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Tawuran Pelajar: Solidarity in the Student Group and its Influence on Brawl Behaviour Malihah, Elly; Maftuh, Bunyamin; Amalia, Rizki
Jurnal Komunitas: Research and Learning in Sociology and Anthropology Vol 6, No 2 (2014): Komunitas, September 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3301


This research is motivated by the reality of the student brawls as a result of increasing solidarity within the students group. This problem emerges as a challenging issue for our education. This study aims to find an answer to the question of how solidarity within student groups in influencing the brawl behavior. The study used a qualitative approach and case study method. Data was collected through interviews, observation, documentary studies, and literature. The findings of the study are: (1) the brawl between students is triggered by hostility, disputes, or conflicts among student groups. (2) The recruitment process of a student groups is natural and based on the proximity of their house location or place of residence, mutual interests, as well as their hang out place. (3) The process of solidarity formation among group members begins with the casual interaction, carrying out activities together, and establishing the feeling of unity. (4) This established group solidarity leads the students to conduct the brawls when their group is under the threat from the other groups. The students will also do the brawls when there are conflicts among students groups and they fail to fulfill their developmental needs as a teenager.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh realitas maraknya tawuran dikalangan pelajar sebagai dampak dari meningkatnya solidaritas dalam kelompok. Masalah tersebut menjadi tantangan dunia pendidikan. Penelitian ini ingin memperoleh jawaban atas pertanyaan bagaimana solidaritas pada kelompok pelajar dalam mempengaruhi perilaku tawuran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, dan studi literatur. Temuan penelitian: (1) Tawuran antar pelajar yang terjadi dikarenakan perumusuhan, pertikaian atau konflik yang ada diantara kelompok-kelompok pelajar. (2) Proses pelajar menjadi anggota kelompok bersifat alamiah dan didasari karena kedekatan letak rumah atau tempat tinggal, minat yang sama, serta satu tempat tongkrongan. (3) Proses pembentukan solidaritas dimulai dari interaksi diantara sesama anggota kelompok, kegiatan yang dilakukan bersama-sama hingga akhirnya keterlibatan perasaan. (4) Solidaritas yang terbentuk menyebabkan tawuran antar pelajar selama ada ancaman dari kelompok lain, terjadinya konflik diantara kelompok-kelompok pelajar, serta tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan-kebutuhan perkembangan pelajar sebagai remaja.
PENGARUH SERVICE DELIVERY TERHADAP KEPUASAN WISATAWAN DALAM MENGGUNAKAN PAKET OUTBOUND DI OBJEK WISATA LINGGARJATI INDAH KABUPATEN KUNINGAN (Survey pada Wisatawan yang Menggunakan Paket Outbound di Objek Wisata Linggarjati Indah Kabupaten Kuningan) Asih, Mega Tresna; Malihah, Elly
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v3i2.1972


Tourism is one sector of the economy that grew into the industry that provides income benefits for a country in the world. Development and construction of the tourism sector should be used as revenue by developing the existing potential of such natural beauty and culture with the aim of attracting tourists who could be known by foreign tourists. Kuningan district is one of tourist destination that has many attractions of heritage sites in earlier times that have historical value to the District of Kuningan. In addition to review of its history, District of Kuningan is an area that could be developed as a tourism object. Not far from the building of Linggarjati conference, there are available the natural attractions to complement the tourist area of Linggarjati building conference. The place is called Linggarjati Indah. The administrator of Linggarjati Indah of Kuningan District focuses on improving traveler satisfaction through a system of service delivery. Customer satisfaction will be filled if the process of delivering services from providers to consumers in accordance with what is perceived by tourists. This study aims to determine the picture of service delivery, picture of the level of tourist satisfaction and service delivery impact on tourist satisfaction. The object in this study is, that tourists are using outbound package of Linggarjati Indah of Kuningan District. The independent variable in this study is the service delivery (X). And the dependent variable in this study is the satisfaction of tourists (Y). This research uses descriptive and verified method, by the method of explanatory survey. The data analysis technique, the writer uses the technique of multiple regression analysis with SPSS 18.0 program for windows. The results showed that variables of service delivery service facilities, personnel, roles and scripts simultaneously affect the satisfaction of tourists who use the outbound package at Linggarjati Indah of Kuningan District. Whereas only partial personnel and roles that significantly influence tourist satisfaction.
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v4i1.1982


