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Journal : Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia)

Kolaborasi Penulis Pada Media Pustakawan Periode 2017-2019 Rochani Nani Rahayu
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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ABSTRACT Media Pustakawan period 2017 - 2019 were analyzed using bibliometric methods aimed at finding out the number of articles, author productivity, authorship patterns, degrees of collaboration, institutions where author work, degree of collaboration , types of maritime, profession and cities where authors work. The data is downloaded from the Media Pustakawan website,, then the data is processed using Microsof Exel and the results are presented in a table. Based on the results and discussion it can be concluded that during the period 2017 - 2019, Media Pustakawan published 96 articles, with an average productivity of 1.36 authors / articles, a single author dominated with an average degree of collaboration value of 0.271. Universities is the highest institution in contributing articles, especially from the State Islamic University. Arif Wicaksoo is the most prolific author with 4 articles, female authors are more productive than male authors. The librarian profession is in the first position as a contributor to writing, and Jakarta is the place where most authors work.
Analisis Jurnal Elektronik Bidang Lingkungan Terakreditasi Tahun 2020 pada SINTA Rochani Nani Rahayu; Sensusiyati
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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Environmental problems are seen in the news. Scientific studies related to environmental problems are important in providing recommendations for solutions to environmental problems. The analysis of accredited electronic journals in the environmental field is carried out by descriptive methods, using data sources downloaded from and from with the aim of knowing: 1) Journal title and journal accreditation status; 2) Issuer; 3) Frequency of issue; 4) City of rise; 5) Journal citations. Furthermore the data is presented in tabular form for further analysis and conclusion drawing. The results of the study are known as many as 40 journal titles have been accredited with the level of SINTA 2 (22.50%), SINTA 3 (30%), SINTA 4 (27.50%), SINTA 5 (8%). Journal publishers are 27 state universities (67.50%), private universities 4 titles, (10%), state Islamic universities 1 (2.50%), public polytechnics 5 (12.50%), ministries 1 (2, 50%) and research institute 1 (2.50%) there is one professional association.( Asosiasi Pembina Hukum Lingkungan Indonesia). It is known that the frequency of publication of the journal is twice a year as many as 27 titles (67.50%), three times a year amounting to 9 (22, 50%), and four times a year 4 (10.00%). Bandung, Semarang, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta are the most published cities, each with 4 titles. There are three major journals which are widely cited, namely Enviroscienteae: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (1,233 times), Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan (1,294 times), and Jurnal Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (1,196 times). Research conclusions show that in Indonesia there are no accredited electronic journals at the SINTA level 1. Most publishers are state universities, and the Enviroscienteae : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan , published by the Bogor Institute of Agriculture, is the most cited journal (1,233 times).
Webinar Ilmu Perpustakaan, Dokumentasi Dan Informasi Di Indonesia Selama Pandemi Covid 19 Rochani Nani Rahayu; Yupiroyani
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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An analysis was conducted on the Webinars in the Field of Library , Docmentation and Information in Indonesia during March – December 2020. The data sources was taken from the website http:, which carried out through keyword searches; webinars and information; as well as webinars and documentation. The data were analyzed using a frequency distribution, and the results of the analysis showed that 121 webinar has been held, with 248 speakers, consisting of 55.24% male and 44.76 % female. Resources persons cae from 8 groups of agencies, namely the National Library (72;40.22%), professional librarian association (64;35.75%), local government/ district/city library services (16;8.93%), research institute (12;6,70%), universities (9; 5,02%), ministries (3;1.67%), Indonesian Reading Ambassador (2;1.10%), and mass media (1;0.55%). It is known 13 cities were the reources person work are from Java (7 cities), Sumatera (2 cities), Bali (1 cities), Madura (1 city), Sulawesi ( 2 cities). The topics discussed were known to be as many as 132 types, with the most topics being information literacy (31.06%). The conclusion of the study is that during the Covid 19 pandemic, knowledge sharing in the field of Library, Documentation and Information was carried out with the most resource persons from the National Library, and the city of DKI Jakarta which is the most work place, male resources persons are more than women and the most discussed topic is information literacy. Thus it was during a pandemic, librarian activities continued as usual. ABSTRAK Dilakukan analisis terhadap Webinar Bidang Perpustakaan, Dokumentasi, dan Informasi di Indonesia selama Maret – Desember 2020. Sumber data diambil dari situs http: yang dilakukan melalui penelusuran dengan kata kunci : webinar dan perpustakaan; webinar dan informasi; serta webinar dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, dan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa telah diselenggarakan sebanyak 121 kali webinar, dengan jumlah pembicara 248 orang, terdiri atas 55,24% laki-laki dan 44,76% perempuan. Nara sumber berasal dari 8 kelompok instansi yaitu Perpustakaan Nasional (72;40,22%), asosiasi profesi kepustakawanan (64; 35,75%), pemerintah daerah/dinas perpustakaan kabupaten/kota (16;8,93%), lembaga penelitian (12;6,70),perguruan tinggi (9; 5,02%), kementerian (3;1,67%), duta baca Indonesia (2;1,10%) dan media massa (1;0,55%). Kota tempat bekerja nara sumber diketahui sebanyak 13 kota berasal dari Pulau Jawa (7 kota), Sumatera (2 kota), Bali (1 kota), Madura (1 kota) Sulawesi (2 kota). Topik yang dibahas diketahui sejumlah 132 jenis, dengan topik terbanyak adalah tentang literasi informasi (31,06%). Kesimpulan penelitian adalah bahwa selama pandemi Covid 19, telah dilakukan sharing ilmu pengetahuan di bidang Perpustakaan, Dokumentasi dan Informasi dengan nara sumber terbanyak berasal dari Perpustakaan Nasional, dan kota DKI Jakarta, merupakan tempat bekerja terbanyak, nara sumber laki-laki lebih banyak dibandingkan perempuan, dan topik paling banyak dibahas adalah tentang literasi informasi. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan walaupun berada pada masa pandemi, namun kegiatan kepustakawanan tetap berjalan seperti biasa.
