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Suwanto Raharjo
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JNANALOKA merupakan jurnal ilmiah berbasis blind peer review dan open access terbit mulai tahun 2020 dipublikasikan oleh Lentera Dua Indonesia. Jurnal terbit sebanyak 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yakni bulan Maret dan September. Redaksi Jurnal JNANALOKA menerima artikel ilmiah orisinil lintas bidang ilmu yang memiliki fokus namun tidak terbatas pada bidang sains dan teknologi baik tingkat dasar, menengah, dan tinggi lintas dan multi disiplin ilmu. JNANALOKA juga menerima artikel yang didasarkan pada penelitian ilmiah secara umum.
Articles 42 Documents
Analisis lokasi rawan banjir berdasarkan faktor fisik Kabupaten Mamuju Risma Risma
JNANALOKA Vol. 03 No. 02 September Tahun 2022
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36802/jnanaloka.2022.v3-no2-75-85


Mamuju Regency is the capital city of West Sulawesi Province and is one of the districts that are prone to flooding. This study aims to analyze flood-prone locations based on the physical condition of Mamuju Regency which includes rainfall, slope, elevation, soil type, river buffer and land use. The results showed that there is an area of 279.84k㎡ in Mamuju Regency which has a high vulnerability to flooding. Areas that have a high level of flood vulnerability are mostly located in the western part of Mamuju Regency because the land cover is dominated by settlements and ponds and has a relatively flat topography. Meanwhile, areas with moderate and low levels of flood vulnerability are 1695.47k㎡ and 2959.33k㎡, respectively.
Aplikasi sistem informasi geografis untuk pemetaan kerentanan kuantitas mata air dan pengaruhnya terhadap budidaya kopi di Kecamatan Grabag, Kabupaten Magelang. Cherlin Rian Rosalia; Muchlis Muchlis; Arie Noor Rakhman
JNANALOKA Vol. 03 No. 02 September Tahun 2022
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36802/jnanaloka.2022.v3-no2-87-97


The springs in Grabag Sub-district have decreased the quantity of water because of a large amount of water taken from the springs by the residents and PDAM. This can threaten the volume of existing springs. This study aims to analyze the quantity vulnerability of the spring area and identify the conservation in the management of springs in the study area by using a Geographic Information System (GIS) application. The data used is the observation of data in the field and laboratory. Data as soil type, morphometry, constituent lithology, land use, vegetation, water discharge, access, and use of water. We classify the vulnerability of springs in the study area as low - medium vulnerability. Areas of low vulnerability, vulnerability class 2.0–2.6 are scattered in the springs of Tuk Ngrancah, Tuk Tlogosari, Tuk Gedad, and Tuk Tlogorejo. This area is composed of colluvial deposits of regosol soil, low rainfall (1750–2250 mm/year), sloping slopes (9-15°), and they used the land as gardens. Medium classification areas, with vulnerability class 2.7–3.3 spread over the springs of Tuk Bleder, Tuk Mas Kalimas, Tuk Kembar, and Tuk Udal. This area is composed of colluvial deposits of latosol soil, moderate rainfall (2250-2750 mm/year), undulating slopes (16-25°), and land use as gardens. The direction of spring conservation techniques is as agronomic conservation techniques with vegetative methods. The application of this method to springs with low vulnerability classification is the use of bamboo (Bambusa sp.) as a ground cover plant. Coffee liberika (Coffea liberika) together with lamtoro (Leucaena leucochephala) and sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) were directed to springs with moderate susceptibility classification. The existence of agro-tourism land through coffee cultivation is the direction of agronomic conservation techniques in Grabag District. 
Kajian Statistik Ukuran Butir Sedimen Dan Kaitannya dengan Anatomi Struktur Mangrove di Pantai Baros Bantul, Indonesia Implikasi Mitigasi Erosi Fivry Wellda; Arie Noor Rakhman; Fidelis Saka Sigmaringa Da Costa
JNANALOKA Vol. 04 No. 01 Maret Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36802/jnanaloka.2023.v4-no01-7-19


