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Radial Derivative and Radial Inversion for Interpreting 4D Gravity Anomaly Due to Fluids Injection Around Reservoir Muhammad Zuhdi; Sismanto Sismanto; Ari Setiawan; Jarot Setyowiyoto; Adi Susilo; Muhammad Sarkowi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 16, No 6: December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v16i6.9468


The 4D gravity or time lapse gravity has been used many reseracher to identify fluid injection in oil reservoir. The objective of this study is to find the better way in interpreting 4D gravity anomaly due to fluid injection around the reservoir. Radial Derivatives are derivative values of gravity anomalies against horizontal distances in the radial direction. Radial inversion is a two-dimensional inversion of lines with radial directions resulting in a 3-dimension model. Time lapse microgravity research have been performed in “X Oil Field” with amount of 604 data point covering area of 4000m x 5000m. This Radial derivative and Radial inversion have been aplied at an injection well of the X oil field. The yield show that 4D gravity anomaly value due to injection is 0.02 mGal to 0.36 mGal. Radial derivative value in the area is 0 micro Gal/cm to 0,012 mGal/meter. Radial inversion shows radius of fluid front movement is 304 meters to 1120 meters. Radial derivative and Radial inversion have been proven fairly good to identify injected fluid movement in the reservoir.
Analisis Sinyal Seismik Tremor Harmonik dan Tremor Spasmodik Gunungapi Semeru, Jawa Timur – Indonesia Arin Wildani; Sukir Maryanto; Adi Susilo
Wacana Didaktika Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Desember 2015 (Versi Cetak)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (915.619 KB) | DOI: 10.31102/wacanadidaktika.3.2.140-150


Tremor vulkanik merupakan salah satu aktivitas seismik yang biasa terekam di sekitar gunungapi aktif yang dapat menjadi tanda akan adanya suatu letusan. Salahsatu cara untuk mengetahui karakteristik dari aktivitas sutu gunungapi yaitu dengan analisis spektral. Penelitian ini menggunakan data aktivitas seismik gunungapi Semeru yang terekam pada tahun 2009 di tiga stasiun seismik yaitu Leker, Tretes dan Besukbang. Seleksi data dilakukan dengan memilih sinyal yang memiliki kenampakan sinyal yang bagus pada ketiga stasiun. Berdasarkan kenampakan sinyal, data hasil seleksi diklasifikasi kedalam dua kelompok yaitu tremor spasmodik dan tremor harmonik. Analisis spektral dilakukan dengan menerapkan Fast Fourier Transform pada sinyal yang terpilih. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan frekuensi tremor spasmodik G. Semeru berkisar 1,56 Hz - 1,86 Hz dan frekuensi dasar dari tremor harmonik berkisar antara 1,14 - 2,50 Hz. Kejadian tremor vulkanik di gunung Semeru diduga merupakan hasil osilasi gas didalam pipa konduit, dimana kestabilan pulsa tekanan yang terdapat didalam pipa konduit menghasilkan tremor harmonik dan jika kestabilan itu tidak dicapai maka menjadi sumber munculnya tremor spasmodik
Analisis Daerah Potensi Longsor Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas di Danau Kastoba Pulau Bawean Indonesia Karimah Karimah; Adi Susilo; Eko Andi Suryo; Aunur Rofiq; Muhammad F.R. Hasan
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v8i2.1414


Kastoba Lake in Bawean Island Indonesia is a tourist attraction that has a level of vulnerability in landslide disasters. The landslides has been happen. From the large and small scale in the Kastoba Lake. Base on the problem, the landslides occured due to the field of derailment. According to the above statement, it was necessary to know the subsurface structure and the field of avalanche derailment in the kastoba lake area. This data was allowed by geophysical resistivity method which a dipole-dipole configuration with 4 measurement points. The acquisition of data was based on preliminary studies from the analysis of landslide vulnerability level maps (DEM Alos data processing) that have been done first. The results of lithological analysis with geoelectric resistivity methods in this research obtained three layers of subsurface structure, namely top soil (top layer) with a resistivity value of 7-110 Ωm, clay (middle layer) which was a resistivity value of 110-210 Ωm and lava (bottommost layer) which was a resistivity value of 210-357 Ωm. The field of gelincir in the research area was on the top layer of soil composed of weathering of rocks mixed with organic material or leaf/tree decay with an average depth of 7.25 meters. Thus, this research can be one of the parameters of landslide disaster mitigation in the development of geotourism in Kastoba Lake
Penyelidikan Zona Longsor dengan Metode Resistivitas dan Analisis Stabilitas Lereng untuk Mitigasi Bencana Tanah Longsor Muwardi Sutasoma; Adi Susilo; Eko Andi Suryo
Publisher : Department of Physics, Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13057/ijap.v7i1.8784


