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Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2018): Dinamika Sejarah Dunia Islam
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.233


This paper will describe the historical development of Islam in France, including its existence and problems as a minority. The process of Islamization has long been rising in France, because the French people themselves have long been in contact with Islam, precisely since Islam entered in the 8th century, for about 40 years in the southern part of France, namely the transition period of power from the Umayyad Dynasty to the Dynasty Abbāsiyah. Furthermore, though hampered by the Crusades and expansion, the Islamization process in France explicitly began in 1830, when Muslim immigrants came to bring their commodity to France, when the era of North African colonization began. Since that time the population of Muslims in France experienced significant developments. The number of Muslims in France in 2005 has reached 5,000,000 people and there are about 2,500 mosques; the majority of them are from North Africa Sunni. However, the problems faced by French Muslims today are the marginalization of such regulations as the ban on jilbab (hijab), the existence of negative prejudices and fear of terrorism and radicalism.
Al-Riwayah: Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Ontologi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/al-riwayah.154


This paper discusses the educational values contained in Q.S. al-Isra' ([17]: 23-25) and its actualization in the modern world. This article shows that, first, the educational values contained in Q.S. al-Isra '(17: 23-25), namely (1) the Aqidah education which Allah obliges His servants to press Him in worship and in worship and forbid them to associate Allah with anything or anyone. Therefore, the one who deserves the highest honors is the one who created nature and everything in it that is Allah Almighty. (2) Education of birrul walidain, after Allah commanded that not worship other than Him then Allah commanded to the Muslims so that they really pay attention to the devotional services to both mothers father and do not regard it as a trivial affair, by explaining that God is the more know what thrilled in their hearts. Second, the actualization of educational values based on Q.S. al-Isra '(17: 23-25) in the modern world, namely (1) education of the creeds in schools should teach the students in union of God that there is no god worthy to be worshiped besides Allah the Almighty God. The limited number of hours of lesson with the tarnished material causes the religious teacher to take the easiest shortcut, that is, to see religious education is no more a lesson than an education. (2) Education of birrul walidain in the modern world today is the treatment of elderly parents is really upside down. When they need more attention from the closest people, especially a child, instead they are mostly alienated from the family on the grounds to get better attention. Finally, they are deposited in nursing homes or others.
PREFERENSI PEMILIH MUSLIM MILENIAL PADA PEMILIHAN PRESIDEN-WAKIL PRESIDEN 2019 Jubba, Hasse; Iribaram, Suparto; Pabbajah, Mustaqim; Elizabeth, Misbah Zulfa
JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UIN Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jsw.2019.3.2.4526


This paper discusses the issue of the tendency to vote of millennial Muslim voters in presidential-vice presidential elections 2019. This issue is answered through three questions. Applying mix-methods of quantitative and qualitative, the data was obtained through surveys and interviews as well as literature studies. The results were analyzed using a descriptive-analytical analysis. These results of this research show three important things. First, millennial Muslim voters in the presidential-vice presidential election 2019 tend to choose civilians as potential leaders. Civilians are considered capable of overcoming problems and can advance Indonesia in the future. Second, there are variations in the reasons for voters voting their candidates. In addition to performance factors, firmness and competency factors are the drivers for voters to make choices regarding contending candidates. Third, differences in political choices have an impact on polarization among Muslim communities. Different choices lead to new groupings in Muslim societies and even tend to emerge hates and dislikes from each other.
THE RISE OF CHILDREN DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL IN RAJA AMPAT Muhamad Yusuf Yusuf; Andi Bugis; Suparto Iribaram; Dyan Pratiwi
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 12, No 2 (2020): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (930.709 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v12i2.225


This study aims to determine the factors that cause the high number of children dropping out of school in Yellu Village, South Misool District, Raja Ampat Islands.  This is a qualitative research with a social phenomelogy paradigm and was conducted in Yellu Village, South Misool District, Raja Ampat Islands. The number of children dropping out in Yellu Vilage was influenced by two factors. Internal factor includes lack of motivation from them in order to improve education. Some of external factors are lack of parental supporting, associating with their peers who are not in school, children who easily earn some money without going to school due to the emergence of pearl companies that requires labor and abundant marine resources to get fish and seaweed, unsupportive educational facilities, lack of supporting from local government and the private sector in order to education development.
Diskriminasi Muslim dalam Birokrasi Studi pada Pemerintahan Kota Jayapura Suparto Iribaram; Irwan Abdullah; Ulung Pribadi
Al-Ulum Vol. 18 No. 1 (2018): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1519.531 KB) | DOI: 10.30603/au.v18i1.363


