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Asupan Zat Besi, Protein dan Vitamin C Sebagai Faktor Resiko Terjadinya Anemia pada Siswi di MTS Al- Amin Martapura Kabupaten Banjar Tahun 2013 Yuliana Salman; Rosihan Anwar; Mijdefi Pauzi; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2014): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Iron-deficiency anemia is a common nutritional problem in the world. The prevalence of anemia in Indonesia is still quite high, which is 26,50% on female teenagers. Lot of female teenagers suffer from anemia, because adolescence is a period of growth which requires high nutrients including iron, protein also plays an important role in iron transportation inside the body, as well as increased consumption of vitamin C as much as 25-250 mg may increase the absorption of an iron 2-5 times. Based on the results of hemoglobin concentration (Hb) in MTs Al-Amin schoolgirl Martapura there are 90 students that 48,89% or 44 girls who suffer from anemia. This study aims to know intake of iron, protein and vitamin C as a risk factor for anemia in MTs Al-Amin schoolgirl Martapura Banjar District in 2013. This research using case control observations design. Samples as much as 88 students, 44 female students suffering from anemia (cases) and 44. variables using chi-square shows, iron intake obtained p = 0,01 and protein intake obtained values p = 0,00 which means that there is a relationship of iron and protein intake with the occurrence of anemia. At the same case the intake of vitamin C obtained p value = 0,13 which means that there is no relationship of vitamin C intake with anemia.
Pengaruh Proporsi Tepung Terigu, Tepung Tempe Dan Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa oliefera) Terhadap Mutu (Protein Dan Zat Besi) Dan Daya Terima Mie Basah Yuliana Salman; Sari Novita; Adi Burhanudin; STIKES Husada Borneo; Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 6 No 3 (2016): Juli
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Nutritional problems are the exist problems in every country, particularly Indonesia unfinished controlled is malnutrition and anemia. The high prevalence of short adolescents with percentages as much as 31,2% and the prevalence of adolescents with the percentage of 8,9%. While adolescent pravelensi anemia for girls is 23,9% and that 23,9% of young men. Tempe flour has a sweet flavor. However, the protein content remains high. Moringa leaf flour is flour which contains more iron than spinach and is suitable for the replacement of wheat flour. This study aims to determine the percentage of wheat flour, soybean meal and flour of Moringa leaves on the quality (protein and iron) and wet noodle acceptance (color, aroma, texture and taste). This study is an experiment with a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replicates. Test methods for the protein content is Kjedahl. Test Method Iron is titration. Data analysis is the one-way ANOVA. Results showed no effect of flour, soy flour and Moringa leaves the protein content of wet noodles (p = 0.088), while the levels of iron there is no influence of the percentage of flour, soy flour and moringa leaves wet noodles 9 (p = 0,134). There is an influence on the color test (p = 0.000), aroma (p = 0,000), and texture (p = 0,009).
Pengaruh Ekstrak Metanol Biji Mahoni (Swetenia mahagoni Jacq) terhadap Penurunan Glukosa Darah dan Perbaikan Jaringan Pankreas Tikus Hasil Induksi MLD-STZ Nany Suryani; STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 1 (2013): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Cancer is a disease that causes most deaths in this century. In general, cancer can affect Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease with metabolism disorder signed by increasing of glucose blood (hyperglicemia), caused by disorder of insulin secretion and or increasing of insulin resistance. Therapy of Methanolic Swetenia mahagoni Seed Extracts is an alternative treatment for DM. The objective of this research is to prove the effect of extract of Swetenia mahagoni Jacq to decreasing blood glucose content and repair pancreatic tissue damage of rat result Multiple Low Dose-Streptozotocin (MLD-STZ )induced dose of 20 mg/kg weight for 5 days successively. Blood glucose of rat was measured using digital glucometer and categorized as DM if it is >300 mg/dL. This research used 25 wistar strained white rat (Rattus norvegicus). Which were classified into 5 groups, they are one group of negative control, one group of positive control, and three groups of MLD-STZ induced given treatment of Methanolic Swetenia mahagoni Seed Extracts with dose of 100, 250 and 400 mg/kg weight for 7 days. The result showed that treatment of Methanolic Swetenia mahagoni Seed Extracts with dose of 100, 250 and 400 mg/kgBW decreased blood glucose 55,47%; 81,01% and 73,63% successively, and improved damage of pancreas tissue from decreasing in the degree of insulitis (p<0.05). There was a protective effect of methanolic Swetenia mahagoni seed extract to blood glucose and damage of rat pancreas tissue MLD-STZ induced. The terapeutic effect was optimal at dose of 250 mg/kgBW.
