Evi Rosita
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An analysis of Mean Arterial Pressure, Roll Over Test and Body Mass Index as Predictors of Hypertension in Pregnancy Hidayatun Nufus; Evi Rosita
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 3 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i3.15781


Background: Hypertension in pregnancy is one of the three causes of maternal mortality in Indonesia,which proportion increases every year. More than 25% of maternal deaths in Indonesia in 2017 were causedby hypertension in pregnancy (Profil Kesehatan Indonesia, 2018).Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between MAP, ROT, and BMI onhypertension in pregnancy and to find predictor models of hypertension in pregnancy.Method: This research was conducted at Kedungadem Public Health Center, Bojonegoro Regency with across sectional study method. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with subjects consistingof 100 samples (50 normal tension and 50 hypertension). Data analysis used Chi Square, Logistic BinaryRegression and Area Under Curve.Results: The results showed that a history of preeclampsia (OR 10.29; 95% CI 2.21–47.9), MAP (OR 3.38;95% CI 2.36 4.84), ROT (OR 19.94; 95% CI5.47) -72.71), excess BMI (OR4.06; 95% CI 1.58-10.44), BMIof obesity (OR 4.8; 95% CI 1.26-18.24), were significantly associated with hypertension at 27 weeks of age.The main predictors of hypertension at 27 weeks were positive MAP (AUC 0.874; 95% CI 0.832-0.966; p =0.000) and for predictors at 32 weeks, positive ROT at 27 weeks, 28 weeks and 32 weeks (AUC 0.851; 95%CI 0.914-0.993; p = 0.000).Conclusion: The history of preeclampsia, MAP and BMI were able to predict at 27 weeks of gestation andROT was able to predict at 32 weeks of age.
RELATION BETWEEN MOTIVATION WITH ELDERLY OF BEHAVIOR FOLLOWED ELDERLY GYMNASTICS (Study in Wates village hamlet Jatiwates District of Tembelang Jombang) . Febriyanto; Evi Rosita; Dwi Prasetyaningati
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 3 No 1 (2012): Jurnal Keperawatan
Publisher : STIKES Insan Cendekia Medika Jombang

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All types of gymnastics and sports activities are very beneficial to inhibit mild degenerative and agingprocess. The problem that exists is elderly motivated or willing to do gymnastics elderly, mostly will doelderly gymnastics after the push by family or health workers to do gymnastics elderly. This study to knowthe relation between of motivation with elderly behavior followed elderly gymnastics study in Wates villagehamlet Jatiwates District of Tembelang Jombang. Type research is analytic correlational with crosssectionalstudy, the population is all the elderly in the village of Hamlet Wates Subdistrict JatiwatesTembelang Jombang of 306 people, with a sample of 31 people with simple random sampling technique, theindependent variable is motivation to follow gymnastics elderly, dependent variable is behavior follows theelderly gymnastics. Instrument using is questionnaires, data analysis using Spearman rank test. The resultsshowed that the majority of motivation in participating in gymnastics elderly is weak of 14 respondents(45,2%), and largely follows the behavior of the elderly in the gymnastics is irregular of 12 respondents(38,7%).Spearman rank test analysis results of ρ = 0.000 <0.05 then H0 rejected H1 accepted or it meansthere is a relations between of motivation with the behavior of the following the elderly gymnastics in Watesvillage hamlet Jatiwates District of Tembelang Jombang. Expected more active elderly people to participatein gymnastics in Posyandu activities and can practice the steps at home gymnastics.
ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON THE INCIDENCE OF ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFEKTION IN TODDLERS (At Hamlet Village Wonokerto Peterongan Jombang) Rahmawati Deny Andrian; Evi Rosita; Dwi Prasetyaningati
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 3 No 1 (2012): Jurnal Keperawatan
Publisher : STIKES Insan Cendekia Medika Jombang

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Based on the profile of Jombang District Health Office in 2012 the incidence of acute respiratory infection ininfants is quite high as many as 5584 cases. While the data from health centers Peterongan AcuteRespiratory Infektion was ranked third type of disease Peterongan outpatient health centers. AcuteRespiratory Infektion patients toddler discovery in 2012. Acute Respiratory Infektion is a disease basedunhealthy environment. This study was conducted to determine the effect of the environment on the incidenceof Acute Respiratory Infektion in Toddlers at Hamlet Village Wonokerto Peterongan Jombang. This type ofresearch is analytic korelational. The study population was 56 respondents. Sampling technique usespurposive sampling number 49, the study carried out on 30 July 2012. The independent variable is theenvironment and the dependent variable was the incidence of Acute Respiratory Infektion. The researchinstrument used was a questionnaire. Then analyzed with editing, coding, scoring, tabulating and statisticalchi square test with error level p = 0.000. The results showed that the effect of largely healthy environment.While the incidence of Acute Respiratory Infektion have a negative impact. And on positive criteria AcuteRespiratory Infektion 48.9%, and 51.0% negative, significant results obtained by ρ = 0.000 environment withAcute Respiratory Infektion or less than α = 0.005 so that it can be stated that H1 is accepted or no effectbetween environmental influences with the incidence of acute respiratory infection in infants in DusunWonokerto Village Peterongan Jombang. The conclusion of the study showed that there is influence ofenvironment on the incidence of Acute Respiratory Infektion in Hamlet Village Wonokerto PeteronganJombang.Health workers are expected to further improve education on a healthy environment to the patient so that thepatient Acute Respiratory Infektion understand about reducing the risk of Acute Respiratory Infektionprogram schedule existing health centers.
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 5 No 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan
Publisher : STIKES Insan Cendekia Medika Jombang

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Hypertension cause unhealthy lifestyle,actually lifestyle factors important effect for society. Unhealthy lifestyle can make hypertension, purpose examination to know lifestyle for hypertension in jabon village jombang subdistrict regency jombang. Detail examination survey analytic with cross sectional. Population all victims of hypertension in jabon village jombang subdistrict jombang regency are 108 people take with simple random sampling until get 32 people. Variable independent in this examination lifestyle and variable dependent are in case of hypertension. Get data with spread questionnaire and observations use stethoscope and tense. After collecting did processor data and continue tests statistics chi square with level significantly 0,05 use spss 16 for Windows.Result examination can get by test che squares with spss,on level error 5% and value p 0.006, in p = 0,0006<0,05. Summary in this examination that truly lifestyle on hypertension in jebon village jombang subdistrict jombang regency. healthyworkers can make learning to society about lifestyle to hypertension victims so that hypertension victims understand how to decrease effect with programs hospital.