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Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (MEDITEG) Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (MEDITEG)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut (Politala)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34128/mediteg.v6i2.92


This service utilizes the steps of the Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) in maximizing the search for website addresses to accelerate recognition and marketing. The output target is the optimization of the Tunas Bangsa website through SEO which includes the ease of finding website addresses for visitors on search engines. The use of automated search engines can lower promotional costs than using traditional and conventional media such as newspapers, radio broadcasts, television, and so on. Website addresses that are used as promotional tools and digital introductions by the Tunas Melati Community Learning Activity Center must be designed properly and correctly, so that they can be an appropriate and optimal promotional tool. This step is followed by website optimization so that it is detected and indexed at the top on search engines like Google. The method used is in the form of steps and the use of SEO plugins on a wordpress-based website. The result of this activity is an optimal website indexing by search engines.
OHS Information System (Occupational Health and Safety) In PT. United Tractors Tbk, Site-Satui Mobile Web Based Maya Gian Sister; Agustian Noor; Khairul Anwar Hafizd
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): IJRVOCAS - April
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (531.318 KB) | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v1i1.4


Medical Check-Up (MCU) is a health check Overall, which is carried out to monitor the health of employees at PT United Tractors Tbk, Site Satui, which is expected from this examination to detect a disease or health problem from an early age, PT United Tractors Tbk, Site-Satui is one company that requires a system that can monitor health. and the safety of employees at work. Therefore, an occupational health and safety (OHS) system was built, which is expected to assist in monitoring the results of medical check-ups for an employee (MCU), sending health information, monitoring employee health level charts. This occupational health and safety system were built using the method prototype, made using the programming language Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and the MySQL database, designed using Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), and Flowcharts.
Penerapan Digitalisasi pada Koperasi Budi Utomo Desa Batu Ampar Agustian Noor; Muhammad Noor; Kurniasari - -
Joutica Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1232.384 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jti.v7i1.669


Budi Utomo's Savings and Loans Cooperative is one of the cooperatives in Indonesia that has not made optimal use of information systems and technology. It can be seen from the absence of an integrated information system with one another, so that there are still several obstacles in processing cooperative data, including inconsistencies and data redundancies, lack of data accuracy, the length of the data search process, and the difficulty of disseminating information about cooperatives to members. To solve this problem, we need a web-based Cooperative information system. This cooperative information system is designed using the PHP programming language and to describe the results of analysis and system design, structured modeling techniques are used in the form of DFD and ERD. The output of this research is a web-based information system prototype design (case study: Budi Utomo Savings and Loan Cooperative). With this cooperative information system, it is hoped that it can provide a forum in the form of a web that can perform data processing properly and is integrated, and can help disseminate information to all interested parties.
Joutica Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.91 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jti.v5i1.329


Air merupakan salah satu unsur penting yang menjadi kebutuhan utama bagi makhluk hidup, terutama air yang hegienis dan memiliki kualitas yang baik. Kabupaten Tanah Laut, sumber air bersih dipasok dari Perusahan Daearah Air Minum (PDAM). Air diambil dari sungai atau menggunakan air permukaan yang tingkat kebersihan airnya tergantung pada keadaan air sungai. Berdasarkan survei yang telah dilakukan, operator PDAM mendeteksi kekeruhan dan keasaman pada instalasi pengolahan air dengan menggunakan PH meter dan turbidity meter, dimana pencatatan nilai perubahan kekeruhan dan tingkat keasaman air dilakukan secara manual, yaitu dengan mengambil dan menguji sampel secara berulang setiap 2 jam sekali. Dalam hal ini, pendeteksian air dapat digantikan dengan menggunakan aplikasi pendeteksi kualitas air menggunakan turbidity sensor dan arduino berbasis web mobile. Aplikasi ini dapat mengambil data PH dan NTU melalui arduino kemudian dikirimkan ke sistem yang dapat diakses melalui komputer maupun smartphone. Apabila PH air terdeteksi normal dan jernih, maka secara otomatis saklar akan mengalirkan air ke bak instalasi pengolahan air (IPA), namun jika PH air terdeteksi tidak normal dan sangat keruh, maka secara otomatis saklar akan mengalirkan air ke bak pembuangan dan saklar PH air normal dan jernih akan tertutup.
Aplikasi Surat Pertanggung Jawaban Kegiatan Dana Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan Pada Puskesmas Bati – Bati Berbasis Web Agustian Noor; Arif Supriyanto
Infotek: Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Infotek : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.867 KB) | DOI: 10.29408/jit.v5i1.4685


