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Journal : Jurnal Surya

Surya : Jurnal Media Komunikasi Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 13, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Surya, Vol. 13, No. 03, Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38040/js.v13i3.298


Background: Kondisi salah satu difabel macam-macam salah satunya yaitu Cerebral Palsy. Sebagian besar anak Cerebral Palsy paling sedikit memiliki satu kelainan penyerta atau komorbiditas. Pada data SCPE, komorbiditas yang paling umum ditemukan adalah gangguan berbahasa (71%), diikuti oleh gangguan intelektual (62%), epilepsi (39%), dan gangguan penglihatan (22%).Objectives: Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui masalah komorbiditas Cerebral Palsy sehubungan dengan  angka harapan hidup pasien yang bergantung pada beratnya disabilitas yang dialami pada komunitas Cerebral Palsy MetroDesign: Rancangan Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional atau potong lintang. Dalam desain cross sectional digunakan pendekatan transversal, dimana observasi terhadap variabel bebas dan variabel terikat dilakukan hanya sekali pada saat yang sama.Dengan Jumlah sampel penelitian 50.Data Sources: Subjek penelitian laki-laki 31 (62%) dan perempuan 19 (38%), dengan sampel rentang usia antara 0-18 tahun. Peserta paling banyak pada tipe CP Spastik QuadriplegiaResults: hasil Komorbiditas Cerebral Palsy pada subjek penelitian. Pada Disabilitas intelektual berjumlah 30 (60%), Epilepsy berjumlah 19(38%), Gangguan visual 3(6%), Gangguan wicara 37(74%), Gangguan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan 14(28%), Gangguan BAB 10 (20%), Gangguan Pernapasan 4 (8%), Gangguan ortopedi deformitas ankle 23(46%), Gangguan deformitas scoliosis 21 (42%), Gangguan subluksasi Hip 9(18%), Gangguan tidur 11 (22%), yang mana perindividu Cerebral Palsy paling banyak memiliki tiga komorbiditas dan banyak dimiliki oleh tipe CP Spastik QuadriplegiaConclusions: Komorbiditas pada penyandang cerebral palsy di komunitas cerebral palsy  metro yang paling banyak pada gangguan wicara serta ditemukan lebih dari tiga komorbiditas pada individu cerebral palsy  dengan tipe CP spastik Quadriplegia.
Potensi Cidera Pada Olahraga Hapkido Provinsi Lampung Efraldo Yudistira; Al Um Aniswatun Khasanah; Novi Sefriana
Surya : Jurnal Media Komunikasi Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 13, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Surya, Vol. 13, No. 03, Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38040/js.v13i3.297


Background: Injury conditions in martial arts based on epidemiological research are in the 10th position in dangerous sports with the potential for injury to reach 2.4% overall. The injury model that occurs each time is determined by a certain dominance technique of a discipline resulting from the philosophy of the sport discipline, training objectives, as well as from the rules of sports competition. The management of hapkido Lampung is aware of the lack of facilities for approaching medical science in injury management to review data and carry out training developments to minimize injuriesObjectives: This study purpose was to determine the risk of injury to Hapkido Athletes in order to develop training programs to focus on preventing or reducing the potential for existing injuries so that athletes have maximum performance.Design: This research is descriptive analytic research using cross sectional design . In this design a transverse approach is used. Where is the observation of the independent variable and the dependent variable is carried out only once at the same time with the number of research samples 60Data Source: The results of this study are data on the incidence of injuries experienced by hapkido athletes based on questionnaire data collectionResults: The data obtained are 53.3% female samples and 46.7% male, with data on the incidence of injury 50.9% in the ankle region, and 44.4% specific tissue injury to joints and ligaments and the incidence of injury during technical training 50.9%Conclusions: The incidence rate of injury to the hapkido martial arts athlete in Lampung has the largest presentation in the ankle region and in specific ligamentous tissues with the risk of it occurring during movement technique training activities where the results can be concluded that hapkido sports require good joint stability, especially in the ankle region.