Proses erosi pantai atau abrasi semakin hari semakin memprihatinkan perlu adanya keberlangsungan proses sedimentasi pantai untuk mengurangi abrasi pantai. Salah satunya adanya tanaman mangrove untuk mengurangi abrasi pantai. Mangrove merupakan ekosistem yang tumbuh di atas rawa-rawa berair payau yang terletak pada garis pantai atau muara sungai yang dipengaruhi oleh pasang-surut air laut yang terlindung dengan sedimen berlumpur hingga berpasir. Maka perlunya adanya penelitian untuk mmengetahui kondisi fisik sedimen terkait hubungannya dengan struktur tubuh mangrove. Penelitian dilakukan didaerah Dusun Baros, Desa Tirtohargo, Kapanewon Kretek, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, yang memiliki morfologi berupa daerah pasang surut muara Sungai Opak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi komposisi fisik sedimen pada muara Sungai Opak pada struktur sederhana tubuh vegetasi mangrove. Metode yang dilakukan pengambilan data sedimen dan pengamatan tubuh vegetasi mangrove. Dilakukan pada 3 lokasi. Pengambilan data sedimen dilakukan dengan cara mendapatkan komposisi fisik sedimen berupa ukuran butir serta parameter statistik (mean, sorting, skewness dan kurtosis) parameter ini digunakan untuk mengetahui proses sedimentasi yang berlangsung terkait dengan lingkungan sedimentasi. Pada tumbuhan mangrove dilakukan pengamatan tutupan kanopi (daun batang mangrove), struktur sederhana tubuh mangrove dan jenis mangrove. Tutupan kanopi dilakukan dengan metode Hemispherical Photography dari data ini didapatkan baik buruknya tutupan kanopi dalam persentase. Struktur sederhana dilakukan pengamatan anatomi tubuh tumbuhan mangrove seperti batang lurus atau bercabang akar tanaman. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sampel yang lebih dekat dengan muara sungai memiliki ukuran butir lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sampel yang lebih jauh dari sungai dan terdapat genangan air. Berdasarkan tutupan kanopinya, semua jenis mangrove dapat tumbuh dengan baik dan cocok dengan kondisi jenis sedimennya. Hasil pengelompokan dominasi jenis mangrove didapatkan bahwa jenis Avicennia sp dapat ditemukan di seluruh stasiun pengamatan sehingga dapat dikatakan mangrove jenis ini dapat beradaptasi dengan kondisi sedimen yang berukuran pasir sedang hingga lebih halus, sedangkan mangrove jenis Rhizopora sp hanya dijumpai pada stasiun pengamatan yang berada lebih jauh dari muara sungai dengan jenis sedimen yang lebih halus. Proses sedimen menyebabkan adanya endapan yang menjadi pengurangan abrasi pantai. Kata Kunci: Sedimen, Mangrove, Granulometri, Kanopi Mangrove
Perhitungan Sumberdaya Nikel Laterit Menggunakan Metode Inverse Distance Weighting Pada PT Genba Multi Mineral Di Kabupaten Morowali La Ode Muh Yazid Amzah; Moh Khaidir Noor; Surianti; Anna Irada La Ode Malim
JNANALOKA Vol. 04 No. 01 Maret Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Resource estimation plays a significant role in determining the quantity and quality of a deposit. In nickel laterite mining, estimation is needed to be able to calculate resources before the mining process takes place. This research was conducted to determine the nickel laterite resources at PT Genba Multi Mineral. In this research, the determination of nickel laterite resource estimation using the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method. Based on the estimation of nickel laterite resources using the IDW method. The estimation of nickel laterite resources was carried out in the saprolite zone with the Cut of Grade (COG) used, namely Ni content ≥ 1.6% with a density of 1.5 tons/m3 obtained a resource tonnage of 233,738 tons with an average Ni content of 1.81%.
Analisa Usability Desain Aplikasi Controlling Calories untuk Mendapatkan Berat Badan Ideal Fernando Trisno Swandi; Restyandito; Kristian Adi Nugraha
JNANALOKA Vol. 04 No. 01 Maret Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36802/jnanaloka.2023.v4-no01-19-26


