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Chronic Energy Deficiency, Anemia as a Risk Factor for Low Birth Weight Babies in East Nusa Tenggara Khrispina Owa
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 4 No 1 (2019): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/jkp.v4i1.264


Background: Low birth weight (LBW) among infants is one cause of neonatal and infant mortality. The Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (SDKI, 2012) indicated that the neonatal mortality rate in Nusa Tenggara Timur was as high as 26/1000 KH, 15% of which were caused by low birth weight. This study seeks tounderstand the relationship between risks to CED, anemia on the incidence of LBW in the district of Ende. Method: This study design was a case control with a total of 156 respondents in the district of Ende, 2015.Case studies were mothers giving birth to infant weighing < 2500 gram and case control was 78 mothers having infants of normal weight ≥ 2500 gram. Data was obtained from mother’s clinic examination cards, ANC records and indepth interviews. Data was analysed using bivariate (chi square) analysis and multivariate using logistic regression. Result: Study indicates that the risk factors for LBW in infants include age of mother<20 or ≥35 years with adjusted OR (AOR)=6.8 (95% CI: 1.87 to 25.0), birth spacing <2 years OR 6.5 (95% CI: 1, 78 to 24.2), CED with AOR=5,3(95%CI:1,38-21,0),maternal occupation OR of 4.6 (95% CI: 1, 44 to 14.9), anemia with AOR=4,2(95%CI:1,37-13,1),presence of concomitant diseases such as malaria OR 3.9 (95% CI: 1.21 to 12.7) and low quality of antenatal care OR 3.5 (95% CI: 1.11 to 11.3). Conclusion: Age of mother<20 or ≥35 years,birth spacing <2 years, CED,maternal occupation, anemia, presence of concomitant diseases such as malaria and low quality of antenatal care are risk factors for LBW in the District of Ende.
Efektifitas Pendidikan Kesehatan Metode Peer Group terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Perilaku SADARI Remaja Putri Khrispina Owa; Maria Salestina Sekunda; Irwan Budiana
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 6 No 1 (2021): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/jkp.v6i1.529