Pengaruh Proporsi Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata Durch) Terhadap Mutu (Karbohidrat dan Serat) Serta Daya Terima Kue Kering (Cookies) Nany Suryani; Firyal Yasmin; Dadan Jumadianor; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 3 (2014): Juli
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Yellow pumpkin is a local plant that is abundant in Indonesia. Yellow pumpkin is one of the foods that contain high fiber. Fiber in 100 grams the yellow pumpkin reaches 2.4 grams and carbohydrate content in 100 grams of yellow pumpkins reach 10 grams. Diversification is essential in order to increase the diversity of food in Indonesia. Diversification can be done using fresh yellow pumpkin is added to the making of cookies. This research was to know effect the proportion of yellow pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Durch) on the quality (carbohydrate and crude fiber content) and the acceptance of cookies. (color, fragrance, texture and taste). The research design used was a completely randomized design. Test methods for carbohydrate content by the method of Luff-Schoorl and crude fiber by gravimetric method. Organoleptic testing methods with hedonic method (acceptance test). Statistical test for organoleptic using friedman test. Statistical test for carbohydrate content and crude fiber is One Way ANOVA. The results showed no effect the proportion of yellow pumpkin on carbohydrate content of cookies (p = 0,083). There is effect the proportion of yellow pumpkin on crude fiber content of cookies (p = 0,005). There is effect the proportion of yellow pumpkin on acceptance of cookies: color (p = 0,000), fragrance (p = 0,000), texture (p = 0,000) and taste (p = 0,000). Referring to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) on quality requirements cookies, the best quality in terms of carbohydrate content was found on P5 treatment with an average value of 31,71% and the best quality in terms of crude fiber content is P5 treatment with average 3,86%.
Pengaruh Status Gizi Ibu Hamil Primigravida Trimester III Dengan Kejadian Perdarahan Ante Partum (Hap) Di Blud Rs Dr.H.Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin Tahun 2014 Sugeng Riyanto; Ermas Estiyana; Lia Septiliana; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 (2015): Maret
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Antepartum hemorrhage is bleeding in women after pregnancy at 28 weeks. Bleeding in the future have a higher risk of severe and dangerous than the bleeding before 28 weeks gestation. Pregnancy changes the mother's physical and mental in nature. Mom must have good health and have adequate nutrition before and after pregnancy. Maternal nutrition during conception must be in good condition and during the pregnancy the mother should get extra protein, iron, calcium, vitamins, folic acid and energy. Deficiency or excess food intake during pregnancy can be bad for the mother, fetus and on time delivery. The causes factors of maternal and fetal death due to lack of awareness for antenatal mothers, not helped in childbirth, malnutrition and others. This study aims to determine the effect of nutritional status of pregnant women with incident primigravida third trimester haemorrhage antepartum (HAP) in BLUD Hospital H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin in 2014. Study using survey methods with cross sectional analytic. The study population was all pregnant women in the third trimester primigravida in delivery room BLUD H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin. Based on the results of the chi square test, no effect of nutritional status of pregnant women in the third trimester primigravida incidence of haemorrhage antepartum (HAP) in the BLUD H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin in 2014.
Perbedaan Kandungan Vitamin C Dan Serat Kasar Pada Jus Jeruk Siam Banjar (Citrus Nobilis Var. Microcarpa) Yang Diolah Menggunakan Berbagai Alat Pengolahan Jus Nany Suryani; Rissa Saputri; Hanan Hanan; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2014): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Juice is the alternative material of healing and to fulfill nutrient. Orange juices is most often available where ever, either in café, restaurant or hotel. Orange juice is also easy to make. Citrus fruits are famous rich in vitamin C and fiber. Vitamin C and fiber are the nutrients that have many roles in maintaining a healthy body. There are 3 way to make a juice, such as Squeezing, use Blenders and Juicers. The third equipment has a different way of working in which ways of working of each juice processing devices have the potential to result in reduced content of vitamin C and fiber in the juice produced. This study uses orange Siam Banjar. The research goal is to determine the content of vitamin C and crude fiber in each juice is processed using a variety of juice processing equipment, as well as to determine whether there is a difference in vitamin C and crude fiber in the juice produced in order to process the juice with vitamin C and knowing enough juice processing equipment that produces juice with vitamin C and fiber content of most rough. The content of vitamin C was analyzed using Iodimetri while crude fiber method using a gravimetric method. Based on the results of the ANOVA test vitamin C showed p <α is the difference between the vitamin C content of the juices. Juice has the highest content of vitamin C found in processed juice using Juicer. The juice has 11,264 of vitamin C. ANOVA test results showed crude fiber p <α it is mean the difference between the crude fiber content of the juices. Juice which has the highest crude fiber content is juice processed using Blender. The juice has 6,320% of crude fiber.
