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Jurnal Bioedukatika
ISSN : 23386630     EISSN : 25415646     DOI : 10.26555
Core Subject : Education,
"JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA" focuses on the publication of the results of scientific research related to the field of Biology Education. The article published on the internal and external academic community UAD especially in Biology Education. "JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA" publishes scholarly articles in biology education scope covering: biology curriculum, teaching biology, instructional media, and evaluation. Published article published is the article the results of research, studies or critical and comprehensive scientific study on important issues and current job descriptions included in the journal.
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Articles 225 Documents
Developing Augmented Reality of Virus as Learning Media M Ikhsan Al Ghazi; Paidi Paidi; Yuni Wibowo
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bioedukatika.v10i3.24035


This This study aims to: (1) develop Augmented Reality Virus (ARVI) as learning media for class X students; (2) determine the feasibility of learning media Augmented Reality virus (ARVI). The method used in this research is Research and Development with the ADDIE model limited to the Development stage. Product assessment is carried out by lecturers of material experts, lecturers of media experts, and biology teachers, each of which consists of two people. The limited trial was conducted on 18 students grade XI. Data were collected using a questionnaire and if necessary interviews were conducted with the informants. The data analysis was done quantitatively. The results of this study resulted in a product in the form of an Android application containing Augmented Reality feature that can display 3-dimensional illustrations of viruses that can be rotated and adjust the magnification when directed at the marker. Applications developed can run on the Android operating system 6 and above. The developed learning media has very feasible criteria. This is based on the results of the validation of material experts of 98.71%, media experts of 77.60%, biology teachers 91.31%, and students of 83.96%.
The effectiveness of STEM and religion-based worksheets to improve problem solving skills and nutritional awareness zuhair abdullah; Tresia Istiqomah; Ratna Sari; Ratna Sari
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bioedukatika.v10i3.24956


This study aims to: 1) determine the effectiveness of student worksheet based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Religion (STEM-R) to improve problem solving skills; 2) determine the effectiveness of STEM-R-based student worksheets to increase students’ nutritional awareness. This is a quasi-experimental research with a pretest posttest control group design. Analysis of the increase in pretest and posttest data for control and experimental classes was carried out using normalized gain data. Quantitative data analysis was performed using the t-test to test the significance of the difference in gain between the control and experimental classes. The results of this study are: 1) the use of STEM-R-based LKPD is effective to improve problem solving skills, the effectiveness is proven by the acquisition of a percentage gain of 66% with a fairly effective category. 2) the use of STEM-R-based LKPD is effective to increase nutritional awareness, the effectiveness is proven by the acquisition of a percentage gain of 58% with a fairly effective category. The quantitative effectiveness of the problem-solving skill gain data and nutritional awareness between the control and experimental classes was also proven by the results of the t-test with a p value (sig) of 0.000 less than 0.05 (Sig <0.05)
Pengembangan media augmented reality materi sistem reproduksi manusia untuk siswa SMA kelas XI Husmayani Muny Putri; Kartika Ratna Pertiwi
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bioedukatika.v10i3.25022


Pembelajaran saat ini erat kaitannya dengan teknologi digital, terutama di masa covid-19. Bentuk pemanfaatan teknologi digital adalah beragamnya produk yang dikembangkan, namun hampir tidak ada media yang mampu memenuhi semua tingkatan usia dan terdapat perbedaan kemampuan peserta didik, sehingga perancangan yang matang diperlukan. Pada pembelajaran biologi materi sistem reproduksi manusia diketahui bahwa nilai ketuntasan belajar rendah (46,2%). Penyebabnya materi tersebut memerlukan visualisasi konsep yang baik sementara media yang ada minim. Guru dan peserta didik membutuhkan media yang mampu memvisualisasikan materi dengan baik dan dapat diakses melalui smartphone. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan media Augmented Reality (AR) pada materi sistem reproduksi manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, & Evaluation). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui validasi ahli serta uji coba terbatas. Hasil validasi ahli materi adalah 100% dan hasil validasi ahli media adalah 95% (kategori sangat baik). Hasil penilaian guru adalah 92% dan hasil respon siswa adalah 83,5% (kategori sangat baik). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa media AR yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran.
Pengembangan aplikasi media pembelajaran digital dengan augmented reality materi animalia untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dan minat belajar siswa SMA Kelas X Sholeh Pambudi; Agung Wijaya Subiantoro
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bioedukatika.v10i3.25031


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan efektifitas media pembelajaran digital dengan augmented reality yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dan minat belajar siswa. Penelitian ini adalah Research & Development menggunakan model Design and Development Research (D&DR) yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu analysis, planning, production dan evaluation. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 1 Prambanan, Sleman. Subjek uji coba yaitu siswa kelas XI MIPA untuk mendapatkan data respon siswa sedangkan sampel penelitian yaitu siswa kelas X untuk mendapatkan data efektifitas penggunaan media. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi angket untuk memperoleh data kelayakan produk, sedangkan tes pilihan ganda dan angket minat belajar digunakan untuk mendapatkan data efektifitas penggunaan media. Hasil angket kelayakan media dianalisis secara deskriptif, sedangkan hasil data untuk uji efektifitas media dianalisis dengan Uji Mann-Whitney dan Independent Sample T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan media augmented reality materi animalia dinyatakan layak dengan skor 95,3% (ahli media), 96,5% (ahli materi), 93,2% (guru Biologi) dan 81,2% (respon siswa). Keefektifan pembelajaran materi animalia dengan menggunakan media AR ini tidak efektif dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran tanpa media AR dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dan minat belajar siswa. Meskipun demikian, terdapat kecenderungan peningkatan pemahaman konsep dan minat belajar siswa yang lebih besar pada pembelajaran dengan media AR.
Development of Integrated Biology Teaching Materials with Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah Values in Reproductive Materials for Class XI SMA/MA Students Siti Robiah
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bioedukatika.v10i3.23520


This study aims to produce a product in the form of biological teaching materials integrated with the values of the Qur'an and As-Sunnah that are valid and effective in improving cognitive, psychomotor learning outcomes as well as in developing the values of faith and piety in students. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 stages, namely the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, learning outcomes tests, and questionnaire techniques. The data analysis technique used descriptive and inferential analysis. The study results showed the developed teaching materials met the statistically valid category based on the assessment of the expert in teaching-learning, material, Islamic religious education and teachers as validators, as well as it received an extremely satisfactory response from students. Teaching materials are very effective in improving learning outcomes in term of cognitive and psychomotor, and developing the values of students' faith and piety