Abstract: Introduction: Independent breast examination is an effort to detect breast cancer early which is often recommended to every woman. The problem that is happening now is that people's knowledge about SADARI is still lacking. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the Peer Group Method Health Education towards breast cancer prevention in young women at SMAK St. Thomas Morus, Ende District. Methods: This study used a true experimental study with a pretest-posttest control group design. Respondents were determined by simple random sampling divided into two groups consisting of 30 people as the treatment group and 30 people as the control group. Results: There is a significant difference between the knowledge and behavior of young women before and after being given health education using the Peer Group method (T test: 0.000). Negative t value -3.548 means that the average knowledge and behavior before being given health education is lower than that after being given health education. Conclusion: the peer group method (peer educators) is considered very effective in providing health education to young women about BSE. So that peer educators are expected to be an alternative in health promotion that is more effective in delivering health messages, especially to adolescents. Abstrak: Pendahuluan: Pemeriksaan payudara secara mandiri merupakan upaya mendeteksi dini kanker payudara yang sering dianjurkan kepada setiap wanita. Permasalahan yang terjadi saat ini adalah pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai SaDaRi masih kurang. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui Efektifitas Pendidikan Kesehatan Metode Peer Group terhadap pencegahan kanker payudara pada Remaja Putri di SMAK St. Thomas Morus Kabupaten Ende. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan True eksperimental dengan Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Responden ditentukan dengan Simple Random Sampling dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yang terdiri dari 30 orang sebagai kelompok perlakuan dan 30 orang sebagai kelompok kontrol. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara pengetahuan dan perilaku remaja putri sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode Peer Group (T-test:0,000). Nilai t-hitung negatif - 13,548 artinya rata rata pengetahuan dan perilaku sebelum diberikan pendidikan kesehatan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan. Kesimpulan: metode peer group (pendidik sebaya) dinilai sangat efektif untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan kepada remaja putri tentang SADARI. Sehingga pendidik sebaya diharapkan menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam promosi kesehatan yang lebih efektif dalam penyampaian pesan kesehatan khususnya pada remaja.
Peer Group Education Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Sadari Remaja Putri SMAKN ST. Thomas Morus Ende Khrispina Owa; Maria Salestina Sekunda; Irwan Budiana
Ovary Midwifery Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): February 2020
Publisher : Akademi Kebidanan Aifa Husada Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Breast cancer is a type of malignant neoplasm that attacks breast tissue by mutating from previously normal cells that have anti-social properties against normal cells of the body (Depkes, 2007). Breast cancer as one of the second highest causes of death in women in Indonesia. Doing breast self-examination (SaDaRi) is considered to be very effective in detecting early breast cancer events. The problem that is happening right now is that the public's knowledge about SaDaRi is still lacking. a peer education is one of the activities of youth care services which is often used to provide adolescent reproductive health information, but in its implementation the program is still not running optimally. One way to improve the reproductive health of young women is by providing education and stimulation on how to examine their own breasts (SaDaRi). The purpose of this study was to determine the Effectiveness of Peer Group Empowerment on Self-Breast Examination Behavior (SaDaRi) in Adolescent Girls at SMAK St. Thomas Morus Regency of Ende. The design / design used in this case study is True experimental using Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Researchers divided the group into two groups with different treatments, namely a control group of 30 people who were given health education through lectures from researchers and an experimental group of 30 people given a peer group model (peer group) with the Simple Random Sampling sampling technique. The results of this research is that there are significant differences in the level of knowledge of young women before and after health education with the Peer Group model on the behavior of breast self-examination (SaDaRi) between the experimental group and the control with p values ​​of 0.005 and 0.001. Based the results of the analysis above shows a significant increase in the level of knowledge of young women about Breast Self-Examination (SaDaRi) from before and after being given health education on the behavior of SaDaRi with the Peer Group model Keyword: Breast Cancer, Peer Group, Breast Self-Examination
Prevalence and risk factors of low birth weight in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Khrispina Owa; Marieta Kristina Sulastiawati Bai
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawata Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/minh.v5i1.4575


Background: Low birth weight (LBW) is a public health problem and is one of the causes of neonatal death in Indonesia. The Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012 showed that the neonatal mortality rate in East Nusa Tenggara was 26/1000 live births with the most common cause of death being LBW at 10/1000 live birth rates. The profile of the Ende District Health Office in 2014 showed that the neonatal mortality rate was 12/1000 live birth rates, of which 15% were caused by low birth weight.  Purpose: To determine prevalence and risk factors of low birth weight in East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaMethod: The study was conducted in six public health centers in Ende Regency, NTT Province. The research design was a case-control with 156 respondents. In the case group the infants who birth weighing <2500 grams as many as 78 while the control group was 78 who gave birth to babies with a normal birth weight of 2500 grams and selected randomly from the birth register in 2015. Data were collected from the examination card of pregnant women, the MCH handbook, and by interviews with each respondent. Data were analyzed bivariate (chi-square) and multivariate using logistic regression. Results: Showed that the risk factors that significantly increased the incidence of low birth weight babies were maternal age with adjusted OR(AOR) = 6.8 (95% CI:1.87-25.0), birth spacing with AOR = 6, 5(95%CI: 1,78-24.2), working mother status with AOR=4,6(95%CI:1,44-14,9), , malaria co-morbidities with AOR=3.9(95 %CI: 1,21-12,7) and the quality of ANC is less with AOR= 3,5 (95% CI: 1,11-11,3). Conclusion: Age < 20 or 35 years, birth spacing, maternal occupation, malaria comorbidities and poor quality of antenatal care are risk factors for the occurrence of low birth weight in Ende Regency. 
JPM PAMBUDI Vol 3 No 2 (2019): JPM Pambudi
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P2M) IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.96 KB) | DOI: 10.33503/pambudi.v3i2.604


