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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Ppic Dengan Metode Abc Dalam Menentukan Penghitungan Biaya Proyek Sistem Informasi (Studi Kasus Stikom Surabaya) Suhamto, Ardi Slamet; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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The development of time making the development of technology is increasingly, and the need for information system becomes important. Similar to other software house, SSI prosecuted to be able to produce a quality information system at competitive rates. ABC is one of the methods used by project management information system to calculate the cost of the project. This system was built to help the project costing information system. The estimated cost is used as the control over project execution. This system is also built to help control and project management information system. From the implementation and evaluation has been done, the system has been created, can able to calculate the estimated cost of the project, using the ABC method. The system is also able to manage the project Keywords: Information System, ABC, Project Management
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Ppic Dalam Manajemen Biaya Dan Waktu Proyek Sistem Informasi (Studi Kasus Stikom Surabaya) Suhamto, Alex Slamet; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Management becomes indispensable in this era. Project management was one of that. In the knowledge area, project management can be divided into cost and time management. The goals of cost and time management are to produce a calculation of an effective estimated cost and efficient time management. This system was built to produce an effective cost estimate calculation based on Cost of Quality method and good time management based on Critical Path method. After the implementation and evaluation, the system has success to created project cost estimate and time management based on Cost of Quality and the Critical Path method. Keywords: Information System, Project Management, Cost of Quality, Critical Path
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Klinik Berbasis Web Pada Laboratorium Klinik Utama SAFIRAH Sidoarjo Andriyas, Mohammad; Sukmaaji, Anjik; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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This Safirah clinical laboratories in the ministry received a lot of medical tests, but in its information systems are not going well, the medical personnel often face a variety of administrative problems. The problem that often occurs is a problem receiving transactions patient, patient examination transaction, the transaction ordering reagents, reagent revenue transactions in its report that while earnings reports and summary reports doctors. Besides, have not been well integrated inter-section in the clinical laboratory. Based on the above problems, clinical laboratories safirah require an application or system capable of handling administrative problems correctly and quickly. This application is also capable of integrating between the administration and the manager very well. From the results of tests and evaluations that have been done, the system can be built to handle the administration of data processing that has been integrated between the administration and the manager very well and this system can provide regular reports so that managers can make the evaluation of each end of the month or the end of the year. Keywords: Clinical laboratory, Web Design Application, clinical laboratory information system
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Pelanggan (Studi Kasus UD. REMAJA MOTOR) Dewi, Ketut Rini A.; Wibowo, Januar; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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UD. Remaja Motors is a business entity engaged in three areas, namely the sale of goods, sales of services and warehousing. The company is indirectly every day will provide service to its customers. But this time, customer service is still not up. The Company does not have adequate systems to manage customer data and also do not know the needs of its customers. Customer Service Information System by implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM), which is useful to improve service to customers, both in terms of sales of goods services and sales services. Desktop applications provide the recording and processing of customer data and customer transaction data. The system also provides information that will be delivered to customers via SMS Gateway integrated with the desktop. While the web application provides the facility online catalog and ordering system stuff. After doing the design and manufacture of the system, it is expected that the system can provide a solution to overcome the problem of transaction services directly and more efficient, easier to obtain information, and the company can maintain good relations between companies producing services through continuous service to customers.   Keywords: information systems, customer service
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Rumah Bersalin (Studi Kasus Rumah Bersalin Bidan Ni Wayan Suriati) Surya, I Putu Agus Hendrayana; Wibowo, Januar; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Midwives at the maternity hospital Ni Wayan Suriati there are some problems that often arise in the process of patient care caused by the manual system is still not running properly so that the information is conveyed to the patient or to the part related to patient care. Another constraint that is making statements that are often slow to the owner of the maternity hospital. Design of the maternity hospital information systems can be used to design and build the system so the system can improve the manual system is not run well in advance and integrate all the parts in the system so that patient services could be improved with a system that works well and reduces recording errors and lack irregularity and the completeness of the recording of complaints that may impact on patient care better organized and easier for patients, midwives and related parts to get the information. After doing the design and manufacture of maternity information system the results obtained when the system is designed and made ​​applicable the patient care process, the purchase can be computerized and integrated drug between each part of the maternity hospital and the information can be conveyed by both the parties that deal in system of maternity homes.   Keywords: information systems, maternity homes