Perbedaan Kadar Protein dan Kadar Lemak Ikan Patin (Pangasius hypophtalmus) yang Diolah secara Digoreng, Dipanggang dan Direbus Nany Suryani; Rosita Rosita; Uswatun Hasanah; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 6 No 1 (2015): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Catfish (Pangasius hypophtalmus) is a high source of protein, but it also contains unsaturated fatty acids, and various vitamins and minerals that the body needs. However, the processing can lower nutrient content, including the protein and fat contents. This research aims to analyzing differences of protein and fat contents of catfish (Pangasius hypophtalmus) are processed in fried, grilled and boiled. This research is a quantitative research design completely randomized design with 4 treatments, 1 control and 3 treatments. Testing for protein content using the Kjeldahl method and to test the fat content using the Soxhlet. Statistical analysis using One way ANOVA. Based on statistical analysis found there are difference in protein levels p = 0.004 and fat levels p = 0,000 in catfish (Pangasius hypophtalmus) are processed in fried, grilled and boiled. To obtain the levels of protein and fat content, it can be selected either by boiling cooking techniques.
Hubungan Sikap Diet Penurunan Berat Badan dan Pengetahuan Diet Terhadap Status Gizi Remaja Putri di Pondok Pesantren Asrama Rasydiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai Hulu Sungai Utara Rosita Rosita; Rusman Efendi; Norhasanah Norhasanah; STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 1 (2013): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Teenage girls in Pondok Pesantren Rasydiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai Hulu Sungai Utara contained 21.42% of young women who go on a diet to gain weight , maintain weight 18.57% and 57.14% who lose weight posture is not too fat even there thin based on measurement results using the body mass index according to age (BMI / U) . This study aims to determine the correlation of dietary attitudes and knowledge of weight loss diet on the nutritional status of teenage girls in Pondok Pesantren Rasydiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai Hulu Sungai Utara . This study was an observational analytic with cross sectional design , the population is young women who totaled 272 people, sample in this study as many as 162 respondents with propotionate stratified random sampling technique . The analysis was performed by descriptive and statistical tests using Chi-Square . The results obtained there is a correlation between attitudes weight loss diet of the nutritional status of young women with p value <0.05 is 0.034 . Teenage girls with unfavorable attitudes diet weight loss diet as much as 90.6% of normal nutritional status . There is a correlation between knowledge of diet and nutritional status of teenage girls with p value <0.05 is 0.029 . The knowledge of diet high at 89.1% of normal nutritional status.
Tinjauan Keakuratan Data pada Sensus Harian Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah Banjarmasin Siaga Deasy Rosmala Dewi; Gussa Azizah; Retno Juwita; STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 3 (2014): Juli
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Inpatient daily census is the number of inpatient at a health care facility at any given time starting at 00:01 until 24.00 each day. In practice involving nurses and medical record officer. However, there were limited data accuracy daily inpatient census at the Hospital for Special Surgery Siaga Banjarmasin such differences initial data on patients with the remaining patients the day before. Inaccuracies in charging daily census affects the quality of information produced hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of the data on the daily inpatient census at the Hospital for Special Surgery Siaga Banjarmasin. This research is descriptive. As a research population is daily inpatient census VIP classes, I, II, and III in January 2013 as many as 124 sheets. The samples used in this study is saturated sampling as many as 124 sheets. Data was collected through interviews and observation. The results of 124 samples of known Standard Operating Procedures (SPO) daily inpatient census at the Hospital for Special Surgery Standby Banjarmasin still using the old procedures and there has been no revision in 2013, the implementation of the inpatient daily census there are many inaccuracies in filling the remaining number of patients a day prior to the initial patients by nurses, and the rest of the room there are many inaccuracies in the rest of the patients and 53,5% of patients beginning with the criteria quite well. Recapitulation of the inpatient daily census is 46.46% with the criteria quite well.
