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Jurnal Transportasi Vol. 5 No. 1 (2005)
Publisher : Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi (FSTPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.497 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jtrans.v5i1.1782.%p


Abstrak Campuran beraspal umumnya terdiri atas agregat, bahan pengisi (filler), dan aspal sebagai bahan pengikat.  Material yang umum digunakan sebagai bahan pengisi adalah semen, pasir, kapur dan abu batu, yang persediaannya terbatas, relatif mahal, dan merupakan bahan yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Alternatif lain adalah penggunaan abu sawit, yang merupakan limbah industri pengolahan kelapa sawit dan merupakan sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbaharui. Campuran Laston yang baik adalah campuran yang memiliki stabilitas, fleksibilitas, skid resistance, kedap air, dan durabilitas yang cukup. Untuk mengetahui karakteristik Marshall dan durabilitas Laston dengan bahan pengisi abu sawit, dilakukan pengujian terhadap campuran tersebut dalam skala laboratorium. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah pengujian karakteristik standar Marshall dan durabilitas dengan metode perendaman modifikasi Marshall. Sebagai pembanding digunakan bahan pengisi semen portland dengan proporsi 100% abu sawit, 50% abu sawit – 50% semen, dan 100% semen. Pengujian berat jenis terhadap bahan pengisi menunjukkan bahwa berat jenis abu sawit (2,270) lebih kecil daripada berat jenis semen (3,027). Pengujian Marshall standar menghasilkan kadar aspal optimum laston dengan bahan pengisi 100% abu sawit (8,20%) lebih tinggi daripada kadar aspal optimum laston dengan bahan pengisi 50% abu sawit - 50% semen (7,55%), serta kadar aspal optimum laston dengan bahan pengisi 100% semen (6,25%). Stabilitas tertinggi berada pada komposisi bahan pengisi 100% semen, yaitu 1265,359 kg dan terendah berada pada bahan pengisi 100% abu sawit, yaitu 976,920 kg. Nilai kelelehan plastis (flow) pada kadar aspal optimum untuk variasi komposisi bahan pengisi 100% semen adalah 3,4 mm, untuk bahan pengisi 50% semen – 50% abu sawit adalah 2,8 mm, sedangkan untuk bahan pengisi 100% abu sawit sebesar 3,267 mm. Nilai VIM pada kadar aspal optimum pada komposisi bahan pengisi yaitu untuk bahan pengisi  100% semen sebesar 4,675%, untuk bahan pengisi 50% semen – 50% abu sawit adalah 4,082%, dan untuk bahan pengisi 100% abu sawit adalah 3,595%. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan abu sawit sebagai bahan pengisi pada campuran laston memberikan nilai-nilai parameter Marshall yang memenuhi nilai-nilai yang disyaratkan dalam spesifikasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Bina Marga (1989). Indeks keawetan dinyatakan dalam nilai IRS dan Indeks Keawetan Craus dkk. Pengujian laboratorium pada campuran laston dengan bahan pengisi abu sawit memberikan nilai IRS sebesar 88,31% pada perendaman selama 28 hari dan nilai Indeks Keawetan Pertama Craus dkk (r) sebesar  6,44%  serta Indeks Keawetan Kedua Craus dkk (a) sebesar 20 %. Jika dibandingkan dengan syarat nilai IRS minimal untuk laston menurut Bina Marga, yaitu 75%, maka nilai IRS laston dengan bahan pengisi abu sawit memenuhi syarat.Kata-kata kunci: Bahan pengisi, abu sawit, laston, parameter Marshall
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (686.129 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jst.v11.n1.p%p


Parameter kuat geser tanah diperlukan pada analisis daya dukung tanah, stabilitas lereng dan tekanan aktif pada dinding penahan tanah. Nilai parameter kuat geser tanah diperoleh dari uji geser di laboratorium, seperti Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS), Vane Shear, Direct Shear dan Triaxial. Setiap pengujian dapat menghasilkan nilai yang berbeda walaupun sampel uji pada kondisi yang sama. Pengujian triaksial sangat dianjurkan untuk menentukan parameter kuat geser tanah karena dapat disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan. Tetapi pelaksanaan pengujian triaksial membutuhkan ketelitian dan waktu yang lebih lama dibandingkan pengujian geser lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan suatu hubungan atau korelasi antara parameter kuat geser tanah yang dihasilkan dari pengujian triaksial dengan hasil pengujian UCS. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode eksperimental dan model. Benda uji berupa campuran lempung/pasir yang dibentuk kembali, diberi pembebanan awal sehingga kondisi tidak terganggu. Untuk pengujian triaksial dan UCS digunakan benda uji dengan ukuran dan kondisi yang sama. Hasil pengujian dianalisis dengan regresi linier berganda antara dua hasil pengujian triaksial dan hasil pengujian UCS dengan dan indeks propertis tanah campuran. Hasil pengujian dan analisis menunjukkan ada korelasi kuat antara sudut gesek internal hasil pengujian triaksial dengan kohesi hasil pengujian UCS dan indeks propertis tanah. Korelasi hubungan kohesi hasil uji triaksial dan hasil uji UCS dan indeks propertis sangat kuat dengan nilai kohesi yang diperoleh dari pengujian UCS sekitar 15% selalu lebih kecil dari pengujian triaksial.Kata kunci: kuat geser tanah, Unconfined Compression Strength, Triaksial, korelasi
