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Rekronstruksi Daerah Bencana Tsunami Harus Didahului Rekonsiliasi Sofian Effendi
Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional Vol 10, No 3 (2005)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkn.22160


Menurut para ahli gempa tektonik dan Tsunami yang terjadi pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004 merupakan bencana alam terbesar pada abad ini. Selain menyebabkan hilang dan kematian ratusan ribu jiwa, juga meninggalkan puluhan ribu anak yatim dan janda serta kerusakan infrastuktur yang parah. Di NAD saja kematian mencapai 236.116 jiwa (Serambi Indonesia, 19 Pebruari 2005). Hampir lima ratus ribu penduduk terkena dampak dari 4 juta penduduk NAD. Sebanyak 17 dari 21 kabupaten/kota terkena dampak yang cukup parah (Nazamuddin, 2005). Kerusakan mencakup infrastruktur, sektor produktif, sektor sosial dan sektor kelembagaan. Bappenas memperhitungkan kerugian di NAD mencapai 4.452 milyar US dollar.
Implikasi Ruu-BHP dan Perpres 77/2000 Sofian Effendi
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.150


Pendidikan nasional pada esensinya bukan bidang usaha jasa untuk menghasilkan tenaga kerja terdidik, yang satu kategori dengan industri pertambangan, perdagangan dan jasa. Pendidikan nasional adalah upaya Pemerintah dan semua unsur bangsa untuk to preserve national identity, to transfer norms and values, to sustain and develop the intellectuial and cultural base of the society, to give inspiration and pride to citizens, dan to promote dialoge for the respect of cultural and social diversity.Salah satu tugas utama pendidikan nasional, terutama pendidikan dasar dan menengah, adalah mentransfer nilai-nilai luhur bangsa, menanamkan semangat kebangsaan, menanamkan identities bangsa, dan melestarikan serta mengembangkan budaya bangsa. Tugas mulia tersebut adalah tugas Pemerintah dan merupakan tanggung-jawab bangsa Indonesia sehingga tidak mungkin dialihkan menjadi tanggungjawab para pemilik modal usaha jasa pendidikan. Liberalisasi jasa pendidikan tinggi dan sub-sektor pendidikan lainnya haruslah dilaksanakan dengan sikap nasionalisme yang kuat.Kata-kata kunci: Implikasi, pendidikan, liberalisasi, perdagangan, jasa.
Implikasi RUU-BHP dan Perpres 77/2000 Sofian Effendi
Unisia Vol 31, No 67 Maret 2008
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.vol31.iss67.art1


Essentially, national education is not a business sector to produce educated workers, and is not in the same category as mining industries, trade and services. National education is a govemment effort and all elements of nation to preserve national identity, to transfer norms and values, to sustain and develop the intellectual and cultural base of the society, to give inspiration and pride to citizens, and to promote dialogue for the respect of cultural and social diversity. Some of the main tasks of national education, especially basic and secondary education, is to transfer high values of nation, spirit of nationality, national identity, and to preserve and develop national cultures. These sacred tasks are those of govemment and are the responsibility of nation so that these are impossible to divert to investors of business sector of education services. Liberalization of high education and other sub-sectors of education must be conducted with a strong nationality. 
Jurnal Manajemen Kepegawaian Vol 4 No 1 Juni (2010): Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen PNS
Publisher : Badan Kepegawaian Negara | The National Civil Service Agency

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The bureaucratic reform agenda during the first year will be expanded to 8 in 2009, a term of SBY presidency has only given priority to limited number of departments and agencies, 1 in 2008, expanded to 3 and cover three areas; administrative efficiency, administrative structures and human resource management. As an incentive to further reform, the government through the Ministry of Finance is rewarding agencies which can demonstrate performance improvements with an additional performance budget, given to staff as performance bonuses. These reform initiatives are seen as the first of a three phase approach to bureaucratic reform with the second phase the 2010-14 presidential term and the last phase being completed by 2020-2024. The second phase of Indonesia’s bureaucratic reform needs to go beyond the three areas and the limited approach. To build a professional, a-political and high performance Indonesia’s civil service the reform initiatives should focus on the following areas: a) Develop position based human resource management system, b) Creating an independent authority for Indonesia’s civil service, c) Develop multi-category civil service, d) Launch salary and pension reforms. Key words: reform, human resources, professional