Research using geoelectric resistivity dipole-dipole configuration and slope stability analysis has been done in the area Jawar, District Dampit to find out the sliding plane landslide, landslide direction and factor of safety. Tracks Retrieval of data by the method of geoelectric resistivity as much as 5 tracks with the direction of the southeast to the northwest three tracks with a length of 100 m - 200 m and southwest to northeast as many as two passes with a length of 200-300 m. While the slope stability analysis performed topographic map data retrieval and data collection sondir and boring. Based on the analysis of the lithology of the study area using resistivity geoelectric method shows three layers of soil is clay (the top layer), tuff (middle layer) and basalt and lava (bottom layer). sliding plane landslide area is in the boundary between the layers of clay and tuff (a depth of 10.5 m). Based on the results of data processing of 3D resistivity geoelectric, landslide direction is southeast. Safety factor value of the security research area based slope stability analysis is 1.015. This value indicates that this area is prone to landslides.
3D Modelling of Geoelectrical Resistivity Data to Determine the Direction of Landslides in Kastoba Lake, Bawean Island, Indonesia Karimah Karimah; Adi Susilo; Eko Andi Suryo; Aunur Rofiq; Muhammad F.R. Hasan
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022): July
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v8i3.1714


Landslides are one of the factors caused by subsurface structures that are not compact, and have low density or resistivity values due to changes in groundwater. Rainwater that infiltrates into the ground will reach to an impermeable layer which is identified as a slip plane. This research was conducted in the Kastoba Lake area, Bawean Island, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the slip plane and the direction of the landslide in the studied area. Data acquisition was carried out based on a preliminary study of residual anomaly contour analysis from gravity data, then geoelectric data acquisition was carried out in the studied area. The results of lithological analysis on 3D geoelectric resistivity modeling in this study obtained three layers of subsurface structures, namely topsoil, clay, and lavas. The slip plane of the study area is above the clay layer (7.25 meters depth). The results of the 3D interpretation indicated that the direction of the landslide was towards the north, as evidenced by the existence of public information that the area studied had landslides with the avalanche direction towards the north.  For further analysis, a factor of safety analysis is needed based on the analysis of the bore hole drilling method in the studied area
PETRO:Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Perminyakan Vol. 9 No. 4 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan Fakultas Teknologi Kebumian dan Energi Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.302 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/petro.v9i4.7859


Seismic method can provide detailed information on the subsurface structure to determine the prospect / potential of hydrocarbons. There are few previous studies have used KINGDOM software in processing and interpreting seismic data to determine hydrocarbon potential. Therefore, in this study we provide an overview of how the KINGDOM software works which can be used as an option in processing and interpreting seismic data. This research area is the area of East Java basin. The data used are secondary data. The seismic data used is the final PSTM - STACK - SUKOWATI 3D. Extension is used in the form of SGY File. Selected area in interpretation is inline within range 6100 to 6500 (dimensionless) and crossline within range 12700 to 13000 (dimensionless), with the increment about 10. KINGDOM 6.7.1 software is used for seismic data processing. Interpretation of seismic data is done to obtain information from seismic data, to provide a conclusion that can be accounted by the analysis of all available information or data in order to determine the subsurface structure of the prospect to do the drilling. As for the 3D, the form of the anticline is seen with details like the shape of the anticline in general. The apparent anticline probably indicates the presence of hydrocarbons (oil and gas).