Literature Review Eka Wahyu Hestya Budianto; Nuzulul Nasoihul Ibad; Gentur Pratopo; Nindi Dwi Tetria Dewi
Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jekobi.v6n1.p1-20


This study aims to determine the development of research around Zakah Management in Islamic Financial Institutions. The research was conducted from 2013 to 2022, by searching national journals indexed by Sinta via the Garuda website, with the keyword “Zakah Management”. Based on the search results, there were 60 research articles, then inputted into the VOSviewer application and analyzed descriptively through a literature review study. The results showed that the number of publications had increased significantly every year. Furthermore, based on the results detected using the VOSviewer application, research related to Zakah Management is divided into 11 clusters and 133 items. Meanwhile, based on the results of a literature review study, there are 3 main themes related to Zakah Management in Islamic Financial Institutions.
Research Mapping of Musyarakah Contracts in Islamic Financial Institutions: VOSviewer Bibliometric Study and Literature Review Eka Wahyu Hestya Budianto; Nindi Dwi Tetria Dewi
Maliki Islamic Economics Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Maliki Islamic Economics Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Economics UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.13 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/miec.v2i2.17199


This study aims to determine the map of research developments regarding Musyarakah contracts in Islamic Financial Institutions with VOSviewer bibliometric study and literature review. The research was carried out for a period of 17 years from 2005 to 2021 by searching through the Garuda website (Garba Reference Digital) for the key to Musyarakah. And obtained 310 research articles. The search results were then analyzed descriptively and inputted to find out the visualization of the mapping of the development of topics and research subjects around the Musyarakah contract. The results of the study indicate that the number of publications regarding Musyarakah contracts has increased significantly every year, and based on the results of mapping visualization using VOSviewer, research on Musyarakah contracts is divided into 5 clusters. Meanwhile, based on the results of the literature review, there are 8 main themes and 124 research topics regarding Musyarakah contracts in Islamic Financial Institutions.
Kompetensi (Competence : Journal of Management Studies) Vol 17, No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/kompetensi.v17i1.20002


This study aims to determine the research mapping regarding the Return On Investment (ROI) ratio in Islamic and Conventional Banking using a mix-method approach, namely the VOSviewer bibliometric study and literature review. Data analysis techniques include: (1) mapping the distribution of journal publications around the ROI ratio; (2) mapping the results of the VOSviewer bibliometric visualization around the ROI ratio based on the number of clusters and their items; and (3) mapping research topics around the ROI ratio using a literature review study. The results showed that: (1) based on the distribution of journal publications, there were 274 journal publications regarding the ROI ratio; (2) based on the mapping of the VOSviewer bibliometric study, the network visualization results around the ROI ratio are divided into 4 clusters and 85 topic items; (3) based on the mapping of literature review studies, there are 28 topics around the influence of the ROI ratio and 38 topics about the determinants of the ROI ratio. The implications and contributions of this research are to map research topics around ROI ratios in Islamic and Conventional Banking which are often or rarely researched by researchers so that they can be a reference for subsequent researchers.
IDEI: Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis Vol 4, No 1 (2023): JUNE 2023
Publisher : Insan Doktor Ekonomi Indonesia (IDEI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38076/ideijeb.v4i1.151


