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Krim ekstrak biji markisa (Pasiflora edulis) sama efektifnya dengan krim hidrokuinon 4% dalam menghambat peningkatan jumlah melanin pada kulit marmut jantan (Cavia porcelus) yang dipapar sinar UV-B Huda, Siti M. N.; Wiraguna, A A G P; Pangkahila, Wimpie
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 9, No 1 (2017): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.9.1.2017.15312


Abstract: Ultraviolet B (UVB) ray may cause hyperpigmentation of the skin due to increased melanin level. Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) is a plant traditionally used to brighten the skin and can give satisfactory result due to its natural tyrosinase and antioxidant activities. This study was aimed to prove that cream of passion fruit extract could prevent the increase of skin melanin in UVB-exposed guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). This was an experimental study using a completely randomized posttest only control group design. Subjects were 30 brown guinea pigs, male, adult (6-8 months old), body weight of 250-300 g, divided into 3 groups as follow: 1) P0, the negative control group, exposed to ultraviolet B and applied with cream based substance; P1, the positive control group, exposed to ultraviolet B and applied with 4% hydroquinone cream; and P2, the treatment group, exposed to ultraviolet B and applied 75% passion fruit extract cream. The results showed that the average amount of melanin in the P0 group was 17.52±4.72%, whereas in the P1 group was 1.25±0.45%, and in the P2 group was 1.79±0.78% (P <0.001). The LSD test showed that the P0 group had the highest amount of melanin (P <0.01) meanwhile the P1 group had the similar result with the P2 group (P >0.05). Conclusion: Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) extract crream could prevent increased skin melanin in UVB-exposed guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) and its effectiveness was similar to those of 4% hydroquinone cream.Keywords: passion fruit, melanin, UVB, guinea pigsAbstrak: Paparan sinar ultraviolet B (UVB) mengakibatkan terjadinya kelainan hiperpigmentasi yang ditandai dengan peningkatan jumlah melanin. Markisa (Passiflora edulis) secara tradisional digunakan untuk mencerahkan kulit dan dapat memberikan hasil yang memuaskan karena memiliki aktivitas tirosinase dan antioksidan alamiah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa krim ekstrak markisa dapat mencegah peningkatan jumlah melanin kulit marmut (Cavia porcellus) yang dipapar sinar UVB. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental menggunakan completely randomized posttest only control group design. Subyek ialah 30 ekor marmut jantan, berwarna coklat, dewasa (usia 6-8 bulan), berat badan 250-300 gr, yang dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) kelompok masing-masing berjumlah 10 ekor marmut. Kelompok P0 (kelompok kontrol negatif) diberikan penyinaran ultraviolet B dan bahan dasar krim. Kelompok P1 (kelompok kontrol positif) diberikan penyinaran ultraviolet B dan krim hidrokuinon 4%. Kelompok P2 (kelompok perlakuan) diberikan penyinaran ultraviolet B dan krim ekstrak markisa 75%. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan rerata jumlah melanin pada kelompok P0 ialah 17,52±4,72%; pada kelompok P1 1,25±0,45%, sedangkan pada kelompok P2 1,79±0,78%. Uji LSD menunjukkan bahwa kelompok P0 memiliki jumlah melanin yang paling tinggi (P <0,01), sedangkan kelompok P1 memiliki jumlah melanin yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok P2 (P >0,05). Simpulan: Krim ekstrak markisa (Passiflora edulis) dapat mencegah peningkatan jumlah melanin kulit marmut (Cavia porcellus) yang dipapar sinar UVB dengan efektifitas yang tidak berbeda dengan krim hidrokuinon 4%.Kata kunci: markisa, melanin, UVB, marmut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.9.1.2017.15313