Tourism service business more and more experience progress and certainly influences to increase working field like tour travel bureau which offer service to travel arrangement. One company in tour travel bureau that develops is Marga Tour Bandung. It focuses to service products into tour package, airlines ticket, and other service. Each service products have the customer. In order to customer loyalty improve continuously, Marga Tour Bandung focuses to how recover employee performance with provide the best service quality when service delivery taking place, on communicating occur between employee and service customer that called service encounter quality. Good service encounter quality will influence customer perception of company service quality, and make the customer continuously to repurchase as the basic to create customer loyalty. Encouraged with premise proposed by Amy Wong (2004:1) that the contact employee in service quality makes an influences customers’ behavioral responses in the form of customer loyalty. Sampling in this research is 80 service customer using stratified random sampling technique. While used data analysis technique is simple linear regression analysis technique with SPSS 17.0 for windows program. The study result shows that service encounter quality has significant influence to customer loyalty. Huge of X variable influence to Y variable is 27%. As suggestion for the company is optimize the elements in service encounter quality, recover the system, as well as provide training to employee so that competence in his field and resulting qualified service.
Tawuran Pelajar: Solidarity in the Student Group and its Influence on Brawl Behaviour Malihah, Elly; Maftuh, Bunyamin; Amalia, Rizki
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 6, No 2 (2014): Komunitas, September 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3301


This research is motivated by the reality of the student brawls as a result of increasing solidarity within the students group. This problem emerges as a challenging issue for our education. This study aims to find an answer to the question of how solidarity within student groups in influencing the brawl behavior. The study used a qualitative approach and case study method. Data was collected through interviews, observation, documentary studies, and literature. The findings of the study are: (1) the brawl between students is triggered by hostility, disputes, or conflicts among student groups. (2) The recruitment process of a student groups is natural and based on the proximity of their house location or place of residence, mutual interests, as well as their hang out place. (3) The process of solidarity formation among group members begins with the casual interaction, carrying out activities together, and establishing the feeling of unity. (4) This established group solidarity leads the students to conduct the brawls when their group is under the threat from the other groups. The students will also do the brawls when there are conflicts among students groups and they fail to fulfill their developmental needs as a teenager.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh realitas maraknya tawuran dikalangan pelajar sebagai dampak dari meningkatnya solidaritas dalam kelompok. Masalah tersebut menjadi tantangan dunia pendidikan. Penelitian ini ingin memperoleh jawaban atas pertanyaan bagaimana solidaritas pada kelompok pelajar dalam mempengaruhi perilaku tawuran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, dan studi literatur. Temuan penelitian: (1) Tawuran antar pelajar yang terjadi dikarenakan perumusuhan, pertikaian atau konflik yang ada diantara kelompok-kelompok pelajar. (2) Proses pelajar menjadi anggota kelompok bersifat alamiah dan didasari karena kedekatan letak rumah atau tempat tinggal, minat yang sama, serta satu tempat tongkrongan. (3) Proses pembentukan solidaritas dimulai dari interaksi diantara sesama anggota kelompok, kegiatan yang dilakukan bersama-sama hingga akhirnya keterlibatan perasaan. (4) Solidaritas yang terbentuk menyebabkan tawuran antar pelajar selama ada ancaman dari kelompok lain, terjadinya konflik diantara kelompok-kelompok pelajar, serta tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan-kebutuhan perkembangan pelajar sebagai remaja.
Gender Formation of Foster Children at Aisyiyah Female Orphanage of Tegal Municipality Based on Muhammadiyah Gender Ideology Zaharani, Yuni; Malihah, Elly; Komariah, Siti
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Komunitas, March 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v10i2.7272


Gender, together with all problems that it brings, becomes a discourse discussed in various countries, not excluding Indonesia. The Indonesian government through its policy keeps on creating gender equality and justice. The effort of government needs supports from all society elements, including orphanage. An orphanage needs to try to minimize and omit gender stereotype because the continuation of family informal socialization occurs here and it nurtures many children at the same times. The aim of this article is to analyse and describe children formation gender role at Putri Aisyiyah orphanage, Tegal based on Muhammadiyah gender ideology, whether it still preserves or has minimized and deleted gender stereotype. This research uses qualitative approach with the phenomenology design. The data is obtained by observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis applies Miles and Huberman models. The formation of gender role at the orphanage is shown by the followings: the formation of gender role is done to form the female children as ideal women according to the orphanage. Ideal women according to the orphanage which is already similar to Muhammadiyah’s concept of gender, are those who can take parts in public without space leaving their obligations at home as wives and mothers. Independence, discipline, leadership are imposed to the children at the orphanage to support their roles in public. Feminism and domestic skills are educated to support their roles at homes.
Protes Sosial Dalam Komunikasi Politik di Era Digital Melalui Civic Community Pada mahasiswa Hidayah, Yayuk; Sapriya, Sapriya; Darmawan, Cecep; Malihah, Elly
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (599.495 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v4i1.1964