This article explains the phenomena of discrimination of Papuan Muslims in the local government in Jayapura Municipality of Papua. In the practice of bureaucracy especially the determination of officials, Papuan Muslims are not involved, even though they are indigenous Papuans. Conditions provide an explanation that there are problems that accompany Muslim travel in Jayapura. This study finds out that of the total 43 units of Regional Working Units (SKPD) which 5 are led by Muslims, while non-Muslims lead others. This composition is unequal of the population in this region, which has a 45% proportion of Protestants and, 41% of Muslims. This paper emphasizes three important points: first, special autonomy for Papua not only affects how regional sentiments are strengthened, but also impacts the treatment of particular groups, especially Muslims. Second, the determination of office in the government is strongly influenced by the similarity of primordial identity, especially ethnicity and religion. Third, from some positions held by Muslims, none of them are from Papuan Muslims.
POTRET PENERAPAN SOSIAL DISTANCING DALAM MEMUTUS RANTAI COVID-19 Inayati; Rachmad Surya Muhandy; Meyrisdika Nur Rohmah; Muhamad Yusuf; Suparto Iribaram
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): OKTOBER
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jsh.v12i2.4146


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan social distancing pada masyarakat Kampung Bebon Jaya Distrik Bonggo Kabupaten Sarmi terhadap peraturan jaga jarak sosial yang telah ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah selama masa Covid-19, maka artikel ini juga memaparkan pelaksanaan social distancing di Kampung Bebon Jaya Distrik Bonggo Kabupaten Sarmi Propinsi Papua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif, dan paradigma fenomenologi sosial. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah menunjukan bahwa social distancing sebagian besar sudah diketahui dan dipahami oleh masyarakat Kampung Bebon Jaya sebagai strategi pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19, namun masih ada sebagian warga/masyarakat yang melanggar aturan berupa protokol kesehatan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah dan dinas terkait. Penjagaan yang begitu ketat, pembatasan aktifitas warga, aturan yang mewajibkan pelaksanaan social distancing, dan kelalaian masyarakat dalam menerapkan social distancing, serta sanksi atas pelanggaran di masa pandemi Covid-19, yang merupakan konsekuensi kesepakatan bersama oleh warga untuk tetap beraktifitas yang ditimbulkan akibat kejenuhan warga.
Pendidikan Agama Islam Dan Tantangannya: (Studi Perkembangan Pendidikan Berbasis Agama Islam Di Kota Jayapura) Suparto Iribaram
POROS ONIM: Jurnal Sosial Keagamaan Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Pembelajaran Qur'an, Pendidikan Agama Islam, dan Dampak Covid-19
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Fattahul Muluk Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53491/porosonim.v1i2.32


This article aims to find out about Islamic education and the challenges in its implementation in Jayapura City. The method of data collection was carried out by interviews, observation and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). The data which has been classified are made narrative by giving an interpretation and data display. The results of this study found that religious education in non Muslim majority areas like Jayapura is facing serious challenges. Besides it demanded to give contribution, Islamic education must be able to adapt with others religious group. For Muslims internal it becomes something that should be implemented, they should performance activities that also respect to other religions and also expected to give contribution in actualizing human being who are able to compete in global world but also still on the values of submission to Allah SWT. For that reason, Islamic education in Jayapura must be adapt with the religious life conditions where it can create a harmony and peaceful life of people and Islamic education are also required to arrange the fundamental change steps and seek innovative alternative education models.
Proses Islamisasi, Perkembangan, dan Eksistensi Islam di Perancis Suparto Iribaram
TASAMUH: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 10 No 2 (2018): Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/tasamuh.v10i2.75