This community service aims to empower young women to prevent early reproductive health problems. The methods used in this community service activity are screening, lecture, discussion, simulation and practice. While the stages of problem solving are field observation, problem identification, solution offerings, activity design, implementation, evaluation and monitoring and integration. The results of these activities are age over 14 years (50.0%), menstrual periods up to 4 days (35.5%), changing pads two to 3 times per day (78.9%), height 140 to 150 cm (50.00 %), body weight of 30 to 45 kg (81.6%), the color of milk white mucus (81.6%), the amount of mucus that comes out is small (63.2%) and itching in the genital area is felt occasionally (68.4%). The implementation of community service is expected to produce an outcome in the form of the results of activities in an accredited journal with ISSN.
Pemberdayaan Akseptor Dan Kader Mengenal Efek Samping Kontrasepsi Hormonal Di Pustu Tanjung Kabupaten Ende Martina Bedho; Khrispina Owa; Yoseph Woge; Fitria Syafrudin Pua Sawa
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v4i4.3804


ABSTRAK Peserta KB aktif dan akseptor KB baru di kabupaten Ende 53,2 %, lebih memilih menggunakan alat kontrasepsi hormonal sedangkan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi lain berada dibawah 20%. Alat kontrasepsi suntik yang paling banyak digunakan, berikutnya implant dan pil. Akseptor yang mengalami efek samping kenaikan berat badan dan hipertensi 32 orang (11,03%), dan akseptor terbanyak berada di Puskesmas pembantu Tanjung. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pemberdayaan akseptor dan kader kesehatan mengenal efek samping penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal, dimana sasarannya adalah kader dan akseptor. Metode yang digunakan adalah screening,ceramah, diskusi, simulasi dan praktikum oleh khalayak sasaran. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat menunjukan semua akseptor memiliki pengetahuan baik (83,33%) pada pretest sedangkan posttest (100%) namun belum tahu tentang lama penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal baik secara suntik, implant dan pil. Keterampilan yang dicapai adalah semua kader dan akseptor 28 orang (100%) dapat mengukur tinggi badan, menimbang berat badan, dan mengukur tekanan darah. Diharapkan pengamatan yang intensif dari bidan Pustu Tanjung dan dapat diperdaya oleh kader KB untuk membantu mengawasi efek samping kontrasepsi hormonal. Kunci : Pemberdayaan akseptor dan kader, efek samping kontrasepsi hormonal.                                    ABSTRACT 53.2% of active family planning participants and new family planning acceptors in the Ende district prefer to use hormonal contraceptives while the choice of other contraceptives is below 20%. The most widely used injectable contraceptives are implants and pills. There were 32 acceptors who experienced side effects of weight gain and hypertension (11.03%), and the most acceptors were in the Tanjung auxiliary health center. Research in Kumasi sub-district, Ghana, India, because some acceptors experienced long and heavy menstruation, spotting, no menstruation, and vaginal discharge so they were afraid of modern contraceptive methods (Kimberly Daniels, 2015). The aim of this community service is to empower acceptors and health cadres to recognize the side effects of using hormonal contraceptives, where the targets are cadres and acceptors. The methods used are screening, lectures, discussions, simulations, and practicum by the target audience. The results of community service show that all acceptors have good knowledge (83.33%) at pretest while posttest (100%), but they do not know about the length of time using hormonal contraceptives both by injection, implant, and pill. The skill achieved is that all 28 cadres and acceptors (100%) can measure height, weight body weight, and measure blood pressure. It is hoped that intensive observation from the midwife of Pustu Tanjung and the family planning cadres can help to monitor the side effects of hormonal contraception. Keywords:  Empowerment of acceptors and cadres, side effects of hormonal contraception.
Factor Analysis Of The Use Of Vct Services In Pregnant Women At Puskesmas Rukun Lima, Ende District Khrispina Owa; Marieta K.S. Bai
Jurnal EduHealth Vol. 13 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal eduHealth, Periode Oktober - December, 2022
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.084 KB)


