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Journal : Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal

Pemberian probiotik pada pakan komersil dengan protein yang berbeda terhadap kinerja ikan lele (Clarias sp.) menggunakan sistem bioflok Salamah Salamah; Zulpikar Zulpikar
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal, Vol. 7: No. 1 (April, 2020)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v7i1.2388


Dalam usaha budidaya ikan, pakan merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan dalam budidaya. Selain itu pakan juga memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap biaya mencapai 60-70% dari biaya produksi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu dilakukan teknik untuk meningkatkan kadar protein dari pakan, salah satunya dengan cara fermentasi. Selanjutnya limbah dari pakan juga merupakan suatu kendala dalam usaha budidaya. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut perlu dilakukan terobosan dalam sistem budidaya, salah satunya dengan menggunakan system bioflok dengan memanfaatkan bakteri heterotrofik. Selain memperbaiki kualitas air, bioflok juga menyediakan pakan secara insitu, sehingga mampu mengurangi biaya pakan dengan meningkatkan nilai efesiensi pakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aplikasi pakan berprotein terfermentasi terhadap pertumbuhan dan konversi pakan ikan lele (Clarias sp.) menggunakan sistem bioflok. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan ditempat pembudidayaan lele di desa mesjid punteut dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan mengaplikasikan 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 9 satuan percobaan. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini meliputi laju pertumbuhan ikan, kelangsungan hidup dan efesiensi pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik pada pakan memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap laju pertumbuhan ikan 4.95%, tingkat kelangsungan hidup 97.77% dan efesiensi pakan 98.86%.Kata kunci: bioflok; ikan lele; kinerja; probiotik In aquaculture, fish feed is one of the factors that determine success in aquaculture. Besides, the feed also contributes significantly to costs reaching 60-70% of production costs. Based on this, it is necessary to use techniques to increase the protein of the feed; one of them is by fermentation. In addition, waste from the feed is also a problem in the aquaculture business. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to make a breakthrough in the aquaculture system, one of these is using a biofloc system by utilizing heterotrophic bacteria. Besides improving water quality, biofloc also provides in situ feed, so it would reduce feed costs by increasing the value of feed efficiency. This study aims to analyze the application of fermented protein feed on growth and feed conversion of catfish (Clarias sp.) using the biofloc system. This research was carried out in the catfish culture at punteut mosque village using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method by applying three treatments and three replications to obtain nine experimental units. Parameters observed in this study include fish growth rate, survival and feed efficiency. The results showed that the administration of probiotics in feed gives the best results on fish growth rate of 4.95%, survival rate of 97.77% and feed efficiency of 98.86%.Keywords: biofloc; catfish; performance; probiotics
Aplikasi Teknologi Akuaponik Dengan Kombinasi Subtrat yang Berbeda Terhadap Kualitas Air dan Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Miftahul Jannah; Zulpikar Zulpikar; Muliani Muliani
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 8: No. 3 (December, 2021)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v8i3.5853


Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a type of freshwater fish that is widely cultivated by Indonesians. The problem that often arises in cultivation is lack of water quality. One of the ways to improve water quality is by using aquaponics technology, which can help to overcome lack of water quality by using a combination of different sub-extracts. This study was aim to determine the effect of different substrate combinations on water quality, growth of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and lettuce vegetables. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. That was control, rockwool and sawdust, rockwool and charcoal, rockwool and husk charcoal. The results showed that the use of different substrate combinations had no significant effect on water quality and fish growth. The best water quality was found in treatment D (rockwool and husk charcoal) with ammonia content of 0.09 mg / L, nitrate 13.45 mg / L, temperature 28.84 0c, pH 7.29 and DO 5.75 mg / L.Keywords: aquaponic system, substrate, tilapia, water quality.
Budidaya rumput laut Caulerpa racemosa skala laboratorium menggunakan pupuk organik cair Susi Pramita; Erniati Erniati; Zulpikar Zulpikar; Munawwar Khalil; Muliani Muliani
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 9: No. 1 (April, 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v9i1.6968


Indonesia is a maritime country that has seaweed natural resources that have the potential to be developed. Several types of seaweed have started to be cultivated by manipulating the cultivation environment such as providing various types of fertilizers to complement nutrient needs. This research was carried out at the Hatchery and Aquaculture Technology Laboratory of the Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Malikussaleh University in February –March 2020 which aims to determine the growth rate of Caulerpa racemosa by applying liquid organic fertilizer with different concentrations in the cultivation media. The design used was a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications, namely A Control (without giving liquid organic fertilizer), B (giving liquid organic fertilizer with a concentration of 0.22 mL fertilizer/L water), C (giving organic fertilizer). liquid concentration of 0.28 mL of fertilizer/L of water) and D (giving of liquid organic fertilizer with a concentration of 0.34 mL of fertilizer/L of water). The results showed that the application of liquid organic fertilizer had a very significant effect on the lengthgrowth rate of seaweed Caulerpa racemosa. The best growth rate was in treatment D with a length growth rate of 9.2 cm. There was no significant difference between the weight growth rate and the regeneration rate of the thallus. However, based on the growth yield data for all treatments, it can be said that the higher the concentration of liquid fertilizer used, the better the growth of seaweed Caulerpa racemosa.Keywords: Caulerpa rasemosa; Growth; Liquid organic fertilizer; Seaweed.
Pemberian probiotik pada pakan komersil dengan protein yang berbeda terhadap kinerja ikan lele (Clarias sp.) menggunakan sistem bioflok Salamah Salamah; Zulpikar Zulpikar
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal, Vol. 7: No. 1 (April, 2020)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v7i1.2388