Analisis Sitiran Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara Periode 2017 -2021 Rochani Nani Rahayu; Ainun Noor
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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ABSTRACT Reference analysis was carried out in the Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara for the period 2017 – 2021, using the bibliometric method. The purpose of the research is to find out the type and year of publication of the references used by the Journal of Aerospace Technology articles for the period 2017 – 2021. The data is downloaded from the address, to record the number of articles, as well as the references used in articles published in the journal. Furthermore, references are grouped based on the type of document and the year of publication. The results showed that during 2017-2019, the total number of references at home and abroad was 146 titles consisting of 264 books (18.38%), 734 journal titles (51.11%), proceedings 226 titles (16, 05%), report 64 titles (4.46%), final study 33 titles (2.29%), periodical 25 titles (1.74%), website 66 addresses (4.59%), patent 5 titles ( 0.39%), and others 19 titles (1.32%). In the grouping of years, it can be seen that the first position is in 2015 - 2017 which is 414 titles (28.83%), the second is the 2012 -2014 range, 308 titles (21.45%), and the third is 2018 - 2018 namely 233 titles (16.23%). The least used references were references in 1980 – 1982, which were 6 titles (0.42%). The oldest references < 1970 were found to be 18 titles (1.25%), and 27 titles (1.88%) were found without yearly references. It is concluded that foreign references are used more than domestic references. The most used type of information is journals for both domestic and foreign sources of information. And patents are the least used source of information. Thus, the reference used is relatively new because the most published time span is 2015 - 2017. Key words: Citation analysis, Journals; Bibliometric; Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara. ABSTRAK Dilakukan analisis referensi pada Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara periode 2017 – 2021, menggunakan metode bibliometrika. Tujuan dai penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis serta tahun terbit referensi yang digunakan artikel Jurnal teknologi Dirgantara periode 2017 – 2021.Data diunduh dari alamat,untuk dicatat jumlah artikel, serta referensi yang digunakan dalam artikel yang diterbitkan pada jurnal tersebut. Selanjutnya referensi dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis dokumen serta rentang tahun terbit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama 2017-2019, secara keseluruhan diketahui jumlah referensi dalam dan luar negeri adalah sebanyak 146 judul terdiri atas buku 264 judul (18,38%), jurnal 734 judul (51,11%), prosiding 226 judul (16,05%), laporan 64 judul (4,46%), studi akhir 33 judul (2,29%), berkala 25 judul (1,74%), situs web 66 alamat (4,59%), paten 5 judul (0,39%), dan lain-lain 19 judul (1,32%). Pada pengelompokkan rentang tahun, terlihat bahwa posisi di urutan pertama adalah pada 2015 - 2017 yaitu 414 judul (28,83%), urutan kedua adalah rentang 2012 -2014, 308 judul (21,45%), dan urutan ketiga adalah 2018 – 2018 yaitu 233 judul (16,23%). Referensi paling sedikit digunakan adalah referensi pada tahun 1980 – 1982 yaitu 6 judul (0,42%). Referensi paling tua < 1970 ditemukan berjumlah 18 judul (1,25%), juga ditemukan referensi tanpa tahun sebanyak 27 judul (1,88%). Disimpulkan bahwa referensi luar negeri lebih banyak digunakan dibandingkan referensi dalam negeri. Jenis informasi terbanyak digunakan adalah jurnal baik untuk sumber informasi dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.dan paten merupakan sumber informasi paling sedikit digunakan.Dengan demikian referensi yang digunakan tergolong baru karena rentang waktu terbit terbanyak adalah 2015 – 2017. Kata kunci : Citation analysis, Journals; Bibliometric; Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara.