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Journal : Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Robert W. McChesney, Ilmu Komunikasi, dan Tradisi Kritis Haryanto, Ignatius
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Artikel ini hendak memperkenalkan seorang tokoh ilmuwan komunikasi kritis abad XX dan XXI sekaligus juga seorang aktivis, yaitu Robert W. McChesney. Chesney adalah penulis produktif yang banyak menyoroti sekaligus mengritik industri media di Amerika yang mendominasi di dalam dan luar negeri. Chesney meneruskan tradisi ilmuwan komunikasi yang telah dirintis sebelumnya oleh Herbert Schiller dan Dallas Smythe ataupun Noam Chomsky, yang utamanya mengritik struktur kepemilikan industri media, lalu juga mengritik orientasi isi media yang terlalu komersial dan sensasional. Tulisan ini barulah melakukan suatu pemetaan awal pemikiran Chesney dan akar-akar pemikiran yang mempengaruhi Chesney, salah satunya adalah Karl Marx. This article tries to introduce a 20th and 21st century critical communication scholar who is also an activist, Robert W. McChesney. Chesney is a productive writer who often highlights and criticizes the US media industry that dominates domestically and globally. Chesney continues the traditions of previous communication scholars such as Herbert Schiller, Dallas Smythe, or Noam Chomsky, particularly in criticizing the ownership of media industries and the orientation of media content that has been much too commercialized and sensationalized. This article thus maps out Chesney’s early works and the theoretical roots that influences Chesney's arguments, among others Karl Marx.
Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Sebagai Masalah Komunikasi Haryanto, Ignatius
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 3, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Tulisan ini hendak mengajak para sarjana dan peneliti komunikasi memberikan perhatian pada masalah Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) yang bisa menjadi salah satu aspek penelitian dalam dunia ilmu komunikasi. Paling tidak ada lima perspektif yang akan ditunjukkan di sini untuk melihat problematika HKI sebagai bagian dari kajian komunikasi: yaitu perspektif ekonomi politik komunikasi, perspektif komunikasi internasional, perspektif komunikasi sebagai bagian dari hak budaya, perspektif terkait dengan perkembangan masyarakat informasi, dan perspektif yang melihat perkembangan media baru. Tulisan ini juga menyarankan pendekatan multidisipliner yang lebih banyak dalam melihat berbagai fenomena komunikasi, karena pada awalnya komunikasi juga berutang pada disiplin ilmu lain seperti psikologi, politik, persuasi, retorika, dll. The article aims to draw the attention of communication scholars and researchers to Intellectual Property as one of research subjects in the contemporary communication science. At least this article points out five communication perspectives to observe the matters of Intellectual Property as part of communication analysis. They are political economy of communication; international communication; communication as part of cultural rights; development of information society, and new media development. This article also suggests the use of more multidisiplinary approaches to analyze many communication phenomena, since at the begining communication studies owed to other disciplines like psycology, politics, persuasion, rhetorics etc.
Ode untuk Seorang Communication Scholar Par Excellence Haryanto, Ignatius
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Digital Transformation in Tempo 1955-2022: Disruption, Journalistic Field and Transformative Capital Haryanto, Ignatius
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 13, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article discusses the digital transformation at Tempo, one of the most prominent Indonesian news magazines. Under Bourdieu’s term, the ‘journalistic field’ that Tempo operates today had shifted from the autocratic regime under Suharto’s New Order (1966-1998) to a more open and democratic digital era. This article argues that Tempo was slow in anticipating the changing environment, which not only introduced the technological shift but also changed social and political contexts, forcing Tempo to transform into a new digital organization. Using the case study method and interviews with 11 resource persons with specific knowledge of Tempo, this research demonstrates the many challenges to transforming into digital journalism practices, which may include starting a new habit in the digital context, convincing the whole organization to transverse on the same path to digitalization, and lastly—tackling the sole primary challenge: ensuring quality journalism amidst digital transformation. Has quality journalism been compromised at the expense of news digitalization at Tempo? This article argues that Tempo has the necessary ‘transformative capital’ to face the new situation, but whether Tempo will financially succeed in this new era still has to be proven.