Dalam usaha budidaya ikan, pakan merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan dalam budidaya. Selain itu pakan juga memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap biaya mencapai 60-70% dari biaya produksi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu dilakukan teknik untuk meningkatkan kadar protein dari pakan, salah satunya dengan cara fermentasi. Selanjutnya limbah dari pakan juga merupakan suatu kendala dalam usaha budidaya. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut perlu dilakukan terobosan dalam sistem budidaya, salah satunya dengan menggunakan system bioflok dengan memanfaatkan bakteri heterotrofik. Selain memperbaiki kualitas air, bioflok juga menyediakan pakan secara insitu, sehingga mampu mengurangi biaya pakan dengan meningkatkan nilai efesiensi pakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aplikasi pakan berprotein terfermentasi terhadap pertumbuhan dan konversi pakan ikan lele (Clarias sp.) menggunakan sistem bioflok. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan ditempat pembudidayaan lele di desa mesjid punteut dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan mengaplikasikan 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 9 satuan percobaan. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini meliputi laju pertumbuhan ikan, kelangsungan hidup dan efesiensi pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik pada pakan memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap laju pertumbuhan ikan 4.95%, tingkat kelangsungan hidup 97.77% dan efesiensi pakan 98.86%.Kata kunci: bioflok; ikan lele; kinerja; probiotik In aquaculture, fish feed is one of the factors that determine success in aquaculture. Besides, the feed also contributes significantly to costs reaching 60-70% of production costs. Based on this, it is necessary to use techniques to increase the protein of the feed; one of them is by fermentation. In addition, waste from the feed is also a problem in the aquaculture business. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to make a breakthrough in the aquaculture system, one of these is using a biofloc system by utilizing heterotrophic bacteria. Besides improving water quality, biofloc also provides in situ feed, so it would reduce feed costs by increasing the value of feed efficiency. This study aims to analyze the application of fermented protein feed on growth and feed conversion of catfish (Clarias sp.) using the biofloc system. This research was carried out in the catfish culture at punteut mosque village using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method by applying three treatments and three replications to obtain nine experimental units. Parameters observed in this study include fish growth rate, survival and feed efficiency. The results showed that the administration of probiotics in feed gives the best results on fish growth rate of 4.95%, survival rate of 97.77% and feed efficiency of 98.86%.Keywords: biofloc; catfish; performance; probiotics
Aplikasi Teknologi Akuaponik Dengan Kombinasi Subtrat yang Berbeda Terhadap Kualitas Air dan Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Miftahul Jannah; Zulpikar Zulpikar; Muliani Muliani
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 8: No. 3 (December, 2021)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v8i3.5853


Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a type of freshwater fish that is widely cultivated by Indonesians. The problem that often arises in cultivation is lack of water quality. One of the ways to improve water quality is by using aquaponics technology, which can help to overcome lack of water quality by using a combination of different sub-extracts. This study was aim to determine the effect of different substrate combinations on water quality, growth of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and lettuce vegetables. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. That was control, rockwool and sawdust, rockwool and charcoal, rockwool and husk charcoal. The results showed that the use of different substrate combinations had no significant effect on water quality and fish growth. The best water quality was found in treatment D (rockwool and husk charcoal) with ammonia content of 0.09 mg / L, nitrate 13.45 mg / L, temperature 28.84 0c, pH 7.29 and DO 5.75 mg / L.Keywords: aquaponic system, substrate, tilapia, water quality.
Budidaya rumput laut Caulerpa racemosa skala laboratorium menggunakan pupuk organik cair Susi Pramita; Erniati Erniati; Zulpikar Zulpikar; Munawwar Khalil; Muliani Muliani
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 9: No. 1 (April, 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v9i1.6968


Indonesia is a maritime country that has seaweed natural resources that have the potential to be developed. Several types of seaweed have started to be cultivated by manipulating the cultivation environment such as providing various types of fertilizers to complement nutrient needs. This research was carried out at the Hatchery and Aquaculture Technology Laboratory of the Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Malikussaleh University in February –March 2020 which aims to determine the growth rate of Caulerpa racemosa by applying liquid organic fertilizer with different concentrations in the cultivation media. The design used was a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications, namely A Control (without giving liquid organic fertilizer), B (giving liquid organic fertilizer with a concentration of 0.22 mL fertilizer/L water), C (giving organic fertilizer). liquid concentration of 0.28 mL of fertilizer/L of water) and D (giving of liquid organic fertilizer with a concentration of 0.34 mL of fertilizer/L of water). The results showed that the application of liquid organic fertilizer had a very significant effect on the lengthgrowth rate of seaweed Caulerpa racemosa. The best growth rate was in treatment D with a length growth rate of 9.2 cm. There was no significant difference between the weight growth rate and the regeneration rate of the thallus. However, based on the growth yield data for all treatments, it can be said that the higher the concentration of liquid fertilizer used, the better the growth of seaweed Caulerpa racemosa.Keywords: Caulerpa rasemosa; Growth; Liquid organic fertilizer; Seaweed.