Potensi Likuifaksi Pada Tanah Pasir Di Atas Tanah Gambut Dengan Variasi Kuari Melalui Uji Model Laboratorium Ridho Ilahi; Agus Ika Putra; Muhamad Yusa
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Indonesia is a country that surrounded by three continental plate. The wave dispersion of this tectonic plate caused the bearing capacity of soil decreased until liquefaction is emerged. Some of area in Sumatera, like Aceh, Padang, Bengkulu and also Pekanbaru is nearby with the boundary fault, which is very risk to get the geotechnical problems caused by liquefaction. This research are using shaking table models have function to determine how big is the effect of sand from varies area and vibration acceleration for liquefaction potential. The vibration acceleration varies is using 0,25 g and 0,32 g. The sand from varies area are came from Danau Bingkuang, Garuda Sakti and Sungai Tonang that has different percentage of fine course, medium course and rough course. According to test results, conclusions that can be determined are that Danau Bingkuang has mostly fine course as 54,27% is get the maximum increasing pore water pressure and maximum soil settlement, and include as the one of most potentially to liquefied.Keywords: Liquefaction, Shaking Table, Quarry, ru Rasio, Embankment.
Potensi Likuifaksi Pada Tanah Timbunan Pasir Di Atas Tanah Gambut Dengan Variasi Berat Beban Melalui Uji Model Laboratorium Oki Chandra; Agus Ika Putra; Muhamad Yusa
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Five major earthquakes with magnitudes of more than 8 have affected Sumatra island 250 years ago (Natawidjaja, 2007). Riau province in the middle of Sumatra island is quite prone to get the impact of earthquake. The propagation of these earthquake waves causes geotechnical problems such as liquefaction. Liquefaction research has been done but the liquefaction potential in sand embankment on peat soil has never been done. The peatland in Riau Province is 3.9 million hectares out of 8.7 million hectares of Riau. So that many buildings in the Riau Province is above the peat land bankfilled with sand. This study uses a laboratory model of shaking table with speeds of 0.25 g and 0.32 g. A 0.5x1.0 meter acrylic box is installed on a shaking table and filled with 10 cm thick peat soil, then banckfilled it with 15 cm thick of sand. The peat soil and sand embankment are saturated, then the load is evenly distributed with variations of 40 kg/m2, 80 kg/m2, and 120 kg/m2. Evaluation of liquefaction potential is based on observation of the increment of pore water pressure measured by installing two vertically bankfilled pipe with a depth of 7.5 cm. On the sides of the acrylic box is also installed two rulers to observe the soil settlement. The results of this study indicate that as the given load increased, soil settlement and increase of pore water also increased. The weight of the load is also directly proportional with soil vertical pressure and pore water pressure ratio value.Keywords: liquefaction,sand, peat soil, pore water pressure, shaking table
Pemetaan Kapasitas Daya Dukung Tanah Untuk Fondasi Dalam Berdasarkan Data Sondir Di Kota Pekanbaru Irvan Arisma; Agus Ika Putra; Gunawan Wibisono
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 8 (2021): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The bearing capacity of the soil can be defined as the ability of the soil to support the load on the foundation of the structure above it. In determining the bearing capacity of the foundation, soil investigation data that is commonly used is based on the Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) or Sondir Test in the form of end resistance (qc) and frictional resistance (qs). The purpose of thisstudy is to obtain a map that describes the bearing capacity of the soil at a certain depth and type of foundation. 41 CPT test data spread over the area of Pekanbaru city were used to determine the bearing capacity of the soil using the Aoki & De Alencar method and the Meyerhoff method. The type of foundation that is taken in calculating the bearing capacity is a concrete pile foundation with a diameter of 60cm. Based on the calculation results, the averagebearing capacity value for single pile foundations using the Aoki & De Alancer method at a depth of 6 meters, 12 meters, and 18 meters are 45,293 tons, 47,564 tons, and 56,168 tons, respectively. Meanwhile, if using the Meyerhoff method, the average bearing capacity values forsingle pile foundations at the same three depths were obtained respectively 137,952 tons, 233,861 tons, and 300,889 tons. Then the test sites that have adjacent bearing capacity values are connected and plotted in different maps for each method and depth.Keyword: bearing capacity, deep foundation, mapping, sondir test