Having an ideal body weight is a wish and dream for everyone. The ideal body weight is the body shape desired by every group, both women and men, both at old and young ages. Unhealthy eating patterns and consumption of foods that are difficult to digest will make the body overweight, due to excessive accumulation of calories. Being overweight (obese) should not be ignored, because it can have a negative impact on the health of the body. The design of a calorie control application design can help users find out the number of calories needed for the body. The user centered design method is used as a reference in creating application interfaces that suit user needs, so that users can interact quickly and easily to use this application interface. In this study, usability testing was carried out by paying attention to 3 aspects, namely effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction according to ISO-9241-11 standards, which resulted in an effectiveness value of 97.65%, 68% efficiency, and 86.57% satisfaction. After obtaining the values of these 3 aspects, a simplification is carried out using the single usability metric method, which produces a value of 84,07%. So it can be concluded that the purpose of the application being tested has been fulfilled.
Analisis Perbandingan Penyimpanan Data Rekam Medis Elektronik berstandar FHIR pada Sistem Basis Data: BigchainDB, MySQL dan MongoDB Danang Kastowo; Suwanto Raharjo
JNANALOKA Vol. 04 No. 01 Maret Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36802/jnanaloka.2023.v4-no01-37-4x


The availability of medical record data can affect the health services that will be provided, starting from treatment planning, therapy, and health facilities provided to patients. The integrity of electronic medical record data needs to be maintained, a method that can be used by implementing a decentralized database system, namely implementing blockchain technology. In addition to data integrity, data standardization also needs to be carried out in the health area, in order to facilitate the integration process with other systems. The international data standard that can be used is FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). FHIR has great potential to be developed in Indonesia because several hospitals in Indonesia already have a health system and electronic medical record data. BigchainDB and FHIR can be combined to store electronic medical record data, the results of this study by implementing both, the BigchainDB database system requires a long processing time, when compared to MongoDB and MySQL, but for reading medical record data it is not much different from MongoDB. The most effective and efficient MongoDB database for storing and reading medical record data is the FHIR scheme, but this database needs to be configured more deeply in order to get decentralized features like BigchainDB. MySQL has faster data storage capabilities when compared to BigchainDB, but for data reading and the need for a replication scheme to get features such as decentralization, a more in-depth configuration is needed.
Marker Based Tracking Augmented Reality Alat Musik Tradisional Khas Kalimantan Timur Muhammad Bambang Firdaus; Gandhi Dwi Laksono; Anton Prafanto; Awang Harsa Kridalaksana
JNANALOKA Vol. 04 No. 01 Maret Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36802/jnanaloka.2023.v4-no01-27-34


Alat musik dikenal oleh hampir seluruh dunia terutama Indonesia, banyak alat musik daerah yang terlupakan maka dari itu penelitian ini membuat aplikasi pengenalan alat musik khas Kalimantan Timur untuk memberikan pengenalan alat musik kepada masyarakat. dalam dunia teknologi terdapat augmented reality yaitu teknologi penggabungan dunia nyata dan virtual, yang bersifat real-time dan merupakan wujud 3 Dimensi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengenalkan alat musik khas Kalimantan Timur berupa aspek-aspek mendasar mengenai alat musik, bentuk alat musik, bahan alat musik beserta suara yang dihasilkan oleh alat musik khas Kalimantan Timur berbasis android dengan menerapkan metode Marker Based Tracking Augmented Reality. Aplikasi Augmented Reality ini akan menampilkan 3 objek alat musik dari Provinsi Kalimantan Timur yang terdiri dari Sampek, Kadire dan Kelentengan yang dibuat menggunakan Blender dan Unity. Aplikasi mampu tracking marker dalam jarak minimum 10 cm dengan sudut kemiringan 10° dan jarak maksimum 50 cm dengan sudut kemiringan 70°. Semakin dekat jarak posisi smartphone maka lebih baik untuk mendeteksi image target pada buku saku, maka pendeteksian semakin baik. Berdasarkan rangkuman hasil dari pengisian kuesioner oleh responden 15 orang terdapat di angka 86,04% maka dikatakan Aplikasi ARmus Pengenalan Alat Musik Khas Kalimantan Timur efektif dan berjalan sesuai kriteria uji kualitas software.
Analisis Perbandingan Pencampuran Bijih Nikel High Grade Limonit Dan Low Grade Saprolit Untuk Memenuhi Permintaan Pasar Pada PT Mandiri Mineral Perkasa Alam Budiman Thamsi; Firman Nullah Yusuf; Kismu Rahma; Muhamad Hardin Wakila
JNANALOKA Vol. 04 No. 02 September Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36802/jnanaloka.2023.v4-no02-7x


