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Jurnal Civic Hukum Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Mei 2016
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jch.v1i1.10457


Research conducted at SMAN 9 Malang about, (1) Implementation of CharacterEducation by Study of Citizenship, (2) Describe the constraints faced, (3) Describe solution made in the implementation of Character Education by Study Of Citizenship. This research uses the nearing of qualitative research. Where researchers directly to collecting information related to the title of the study. The collection of data obtained from observation, interview, and documentation. As for the target of information are principal, waka kurikulum, waka student, teacher Citizenship Education, and the student of SMAN 9 Malang. Indicate thatthe results of research in Citizenship Education in SMAN 9 Malang loading about Character Education and devolep values’s character that exist in the state ideology that is Pancasila, strategic Citizenship Education teachers of SMAN 9 Malang are with model. Habituation or reinforcement. Evaluation is conducted by the Citizenship Education teacher at SMAN 9 are cognitive, affective and psychomotor student. Values in Citizenship Education also developed in school extracurriculier activities such as extracurricular activities paskibra in SMAN 9 Malang which also inserts character education such as discipline, responbility,independence, and nationalist. It’s just that in practice there are still constraints such as there are still a few of student who make mischief in school, many teacher and students who come school late. From the times or the impact that the school conducted globalisasi. The solution of the schools that model, an awareness of the self, the role of parents.
Jurnal Civic Hukum Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Mei 2016
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jch.v1i1.10458


This research was carried out because the difficult thing done by students who study at Islamic boarding schools is time, how students can divide short learning time, with a solid routine. The purpose of this study is to find out (1) the learning styles of high-achieving students in Islamic boarding schools. (2) how students deal with less effective time for learning and doing assignments. (3) Supporting factors of high-achieving students in Islamic boarding schools. This type of research is a descriptive study with research subjects are students in An-Nur Bululawang Islamic boarding school. Data was collected using interviewtest results, documentation, and observation. The results of the data obtained in the form of interviews, observation and documentation were then analyzed. Descriptively, the results of the study show: (1) that the difference in the learning of students with high achievements and underachievement of students lies in their learning motivation. Motivation and enthusiasm for high learning tend to be owned by high achieving students with good learning. (2) there isno special way students achievers are better at managing leisure time. (3) there is no specific factor students with more achievement have and instil motivation into themselves.
Implementasi Pendidikan Budi Pekerti Dalam Menanggulangi Kenakalan Siswa Siti Fatimah; Nurul Zuriah; M Syahri
Jurnal Civic Hukum Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Mei 2016
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jch.v1i1.10459


The purpose of this study is: (1) To identify and describe the implementation ofcharacter education in addressing student misbehaviour in SMP Negeri 8 Malang. (2) To identify and describe the factors that cause delinquency students in SMP Negeri 8 Malang. (3) To determine and describe the obstacles and supporting elements in the face in the implementation of character education in dealing with student misbehaviour in SMP Negeri 8 Malang. (4) To identify and describe the solutions taken by the school to address the factors inhibiting the implementation of character education in dealing with student misbehaviour inSMP Negeri 8 Malang. This study uses qualitative research techniques. Where researchers go directly into the field to gather information related to the title of the review. The data collection was obtained by interview, observation and documentation. The informant information that needs to be explored is the principal, teachers PPKn SMP Negeri 8 Malang, Islamic Teacher SMP Negeri 8 Malang, Teacher Guidance Counseling (BK) SMP Negeri 8 Malang, andinformant of class VII students of SMP Negeri 8 Malang. Based on research conducted by researchers at SMP Negeri 8 Malang The results obtained are (1) Implementation of character education in dealing with student misbehaviour in SMP Negeri 8 Malang in accordance with the Vision and Mission of SMP Negeri 8 Malang, and through all subjects and extracurricular activities through SMP Negeri 8 Malang. (2) Causes of Delinquency students occurrence due to the influence of the external environment that influences society and the mass media technology and increasingly sophisticated. (3) Obstacles and Supporting implementation of character education in dealing with student misbehaviour in SMP Negeri 8 Malang is, the inhibiting factor because fulgar outside media such as the internet and the mass media that children easy access to the things that cause the destruction of morals of the nation while the supporting factors of all components of the school is good that all the teachers and administrative staff who have been part of the support. (4) The solution in overcoming factors inhibiting the implementation of character education that is conducted by the school SMP Negeri 8 Malang is to be arranged in the system, the role of government itself must care for the child as a future asset, and there must be cooperation between all the components in schools SMP Negeri 8 Malang.
Jurnal Civic Hukum Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Mei 2016
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jch.v1i1.10460