This study aimed to determine the effect of Return on Equity (ROE) on Islamic banking with a mix-method approach, namely quantitative methods in bibliometric studies and qualitative methods in literature review studies. The analysis unit was ROE in Islamic banking. The source of the data collection came from searches of national journals indexed by Google Scholar and Sinta through the Perish/Harzing application. Data analysis techniques were included: (1) mapping the effect of ROE on Islamic banking using a bibliometric study with the VOSviewer algorithm software and (2) mapping the influence and determinants of ROE in Islamic banking using a literature review study. The study results in showed that based on the VOSviewer bibliometric study, research on the effect of ROE in Islamic banking was divided into seven clusters and 133 topic items. Meanwhile, based on a literature review study, there were two main themes surrounding ROE in Islamic banking. The implication and contribution of this research were to map topics that are often researched by re­searchers so that they could be a reference for subsequent researchers.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Return on Equity (ROE) pada perbankan syariah dengan pendekatan mix-method, yaitu metode kuantitatif pada studi bibliometrik dan metode kualitatif pada studi literature review. Objek peneli­ti­an­nya adalah ROE pada perbankan syariah. Sumber pengambilan data berasal dari pe­nelusuran jurnal nasional terindeks Google Scholar dan Sinta melalui aplikasi Pe­rish/Harzing. Teknik analisis data meliputi: (1) memetakan pengaruh ROE pada per­bankan syariah menggunakan studi bibliometrik dengan software algoritma VOS­vi­ewer; dan (2) memetakan pengaruh dan determinan ROE pada perbankan syariah meng­gunakan studi literature review. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berda­sar­kan studi bibliometrik VOSviewer, penelitian seputar pengaruh ROE pada perbankan syariah terbagi menjadi tujuh kluster dan 133 item topik. Sedangkan berdasarkan studi literature review, terdapat dua tema utama seputar ROE pada perbankan syariah. Im­plikasi dan kontribusi penelitian ini adalah memetakan topik-topik yang sering diteliti oleh peneliti, sehingga dapat menjadi rujukan bagi peneliti setelahnya.
Pemetaan Penelitian Rasio Biaya Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) pada Perbankan Syariah dan Konvensional: Studi Bibliometrik VOSviewer dan Literature Review Eka Wahyu Hestya Budianto; Nindi Dwi Tetria Dewi
JAF (Journal of Accounting and Finance) Vol 7 No 1 (2023): JAF - Journal of Accounting and Finance
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/jaf.v7i1.5995


This study aims to determine the research mapping regarding the Operating Income to Operating Costs (OIOC) ratio in Islamic and Conventional Banking using a mix-method approach, namely the VOSviewer bibliometric study and literature review. Data analysis techniques include: (1) mapping the distribution of journal publications around the OIOC ratio; (2) mapping the results of the VOSviewer bibliometric visualization around the OIOC ratio based on the number of clusters and their items; and (3) mapping research topics around the OIOC ratio using a literature review study. The results showed that: (1) based on the distribution of journal publications, there were 736 journal publications regarding the OIOC ratio; (2) based on the mapping of the VOSviewer bibliometric study, the network visualization results around the OIOC ratio are divided into 4 clusters and 163 topic items; (3) based on the mapping of literature review studies, there are 49 topics around the influence of the OIOC ratio and 14 topics about the determinants of the OIOC ratio. The implications and contributions of this research are to map research topics around OIOC ratios in Islamic and Conventional Banking which are often or rarely researched by researchers so that they can be a reference for subsequent researchers. Keywords: Operating Income to Operating Costs (OIOC); Bibliometrics; VOSviewer; Literature Review; Islamic and Conventional Banking
Pemetaan Penelitian Rasio Dividend Per Share (DPS) pada Perbankan Syariah dan Konvensional: Studi Bibliometrik VOSviewer dan Literature Review Eka Wahyu Hestya Budianto; Nindi Dwi Tetria Dewi
Al-Mal: Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 4, No 01 (2023): Edisi Volume 04 No 01 Edisi Januari-Jun1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/al-mal.v4i01.16760


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemetaan penelitian seputar rasio Dividend Per Share (DPS) pada Perbankan Syariah dan Konvensional dengan pendekatan mix-method, yaitu studi bibliometrik VOSviewer dan literature review. Teknik analisis data meliputi: (1) memetakan jumlah sebaran publikasi jurnal seputar rasio DPS; (2) memetakan hasil visualisasi bibliometrik VOSviewer seputar rasio DPS berdasarkan jumlah kluster dan itemnya; dan (3) memetakan topik penelitian seputar rasio DPS menggunakan studi literature review. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) berdasarkan pemetaan jumlah sebaran publikasi jurnal, terdapat 59 publikasi jurnal seputar rasio DPS; (2) berdasarkan pemetaan studi bibliometrik VOSviewer, hasil visualisasi jaringan seputar rasio DPS terbagi menjadi 6 kluster dan 156 item topik; (3) berdasarkan pemetaan studi literature review, terdapat 5 topik seputar pengaruh rasio DPS dan 11 topik seputar determinan rasio DPS. Implikasi dan kontribusi penelitian ini adalah memetakan topik-topik penelitian seputar rasio DPS pada Perbankan Syariah dan Konvensional yang sering ataupun jarang diteliti oleh peneliti, sehingga dapat menjadi rujukan bagi peneliti setelahnya.