This paper will describe the historical development of Islam in France, including its existence and problems as a minority. The process of Islamization has long been rising in France, because the French people themselves have long been in contact with Islam, precisely since Islam entered in the 8th century, for about 40 years in the southern part of France, namely the transition period of power from the Umayyad Dynasty to the Dynasty Abbāsiyah. Furthermore, though hampered by the Crusades and expansion, the Islamization process in France explicitly began in 1830, when Muslim immigrants came to bring their commodity to France, when the era of North African colonization began. Since that time the population of Muslims in France experienced significant developments. The number of Muslims in France in 2005 has reached 5,000,000 people and there are about 2,500 mosques; the majority of them are from North Africa Sunni. However, the problems faced by French Muslims today are the marginalization of such regulations as the ban on jilbab (hijab), the existence of negative prejudices and fear of terrorism and radicalism
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan dalam al-Qur’an dan Aktualisasinya Suparto Iribaram
Al-Riwayah : Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 10 No 1 (2018): Al-Riwayah: Jurnal Kependidikan
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/al-riwayah.v10i1.145


This paper discusses the educational values contained in Q.S. al-Isra' ([17]: 23-25) and its actualization in the modern world. This article shows that, first, the educational values contained in Q.S. al-Isra '(17: 23-25), namely (1) the Aqidah education which Allah obliges His servants to press Him in worship and in worship and forbid them to associate Allah with anything or anyone. Therefore, the one who deserves the highest honors is the one who created nature and everything in it that is Allah Almighty. (2) Education of birrul walidain, after Allah commanded that not worship other than Him then Allah commanded to the Muslims so that they really pay attention to the devotional services to both mothers father and do not regard it as a trivial affair, by explaining that God is the more know what thrilled in their hearts. Second, the actualization of educational values based on Q.S. al-Isra '(17: 23-25) in the modern world, namely (1) education of the creeds in schools should teach the students in union of God that there is no god worthy to be worshiped besides Allah the Almighty God. The limited number of hours of lesson with the tarnished material causes the religious teacher to take the easiest shortcut, that is, to see religious education is no more a lesson than an education. (2) Education of birrul walidain in the modern world today is the treatment of elderly parents is really upside down. When they need more attention from the closest people, especially a child, instead they are mostly alienated from the family on the grounds to get better attention. Finally, they are deposited in nursing homes or others.
Strategi Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Di MTs Yaa Bunayya Kota Jayapura Oktavia Buano; Suparto Iribaram; Dyan Pratiwi
KARIWARI SMART : Journal of Education Based on Local Wisdom Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1064.399 KB) | DOI: 10.53491/kariwarismart.v2i1.152


Penerimanaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) dilaksanakan oleh lembaga pendidikan setiap tahun untuk mendapatkan siswa baru. Untuk menarik minat calon peserta didik, diperlukan strategi yang tepat untuk mengoptimalkan kuantitas dan kualitas peserta didik yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MTs Yaa Bunayya Kota Jayapura karena sekolah tersebut baru didirikan awal 2020 yang secara kuantitas dan kualitas dari peserta didik masih harus ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuibagaimana strategi kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan penerimaan peserta didik baru di MTs Yaa Bunayya Kota Jayapura.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini mengunakan teknik analisis Miles dan Huberman yaitu reduksi data, model data, dan verifikasi atau penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini bahwa strategi peningkatanpenerimaan peserta didik baru di MTs Yaa Bunayya Kota Jayapura yaitu: 1) Perencanaan PPDB dilakukan dengan persiapan yang matang yakni dengan mengadakan rapat untuk membentuk tim penerimaan peserta didik baru, penetapan tujuan, sasaran, persyaratan, tata cara, penatapan jadwal serta penetapan daya tampung penerimaan peserta didik baru. 2) Pengorganisasiandilakukan dengan mengoptimalkan kerjasama tim PPDB yang terdiri dari kepala sekolah, guru serta tenaga kependidikan. 3) Strategi peningkatan kuantitas dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan media sosial dan getok tular sedangkan untuk membangun kualitas dilakukan dengan tes seleksi 4) Evaluasi pelaksanaan PPDB dilakukan untuk perbaikan kedepannya . Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan referensi oleh pengelola lembaga pendidikan terkait strategi dalam meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas peserta didik baru.