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Activity of Ketepeng Cina (Cassia alata Linn) Leaves Extract to Cercospora personatum growth Linda, Riza; Khotimah, Siti; Elfiyanti, Elfiyanti
Biopropal Industri Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Pontianak

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Ketepeng cina (Cassia alata Linn.) was known as vegetal fungicides because it contains toxic materials to fungi. This study aimed to determined the concentration of ketepeng cina (Cassia alata Linn.) leaves extract that effective in inhibiting the growth of Cercospora personatum and to know the fungicide activity of ketepeng cina (Cassia alata Linn.) leaves extract on the growth of Cercospora personatum. This research was conducted through stage that were manufactured PDA media, isolation of Cercospora sp. and extracting ketepeng cina leaves. Fungicidal activity test was done using poisoning food method with 6 concentration level: 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%. Experiment using Completely Randomized Design with 6 treatments and 3 replications, effect of variance between treatment were analyzed and followed by Duncans test. The results showed that the concentration of 3% effective in inhibiting the growth of Cercospora personatum. Fungicidal activity of leaves extract ketepeng cina against fungi Cercospora personatum categorized as strong in concentrations ≥ 3% and nature fungistatic.
STRUKTUR ANATOMI BATANG ULIN (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binnend) VARIETAS TANDO DAN TEMBAGA DI KALIMANTAN BARAT Gusmalawati, Dwi; -, Mukarlina; -, Wahdina; Khotimah, Siti
Saintifika Vol 16, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan MIPA FKIP Universitas Jember

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan struktur anatomi batang ulin varietas tando dan tembaga yang terdapat di Kalimantan Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persamaan anatomi batang ulin varietas tando dan tembaga adalah mempunyai sel minyak pada batang, susunan pembuluh bertipe kolateral, penyebaran pori adalah pancar dengan tipe soliter, berganda radial dan penyebaran parenkim apotrakea (sebar) dan paratrakea (aliform dan konfluen).  Perbedaan secara anatomi antara batang varietas tando dan tembaga adalah varietas tando memiliki pori berganda radial 2-5 sel dan tipe berkelompok, penyebaran parenkim apotrakea bertipe pita; varietas tembaga memiliki pori berganda radial 2-3 sel; jari-jari empulur varietas tando bertipe heteroseluler, varietas tembaga bertipe homoseluler. Rerata panjang serat, diameter lumen dan ketebalan dinding serat varietas tando berturut-turut adalah 1647,40 µm, 11,90 µm dan 11,70 µm, sedangkan rerata panjang serat, diameter lumen dan ketebalan dinding serat varietas tembaga berturut-turut adalah  1598,20 µm, 15,20 µm dan 11,20 µm.
KEMAMPUAN EKSTRAK BUAH MAKASAR (Brucea javanica L. Merr) SEBAGAI PENGHAMBAT BAKTERI Propionibacterium acnes INDUSER MEDIATOR INFLAMASI Widiyantoro, Ari; Khotimah, Siti; Mulyadi, Achmad; Usman , Thamrin
Sainstek Vol4, No 3, 2009
Publisher : Jurnal Sainstek

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Propionibacterium acnes merupakan suatu induser mediator inflamasi yang banyak mengakibatkan timbulnya jerawat. Proses terjadinya jerawat diawali dengan tertutupnya folikel sebaseus oleh sel kulit mati sehingga menyebabkan akumulasi sebum. Sebum yang terakumulasi kemudian menjadi nutrisi bagi pertumbuhan bakteri Propionibacterium acnes. Bakteri ini akan menghasilkan metabolit yang memicu terjadinya inflamasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeteksi produksi ROS (reactive oxygen species) yang terjadi pada proses penghambatan bakteri Propionibacterium acnes oleh ekstrak buah Makasar (Brucea javanica L. Merr). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan fraksi etil asetat buah Makasar mempunyai aktivitas penghambatan yang tertinggi sebesar 85,56% 3,09 terhadap reduksi NBT dibandingkan ekstrak/fraksi dari buah Makasar lainnya namun masih dibawah kontrol positifnya yaitu vitamin C dan E. Kata Kunci : Propionibacterium acnes, Brucea javanica L. Merr, ROS, NBT
Pengaruh Inokulum Jamur Glomus Aggregatum Dan Pupuk Fosfat Sp-36 Terhadap PertumbuhanTanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill.) pada Tanah Gambut Siti Khotimah, Sri Wahyuni, Riza Linda,
Jurnal Protobiont Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/protobiont.v2i3.3885