Analisis Potensi Likuifaksi Berdasarkan Data Cone Penetration Test Dengan Metode Olsen (Studi Kasus: Gedung Kejaksaan Tinggi Riau) Annisa Soraya Hasibuan; Muhamad Yusa; Agus Ika Putra
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 7 (2020): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Liquefation is an occurrence triggered by the earthquake that can cause fatal damage. When the earthquake occurs, the soil on location changes in nature from solid to liquid due to massive cyclic load. One of the liquefaction analysis methods is based on the results of the Cone Penetration Test (CPT). In general the analysis is based on the results of electrical CPT (CPTe), however, in Indonesia, it is preferent by using mechanical CPT data (CPTm). This study aims to compare the results of liquefaction analysis namely the Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI) using the Olsen method based on the value of mechanical CPT and converted mechanical CPT. This study is located on the Kejaksaaan Tinggi Riau Building. Based on the results study, that research site has a higher liquefaction potential if analyzed using CPTm data that has been corrected to CPTe. The range of LPIm value compared to LPIe is 0,373 – 0,638 with the category of liquefaction potential “Moderate” to “Very High”. Keywords: Liquefaction, Olsen Method, mechanical sondir, electrical sondir.
Potensi Likuifaksi Tanah Pasir Di Atas Tanah Lunak Dengan Variasi Tebal Timbunan Pasir Melalui Uji Model Laboratorium Bahrul Junaidi; Agus Ika Putra; Soewignjo Agus Nugroho
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Buildings in Riau, especially Pekanbaru City, are generally established on peatlands covered in sand embankment. Earthquakes often occur in the western region of the island of Sumatra due to its position along with two tectonic plate collision of earth, Indian and Eurasian plate. One of earthquake activity aftermath is liquefaction. Liquefaction can be defined as the loss of shear strength of soil due to an increase in excess pore water pressure caused by cyclical load, therefore the total stress of ground is almost entirely replaced by pore water pressure. The aim of this research is to know the influence of embankment thickness and acceleration of vibration against pore water pressure increment and soil settlement. This research was conducted by laboratory model test using shaking table. The acceleration variation used were 0.25 g and 0.32 g. The thickness variation of sand embankment used were 10 cm, 15 cm, and 20 cm placed on a 10 cm peat soil layer and given a load 40 kg/m2. Water level elevation as high as the sand layer each variation. The results of this research show that with the addition of the sand embankment thickness takes longer time to reach maximum pore water pressure increment. The thicker of sand embankment take longer time to reach maximum soil settlement during liquefaction. The addition of acceleration values leads to larger increment of pore water pressure and soil settlement, but the time it takes for pore water pressure begin to stabilize tends to be faster.Keyword : Liquefaction, embankment, peat soil, excess pore water pressure, shaking table
Potensi Likuifaksi Tanah Pasir Diatas Tanah Lunak Dengan Variasi Jenis Tanah Lunak Melalui Uji Model Laboratorium Erik Azarya Ginting; Agus Ika Putra; Soewignjo Agus Nugroho
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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In each region has a different type of soft soil, for example peat soils, soft silt soils and soft clay. Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau Province, located on the island of Sumatra where the island of Sumatra itself is an area that has a high intensity earthquake because it is located in the ring of fire. One of the earthquake impact is liquefaction. Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of soil is reduced due to an earthquake or other earth movement. This is a process of changing the nature of the soil from solid state to a liquid state. The aim of this research to figure out the influence of soft soil variation as the native layer of sand embankment and acceleration of vibration against increase of pore water pressure and soil settlement. This research was conducted by laboratory model test using shaking table. Variations of soft soil under sand embankment used are peat soil, soft silt soil and soft clay respectively 10 cm thick and given a uniform load of 40kg / m2. Water level elevation as thick as the sand layer of each variation. The test results showed that silt soil has the largest soil settlement and pore water increase. Silt soil variation tends to require a short period to reach maximum soil sttlement during liquefaction. As the acceleration of vibration increase caused larger soil settlement and pore water pressure, but it required faster time for pore water pressure to stable.Keyword: Liquefaction, shaking table, peat,silt,clay,embankment
Pemanfaatan Pasir Pulau Bungin Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Sebagai Agregat Halus Pada Campuran Laston Lapis Antar (AC-BC) Cici Amelia Hilman; Agus Ika Putra; Sri Djuniati
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Sand of Pulau Bungin is natural sand derived from the Batang Kuantan river, Kuantan Singingi Regency. The existence of natural sand availability makes the progress of the construction of Kuantan Singingi Regency because easily obtained, and more economical no need to bring in sand material from other areas and not have to go through the process of solving stone by stone crusher. Based on the specifications of the Bina Marga 2010, the use of natural sand is to mix asphalt concrete (AC) shall not exceed 15% of the total weight of a mixture of aggregates. Therefore we need to know the efficiency use of natural sand in the mix asphalt concrete (AC) for optimum use. This research aims to find out how the levels of optimum asphalt (KAO) and knowing the characteristics of Marshall does meet the general specifications Bina Marga 2010 Revision 3. The variation of fine aggregate natural sand used in this research is 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of the total weight of a mixture of aggregates. The addition of natural sand in asphalt concrete base course (AC-BC) causes the value of the levels of optimum asphalt (OBC) decreased. On the mixture of asphalt concrete base course (AC-BC) the addition on variation 10% of the sand obtained the value of the levels of optimum asphalt (KAO) is 6.20% and the maximum stability value is 1440.19 kg. Without considering the limitations on use of sand nature as set forth in the general specifications of the Bina Marga 2010 Revision 3, the addition of natural sand that still might be used in the asphalt concrete base course (AC-BC) until 20%.Keywords: natural Sand Pulau Bungin, asphalt concrete layer between the (AC-BC), a general specification Bina Marga 2010 Revision 3, characteristics of Marshall.
Studi Potensi Likuifaksi Timbunan Pasir Dengan Gradasi Ukuran Butiran Di Atas Tanah Lunak Putra Hasibuan; Agus Ika Putra; S A Nugroho
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The island of Sumatra is the region with the highest quake intensity. Earthquakes in Aceh, Nias, Mentawai, and Padang caused a wave of vibration in the surrounding area. In Pekanbaru many buildings are built on peat soil with sand as an embankment. Liquefaction potentially occur in the earthquake propagation zone. Liquefaction is the transformation of soil state from solid to liquid. Liquefaction potential can be analyzed based on field test and laboratory test. Laboratory test was conducted using a one-way shaking table. Vibrating table moves in a horizontal and opposite direction in a vertical direction. The acceleration variations used are 0.25g and 0.32g. Peat soil thickness used 10 cm. Sand embankment thickness used 15 cm with gradation variation and water level as high as embankment thickness. Distributed load used 40kg/m2. Evaluation of liquefaction potential by analyzing soil surface settlement observation, excess pore water pressure and effective vertical stress. The measurement of pore water pressure was measured using 0.5 mm diameter glass pipe. Soil settlement measured by using ruler. The results of the test show that along with increasing acceleration, the bigger soil settlement and pore water increment will be. Grain size is very influential on the occurrence of liquefaction potential. The test results shows that the fine graded sand had maximum settlement and excess pore water pressure so that itnhas the most extreme effective vertical stress. Well graded sand tends to stable but on 0,32g acceleration it has effective vertical stress value less than zero.Keywords : liquefaction, excess pore water pressure, shaking table, grain size