Background Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a contagious infectious disease which is grouped as a factor that can affect maternal and child mortality (Ministry of Health, 2014). In 2015-2017 several cases of HIV were found in pregnant women and were transmitted to infants which resulted in infant death due to HIV infection in the working area of the Rukun Lima Health Center. The VCT program has been implemented since 2017 but of the total pregnant women who perform ANC only 50% accept to carry out examinations through VCT services. The aim of the study was to analyze the factors that influence the use of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) in pregnant women at the Rukun Health Center Five. Observational Analytical Design Method. The approach is carried out by cross sectional. Research data was collected from June to August 2020 using a questionnaire. There are 2 data analyzes carried out in this study, namely descriptive analysis used to determine the frequency distribution of each respondent. Meanwhile, to find out the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, bivariate and multivariate analysis is used. The results of the univariate analysis revealed that pregnant women with less knowledge of HIV were 53.48%, supported by facilities, 58.14%, supported by service providers 65.12% and pregnant women who did not have VCT examinations were 62.79%. The results of the bivariate analysis found that there was a relationship between the knowledge and support of service providers and the participation of pregnant women in VCT examinations. Knowledge (Asymp.sig.(2-sided)= 0.000) and OR= 4.2), support for health service providers (Asymp.sig.(2-sided)= 0.000) and OR= 5.2) while facility support VCT services have a relationship with the use of VCT services in pregnant women with (Asymp.sig.(2-sided) = 0.000) and OR = 0.2), The conclusion is that the factors of mother's knowledge about HIV, staff support and support for service facilities influence the use of VCT services in pregnant women at the Rukun Lima Health Center.
JPM PAMBUDI Vol 3 No 2 (2019): JPM Pambudi
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P2M) IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/pambudi.v3i2.604


This community service aims to empower young women to prevent early reproductive health problems. The methods used in this community service activity are screening, lecture, discussion, simulation and practice. While the stages of problem solving are field observation, problem identification, solution offerings, activity design, implementation, evaluation and monitoring and integration. The results of these activities are age over 14 years (50.0%), menstrual periods up to 4 days (35.5%), changing pads two to 3 times per day (78.9%), height 140 to 150 cm (50.00 %), body weight of 30 to 45 kg (81.6%), the color of milk white mucus (81.6%), the amount of mucus that comes out is small (63.2%) and itching in the genital area is felt occasionally (68.4%). The implementation of community service is expected to produce an outcome in the form of the results of activities in an accredited journal with ISSN.
Borneo Community Health Service Journal VOLUME 4 NOMOR 1 TAHUN 2024
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/neotyce.v4i1.4980


The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is among the highest compared to other countries in Southeast Asia, such as Myanmar at 35 percent, Vietnam 23 percent, and Thailand 16 percent. East Nusa Tenggara is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has a high prevalence of stunting. Gheoghoma Village, is a village supported by the Ende DIII Nursing Study Program which is located in North Ende District, Ende Regency. This village is outside the city of Ende, which means that educational information about children with stunting is less accepted by the community. Objective to increase knowledge and the role of parents in fulfilling nutrition as an effort to prevent stunting in toddler. In this activity the community service team provides health education for cadres and parents, training and mentoring. The results of the pre and post test measurements showed that in the pre stage the average knowledge of respondents was 45.91, while in the post stage it was found that the average student knowledge increased, namely 74.77 after being given material and training. Counseling has proven effective in increasing understanding of parents and cadres regarding stunting. Parents and cadres responded enthusiastically to the material because they gained new knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to increase socialization and training activities for parents and cadres. Based on the monitoring and evaluation that has been carried out by the implementation team, the recommendation for the follow-up plan proposed by the team is that similar activities must be carried out continuously in the context of health promotion for the elderly.