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Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNESA

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Abstrak Kompetensi keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Otomotif (TKRO) mengajarkan peserta didik dalam bidang penguasaan jasa perbaikan kendaraan ringan. Berdasarkan pengalaman peneliti sebagai alumnus SMKN 1 Madiun, peneliti menemukan sebuah masalah yaitu beberapa siswa kelas X tidak bisa mengukur tegangan baterai menggunakan alat ukur. Salah satu pelajaran yang mempelajari alat ukur adalah Pekerjaan Dasar Teknik Otomotif (PDTO). Hasil wawancara dengan siswa kelas XII yang telah melaksanakan program Prakerin (praktek kerja industri) juga mengalami kesulitan menggunakan alat ukur terutama alat ukur digital yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan/industri yang mereka tempati. Sedangkan menurut wawancara dengan guru pengampu mata pelajaran PDTO menjelaskan bahwa mereka mengalami kesulitan karena keterbatasan alat ukur digital dan bahan ajar (modul) yang dimiliki oleh SMKN 1 Madiun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui validitas dan kelayakan modul yang divalidasi oleh 3 ahli, untuk mengetahui respon guru dan respon siswa terhadap penggunaan modul alat ukur elektronik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 fase, yaitu: 1) fase analysis (analisa), 2) fase design (perancangan), 3) fase development (pengembangan), 4) fase implementation (penerapan), dan 5) fase evaluation (evaluasi). Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi dosen ahli serta lembar angket respon guru dan siswa. Analisa data menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil validasi modul dari ahli materi/isi 4,34 termasuk kategori valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 87% termasuk kategori layak. Sedangkan hasil validasi modul dari ahli bahasa 3,98 termasuk kategori cukup valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 79% termasuk kategori cukup layak. Sedangkan hasil validasi modul dari ahli desain 4,52 termasuk kategori sangat valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 88% termasuk kategori sangat layak. Respon guru terhadap penggunaan modul dilihat dari 6 aspek yaitu aspek suka atau tidak suka, aspek pemahaman, aspek pengaruh, aspek kepuasan, aspek ingin menemukan, dan aspek pendapat mendapatkan persentase hasil sebesar 93% dengan kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan hasil dari respon siswa kelas X TKRO sejumlah 30 siswa mendapatkan persentase hasil sebesar 85,10% termasuk kategori sangat baik. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul alat ukur elektronik yang dikembangkan dapat menunjang mata pelajaran PDTO (Pekerjaan Dasar Teknik Otomotif) pada kompetensi alat ukur elektronik di SMKN 1 Madiun. Kata Kunci: validitas, kelayakan modul, respon siswa, respon guru, model ADDIE Abstract Automotive light vehicle engineering teaches the learners in the field of light vehicle repair services mastery. Based on the experience of the researcher as alumnus SMK N 1 Madiun, researcher founds a problem some students of the tenth class cannot measure the battery voltage using a measuring instrument. One of the lessons to learn the primary job is to automotive engineering gauge. The results of the interviews with the students of 12 class have been implementing industrial practice work also had trouble using the measuring instrument is primarily a digital measuring instrument that belongs to the company/industry that they inhabit. Meanwhile, according to interviews with teachers explained that they were having difficulty because of the limitations of the measuring instrument and digital learning materials (modules) that are owned by SMKN 1 Madiun. The purpose of the research is to find out the feasibility of the modules validation by three expert validation and to know the teacher response and student?s response. This type of research is a research and development use ADDIE model of development which consists of 5 phases, namely: 1) phase analysis, 2) phase design, 3) phase of development, 4) phase implementation and 5) phase of evaluation. Research instrument in the form of expert lecturers, as well as validation sheet and teachers and students response form. Data were analyzed by using the quantitative descriptive method. The results of the module validation of expert material/content categories include valid 4.34 and percentage of 87% module feasibility, including the worthy type. Whereas the results of a module validation from linguist 3.98 include quite specific categories and a portion of 79% module eligibility categories include pretty decent. While the results of the validation of the module design expert from 4.52, including the very specific type and the percentage of the eligibility module of 88% include the very worthy category. The teachers response against the use of the blade as seen from the six aspects namely like or dont like characters, elements, aspects of understanding the influence, satisfaction aspects, wanted to find points, and opinions get a percentage result of 93% with an excellent category. While the results of student response of tenth class, several 30 students get a percentage of the proceeds amounting to 85.10% including the very well group. Therefore, it can be concluded that the electronic measuring module developed support basic automotive engineering jobs subjects on the competence of the automatic measurement tool at SMKN 1 Madiun. Keywords: validity, feasibility of modules, student?s response, teacher?s response, ADDIE model