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EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Among the important characteristics that God created in man is the physiological impulses. These impulses are divided into 2 (two) parts: fi rst, the need for individual survival. Second, it is the need for the survival of its kind. The fi rst impulses are such as eating, drinking, and so on, while the second included a sexual impulse. These impulses are given, so that the distribution also includes nature as well. Islam teaches that human beings are able to manage impulses and tendencies of the sexual instinct. Psychologists and education experts have stated that a teenager in the absence of activity in leisure time (the length), it will arise in his mind a variety of fantasy, especially fantasy about the sexual impulses of instinct. The last possibility is the most frequently attacked by the teenagers, because it is the conservative nature of instinct. It is said to be conservative because the goal is to restore someone to calm the situation existing before the shock. In some cases, especially in satisfying the sexual impulse, there is going to peak tension before the fi nal appeasement. Being the ultimate goal of the sexual impulse is the calmness of a stimulus, in which case it would be worse if the individual is more controlled by his “id” elements. Sexual drive was created solely as a means of attracting men gave the seeds and place women in a situation where he could do a process of reproduction, so they could get together gently in order to get a descent, as a hunter get his quarry, and this is achieved through a sexual intercourse . Allah SWT creates two sexes male and female, each completed by a certain anatomical allowing them to complement each other as the embodiment of His will. Keywords: Education, Sex, Islam, Men, Women, sexual intercourse, and offspring
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Each of Indonesian society shall require nine years of education.However, education is not only the process of teaching and learning in theclassroom between teachers and students. In addition to scientific acquiredby the learners, education is which is crucial to make students able to face thechallenges of rapid changes in the world, both in building ethos (high spirits)and noble character. Islamic education is the right solution to meet the goalsof education itself. This is because Islamic education is a process of developingthe student’s potential to be a man who has Muslim personality and is faithfuland devoted to Allah, intelligent, skilled. He has a high work ethic, virtuous,independent and responsible for themselves, nation, country and religion aswell. Keywords: Creative, Islamic Education, virtuous.
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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The Remedial term in formal education institute is a programmedactivity. This activity is executed by subject teacher and stays in theheadmaster observation. Remedial gift is as responsibility for learning to itsduty in executing the study duty. Remedial gift in formal education institute,goodness of Islamic school and also public school are very crucial matter,because the good remedial gift will be able to squire the students into efficientand effective learning process. The remedial gift is determined by the processof lesson presentation according to curriculum that is used. A lot of schoolswhich are less paying attention to the gift remedial can harm the student inthe learning scoring achievement. Remedial gift in the course of learning isexecuted by pursuant to the level achievement of result of students’ learning. Keywords: remedial learning, students’ learning scoring achievement
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Spiritual intelligence is supposed to be the main concernin education. This is done by the teaching of religio use thical values by example from the family, school and community. Through the practice of worship, such as fasting together, reading and under standing the holy book the Qur’an, physical and social environment that is conducive. When the spirituality of the students isorganized, it will be easier to organize other aspects of personality. Fasting during Ramadanis amomentum for character building. Fasting will cause people to have strong principles, patience, and sincerity does not give up and have the solidarity and love each other. That principle has now started to disappear. Moment of Ramadan may also be a school agenda for character building, with this fast media, students are expected to remember and go back to the true identity of the sacred and sublime, with the values of humanity that wisdom and tact. When the value of human nature came back, then the value of equality and solidarity will color the days of the student, fasting has a horizontal dimension with a strong social life such as charity, served meals the orphans, be patientin accepting the problem. There are excellent values for character building of students. It is appropriateif the moment of Ramadan fasting would be passedonin the schools after the month of Ramadanin shaping the character of students through the activities of the Sunnah fasting together twicea week Monday-Thursday, or give students the freedom tonegotiateto determine how many times a week or every month held sunnah fasting together, the idea of Sunnah fasting is to be very effective infl uence on the formation of student character. Keywords : character education, fasting
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Teacher as educators is someone who contributed greatly to thecommunity and nation. The high and low culture, progress or decline of acommunity and the cultural level of the country largely depends on the educationand teaching provided by teachers. If the teachers have higher education, so thestudents will receive the better quality of education, and the community degreewill be high too. Therefore, teachers should be confi dent and proud, that theycan carry out the task. One thing that is not less important is that they shouldtry to run all the tasks as well as possible, so that people will eventually realizethat actually how heavy and noble work of being a teacher. Keywords : quality of teaching, Islamic teaching