PT Mandiri Mineral Perkasa is a contractor company operating in the field of nickel mining and has fulfilled the market/smelter demand requirements for Ni 1.5% - 2.0%, by setting a Cut Of Grade (COG) collection limit of Ni 1.4%. The aim of this research is to determine the Ni content of high grade limonite and low grade saprolite at the research location, and to determine the Ni content of high grade limonite and low grade saprolite, and to determine the additional tonnage and levels to meet market demand. In this study, the blending method was used, a mixing process between different low grade and high grade nickel ores to obtain appropriate mixture results, so that from the results of blending/mixing high grade limonite nickel ore, Ni 1.43 and Fe 26.71% were obtained, and for low grade saprolite you get 1.59% Ni and 26.73% Fe, for the results of blending/mixing high grade limonite and low grade saprolite you get 1.51% Ni and 26.72% Fe, efforts can be made to meet demand Ni 1.8% market with 5,000 tons needs to increase the grade and tonnage, namely, Ni grade 2.32% and 2,111.45 tons.
Prediksi Harga Forex Menggunakan Algoritma Long Short-Term Memory Mohammad Rezza Pahlevi Pahlevi
JNANALOKA Vol. 04 No. 02 September Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36802/jnanaloka.2023.v4-no02-%p


Trillions of dollars per day of foreign currency trading activity occur in the forex market, which has very volatile movements in foreign currency trading. Trade based on bid and ask prices. The market determines foreign exchange rates based on supply and demand rules. Currency trading in pairs such as EUR/USD is a comparison of the value of the Euro against the Dollar as a basis for research, rising and falling currency prices in forex move fluctuatingly, so a market participant must be able to decide on buying and selling positions. Because wrong decisions can lead to losses. One of the ways to reduce risk in making decisions in buying and selling in forex can be using forecasting. This study uses the LSTM method in predicting forex prices which will be tested on several scales of dataset distribution. The smallest error results using a total dataset of 2631 with a dataset division of 70:15:15, which is divided into 70% data for training, 15% data for validation and 15% data for testing produces an RMSE value of 0.038, MAPE 2.5%. In measuring how well the regression model used with Rsquare on the data distribution is 70:15:15 and the total dataset used is 4979 to get the best results, namely 97%.
Penerapan model InceptionV3 dalam klasifikasi penyakit ayam Muhammad Salimy Ahsan; Kusrini Kusrini; Dhani Ariatmanto
JNANALOKA Vol. 04 No. 02 September Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lentera Dua Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36802/jnanaloka.2023.v4-no02-5x


Chicken disease is one of the problems that can have a very significant impact on chicken farmers, in addition to having an impact on the farm itself, chicken disease can also have an impact on the surrounding environment. Lack of knowledge about the symptoms and diseases that occur in chickens, makes some chicken breeders treat and treat diseases in a traditional way. This method often takes a long time and is prone to errors. In this study, technology will be used to classify chicken diseases by utilizing a deep learning model from the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture, namely InceptionV3. In carrying out the process of classifying chicken diseases, using a dataset of chicken feces images with a number of 8067 Healthy, Salmonella, Coccidiosis, and Newcastle disease. In the research process, three experimental scenarios were carried out using 20 epochs, 50 epochs and 100 epochs. From the experimental results, using a value of 100 epochs produces the highest accuracy value with a value of 94.05%.