Academics tend to not pay adequate attention to the student’s civic community, especially around its contribution to the formation of good citizens. Meanwhile, the era continues to evolve and civic student’s civic continues to change by aiming to emphasise its function as a forum for coaching students to acquire or add skills outside the classroom. This research focused on social protests in digital political communication through civic community among students. The method used in this research was qualitative phenomenology. The findings in this study indicated that social protest in digital political communication through the civic community among student has various schemes. Social media, a medium of political communication expression, has a role in providing a place to be active as an individual.
Why is There Zero Women Candidate for Governor Election in West Java, Indonesia? Malihah, Elly; Nurbayani, Siti; Anggraeni, Leni
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 12, No 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v12i1.21373


Democracy requires active public political participation. Sustainability of general elections is vitally important in democracy. As a developing country, Indonesia is still struggling to implement its democracy. Interesting phenomena in Indonesian democracy, the number of women who run their candidacy in an election is still limited. For instance, in West Java Province Regional Election, there are no women candidates for governor or vice governor. The political sociology perspective sees these phenomena as the patriarchal culture that the community prefers male leader to women. This research aims at understanding causes of why there are no female candidates in the general election in West Java. This research makes use of quantitative approach with survey method aimed to explain political views of West Java society about female candidates in a gubernatorial election. The area of the research covers West Java province, involving 500 respondents. The data was collected by using the questionnaire distributed by Google Form to people living in this area. The data were then analyzed by inferential statistics. This study indicates that West Java residents still hold strong ideology on gender differences, believing that a good leader should be male. Even in the smallest scope of institution, men is suppossed be a leader. In addition, there is a dichotomy between the public and the personal space for male and female duty. Women are suggested to stay at the private space, while male has a duty at the public sphere. It is also evidenced in the research that women voters have little tendency to elect the female candidates. This occurs not just because of their patriarchal cultural background, but also due to their education. It is indicated that even female voters had higher education, their tendency to elect the women candidate was still low.  
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpis.v29i1.24713


This study aims to describe the implementation of educational parenting patterns pf Baduy people, one of the indigenous people in Indonesia. The approach in this study is a qualitative approach administering documentation study or literacy to see or answer two problems in this study first, which is the implementation of parenting in education of the Baduy people. The results of this study showed that based on the historical facts, the Baduy tribe still upholds their customs in the interior of Banten Province in the Lebak Regency right in the Kanekes Village so that they cover themselves in formal education; however, for parenting in education, it turns out they still use customary methods in educating their children. The implementation of parenting in education was carried out in three ways, namely the implication of the adoption of parenting in education through the family environment, customary environment (Indigenous Leaders) and through peer learning.
Forum Ilmu Sosial Vol 41, No 1 (2014): June 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/fis.v41i1.5373


Hopeteenageras the future generation that determines the fate of the nationin the future seems contrary to the reality of the matterat this time. Delinquency anddeviant behavior among young people today tendre ache salarming point. This is because teensare lessselective in choosinga group of friends that they're in, and come running norm screated by the group it self without referring to the prevailing normsin general. The purpose of this study to determine the cause of the friendship groups of students have an influence in triggering the occurrence of acts of juvenile delinquency. This study use sa case study with a qualitative approach. Using interview sandobservation asa data collection tool to there searc her who conducted the study informants. From there search that has Juvenile Delinquency, Friendship Group of Students.been done can the result sobtained, that adole scents will comply with the normsand behavior of a friendship group because he is getting the benefit sof the group and will be punished if it does not run the norms and group behavior.
JOMSIGN: Journal of Multicultural Studies in Guidance and Counseling Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Departemen Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan FIP Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jomsign.v5i1.26413