Abstract: As the outer organ of the body, skin becomes the main target of environmental influences, particularly the UVB rays. Based on analysis of phytochemicals, red pomegranate peel extract contains antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenols, tannins, and vitamin C which are able to prevent increased skin melanin by inhibiting the actions of tyrosinase. This study was aimed to prove that application of 8% red pomegranate peel extract (Punica granatum) cream could prevent the increase of skin melanin in female guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) exposed to UVB as well as to prove that the 8% red pomegranate peel extract cream was as effective as 4% hydroquinone cream in preventing increased skin melanin. This was a true experimental study using post test only control group design. Subjects were divided into three groups, with 10 guinea pigs each group. Group 1, the control group, was treated with UVB exposure and basic cream. Group 2 was treated with UVB exposure and 4% hydroquinone cream. Group 3 was treated with UVB and 8% red pomegranate peel extract cream. A total of 390 mJ/cm UVB dosage was given for 2 weeks. Histopahtologic slides were stained with Masson-Fontana. The amount of melanin area colored in black was evaluated by the percentage of pixel areas of melanin compared with pixel areas of all epidermal tissues. The results showed that the highest amount of melanin was in group 1 (18.13±4.76%), followed by group 3 (1.876±0.73%), and group 2 as the lowest (0.67±0.291%). There was a significant difference between control group and group 2 as s well as group 3 (P <0.05). There was no significant difference between group 2 and group 3 (P >0.05). Conclusion: Application of 8% red pomegranate peel extract (Punica granatum) cream could prevent the increase of skin melanin in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) exposed to UVB. The 8% red pomegranate peel extract cream was as effective as 4% hydroquinone cream in preventing increased skin melanin.Keywords: red pomegranate peel extract, melanin, skin, UVBAbstrak: Sebagai organ terluar dari tubuh, kulit menjadi target utama dari pengaruh lingkungan, terutama oleh sinar UVB. Berdasarkan analisis fitokimia, ekstrak kulit delima merah memiliki kandungan antioksidan seperti flavonoid fenol, tanin, dan vitamin C yang mampu mencegah peningkatan jumlah melanin dengan cara menghambat kerja enzim tirosinase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan efek pemberian krim ekstrak kulit delima merah (Punica granatum) 8% dalam menghambat peningkatan jumlah melanin pada kulit marmut (Cavia porcellus) betina yang dipapar sinar UVB dan krim ekstrak kulit delima merah (Punica granatum) 8% memiliki efektivitas yang sama dengan krim hidrokuinon 4% dalam menghambat peningkatan jumlah melanin tersebut. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental murni dengan post test only control group design. Subyek penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, masing-masing berjumlah 10 ekor marmut betina. Kelompok 1 (kontrol) diberikan pajanan sinar UVB dan krim dasar; kelompok 2 diberikan paparan sinar UVB dan krim hidrokuinon 4%; dan kelompok 3diberikan pajanan sinar UVB dan krim ekstrak kulit delima merah 8%. Dosis total UVB 390 mJ/cm2 yang diberikan selama 2 minggu. Sediaan histopatologik jaringan kulit menggunakan pewarnaan Masson-Fontana. Jumlah melanin dihitung dengan persentase pixel luas area melanin dibandingkan pixel seluruh jaringan epidermis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah melanin paling tinggi terdapat pada kelompok 1 (18,13±4,76%), diikuti kelompok 3 (1,876±0,73%), dan paling rendah pada kelompok 2 (0,67±0,291%). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok 1 dengan kelompok 2 dan 3 (P <0,05) sedangkan antara kelompok 2 dan 3 tidak berbeda bermakna dalam mencegah peningkatan jumlah melanin (P >0,05). Simpulan: Krim ekstrak kulit delima merah (Punica granatum) 8% dapat menghambat peningkatan jumlah melanin pada kulit marmut (Cavia porcellus) betina. Krim ekstrak kulit delima merah (Punica granatum) 8% sama efektif dengan krim hidrokuinon 4% dalam menghambat peningkatan jumlah melanin pada kulit marmut.Kata kunci: kulit delima merah, melanin, kulit, UVB, marmut betina.
Injeksi asam hialuronat di lapisan dermis menghambat peningkatan ekspresi MMP-1 tikus yang dipajan sinar ultraviolet-B (UVB) Tamon, Oktavian; Wiraguna, A A G P; Pangkahila, Wimpie
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 9, No 1 (2017): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.9.1.2017.15315


Abstract: Ultraviolet B (UVB) is a source of free radicals that accelerate aging process, especially in the skin, through the increase of MMP-1. Hyaluronic acid contained in the dermal filler injection may provide a protective effect against skin exposure to UV rays. This study was aimed to prove that intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid could prevent the increase of MMP-1 in UVB-induced rats (Rattus norvegicus). This was a true experimental study with the post test only control group design. Subjects were 30 male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus), aged 2,5-3 months, weighing 160-180 g, and divided into 3 groups. The control group (P0) was exposed to UV-B only; the treatment group 1 (P1) was exposed to UVB and treated with placebo (aquadest intradermal injection); and the treatment group 2 (P2) was exposed to UVB and treated with hyaluronic acid intradermal injection. After 15 days of treatment, all rats were anesthetized and their skin tissues were prepared for examination of MMP1 levels. The statistic analysis showed that the average level of MMP1 in the P0 group was 24.54±4.39%; in the P1 group was 21.35±2.48% (P < 0.01). The average level of MMP-1 in P2 group was 15.40±3.87%, and was statistically lower than P0 group (P < 0.01) and P1 group (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Injection of hyaluronic acid in the dermal layer could prevent the increase of MMP-1 in UVB-induced rats (Rattus norvegicus).Keywords: hyaluronic acid, MMP-1, UVBAbstrak: Ultraviolet B (UVB) merupakan salah satu sumber radikal bebas yang dapat mempercepat proses penuaan, khususnya penuaan pada kulit melalui peningkatan MMP-1. Asam hialuronat yang terkandung dalam dermal filler injection dapat memberi efek perlindungan kulit terhadap pajanan sinar ultraviolet. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membuktikan bahwa pemberian asam hialuronat intradermal menghambat peningkatan ekspresi MMP-1 tikus yang dipapar sinar UVB. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental murni menggunakan post test only control group design. Subjek penelitian ialah 30 ekor tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus), jantan, galur Wistar, berumur 2,5-3 bulan, dengan berat badan 160-180 gram yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok masing-masing berjumlah 10 ekor tikus. Kelompok kontrol (P0) hanya diberi pajanan UVB; kelompok plasebo (P1) diberikan injeksi aquabidest intradermal serta pajanan UVB; dan kelompok perlakuan (P2) diberikan injeksi asam hialuronat intradermal dan pajanan UVB. Setelah 15 hari perlakuan, seluruh tikus dianestesi kemudian jaringan kulitnya diambil untuk pemeriksaan ekspresi MMP-1 dermis. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa rerata ekspresi MMP-1 pada kelompok P0 ialah 24,54±4,39% dan pada kelompok P1 21,35±2,48% (P > 0,05). Pada kelompok P2, rerata ekspresi MMP-1 ialah 15,40±3,87%, yang secara statistik lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok P0 (P < 0,01) dan kelompok P1 (P < 0,01). Simpulan: Pemberian asam hialuronat intradermal menghambat peningkatan ekspresi MMP-1 tikus yang dipapar sinar UVB.Kata kunci: asam hialuronat, MMP-1, UVB