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Journal : Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

Pengaruh Musik Klasik Mozart Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pasien Operasi Ondontectomy Sahuri Teguh Kurniawan; Irfan Armanto; Saelan; Nurul Aktifah
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Juni

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Gigi impaksi merupakan gigi yang menghalangi jalan normalnya erupsi pada lengkung gigi karena kurangnya ruang pada lengkung atau obstruksi pada jalannya erupsi gigi. Tindakan operasi menyebabkan kecemasan di tandai dengan peningkatan tekanan darah. Musik klasik mozart diharapkan dapat mengurangi kecemasan dari tindakan operasi ondontectomy. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi musik klasik mozart terhadap tekanan darah pasien operasi ondontectomy. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode desain quasi experiment dengan one-group pretest-posttest design. Pengukuran dengan tensimeter digital, pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling, sejumlah 63 responden. Terapi musik klasik mozart berjudul Romenze Eine Klein Nachmusik diberikan selama 15 menit. Tekanan darah sistolik sebelum intervensi rata-rata 123,21mmHg, tekanan darah diastolik 76,86mmHg. Tekanan darah sistolik setelah intervensi rata-rata 112,32 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastolik 75,24 mmHg. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna sebelum dan sesudah diberikan terapi musik klasik mozart dengan p value 0,000 dan 0,001 (p < 0,05). Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh terapi musik klasik mozart terhadap tekanan darah pasien operasi ondontectomy. An impacted tooth is a tooth that blocks the normal course of eruption in the dental arch due to lack of space in the arch or obstruction to the course of eruption of the tooth. Surgery causes anxiety marked by an increase in blood pressure. Mozart's classical music is expected to reduce anxiety from Ondontectomy surgery. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Mozart classical music therapy on the blood pressure of patients with Ondontectomy surgery. The research design used a quasi-experimental design method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. Measurement with digital sphygmomanometer, sampling by purposive sampling, a total of 63 respondents. Mozart's classical music therapy entitled Romenze Eine Klein Nachmusik was given for 15 minutes. The average systolic blood pressure before the intervention was 123.21mmHg, diastolic blood pressure was 76.86mmHg. The average systolic blood pressure after the intervention was 112.32 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure was 75.24 mmHg. There was a significant difference before and after being given Mozart classical music therapy with p values ??of 0.000 and 0.001 (p <0.05). The conclusion in this study is that there is an effect of Mozart classical music therapy on the blood pressure of patients with Ondontectomy surgery.
Pengaruh Jus Pepaya dan Akupresur Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pasien Hipertensi Sahuri Teguh Kurniawan; Saelan; Firman Faradisi
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Juni

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Hipertensi merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang menjadi masalah kesehatan didunia dengan prevalensi yang tinggi. Pengobatan menggunakan terapi farmakologi pada hipertensi memiliki efek samping seperti batuk, skin rash, hiperkalemia, hepatotoksik, glikosuria, proteinuria. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah hipertensi adalah menggunakan terapi nonfarmakologi dengan jus pepaya dan terapi akupresur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh jus pepaya dan terapi akupresur terhadap tekanan darah pada pasien hipertensi. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian quasi eksperiment dengan pendekatan pre test and post test with control group. Penelitian dilakukan di Panti Wreda Dharma Bhakti Kasih. Teknik sampel menggunakan total sampling pada 48 responden. Terbagi 24 kelompok perlakuan dan 24 kelompok kontrol. Analisa data dengan uji wilcoxon dan mann whitney. Hasil uji wilcoxon terdapat penurunan tekanan darah antara pre test dan post test kelompok perlakuan dengan nilai p value 0,000 (sistolik) dan 0,005 (diastolik). Hasil uji mann whitney bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan rata- rata tekanan darah pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p value 0,276 (sistolik) dan 0,737 (diastolik). Kesimpulan, terdapat pengaruh jus pepaya dan terapi akupresur terhadap tekanan darah. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif untuk menurunkan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. Hypertension is a degenerative disease which is a global health problem with a high prevalence. Treatment using pharmacological therapy in hypertension has side effects such as coughing, skin rash, hyperkalemia, hepatotoxic, glycosuria, and proteinuria. An alternative treatment to solve hypertension problems is by non-pharmacological therapy with Papaya Juice and Acupressure Therapy. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of Papaya Juice and Acupressure Therapy on blood pressure in patients with hypertension. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design with a pretest and posttest with a control group approach. The study was conducted at the Dharma Bhakti Kasih Nursing Home. The sampling technique utilized total sampling of 48 respondents, divided into 24 respondents in the treatment group and 24 respondents in the control group. The data analysis applied the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test. The result of the Wilcoxon test explicated a reduce in blood pressure in the pre-test and post-test treatment groups with a p-value of 0.000 (systolic) and 0.005 (diastolic). The Mann Whitney test revealed that there was no difference in average blood pressure in the treatment and control groups with p values of 0.276 (systolic) and 0.737 (diastolic).Conclusion, there is an effect of Papaya Juice and Acupressure Therapy on blood pressure. The results of this study are expected to be an alternative treatment for reducing blood pressure in people with hypertension.
PENGARUH KOMSUMSI PISANG AMBON (Musa Acuminata Cavendish) TERHADAP PERUBAHAN TEKANAN DARAH PENDERITA HIPERTENSI PADA LANJUT USIA DI BOYOLALI: The Effect Of Ambon Banana Toward The Blood Pressure On Elderly At Boyolali Sahuri Teguh Kurniawan; Saelan; Galih Setia Adi; Innez Karunia Mustikarani
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Juni

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Blood pressure could be defined as an arterial blood vessel abnormality. Hypertension was a blood vessel system disorder characterized by an increase in blood pressure and could cause various diseases such as stroke, heart disease, and even death. Non-pharmacological effort that can be appied to control the blood pressure was by consuming Ambon banana. This study aimed to determine the effect of Ambon banana toward the blood pressure on the elderly at Boyolali. This study applied a quasy experimental research design with an approach of a pre post test with control group design. This research was conducted at Posbindu Sumber Sehat, Banyudono, Boyolali. The sampling technique used was non probability sampling with a total sampling approach. There were 30 respondents as the samples of this study consisting of 15in intervention group and 15 in control groups. The data analysis applied the Wilcoxon test because the data were not normally distributed and to find out the difference between the intervention group and the control group, it used Mann Whitney test. The Wilcoxon test results showed a change in the blood pressure on the pre-test and post-test in the intervention group with a p value of 0.001 and the results of the Mann Whitney test indicated that there was no significant difference in the intervention group and the control group with a value of 0.000. This study, there was an effect of Ambon banana on toward the blood pressure on the elderly at Boyolali