Tinjauan Keakuratan Kode Diagnosis Gastroenteritis Pada Pasien Rawat Inap Berdasarkan ICD-10 Dan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Di RSUD Banjarbaru Pada Triwulan III Tahun 2013 Dion Angger Priyatama; Deasy Rosmala Dewi; Ratna Auliyana; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 5 No 3 (2015): Juli
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Coding is a key of health treatment organization. The accurate coding is a very important thing in data organizing, reimbursement, and another problems. Inaccuracy of Gastroenteritis diagnosis code found in Banjarbaru hospital which caused by there is no recheck toward additional information such as laboratory report in coding process. This research has purpose to confirm the accuracy of Gastroenteritis diagnosis code of inpatient based on ICD-10. This research use descriptive analysis with 106 medical records of inpatient of Gastroenteritis diagnosis case as the sample. Data collection methods which used in this research are observation and interview. This research use univariate analysis and the result presented in tabulation and text explanation. The result of research shows that only 2,83% Gastroenteritis code is accurate and 97,17% is not. The output of Gastroenteritis diagnosis code use as RL 4a report, disease index, top 10 of common disease list, and hospital activity/service data. Human resouces who involved in Gastroenteritis diagnosis coding process are manager of medical record department, inpatient coder, and doctor.
Co-Authors Adi Burhanudin Agus Rahmadi Ahmad Muhaimin Akhmad Mahyuni Akhmad Mahyuni, S.Sos., MPH Alfan Bakhtiarsyah Alfia Rahma Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo, Amelia Pradita Angi Khairunnisa Ani Kipatul Hidayah Anisa Batunnajariah Anjar Retno Astrini Apit Widiarta Ariani Ariani Aris Antoni Armiati, Armiati Bahruddin Bibing Hendro L BLUD RS Ulin Banjarmasin Dadan Jumadianor Damayanti, Elok Deasy Rosmala Dewi Desy Erianti Diah Setiawati Dimas Eka Saputra Dina Mariana Dinar Tiara Kahayani Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tanah Laut Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarbaru Dion Angger Priyatama Emma Fury Anggraeny Ermas Estiana Ermas Estiyana Ermina Syainah Eva Khairita Eva Rahmawati Eviawati Wandira Fathia Yunidai Firyal Yasmin Fitria Aningsih Gussa Azizah H. M. Noor S.Sos., MPH Hanan Hanan Helmina Helmina Hesti Kusuma Wardani Hj. Ermina Syainah Hj. Saidatunnisa Hosizah Hosizah Ideris Ideris Irmawan Irmawan Juairiah Juairiah Khaiyatun Najiah Lia Septiliana Linda Kurnia Sari Lisda Novilia Lusiana Lusiana M. Mun'im Hendrawi M. Noor M. Rasyid Ridha M. Syarif Magdalena Magdalena Maghdalena. A Mahpolah Mahpolah Mariatul Qiftiah Mastika Yanti Maulidah Maulidah Mijdefi Pauzi Muhammad Hadi Saputera Mutiara Kusuma Wardani Nany Suryani Ni Wayan Kurnia Ni Wayan Kurnia W W Ni Wayan Kurnia Widya Wati Nina Mastuti Nina Rahmadiliyani Nina Rahmadiliyanii Noni Setia Rini Noorhidayati Noorhidayati Noorlatifah Noorlatifah Nor Asyanti Nor Raisa Shaliha Norhasanah Norhasanah Nova Kasmita Novita Hendrawati Oklivia Libri Politeknik Kesehatan Banjarbaru Politeknik Kesehatan Banjarmasin Poltekes Banjarbaru Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin Pramono Pramono Pujiah Pujiah Puskesmas Bati-Bati Kabupaten Tanah Laut Puskesmas Dalam Pagar, Kabupaten Banjar Puskesmas Gambut Puskesmas Guntung Payung Puskesmas Sei Lulut Puskesmas Sungai Tabuk Rahmatul Jannah Rahmi Noerdiana Hidayati Rahmiyati Rahmiyati Ratna Auliyana Retno Juwita Rian Hidayatullah Rifna Muzdaliafah Rijanti Abdurrachim, Rijanti Rika Sertiana Oktami Rika Vira Zwagery Rina Gunarti Rini Astuti Rissa Saputri Ristiyanti Rahayu Rizki Puspita ROSIHAN ANWAR Rosita Rosita RS Khusus Bedah Siaga Banjarmasin RS Pelita Insani Martapura RSUD Banjarbaru RSUD dr. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Rusman Efendi Rusman Effendi Sabar Kristina Safril Safril Saidatunnisa Saidatunnisa Salasiah Supiyati samsul arifin Sanna Riawu Sari Novita Siti Maryam Muharramah Siti Ulfi Sugeng Riyanto Susi Astuti TRI ASTUTI Tri Handayani Ulfah Sukmasari Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta USWATUN HASANAH Wahyu Hardi Prasetyo Welly Rakhman Yuliana Salaman Yuliana Salman Zainal Abidin