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Metafisika Mediasi Teknologis: Kritik Atas Filsafat Teknologi Klasik Wahyudi, Imam; Mahaswa, Rangga Kala
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 30, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jf.52321


This paper aims to propose philosophical criticism toward 'classical' thinking on philosophy of technology. This set of thinking tends to be trapped in the distinction between subject-object and romantic-pessimisms on the existence of technological dominance. The authors objective is to provide comprehensive understanding through contemporary approaches in philosophy concerning technological mediation. The study employs factual historical analysis and philosophical reflection to understand technological mediation patterns. The result maps point of view that develops a metaphysical orientation of technological mediation in terms of several approaches. Postphenomenological approaches technological mediation in a relational and intentional context rather than providing a subject-object distinction. Actor-network theory improves the asymmetrical relation of humans and non-humans. Simondon and Harman provide for ontological analysis of tools and technology in human relationships. Critical theory of technology opens the chance that technological relations are not only neutral-instrumental but have transformative and emancipatory power. Therefore, the technological mediation approach can become a new subject in the metaphysics of technology discourse in overcoming the limitations of the classical philosophy of technology.
Pancasila: Jurnal Keindonesiaan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): VOLUME 1 NOMOR 1 APRIL 2021
Publisher : Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52738/pjk.v1i1.10


Satu tahun terakhir, masyarakat Indonesia telah menyadari secara tidak langsung arti daripentingnya kesehatan publik karena ancaman pandemi global Covid-19. Wacana tentang virus,satu eksistensi non-manusia yang tidak kasat mata tetapi memiliki dampak yang signifikanterhadap perubahan sosial-budaya masyarakat. Dunia seolah berhenti sebab telah memberikanjarak terhadap sesama perihal munculnya ancaman yang tidak pernah terpikirkan sebelumnya.Ironisnya, ancaman yang setiap hari kita hadapi seringkali terabaikan, yaitu ancaman kerusakanekologis di epos Antroposen. Krisis Antroposen meliputi perubahan iklim dan pemanasan globalyang berdampak secara langsung terhadap wilayah regional maupun lokal dan ragam spesies diIndonesia. Lantas, bagaimana posisi pemahaman onto-epistemologis Pancasila terhadap ekistensinon-manusia seperti halnya lingkungan atau multi-spesies lainnya? Sebagai artikel gagasankonseptual, penelitian ini akan menganalisis secara filosofis bahwa kriteria onto-epistemologisPancasila masih didominasi oleh pandangan Antroposentrisme atau manusia pusat segalanya sehingga perlu adanya tinjauan kritis terhadapnya. Adapun beberapa poin strategi yang tawarkanantara lain: Pertama, pendekatan de-antroposentrisme Pancasila diperlukan sebagai wacanaalternatif untuk merekognisi eksistensi non-manusia. Kedua, rekognisi tidak cukup tetapidibutuhkan afirmasi terhadap kondisi riil ekologis tanpa tergantung pada romantisisme Pancasila.Ketiga, perluasan pendidikan Pancasila terhadap masalah ekologis kontemporer dan tidak hanyasekedar menjadi menjadi ‘jargon’ identitas bangsa. Keempat, perlu adanya gerakan perubahanlingkungan untuk menguatkan kembali bahwa Pancasila dapat menjawab persoalan ekologisbangsa dan negara. Dengan demikian, artikel konseptual ini kemudian menjadi dasar bahwa di“Bumi” manakah Pancasila akan mengada jika bumi pertiwinya saja tidak dapat dihuni(unhabitable) oleh manusia Indonesia.
Metafisika Mediasi Teknologis: Kritik Atas Filsafat Teknologi Klasik Imam Wahyudi; Rangga Kala Mahaswa
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 30, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jf.52321


This paper aims to propose philosophical criticism toward 'classical' thinking on philosophy of technology. This set of thinking tends to be trapped in the distinction between subject-object and romantic-pessimisms on the existence of technological dominance. The authors objective is to provide comprehensive understanding through contemporary approaches in philosophy concerning technological mediation. The study employs factual historical analysis and philosophical reflection to understand technological mediation patterns. The result maps point of view that develops a metaphysical orientation of technological mediation in terms of several approaches. Postphenomenological approaches technological mediation in a relational and intentional context rather than providing a subject-object distinction. Actor-network theory improves the asymmetrical relation of humans and non-humans. Simondon and Harman provide for ontological analysis of tools and technology in human relationships. Critical theory of technology opens the chance that technological relations are not only neutral-instrumental but have transformative and emancipatory power. Therefore, the technological mediation approach can become a new subject in the metaphysics of technology discourse in overcoming the limitations of the classical philosophy of technology.
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i1.31611


This article aims to provide an analytical description of Roy Bhaskar's epistemic fallacy and his critique of positivism and postmodernism. The research method uses literature study by referring to epistemology discourse, critical realism view, and the nature of epistemic fallacy. Epistemic fallacy accordingly is the anthropic fallacy because it contains inconsistency in the idea that the argument about being is to be investigated in terms of our knowledge of being. Critical realism finds reductionist and overlapping about what is and what is to be. The epistemic fallacy has also issued several misconceptions, such as uniformitarianism, declining open system, and flat ontology. Therefore, since ontology cannot be reduced into epistemology, relativistic epistemology is part of the Critical Realism notion to overcome solipsism and naïve universalism. 
Tapal Batas Krisis Lingkungan Hidup Perspektif Materialisme Baru Rangga Kala Mahaswa
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 8 No 4 (2022): Ideas: Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (November)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v8i4.1075


New materialism initiates a reexamination of the body, agency, nature, objects, and everything materiality. Also, this article attempts to illustrate a general view of the environmental crisis based on the new materialism approach. The environmental crisis is very limited in the view of the metaphysical investigation. At the same time, so the proposal of a new materialism agency-structure configuration provides a broad understanding of the environmental crisis. The materiality of the world is not passively comprehended but instead lives and sustains itself, including the crisis itself. Its implication of shifting subject s decentralization goes beyond the limitation of the definition of subject and object, and goes further for the possibility of a new understanding of ecological crisis. Since this introspection and self-adaptation of multiple political decisions in an irreducibly pluriversal a world of many worlds are considered the actual, authentic, and with unblocking constraints touch the relation between human and non-human in the materiality of the more-than-human world.