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KOMUNIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Komunika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (25.756 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/komunika.v2i2.6035


Islamic Journalism is a series of activities in conveying messages in the form of da'wah to the public through media channels, one of them is social media. Social media was born to simplify and to be a solution for the human to penetrate the boundaries of space and time. However, excessive use of social media actually causes new problems for humans themselves. Hoax is a negative implication that we feel right now. Regrettably, people easily trust the information on social media without verifying or crosschecking the truth of the information. Islamic Journalism has offered a solution in dealing with hoaxes, of course, solutions that come from the Qur'an and the Hadith.
“Ngababali” Tradition on Islamic Religious Practice in The Negeri Besar Village, Way Kanan, Lampung Province Yanti, Fitri; Amaliah, Eni; Rahman, Abdul
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 26, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v26i2.2043


This study discusses the tradition of Ngababali at the Negeri Besar Village in Way Kanan, which is a local wisdom that until now is still practiced by the local village community, even many outside visitors who take part in the ngababali tradition. The tradition of praying for something to the grave or sacred tomb with offerings and so on. The people believe what is intended and asked for beings who are not visible or given to those who have abundant assets to be given is always easy to get sustenance or ask to be kept away from distress or when getting a disaster. The purpose of this study is to describe the religious practices that are carried out in a tradition that is still thick in that society. Qualitative analysis methods are descriptive and to facilitate data retrieval using accidental sampling. The results of the analysis show that the community productively finally places the religion and tradition of ngababali together namely religion into a belief and tradition of ngababali into a practice and belief which is then placed in the social environment forming a belief and togetherness and directing a unity to keep religion as the the main. This proves that the traditional ngababali process continued to use the Islamization process eventhough the local culture served as a bridge to the trust of the local community so that it became a productive social form.
Jurnal El-Pustaka Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Jurnal El-Pustaka
Publisher : UIN Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.104 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/el pustaka.v1i2.8504


Media literacy and information are media or tools used to facilitate literacy activities and make it easier to obtain information. In the current era, we are required to be aware of media literacy and information, along with the development of technology, the easier it is for a person to get data or information from various sources. That way the more and more hoax information we get. To avoid information hoks we must be smart in using literacy and information media, therefore in educational institutions media literacy and information have a very important role. This journal writing aims to determine the role of media literacy and information in education. currently, the existence of literacy and information media is very close to education such as libraries, mass media (internet), and others. The analysis in this journal uses four steps of literature review, namely, selecting topics to be discussed, finding and selecting material related to topics from other sources of journals and books, analyzing literature, and organizing writings. The results of this literature review indicate that literacy and information media are tools or vehicles used to facilitate literacy and find information. Media literacy and information have several types, namely, library literacy media, literary and cultural literacy media, information literacy media, and many others. Media literacy and information act as an information center, innovation center, and as a center or aids to solve a problem. Besides, media literacy and information also cover all matters relating to knowledge as well as make educational institutions aware of the media.
Jurnal El-Pustaka Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Jurnal El-Pustaka
Publisher : UIN Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (103.916 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/el-pustaka.v2i1.9340


A library is a room or building that is used to store a collection of books or other collections of objects for visitors to read, borrow and refer to as reference material. On the other hand, the development of science and technology (IPTEK) affects all aspects of human life, including how to find information. The library as an institution as a source of public information must adapt to the development of science and technology, one of which is social media. The increasingly massive use of the internet has even reducedinterest in reading, so that the application of technology in the library household is a must..
AL-TAHRIR Vol 18, No 2 (2018): Islam & Resolusi Konflik
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v18i2.1385