Education is a tool to educated nation children who can bring them to enlightenment in totally, education has a purpose to put a nation buildings up that adhere with values of intelligence, sensitivity, and care to nation and country. This research expected can reconstruct national education on crisis set off the problem morality Indonesian nation, rebuild education thought. Ki Hajar Dewantara has purpose of giving answer on morality crisis, that cannot beable to stem the problem of the morality series contemporary Indonesian nation, so education comes back to the prominent in human building that has good individuality (character humans), like the education that has been aspiration by national education sire (Ki Hajar Dewantara). This research has the purpose of knowing some problems in the research focus of research object such as: (1) analyze or inspect the concept thought of education by Ki HajarDewantara. (2) Relevance the idea thought of education by Ki Hajar Dewantara with education character and this research using qualitative research method, whereas the method used in this research is Library Research. The aggregation of data did with investigation way to Ki Hajar Dewantara opuses, especially education and the concept of education idea. Whereas data analysis that used in this research is discourse analysis will reveal various literature from research object. The results of this research show that 1). The concept of education thought by Ki Hajar Dewantara is about humanist education based on independence, external and internal freedom that if you take the red yarn is education that human being or education that can form good students characters. First characteristic is a brilliant mind. Second, intelligent and skill. Third, health of body and spirit. Fourth, pious to the god. 2) The relevance of education concept thought by Ki Hajar Dewantara with education character that both want the same education able to make a form of the whole human, it is freedom human and goodpersonality. This output research expected can give solution or contribution of thought in reconstruct national education for education purpose in building Indonesian character people like education that has been a concept by Ki Hajar Dewantara.
Jurnal Civic Hukum Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Mei 2016
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jch.v1i1.10461


Character education is an educational process aimed at learners to develop the values, attitudes, and behaviours that emit noble character or noble character. Research with the aim of, (1) To describe the implementation of character education to students at SMPN 5 Malang; (2) To describe the form of school activities in the implementation of character education to students at SMPN 5 Malang; (3) To explain the constraints faced in the implementation ofcharacter education to students at SMPN 5 Malang; (4) To explain a solution that is made to overcome the obstacles to implementation of character education to students at SMPN 5 Malang. This study uses qualitative research techniques. Researchers directly involved in collecting information related to their topic. The collection of data obtained by observation techniques, interviewing techniques, and technical documentation. The informant information that needs to be explored is the principal SMPN5 Malang, Student representatives, IslamicTeachers, PPKn Teachers, and class 7, 8, and 9. Then the data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the implementation of character education to students in Junior High School 5 Malang to implement school culture that prays together, implement 5S, flag ceremonies and manners of incorporating the materials into every subject. Form of school activities in the field of religion is Imtaq, Khotmil Qur’an, and commemorating religious holidays. Field of self-development and winning personality to hold extracurricular,flag ceremony, student council activities and comply with regulations. And social fields which carry out social service. Constraints on the internal factors that character education lessons were removed, and students are still unstable, external factors are the impact of globalization, parents and children often indulge milieu wrong. The solution is to provide guidance that provide insight, training and supervision, teachers set a good example, providing facilitiessupporting character education and establish good communication between parents and the school. The conclusion that the implementation of character education to students at SMPN 5 Malang to implement and incorporate the material culture of the school moral and character are integrated into each subject. School events that shape the field of religion, self-development field and superior personality, and social areas. The obstacles are internal factors and external factors. And solutions to overcome these obstacles is to provide guidance, teachers give good example, providing character education support facilities and establish excellent communication between parents and the school.
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Jurnal Civic Hukum Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Mei 2016
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jch.v1i1.10473


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