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Rekonstruksi Politik Hukum Pidana Nasional (Telaah Kritis Larangan Analogi dalam Hukum Pidana) Tongat Tongat
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 12, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.1 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1235


A paradigm shift in the state of life—especially post the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 amendments—have not been fully understood  properly. Up to now—included in the lawless life—is still a gap between the paradigm and its implementation . This paradigmatic gap visible example of the lack of a comprehensive implementation of the basic principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 in a national criminal law reform ( draft Code of Criminal Law ) . The draft Code of Criminal Law as one form of national criminal law reform is seen has not fully represent constitution demands. Prohibiting the   use of analogy in criminal law is still seen at odds with the provisions of Article 1 ( 3 ) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945. The gap is not only paradigmatic potential to cause difficulties in its application, but also potentially the cancellation clause in the legislation  concerned.
Interseksi Hak Asasi Manusia dan Sharī'ah di Indonesia Syamsul Arifin; Nafik Muthohirin; Tongat Tongat; Wahyudi Wahyudi
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 12 No. 2 (2018): Maret
Publisher : Postgraduate Studies of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.623 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2018.12.2.261-287


This article attempts to uncover the point of encounter of human rights and sharī'ah in Indonesia which often contradict with each other in light of differences in its development base, both as a concept and, furthermore, as an instrument, which ultimately leads to the human dimension. The basis of the development in question is that human rights derived from human rationality, while sharī'ah comes from revelation. Therefore, this article seeks to explore the compatibility between the two. Human rights and sharī'ah always have a point of encounter because in principle they are both fighting for humanity. The intersection between the two is often the case--and it becomes common because the basis for the development of the law originates from different sources. Human rights comes from human rationality, while sharī'ah departs from Allah's revelation. Thus, it is only natural that various debates arise as in general a discourse of knowledge. It's just that it needs to be understood that the conflict and tension that arise, should not lead to violence. On the one hand, Muslim groups who reject the principles of human rights are undoubtedly existent. However, on the other hand, many Muslims also graciously accept human rights. Accommodative people hold the view that they have a common vision of justice, peace, equality, and tolerance. Human rights need not be viewed as contradictory to Islam, in part because many Muslim-majority countries recognize and ratify human rights instruments issued by the United Nations.
Pendampingan Hukum Pengusaha UMKM dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Kontrak Bisnis Isdian Anggraeny; Tongat; Fedika Lutfia; Adevia Ratna; Tivania Rachmaudina
CARADDE: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2021): April
Publisher : Ilin Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31960/caradde.v3i3.731


Seringkali bisnis yang telah didasari oleh Kontrak Bisnis menimbulkan sengketa oleh para pihak. Sengketa hukum bisnis tidak hanya mencakup sengketa keperdataan namun dapat beralih pada hukum pidana. Hal ini pula yang dikeluhkan dan dialami oleh beberapa Pengusaha yang tergabung dalam Rumah Pengusaha Malang Raya (RPMR). Oleh karena itu, sangatlah penting masyarakat yang bergelut di dunia bisnis memahami konsep hukum perjanjian dan penyelesaian sengketa hukum kontrak bisnis. Metode yang dilakukan oleh Tim Pengabdi yaitu: 1) pengidentidfikasian permasalahan anggota RPMR terkait sengketa bisnis, 2) Penyuluhan Hukum yang dilakukan dengan tatap muka dan melalui siaran radio; 3) Pendampingan Hukum dengan cara membuka posko konsultasi hukum dan kunjungan langsung ke beberapa anggota UMKM; dan 4) evaluasi Kegiatan Pengabdian. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan keilmuwan dan keterampilan dari para peserta dalam menganalisis permasalahan sengketa kontrak bisnis, menyelesaikan sengketa yang sedang dihadapi, dan menghadapi dan/atau mencegah perbuatan/hal-hal yang memiliki potensi menimbulkan sengketa bisnis.
Yurispruden: Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Yurispruden: Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.167 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/yur.v3i1.5013


ABSTRACT Hypothetically-theoretical, almost certainly, without adequate understanding of the business relations agreement will not go well. So, every business person must understand the agreement. Departing from such needs, this article presents two fundamental issues as a material discussion. First, What are the elements that business people must consider in the preparation phase of the business contract? Secondly, What is the urgency of implementing a contract planning preparation phase by business people? Through normative and juridical studies, the explanation is obtained as follows. Business contracts are conducted through the following phases: Pre-contracted stages, contractual stages, and post-contractual phases. As an effort to make an ideal, systematic, and safe contract for the parties, it is necessary to maturation in the preparation phase of the contract drafting. The Implementation of the preparation phase of the business contract is very important so that the contract can be held accountable legally and can be understood by the parties.Keywords: Contract planning, business people, business relationships  ABSTRAK Secara hipotetis-teoretis, hampir dapat dipastikan, tanpa ada pemahaman yang memadai tentang perjanjian hubungan bisnis tidak akan berjalan dengan baik. Sebegitu urgennya, maka setiap pelaku bisnis harus memahami tentang perjanjian. Berangkat dari kebutuhan yang demikian, tulisan ini menyajikan dua masalah pokok sebagai bahan pembahasan. Pertama, apa saja unsur-unsur yang harus diperhatikan oleh Pelaku Bisnis dalam tahapan persiapan kontrak bisnis? Kedua, apa urgensi pelaksanaan tahapan persiapan perancangan kontrak oleh Pelaku Bisnis? Melalui kajian secara yuridis normatif, diperoleh paparan penjelasan seperti berikut. Kontrak bisnis dilakukan melalui tahapan seperti berikut: tahapan pra kontratual, tahap kontraktual, dan tahap pasca-kontraktual. Sebagai upaya membuat kontrak yang ideal, sistematis, dan aman bagi para pihak maka perlu pematangan dalam tahap persiapan penyusunan kontrak. Pelaksanaan tahapan persiapan penyusunan Kontrak bisnis sangat penting agar kontrak yang dibuat bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum dan dapat dipahami oleh para pihak.Kata kunci : perancangan kontrak, pelaku bisnis, hubungan bisnis