Abstrak: This study discusses the Post-Conflict of South Lampung, seeing that the more frequent and easy our people explode with anger without being accompanied by ratios and common sense, so that anger is resolved in an anarchist manner in the form of murder, destruction and even massacre. Moral destructive events and even the dimensions of ethnicity, religion and culture should not be repeated again, it is feared that the Indonesian people will become a sick society that does not prioritize peace and mutual interests and the sick community because this country is increasingly populated by citizens with bad images that are not civilized society. The author uses a qualitative design of sampling. This paper presents alternatives in building a process of post-conflict social communication to build tolerance, inclusiveness and respect for plurality and communicative dialogue between people by creating harmonious relations between religious communities with approaches to strengthening noble values that are packaged with local government policies by giving authority to legal apparatus for violations that occur and facilitate cultural and community leaders in the context of the conflict space peace agreement to the lower community so that the community can maintain and maintain plurality by being able to live side by side.الملخص: بحثت هذه الدراسة في الوضع بعد الصراع في لامبونج الجنوبية، نظرا إلى سهولة وسرعة نشوء غضب المجتمع وتكرّر وقوعه دون أن يشاركه تفكير سليم صحيح منهم، حتى أدى هذا الغضب إلى اتخاذ أسلوب العنف – في التغلب عليه – كالقتل والتدمير بل وقتل الناس. والمفروض أن لا تقع هذه الوقائع المفسدة للأخلاق ثانية، بل ويدخل فيها بعد القبيلة، والدين والثقافة . وخِيف أن يكون المجتمع الأندونيسي مجتمعا مريضا لا يهتم بالأمن والسلامة والشؤون الجماعية، ويكون مريضا لكثرة المواطنين المتّسمين بسيمة سيّئة (مجتمع غير مدني). استخدم الباحث في هذا البحث المنهج الكيفي وأخذ العيّنة. حاولت هذه الدراسة عرض الاختيارات في بناء التواصل الإجتماعي بعد النزاع وهي بثّ روح التسامح، والانفتاح، والاعتبار  بوجود التعددية  واستمرارية بناء التواصل بين الأمم أو المجتمعات على أساس التراحم فيما بينهم بمدخل تقوية القيم الكريمة في ضوء قرارات الحكومة المحلية بإعطاء السلطة لرجال القضاء على جميع أشكال انتهاك القانون  وتوظيف رجال الثقافة والمجتمع في سياق اتفاق السلام حتى المجتمع عامة كي يحافظوا على التعدّدية ويعيشوا آمنين فيما بينهم.Abstrakt: Kajian ini membahas tentang Pasca Konflik Lampung Selatan, melihat semakin sering dan mudahnya masyarakat kita meledak amarahnya tanpa diiringi dengan rasio dan akal sehat, sehingga amarah tersebut diselesaikan dengan cara anarkis yang berupa pembunuhan, perusakan bahkan pembantaian. Seharusnya kejadian-kejadian yang merusak moral bahkan membawa dimensi suku, agama dan budaya ini tidak terulang kembali justru dikhawatirkan masyarakat Indonesia menjadi masyarakat sakit yang tidak mengedepankan kedamaian dan kepentingan bersama serta masyarakat sakit karena negeri ini semakin banyak dihuni oleh warga dengan citra buruk yang tidak civilized society. Penulis menggunakan rancangan kualitatif pengambilan sampel. Tulisan ini memaparkan alternatif dalam membangun proses komunikasi social pasca konflik membangun sikap toleran, inklusif dan menghargai pluralitas serta komunikatif melakukan dialog antar umat yaitu dengan menciptakan keharmonisan hubungan antar umat beragama dengan pendekatan penguatan nilai-nilai luhur yang dikemas dengan kebijakan pemerintah setempat dengan memberikan kewenangan kepada para aparat hukum atas pelanggaran yang terjadi dan memfasilitasi tokoh-tokoh budaya dan masyarakat pada konteks ruang konflik kesepakatan damai hingga masyarakat bawah sehingga masyarakat dapat menjaga dan merawat kemajemukan dengan bisa hidup berdampingan.
“Ngababali” Tradition on Islamic Religious Practice in The Negeri Besar Village, Way Kanan, Lampung Province Fitri Yanti; Eni Amaliah; Abdul Rahman
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 26 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v26i2.2043


This study discusses the tradition of Ngababali at the Negeri Besar Village in Way Kanan, which is a local wisdom that until now is still practiced by the local village community, even many outside visitors who take part in the ngababali tradition. The tradition of praying for something to the grave or sacred tomb with offerings and so on. The people believe what is intended and asked for beings who are not visible or given to those who have abundant assets to be given is always easy to get sustenance or ask to be kept away from distress or when getting a disaster. The purpose of this study is to describe the religious practices that are carried out in a tradition that is still thick in that society. Qualitative analysis methods are descriptive and to facilitate data retrieval using accidental sampling. The results of the analysis show that the community productively finally places the religion and tradition of ngababali together namely religion into a belief and tradition of ngababali into a practice and belief which is then placed in the social environment forming a belief and togetherness and directing a unity to keep religion as the the main. This proves that the traditional ngababali process continued to use the Islamization process eventhough the local culture served as a bridge to the trust of the local community so that it became a productive social form.
Literasi Keberagamaan Masyarakat Daerah 3T Di Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Serta Relevansinya Dengan Sikap Toleransi Terhadap Penganut Agama Minoritas Yetri Yetri; Agung M Iqbal; Eni Amaliah
AL-ADYAN Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.905 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ajsla.v14i2.5651