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Beasiswa Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Di Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo Aprilianto, Ferry Romidhoni; Sagirani, Tri; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Panca Marga Probolinggo University as a place of learning and self developments provides facilities for student achievements scholarships. The scholarship program is expected to spur student interest in learning to be more accomplished. In determining the scholarship recipients, the administrator selects candidates for faculty scholarship recipients base on existing criteria. In the process of selecting, admin faculty have difficulty selecting a data prospective recipients. Because each type of scholarship criteria and weight have different criteria. It makes the calculation of the value criteria requires precision. Knowing the problem that occur, the autors designed the decision support system and make the determination of scholarship by using the SAW method. This system can help admins to perform data administration faculty scholarship recipients, the data type of scholarship, the data criteria, criteria weighting data, and data recipients. With this system the loss of data can be minimize. After testing the use of decision support system determining the scholarship by using the SAW method, it can be concluded that this decision support system to help admins faculty in performing their duties. Keywords: Decision Supprot System, SAW and scholarship.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penelusuran Minat Dengan Tes The Rothwell Miller Interest Blank (RMIB) Berbasis Web Suviani, Nita; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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RMIB is a test designed to measure people´s interest based on their attitude towards a job. This method is combining people´s intellectual ability (skill) with interest and talent, this method could help them discovering a suitable job based on their interest and talent. However, there are some obstacles when the psychologist will apply this method, such as; number of participant, time and place if they are from different city. Therefore, an application has been designed in order that the psychologist can find it easier when they are doing the test. As a result, the clients coming from other cities or other islands can take a part on the test . From 10 people including the respondent and the psychologist, 80% of them stated that they are agree with the existence of this application. This application is completely helpful and easy to use. Moreover, it is supported with chatting facility which simplifies the consultation process in which the client is able to consult the psychologist indirectly or without face-to-face activity. Keywords: Minat , RMIB.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Terapi Autisme dengan Metode Applied Behaviour Analysis (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Harapan Bunda Surabaya) Putri, Juliana Poernomo; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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A childwith autismhas impairedresulting indelays inmentalageto agechronologically. One of themost important thingsin the process ofhealingchildrenwithautismisaroutinetreatmentthat takes a long time. The therapy that has been usedinthe Harapan BundaSchoolis a therapyusingAppliedBehaviorAnalysis (ABA). In the process oftherapyof autistic childrenaged2 to3years require2.5until3yearsof recording. Without orderly recording, there will be a lot offorgetfulness, bothprograms, therapy and outcomeof therapy. Thenumber of datarecordseach dayof therapythat is used toproducetherapeutic resultsbecome the problematicfortheschool database recordwhich is orderly,neatandaccurate informationis needed inthe process ofmonitoringthe child´s developmentto avoiderrorsin decidingthe propertreatmentprogramfor thechildren. Based ona problems survey above, it needs an information system that helpsthe schoolin monitoringchild development. Theproblem of BuildingInformation SystemsAutismtherapyusingthe ABAmethodishow to designandbuild information systems for autismtherapyusingAppliedBehaviorAnalysismethodtofacilitatetheobservingof child development. InformationSystems Design for Autismtherapyusing theABAmethodis a systemthat helpsthe schoolin monitoringchild development. So it canbe a solutionto theproblemin decidingthe appropriate treatmentprogramatHarapan Bunda SchoolofSurabaya. Key words: autism, a programof therapy,ABAtherapy.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Dan Pembelian Koperasi Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus Koperasi Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Surabaya) Perdana, Irfandi Agung; Hariadi, Bambang; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Cooperative State University student Surabaya is the type of business cooperatives engaged in the campus environment. Key business processes in the cooperative is selling and buying. Cooperative Surabaya State University students are constrained in clarifying the sales in detail, specifying the items expired, calculates sales records to determine the contribution of each member to member, to calculate changes in the cost of goods in the event of price changes at the time of the purchase process, and knowing the flow of goods in and out of card stock . Based on the description above, we need a system of buying and selling information on student cooperative. The system was built consisting of cash sales, print receipts cash sales, cash purchases, consignment purchases, purchases payable, consignment payment, accounts payable payments, print receipt consignment, master recap reporting, reporting cash sales, reporting a cash purchase, reporting, accounts payable, consignment reporting, card inventory, daily information, the information per member, and infomrasi per item. From the results of testing the sale and purchase of information systems in cooperative Surabaya State University students concluded that the system can run the business of selling and buying process, issuing reports and information required by the cooperative management students of the State University of Surabaya. Keywords: Cooperative Information Systems, Technology, Sales, Purchases.
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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PT. Kuda Inti Samudera is a company that provides, maintains, and operates heavy equipment in a port. PT. Kuda Inti Samudera has four branches, including Surabaya, Semarang, Makassar, and Banjarmasin. PT. Kuda Inti Samudera (Surabaya) has several divisions, such as Human Resource Development (HRD) and Finance Division. The Human Resource Development handles some activities, including recapitalize and create data report of employees’ presence, while the Finance Division handles some activities, such as create data report of employees’ salary. There are some problems in PT. Kuda Inti Samudera related with those two divisions, such as employees’ presence still done manually by using check-lock, so employees can do cheating when they absented. Similarly at the Finance Division, yet the data report between employees’ presence recapitulation from HRD and data report of employees’ salary still not integrated automatically. Based on the illustration above, it is necessary to create Payroll Information System using fingerprint for the presence that integrated and appropriated with PT. Kuda Inti Samudera (Surabaya), so cheating will not happen again during the process of employees’ presence. The results of the implementation of Payroll Information System using fingerprint in PT. Kuda Inti Samudera (Surabaya) has able to overcome the cheating of employees´ presence and produce integrated data report of employees’ presence and salary. Keywords : Information System, Presence, Fingerprint, Employee, Payroll
Co-Authors A. B. Tjandrarini Achmad Andi Setyawan Afif Fathurrahman Agus Dwi Churniawan, Agus Dwi Ahmad iqbal yunus Alex Slamet Suhamto Andreas Yanuar Prasetianto Angga Hanggar Satyawan Anjik Sukmaaji Anshor, Mohamad Mujahidin Antok Supriyanto Ardi Slamet Suhamto Ardy Setiawan Ariady, Muhammad Rifki Ariady, Muhammad Rifki Arifin Puji Widodo Arzak, Kirana Aureola Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie2 Bahar, Muhammad Ridwan Bahar, Muhammad Ridwan Bambang Hariadi Bhaga Yanuardo Missa Binar Kurnia Prahani Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Candra Dwi Wicaksono Putro Christy Mitha Renata Dewandaru, Kalista Wiwaha Dewandaru, Kalista Wiwaha Dita Astrina Maysaroh Efendi, Luvi Eko Yudha Sadham Purnama Elfasa, Zayed Elfasa, Zayed Erwin Sutomo Fadila, Rullyana Nur Faisal Maulana Akbar Ferry Romidhoni Aprilianto Henry Bambang Setyawan I Putu Agus Hendrayana Surya Indah K, Weny Indah K, Weny Insan, R. Iqbal Amirul Irfandi Agung Perdana Jamali, Nashir Januar Wibowo Juliana Poernomo Putri Julianto Lemantara Kalista Wiwaha Dewandaru Ketut Rini A. Dewi Kirana Aureola Arzak Kurniawan, Mochammad Lucky Andrean Wahyudi Luvi Efendi M. Indra Nurdin Unggul Pambudi M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto Maulana, Muhammad Septian Maulana, Muhammad Septian Maulana, Nanda Rizka Maysaroh, Dita Astrina Meisya Jala Girinda Mila Candra Pristianti Mohammad Andriyas Muhammad Ridwan Bahar Muhammad Rifki Ariady Muhammad Sarwani Ndoili, Gustianita Detika Ndoili, Gustianita Detika Neswary, Shalsa Billa Ardhana Nita Suviani Nova Allysa Qotrunnada Ony Prabowo Pambudi, M. Indra Nurdin Unggul Pambudi, M. Indra Nurdin Unggul Permadi, Ageng Permadi, Ageng Prabowo, Ony Prasetianto, Andreas Yanuar Prasetianto, Andreas Yanuar Purnama, Eko Yudha Sadham Purnama, Eko Yudha Sadham Putra, Septian Dwi Kusuma Putra, Septian Dwi Kusuma Putri, Aulia Maharani Putro, Candra Dwi Wicaksono Qotrunnada, Nova Allysa R. Iqbal Amirul Insan Rachmawati, Indah Suryaning Rahman Fadillah Sugandhi Rahmawati, Endra Renata, Christy Mitha Renata, Christy Mitha Rizki Ramadhan Rr. Dewintha Indriyanti Rudi Santoso Rudi Santoso Rudi Santoso, Rudi Saiyidah Mahtari Salma Maghfira Septian Dwi Kusuma Putra Setiawan, Ardy Setiawan, Ardy Setyawan, Achmad Andi Shalsa Billa Ardhana Neswary Shirly Syamsiah Siswo Martono, Siswo Soemarno, Dewangga Pramananda Sugito, Tri Evania Sukasdi, Lailatul Fitri Kanthi Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sulistyowati Sulistyowati Sulistyowati Sulistyowati Suliyanah Suliyanah Syamsiah, Shirly Syamsiah, Shirly Tegar Heru Susilo Teguh Sutanto Tito Akbar Firmanda Togatorop, Ester Debora Tri Evania Sugito Tri Sagirani Tukloy, Eka Putri D Tukloy, Eka Putri D Ubaidillah, Prayugi Vivine Nurcahyawati Wahyudi, Lucky Andrean Wahyudi, Lucky Andrean Wahyuni, Anita Dwi Wahyuni, Anita Dwi Wardani, Nur Mohamad Prima Putra Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko Yamanta, Ongky Anjar Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yoppy Mirza Maulana yunus, Ahmad iqbal yunus, Ahmad iqbal Zayed Elfasa