This study was aimed to determine the effect of Vesicula Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) inoculum and phosphate fertilizer SP-36 on the growth of tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill.) on peat. The research was conducted in the Greenhouse and Laboratory of Microbiology of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Tanjungpura University for 3 months (October 2012 to January 2013). The research design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) which consisted of two factors with five replicates: first factor of VAM fungi : Mo (without fungi of VAM) and M1 (with fungi of VAM) and the second factor of phosphate fertilizer SP-36 : P0 (0 g / polybag), P1 (0,4 g / polybag), P2 (0,6 g / polybag), P3 (0,8 g / polybag), P4 (1 g / polybag). The result showed that the interaction of giving fungi of mikoriza and phosphate fertilizer had no significant effect on the growth of tomato plants. The treatment of P4 gave the highest average value on the parameter of observation of plant height 41,680 cm, leaf area 69,400 cm2, fresh weight top plants of tomato 3,028 g and dry weight top plants of tomato 0,233 g, fresh weight roots 0,143 g and dry weight roots 0,026 g.
Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Lumut Octoblepharum albidium Hedw terhadap Pertumbuhan Staphylococcus epidermidis dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa Irwan Lovadi, Wiwid Widyana, Siti Khotimah,
Jurnal Protobiont Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/protobiont.v3i2.5545


Mosses are non-vascular plants groups and grow in a wide range of substrates. Mosses contain secondary metabolites that have antibacterial activity. This research aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of Octoblepharum albidium extract on the growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This research was performed in June until July 2013. The Qualitative phytochemical tests showed that O. albidium contains secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, polyphenols, flavonoids, saponins and terpenoids. The existence of secondary metabolites in O. albidium, could be utilized to inhibit the growth of bacteria S. epidermidis and P. aeruginosa. The testing of antibacterial activity has been performed using paper disk diffusion method with a concentration of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% and a positive control of chloramphenicol 2.5% (g/ml). The antibacterial activity test result showed that all level of extract concentrations were able to inhibit the growth of bacteria that was characterized by the formation of inhibition zone around the paper disc. The activity of 100% extract consentration againts S.epidermidis and P. aeruginosa bacteria demonstrated the highest inhibition zone diameter, which was 15.62 mm and 13.23 mm, while the most effective extract concentrations in inhibiting S. epidermidis and P.aeruginosa are 60% and 80%, respectively.
Kapang pada tingkat kematangan gambut yang berbeda di kawasan Hutan Lindung Gunung Ambawang Kabupaten Kubu Raya Siti Khotimah, Efa Rosita, Riza Linda,
Jurnal Protobiont Vol 3, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/protobiont.v3i3.7122


Peat is formed from organic materials derived from the remains of dead plants and accumulated over thousands of years. Dead plants will undergo decomposition quickly by molds and bacteria. This research aims to identify the genus of molds at different levels of maturity of peat in the area of the Protected Gunung Ambawang Forest in Kubu Raya District. Peat sampling used the stratified random sampling method based on the degree of maturity of the peat soil i.e. fibric peat, hemic peat, and sapric peat. The isolation of molds employed the method of dilution plate with dilution 10-3 at the medium of PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) and CYA (Czapeck Yeast Agar). The result of research on fibric peat showed that six pure isolates of mold were found i.e. Aspergillus niger, Fusarium sp.1, Paecilomyces sp.2, Penicillium variabile, Phialophora sp., and Verticillium sp. On hemic peat 10 pure isolates were found: A. niger, Fusarium sp.2, Mortierella sp., Paecilomyces sp.1, Paecilomyces sp.3, Penicillium sp.3, Penicillium sp.4, Penicillium sp.5, Rhizopus sp., and T. harzianum. On sapric peat 12 pure isolates were found: Fusarium sp.3, Paecilomyces sp.1, Paecilomyces sp.4, Penicillium sp.1, Penicillium sp.2, Penicillium sp.3, Penicillium sp.6, Penicillium sp.7, Penicillium sp.8, Penicillium sp.9, Pythium sp., and Trichoderma sp.
Bakteri Pendegradasi Selulosa dari Serasah Daun Avicennia alba Blume di Kawasan Hutan Mangrove Peniti Kabupaten Pontianak Irwan Lovadi, Rizqie Lestya Ningsih, Siti Khotimah,
Jurnal Protobiont Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/protobiont.v3i1.4579


Avicennia alba is a plant that dominated in Peniti Mangrove Forest Pontianak regency. So many found leaf litter the region. Microorganism like celulotic bacterial has important role to degrade selulose in the litter. The aim of this study is to know genus selulose degrading bacterial in litter leaf of A. alba at Peniti Mangrove Forest. Sampel of litter leaf has taken by Composite Sampling Methode with 10 spot in 3 different location. Bacterial isolating by Pour Plate Methode with CMC selectif medium and the using sea water (environmental litter) for manufacturing suspension. The isolate bacterial was describe use coloni morphology test, cell morphology, and biochemistry. The result of isolation was found 14 pure isolation and after the identification was found 8 genera they are Pseudomonas, Plesiomonas, Pasteurella, Neisseria, Actinobacillus, Corynebacterium, Aeromonas, Vibrio
Uji Antagonis Jamur Rizosfer Isolat Lokal terhadap Phytophthora sp. yang Diisolasi dari Batang Langsat (Lansium domesticum Corr.) Mukarlina, Fety, Siti Khotimah,
Jurnal Protobiont Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/protobiont.v4i1.9772


Stem canker caused by the Phytophthora sp. fungus is one of the diseases in langsat (Lansium domesticum).The disease can be controlled using biological agents in the form a rhizosphere fungus which is antagonistic against pathogenic fungi. This research aims to identify the types of fungi from the rhizosphere of langsat and determine the ability of these fungi in slowing down the growth of Phytophthora sp. The isolation of Phytophthora sp. fungus was done by the direct planting method, while the isolation of the rhizosphere fungi by the dilution method and the antagonistic test was performed with a paired method. The antagonistic fungi successfully isolated were Mucor sp.1 F1, Mucor sp.2 F2, Penicillium sp.1 F3, Penicillium sp.2 F4,Penicillium sp.3 F5, Penicillium sp.4 F6, Trichoderma harzianum F7 dan T. viride F8. Based on the research results, there of the growth of Phytophthora sp. was inhibited by the T. harzianum F7 with highest antagonistic percentage 68,93%.
Daya Antagonis Jamur Trichoderma sp. Terhadap Jamur Diplodia sp. Penyebab Busuk Batang Jeruk Siam (Citrus nobilis) Riza Linda, Aan Sundari, Siti Khotimah,
Jurnal Protobiont Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/protobiont.v3i2.5517


Stem and branch parts of citrus trees is often attacked by blendok disease caused by the fungus Diplodia sp. Control of the disease by using synthetic fungicides are less effective in controlling diseases caused by fungal pathogens. Fungal biological control is using Trichoderma sp. as an antagonist agents. This study aimed to determine the antagonists power of fungus Trichoderma sp. in controlling fungus Diplodia sp. causes of citrus stem rot. Antagonist test covers the wide average of mycelium and calculate the percentage of antagonistic fungus Trichoderma sp. from day 1st to 7th. Results showed that the fungus Trichoderma sp. can inhibit the growth of fungus Diplodia sp. with an area of?? mycelium on day 6 and day 7 of 6240 mm2 with antagonists percentage reaches 100%.
Karakter morfologi bakteri dari daun sehat dan bergejala sakit Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera var. barbadensis) Ahmad Mulyadi, Yoas Leo G.M.T, Siti Khotimah,
Jurnal Protobiont Vol 3, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/protobiont.v3i3.7549


Plant diseases caused by bacteria will decrease the production of Aloe vera var. barbadensis. Bacteria that infect the leaves of Aloe vera can be recognized by symptoms on plants that the leaves become soft rot and dry rot. This study aims to determine the density of bacterial colonies, colony morphology and the morphology of bacterial cells of healthy leaves and leaves of symptomatic illness. The method used is the Total Plate Count (TPC). The results showed that most bacteria found in the leaves of symptomatic illness that 7 isolates soft rot and bacterial colony density that is 237 X 10-7cfu/g. Bacteria were recovered from healthy and symptomatic illness leaves are 16 isolates, that showed characteristic colony circumference shape, curved, long, flat elevation, convex, flat, flat edges, uneven and curved, while the morphology of bacterial cells are coccus, bacillus and spirilum.