In the national and political unitary body in Tanah Laut district, there is actually a system created to deal with staffing problems in the environment. However, there are still many shortcomings in the system. The first thing is seen in the retirement status of employees, in this information system there is no feature that can know when the employee retires, this is clearly very detrimental to the national and political unitary body of Tanah Laut Regency, because retired employees may still be registered in the system So far, the admin cannot know when the employee will retire, because there is no feature made to find out this information. Based on the description of the explanation, it is necessary to develop a personnel information system that can manage pension data and manage class data on a regular basis. . In developing the application, the author uses the waterfall method using the PHP programming language (Framework CodeiIgniter), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and is designed using Entity Relationship Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams and Flowcharts. This application is expected to be able to assist in viewing the data of retired employees. Keywords: Information Systems, Employees, Retirement, and Development.
Perbandingan Algoritma Support Vector Machine Biasa dan Support Vector Machine berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization untuk Prediksi Gempa Bumi Agustian Noor
Jurnal Humaniora Teknologi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Humaniora Teknologi
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34128/jht.v4i1.37


Gempa merupakan fenomena alam secara periodik yang terjadi di seluruh belahan bumi akibat adanya gaya pembangkit pasang surut yang utamanya berasal dari matahari dan bulan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa hasil gempa bumi di Sumara Utara. Metode yang diusulkan adalahmembandingkan SVM dan SVM-PSO yang menggunakan data dari instansi terkait khususnya di daerah Sumatra Utara, Masing-masing algoritma akan implementasikan dengan menggunakan RapidMiner 5.1 Pengukuran kinerja dilakukan dengan menghitung rata-rata error yang terjadi melalui besaran Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Semakin kecil nilai dari masing-masing parameter kinerja ini menyatakan semakin dekat nilai prediksi dengan nilai sebenarnya. Dengan demikian dapat diketahui algoritma yang lebih akurat.
Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Gangguan Kepribadian Agustian Noor
Jurnal Humaniora Teknologi Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Humaniora Teknologi
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34128/jht.v5i2.61


Abstrak Sistem pakar ini dibangun sebagai alat bantu dengan didasarkan pada kebutuhan seorang psikolog, psikiater maupun orang-orang yang berkerja di area psikologi abnormal dalam mendiagnosa klien yang menderita gangguan kepribadian secara lebih cepat dan efisien. Arsitektur dari sistem ini terdiri dari Knowledge Base, Inference Engine, User Interface, Knowledge Acquisition Facility. Knowledge Base memuat jenis gangguan kepribadian, simptom, dan kriteria tiap jenis gangguan kepribadian tersebut. Sedangkan inference engine diimplementasikan dengan metode forward chaining. Proses diagnosis sistem pakar ini adalah melalui penginputan simptom (gejala) yang diderita klien oleh seorang psikolog ke dalam sistem, dan selanjutnya hasil diagnosa didapatkan melalui penelusuran aturan yang ada antara lain dengan perhitungan jumlah simptom yang memenuhi syarat minimal sebuah jenis gangguan kepribadian. Kata kunci : Sistem Pakar, Simptom, Gangguan Kepribadian.
Jurnal Sains dan Informatika Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Teknik Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut

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Aplikasi Kisah 25 Nabi Dan Rasul Berbasis Android Agustian Noor
Jurnal Sains dan Informatika Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016): Jurnal Sains dan Informatika
Publisher : Teknik Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Aplikasi Manajemen Keuangan Berbasis Web Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Tanah Laut Agustian Noor; Syaiful Hadi
Jurnal Sains dan Informatika Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Sains dan Informatika
Publisher : Teknik Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34128/jsi.v5i1.166


The financial area of Diskominfo has activities such as spending budget activities, DPA activities and printing receipts and financial management processes on the Diskominfo to conduct budget funds for each activity and to conduct data Budget, in the process of disbursement of activities is still difficult to do because in the process of data Input and print data is still done in a conventional way.Employees come to the admin to ask for the creation of financial receipts for DPA activities, the admin makes a receipt that is asked by the employee by inputting data data in the form of DPA activities, DPA programs, recipient name and activity funds.Then admins submit a receipt that has been made to the verifier to verify that the budget data and activity data are correct.If the data has been checked by the Verificator and the data stated is valid then the receipt is left to the treasurer for the process of disbursement of data on DPA activities.These problems can be solved with an application that facilitates the work in the field of finance.The built-in and computerized financial management applications make it easier for the financial part to manage financial data more effectively and efficiently.Construction of this system can help the financial part in making financial receipts to the Communications and Informatics Service of Tanah Laut.