Advanced society is characterized by a literate society that has a high civilization. Literacy is the most important reference about the pros and cons of a society in the future. Religious literacy, is the ability to see and analyze the meeting point between religion and social, political and cultural life. The importance of religious literacy in the midst of a pluralistic society is also related to the increasingly intolerant attitudes among religious adherents. Religion is currently very easy to be used as issues that can trigger divisions in the community. Pesisir Barat Regency in Lampung Province, is one of the 3T areas, has quite a variety of religious adherents, and Islam is the major religion with the highest number of adherents. However, the data shows that up to now there has never been a serious conflict or conflict between religious followers in this area. Research with this qualitative approach is intended to describe the level of religious literacy in the two 3T regions, its relevance to the attitude of tolerance towards adherents of minority religions. The results showed that, there are five dimensions that can be used as benchmarks to see someone's religious level, namely the dimensions: beliefs, religious practice experience, religious knowledge, and practice dimensions. In general, the diversity of the West Coast community is very good. In addition, there is a relevance or suitability of the relationship between the level of religious literacy in the West Pesisir district people with an attitude of tolerance
KOMUNIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Komunika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4348.534 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/komunika.v1i1.3113


The initial process of communication that often occurs in inter-cultural communication, as is done by foreign students in Ma'had Al-Jami'ah is the process of assimilation, namely the acceptance of another culture in a new environment in the form of a system, customs, habits, lifestyle and even language. This is reinforced by the involvement of foreign students in the habits of Indonesian students at Ma’had Al Jami'ah. communication that is often carried out by santri is transactional communication, where interactive communication also occurs but more to the ongoing communication in a relatively long period of time. in the process of intercultural communication that has a different cultural background. For santri immigrants, this is the first step so that the process of intercultural communication runs effectively. And this attitude also aims to assist the adaptation process in an effort to blend in with Indonesian students at Ma’had Al-Jami'ah which will impact on good acceptance by Indonesian students because communication is going well. The use of language in the process of intercultural communication is fundamental, as is the case with the daily activities of foreign students at Ma'had Al-Jami'ah who use Indonesian. Migrants who only understand their local language (their country) when they are in a new environment that has a different language, will not be able to understand the meaning of the message sent by other people in different languages such as Indonesian. By referring to the ethnographic approach of interaction that occurs in communicative activities (Communicative Practices) which consists of communi- cative situations (communicative situations), communicative events (communicative events) and communicative actions the reality of communicative activities found in different cultural students. This can be seen from the pesantren communication which includes Construction and Application of Identity Through Communication Activities, Construction and Implementation of Islamic Boarding Schools Through Communication Situations, Events of Communi-cation and Action Communication, Communication Activities Through Socialization in Pesantren Environment, Communication Activities in Pesantren Education Process.
Strategi Komunikasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat pada Perguruan Tinggi Islam Fitri Yanti; Eni Amaliah
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4055.928 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2021.11.01.104-124


This article discusses communication strategies for community empowerment carried out by universities. In an effort to achieve optimal targets, the role of effective commu­nication is very pivotal. In this case, the right empowerment communication strategy is to place communicators as moti­vators, dynamists, innovators, and facilitators for social change. In this regard, students, lecturers, or companion teams as communicators must be on a par with the commu­nity. It means that communicator and audience, expert and user, and sender and receiver interchange roles in a mutually beneficial two-way interaction through which qualified social empowerment can be reached. The communicator functions as a driving force for the community to be able to realise their potential independently in order to become more empo­wered. This communication strategy is appropriate for the bottom-up intervention model of community empowerment; self-help and togetherness model, integrative-interconnected model, and asset based community-driven development.
Transformasi Layanan Perpustakaan Di Masa Pandemic Covid 19: Studi Kasus di Perpustakaan Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Rahmat Iqbal; Eni Amaliah; Khabib Mashudi; Ghalih Perkasa
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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Libraries as one of the public information services must also implement health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic. Libraries limit their services by various rules. Based on a circular letter, the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia has issued a circular regarding Online Learning and Working from Home in the Context of Preventing the Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), and strengthened by a Circular Letter from the Governor of Lampung regarding the Implementation of Controlling the Impact of Corona Virus Disease 2019 ( COVID-19) In Religious, Economic, and Cultural Activities in Lampung Province, the Indonesian Technocrat University Library (UTI) in Bandar Lampung implemented several service policies during the Covid-19 pandemic, including restrictions on direct face-to-face services by only opening online services. , always apply the 3M (Washing hands, Wearing masks and Maintaining Distance) and free online libraries. The study used a literature study type of research method. The approach used in this study is a qualitative-inductive approach, where this approach uses a qualitative method that focuses on literature review. Of the 3 variables, 21 indicators and 100 samples produced quite good results, including reading material variables with an average number of 4.38 out of 8 questions, the second with infrastructure variables with an average number of 4.38 out of 7 questions and three with HR competency variables with the average score is 4.41 out of 6 questions. With a total average of three variables totaling 4.39 with 21 questions. In conclusion, the Indonesian Technocrat University community does not find it difficult to access digital collections or enjoy the services the library provides during a pandemic, a possible reference source that can be accessed when undergoing online lectures from home. Digital information is one of the most possible alternatives to overcome the problem of miscommunication between librarians and users. The digital promotional information model is needed by transferring promotional information materials using digital technology, and utilizing social media, such as Youtube, Whatsapp, websites and Facebook as media for publication and promotion.