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Journal : Lisanul Arab: Journal of Arabic Learning and Teaching

Lisanul' Arab: Journal of Arabic Learning and Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016): Lisanul Arab
Publisher : Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.382 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/la.v5i1.10432


Abstrak___________________________________________________________________Berdasarkan data dari badan pusat statistic (BPS), salah satu permasalahan siswa adalah kesulitan dalam pembelajaran membaca yang disebabkan oleh minat baca siswa sangat sedikit. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan sebuah media pembelajaran yang dapat memotivasi siswa dalam meningkatkan minat baca siswa. Salah satunya dengan Media E-Learning. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas media E-Learning berbasis aplikasi Lectora Inspire untuk keterampilan membaca bahasa Arab dengan kelas uji coba adalah kelas VIII MTs Negeri 1 Semarang setelah dilakukan analisis kebutuhan, desain prototype, dan validitas ahli terhadap media. Desain penelitian ini adalah research and development (R&D). Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui tes dan non tes. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah hasil analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan guru dan siswa menghendaki sebuah media E-Learning. Penilaian ahli media dan ahli materi menujukkan hasil kesesuaian pada media E-Learning. Hasil uji hipotesis diterima, dengan rincian hasil uji hipotesis pihak kanan yang dihasilkan dari nilai siswa mengerjakan soal tes menunjukkan t hitung 18,158 dan hasil penilaian siswa melalui angket menujukkan t hitung 35,05. Semuanya jatuh di daerah penerimaan Ha, sehingga Ha diterima dan produk baru lebih efektif dari produk lama.Abstract___________________________________________________________________Based on data from the central statistical agency (BPS), one of the problems the students are difficulties in learning to read due to students read very little. For it is necessary to develop a media that can motivate students to improve students' reading interest. One of them with Media E-Learning. The purpose of this study to examine the effectiveness of media-based E-Learning applications for Lectora Inspire Arabic reading skills with classroom trials is a class VIII MTs Negeri 1 Semarang after a needs analysis, prototype design, and the validity of the expert to the media. This study design is a research and development (R & D). The research data was obtained through the test and non test. The conclusion of this study is the result of a needs analysis shows teachers and students require a media E-Learning. Expert assessment of media and subject matter experts in the media shows the results of the suitability of E-Learning. Hypothesis test results received, with details of the results of hypothesis testing right parties resulting from the value of students' work on the problems test showed t 18.158 and student assessment results through questionnaires showed t 35.05. Everything falls in the reception area Ha, so Ha is received and the new product is more effective than the old products.