This study aims to identify the model of strengthening the national identity through the cadre pattern in the Islamic Student Association organization (HMI). This study applied a qualitative approach with a case study method. Student organizations have a crucial role in providing insight, sense, and spirit of Indonesian nationalism that is wrapped in the frame of Unity in Diversity. One of the challenges faced by a student organization in Indonesia is the ability of this organization to protect its noble goals from certain interests, which can direct the activities to the issues that violate the motto. In this context, cadre in student organizations must strive to foster and strengthen the spirit of nationalism. The presence of a student religious organization provides its uniqueness that is noteworthy to study. Therefore, this study will identify how the concept of student religious organization regeneration, especially the Islamic Student Association. In this article, the researcher views that the cadre of a religious student organization such as the Islamic Student Association has a very unique and strong style of regeneration. It can be observed from the numerous cadres of Islamic Student Association who work in government, non-governmental organizations, and other sectors who are highly open with differences and voice about the importance of togetherness in unity, which is based on the ideology of struggle, i.e., pluralism, democracy, state administration, and law enforcement. The three struggle programs are determinative factors for caring for the National Identity (Unity in Diversity).
Co-Authors - Sapriya A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Basit Achmad Hufad Agesty A, Erfina Agesty A, Erfina Agil Nanggala Ahmad Kurniawan Ahmad Kurniawan Ahmad, Yazied Taqiyuddin Ai Sutini Aim Abdulkarim Ajeng Gayatri Oktorani Putri, Ajeng Gayatri Alba Romizal Alba Romizal Alba Amalia, Muthi Amalia, Muthi Ammik Kisriyani Andreian Yusup Anesito L Custilas Anif Istianah Anwar Soleh Purba Arindini Ayu Kisvi Rizkia Aris Riswandi Sanusi Arpannudin, Iqbal Aryo Adhitiowasis Ascosenda Ika Rizqi Aulia Sholichah Iman Nurchotimah Awiska Alfata Awiska Alfata Ayyun, Rifqa Tsani Qurrota Ayyun, Rifqa Tsani Qurrota Bagja Waluya Bagja Waluya bagja waluya, bagja Beni Ismarizal Bunyamin Bunyamin Maftuf Bunyamin Maftuf Bunyamin Maftuh Bunyamin Maftuh Bunyamin Maftuh Bunyamin Maftuh Bunyamin Maftuh Cecep Darmawan Cecep Darmawan, Cecep Chandra Lesmana Dasim Budimansyah Dasim Budimansyah, Prayoga Bestari, Redi Yamanto, Dasim Budimansyah, Debi Rusmiati Dede Nugraha Pratama Dede Trie Kurniawan Deden Sunmedar Deyanggi Bhinekaswathi Dina Nur Fathina, Dina Nur Disman Disman Edah Jubaedah Edwin Nurdiansyah Eka Asih Febriani Elis Setiawati, Elis Elsa Dwi Melyanti Erlina Wiyanarti Erlina Wiyanarti Erwin Susanto Eti Setiawati Fani Julia, Fani Fariz Fardani Nurbaihaqi Galih Dani Septiyan Rahayu Hanifah Gunawan, Hanifah Hasmika, Hasmika Helius Sjamsuddin Helius Sjamsuddin Heri Puspito Diyah Setyorini, Heri Puspito Diyah Hidayah, Yayuk Iqbal Arpannudin Irfan Taufik Risda Jedda Ayu Inggrida Jovan Abdul Asyraf Kama Abdulhakam Karim Suryadi Karim Suryadi Karim Suryadi Keppi Sukesi Khafi Maulana Rahman Kokom Komalasari Kurniati, Pat Kuswanto, Kuswanto Lailatul Aulia Laksono Trisnantoro Leni Anggraeni Leni Anggraeni Lilis Widaningsih Lilis Widaningsih Lingga Utami Lisda Nurul Romdoni Lusiana Rahmatiani M.F. Husaeni Mamat Ruhimat Mamat Ruhimat Mamat Ruhimat, Mamat Margi Wahono Mega Tresna Asih, Mega Tresna Mirna Nur Alya, Mirna Nur Moch. Agung Lukmanul Hakim Mochammad Taufik Ramadhan Zain Moh. Dede Moralitawati Fatimah, Moralitawati Muchtar, Suwarma Al Muh. Khaerul Watoni A Muhamad Subkhan Muhamad Subkhan Muhammad Aqil Haibatul Akbar Muhammad Habibul Irsyad Muhammad Mas Multazam Munggaran, Rengga Akbar Nadya, Fikka Nastiti Mufidah Nenden Yayu Destiana Nurdin, Encep S. Nurul Febrianti Obby Taufik Hidayat Okky Rizal Ridwan Pradana, Yudha Puspita Wulandari, Puspita Putra Hanifan Graha R Hartono Rais Iqbal Rabiul Awal Rengga Akbar Munggaran Restu Adi Nugraha Reta Luciani Rhindra Puspitasari Rhindra Puspitasari Rifa Anggyana Rini Andari Rini Andari Rini Andari Rini Andari Rini Andari Rini Andari Rini Andari Rini Andari Rini Andari Rini Andari Rini Andriani Rizki Amalia Rizki Amalia Rizkia, Arindini S Nurbayani S.A. Rahmah S.B. Agista Sapriya Sapriya Sapriya Sapriya Satrio Alpen Pradanna Sigit Ruswinarsih Silvi Nur Afifah Siti Komariah Siti Komariah Siti Nurbayani Sjam, Darda Abdullah Sjamsuddin, Helius Somad, Momod Abdul sri puji astuti Sri Rumiati Sri Rumiati Sri Wahyuni Sunmedar Rachmat Suprapto, Wasis Susan Fitriasari Teti Nurhayati Tutin Aryanti Usman Alhudawi Utami, Lingga Vane, Ovy Septi Vina Adriany Wasis Suprapto wasis suprapto Wilodati Y.A. Kesumah Yadi Ruyadi Yayuk Hidayah Yayuk Hidayah Yeyen Suryani Yoga Ardian Feriandi Yoni Oktaviani, Yoni Yulanda, Novidya Yuli Apriati Yuni Harmawati Yuni Harmawati Yuni Zaharani zulkifli zulkifli