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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The obligation implied values in all types of education is actuallya logical consequence of the educational purpose to make a good man. Sothe science and technology should be able to bring experts in their respectivefields at the same time care for the values that live in the reality surroundingcommunity, social responsibility, and the strong personal foundation. Islamis concerned with the spiritual education and cleanse the soul from malice,deceit, hypocrisy, and prejudice against someone without cause. Solid soulmay not be felt except the fear in God, by internalizing aqidah and moralityeducation. In formal education, the teacher becomes the students’ mentor inhaving akhlakul karimah, by being good role models. Keywords: valued system internalization, aqidah and morality learning
RADIKALISME, MODERATISME, DAN LIBERALISME PESANTREN Melacak Pemikiran dan Gerakan Keagamaan Pesantren di Era Globalisasi Farida, Umma
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Globalization necessitates a process of mutual influence that makesa civilization, culture, and religion contaminated with other elements. Thisraised havoc for other ideologies and cultures that are not suitable with thesocial cultural characteristics, including taken place by Islamic institutionssuch as schools.Pesantren responds with globalization facts in different paradigm:conservative, moderate, and liberal. This also makes differences of thought andreligious movements of each pesantren (boarding school). Boarding school isno longer a distinctive character for the traditional group that has the largestnetwork of boarding schools in Indonesia. Now, schools are owned by anyreligious beliefs (Islam) in Indonesia, both radical fundamentalist, moderate,and even liberal-leaning. Keywords: Radicalism, Moderates, Liberalism, Pesantren, Globalization
PENGEMBANGAN MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN MADRASAH (Studi tentang Pengembangan Manajemen dan Pengajaran di MA NU Demak) Kasdi, Abdurrahman
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Saat ini masyarakat membutuhkan pendidikan yang berkualitas, terutama sekolah yang memberi muatan secara seimbang antarapendidikan agama dan pendidikan umum. Hal ini karena kesadaranorangtua akan pentingnya pendidikan yang bernuansa keagamaanbagi anak-anaknya semakin meningkat, dalam rangka untukmenangkal pengaruh negatif yang dihembuskan oleh globalisasi,terutama dekadensi moral dan maraknya kasus narkoba di kalangan generasi muda. Ini merupakan tantangan sekaligus peluang bagi lembaga pendidikan Islam, terutama Madrasah Aliyah yangbelakangan ini mulai bangkit untuk berbenah diri dalam mengejarberbagai ketertinggalannya untuk menjadi sekolah unggulan. Untukmenjadi lembaga pendidikan unggulan, setidaknya ada empat halyang harus dipenuhi: pertama, penerapan strategi pelaksanaankurikulum. Kedua, pengembangan manajemen berbasis madrasah.Ketiga, menciptakan relasi yang sinergik antara guru dan anakdidik. Keempat, reorientasi sistem pengajaran. Pengakuan resmipemerintah terhadap lembaga madrasah sebagai subsistempendidikan nasional merupakan tantangan bagi kalanganmadrasah untuk menunjukkan kelebihan yang dimilikinya, bahwamadrasah adalah lembaga pendidikan yang memiliki daya saingdan dapat diterima semua kalangan, terutama kepada yang belummengenal madrasah. Penelitian ini akan berusaha mengungkapterobosan MA NU Demak dalam pengembangan kurikulum tahunajaran 2012/2013 untuk memenuhi harapan di atas.
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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There are many limitations in the fi gure of a teacher, the limitations in the mastery of knowledge, limitations in management/class management,and limitations in understanding the character of each learner. Teachers mustreconstruct the learning design has been applied, especially in style or methodof teaching. Selection of an appropriate method will be able to overcome theselimitations and give effect on the learning process that will take place. One of learning method to create effective learning, creating an atmosphereof fun and not boring (joyfull and quantum learning), providing real-worldexperience (real world learning) and using a variety of learning resources is themethod of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) or Learning in Context.Contextual Teaching and Learning methods are very suitable to be appliedin the teaching of Islamic Education because it is focused on understanding,development of knowledge, skills and contextual understanding of the studentsabout the subjects relationship to what students encountered in daily life. Key words: Contextual Teaching and Learning, learning method,IslamicReligious Education
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Abstract; Many studies to Islam science is including concept and idea of theIslam fi gures, in this research traces about ideas of the education fi gures ofits(the special Islam education fi gures of Islam, and in this study selected isidea of Islam fi gure Ibnu ‘ Athaillah especially in education spiritual, studyin its(the book al-Hikam, he is a moslem scholar, a sufi is notable known as amuhaddits, muballigh, at the same time expert “fi qh Maliki”. His more ideahaves the character of carrying out and applicative with point weighs againstat education of behavior leading to education of spiritual is stemming from“tasawuf”. Why that way because man has three dimensions that is believingin god dimension, that is how man or slave has good behavior to God, bothdimensions humanism, that is how slave earns having behavior good to otherfellow being, and third of dimension naturally that is dimension how humancan good correlate with the universe. Without third of the dimension man orslave would be empty useless and in life his its, in consequence education ofbehavior and spiritual necessary for slave to have good behavior to God, manand the universe. Keyword: Education, Spiritually, and Ibnu ‘ Athaillah

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