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Journal : Jurnal Rekayasa

Kajian Terhadap Review Desain Jembatan Way Panas, Desa Margomulyo – Lematang, Kecamatan Jati Agug, Lampung I Wayan Diana; Hadi Ali; Ketut Swandana
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 20, No 1 (2016): Edisi April 2016

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This design is done to determine the level of efficiency the most economical to aligment and geom- etry of bridge have been built. As long as gain alternative type of structure on bridge which should used in way panas. Calculations in this design cover the building upon and under constuction the bridge. With calculations result of dead load and live load, followed bye look for to moment force and normal force. Until found of dimension and reinforcement needed for each building. And next calculations of estimated engineering use RAB. Based on the result of design it is concluded geometry changes of bridge from the span 12 to 16 meter provide curve geometry is better then position the existing. Bridge reinforcement analysis with ultimate analysis give efficiency reinforcement to 806,69 kg be compared with standard BM- 100 with flexible analysis. On implementation with BM-100 result the reinforcement of 3876,3 kg. The cost implementation with unit price of material (RAB) is IDR 975.000.000,- under own estimate.
Identifikasi Jenis Kerusakan Pada Perkerasan Kaku (Studi Kasus Ruas Jalan Soekarno-Hatta Bandar Lampung) Sasana Putra; I Wayan Diana; Muhammad Susanto
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 20, No 2 (2016): Edisi Agustus 2016

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Soekarno-Hatta road Bandar Lampung is a network that used the road for the distribution of goods and services (national activities). So that the movement of transportation that there are highly influenced by the condition of pavement that were on the road .Besides , pavement road conditions also impact in smoothness in traffic and the safety and comfort for road users .This research aims to understand the types of damage and value conditions on pavement stiff at soekarno-hatta roads of bandar lampung including maintenance or handling. Methods used to this assessment is pavement condition index (PCI) . Based on the research done, it is known that the rigid pavement on roads Soekarno-Hatta Bandar Lampung are in good condition even excellent with perentase namely : excellent 42,86 %; very good 50 % and good 7,14 %. But types of damage on identified in roads soekarno-hatta lampung when compared spot ( point ) consisting of 16 types of damage : corner break 9,34%; divided slab 3,86%; durability crack 2,81%; faulting 0,51%; joint seal e 10,89%; shoulder drop 1,5%; linier cracking 13,17%; patching large 3,63%; patching small 4,48%; polished aggregate 27,86%; popouts 2,46%; punchout 2,45%; scalling 4,93%; shrinkage 3,39%; spalling corner 3,39%; spalling joint 4,23%. Although in a whole road conditions soekarno-hatta bandar lampung are in good condition even perfect , but routine maintenance on roads and building appendages must be done by period of one year .Routine maintenance the way of covering maintenance the street shoulder , maintenance drainage , routine maintenance for each types of damage , maintenance building appendages roads and others .
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 15, No 2 (2011): Edisi Agustus Tahun 2011

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Pengembangan penggunaan Paving Block sebagai alternativ perkerasan sangat menguntungkan bagi negara-negara berkembang, guna menunjang pembangunan infrastruktur seperti komplek pertokoan, perkantoran, pariwisata, tempat ibadah, kawasan perumahan guna menghubungkan antar titik di kawasan tersebut. Sekalipun paving block sudah menyebar luas penggunaannya di sekitaran wilayah Bandar Lampung, tetapi kualitas mutu yang baik masih suli tuntuk di identifikasi. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, kami telah mengadakan penelitian Evaluasi Mutu dan Aspek Ekonomi Pada Pembuatan Paving Block Secara Manual dan Pabrikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mutu kuat tekan paving block yang diproses secara manual dan masinal serta mengetahui aspek ekonomi dari industri pembuatan paving block. Benda uji paving block berdimensi 20 x 10 x 6 cm2 dengan komposisi campuran yang dibuat sendiri oleh industri pembuatan paving block, maka diambil sebanyak 24 sampel yang dikumpulkan dari 4 industri manual dan 2 industri masinal. Ditetapkan untuk masing-masing industri diambil 4 buah sampel. Pengamatan lapangan mutlak dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan dan komposisi campuran yang digunakan .Benda uji diuji dengan menggunakan Compression Testing Machine (CTM), dengan meletakkan bendauji pada mesin uji dan mencatat hasil yang ditampilkan. Dari hasil penelitian bahwa mutu Paving Block yang dibuat secara Manual atau Masinal dapat memenuhi spesifikasi mutu seperti Karya Indah (Industri Manual) dengan kuat tekan rata-rata 21,26 Mpa (Mutu III), dan ANIS (Industri Masinal) dengan kuat tekan 23,07 Mpa (Mutu III).
Kinerja Kereta Api Diesel AC Way Umpu Jurusan Tanjung Karang – Kotabumi dan Kharakteristik Penumpang. Dwi Herianto; I Wayan Diana; Yoga Tryas Pratama
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 17, No 3 (2013): Edisi Desember 2013

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Railways as a mode of transportation has special characteristics and advantages.Operating ofKRD AC Way Umpu aims to provide good service and convenient for people of Lampng who wantto go to Kotabumi or to Bandar Lampung.In this study describes the characteristics of KRD passengers based on age, job, income, trip pur-pose, the intensity of the journey, the destination station, level of service, fare and load factor.The results showed overall performance of KRD is quite good.Based on the characteristics of thedata analysis, 62.33% of passengers aged adults (21-40 years old).In terms of jobs, dominated bystudent / college students 34%, 23.33% self-employed, civil servants / military / police22.67%.Rp.1.000.000 is the highest income level, - at 36.67%. Mean 31% of school trips and so-cial visits 47.67%.The intensity of the 1 times a week is49% with the highest purpose the last sta-tion Tanjung Karang96.35% and Kotabumi.Flat fee which resulted in a lack of purchasing powerof travelers in stations along the road to Tanjung Karang or KotabumiSo the impact on the de-cline in load factor at some stations.For the average passenger on a normal day is still appropri-ate capacity provided.