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Analisis Kandungan Total Coliform pada Air Galon dan Higiene Sanitasi Perorangan Operator Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Koto Tangah, Kota Padang) Nadya Khairannisa Andrizal; Rinda Andhita Regia; Shinta Silvia
Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.748 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/daurling.v2i2.25


This study aims to analyze Total Coliform and its correlations with DAMIU sanitation hygiene in Koto Tangah District, Padang City. The study was conducted by sampling and questionnaires. Samples were obtained from 10 DAMIU consisting of raw water in the reservoir and the production water then carried out in duplicate. Interviews were conducted using questionnaires to DAMIU operators and observations to observe the sanitation of DAMIU. The analytical method used to determine the amount of Total Coliform is the MPN method. The type of question in the questionnaire is the close ended question with the Guttman scale. The results showed that Total Coliform in raw water ranged from 12-64 MPN / 100 ml and production water ranged from 6.2-15 MPN / 100 ml that it did not meet the quality standard limit based on Permenkes 492/2010, which was 0 MPN / 100 ml. After the complementary test, it is known that 50% of raw water samples and 20% of processed water are positive for E. coli bacteria. The results of the questionnaire showed that the personal hygiene on the DAMIU operators were 6.6% at "less" attitude of, 66.7% at "sufficient" and 26.7% at "good". The relationship between sanitation hygiene and Total Coliform in AMIU is inversely proportional and has a very strong correlation with the r value of 0.770 in raw water equipment hygiene, then 0.751 in equipment and production sites hygiene, and 0.831 in personal hygiene of the operator. The personal hygiene of the operator is the most influential aspect among the three aspects seen from the greatest r value.
Sebaran Nilai Daya Hantar Listrik dan Salinitas pada Sumur Gali di Pesisir Pantai Kecamatan Padang Barat Tivany Edwin; Rinda Andhita Regia; Fauzia Rahmi
Jurnal Dampak Vol 15, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.15.1.43-50.2018


This study aims to determine the distribution of electrical conductivity and salinity values in dug well water as an indication of sea water intrusion. The study was conducted on the coastal area of Padang Barat District with 30 sample points and variation of 0-500 m distance from shore to the land. Measurement of electical conductivity values is measured in the field using conductivity meter while for salinity by argentometric method to analyze chloride ions which are then converted to Knudsen Equation. The range of conductivity values is 163.4-5260,8 μS / cm while the salinity value is 0.303-0.564 ‰. The relation of electrical conductivity and salinity values shows a very strong correlation with a value of 0.9373. The relation of the electrical conductivity value with the distance from the shoreline and the depth of the well shows no correlation with values of 0.264 and 0.054. The salinity value with the distance from the shoreline and the depth of the well also showed no correlation with the values of 0.205 and 0.003. The comparison of measured values with groundwater classification known as 2 points is slightly brackish water as an indication of sea water intrusion found in Purus and Berok Nipah sub-districts.
Jurnal Dampak Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.14.2.73-80.2017


Mekarmaju Village in Bandung Regency is a place of the greatest blacksmith that still exist in West Java. Their activity using the grinding tool causes dust formation in work area. Silica is the chemical element in dust with the second highest grade after Fe and it is classified in Group 1 substances as carcinogenic to humans. Blacksmith are very potentially have lung disease due to frequent of crystalline silica exposure through inhalation, not using personal protective equipment like masks and the condition of knife and agricultural equipment workshop that are not supported by adequate ventilation. The purpose of this research is to analyze the potencial hazard of crystalline silica exposure to the health of blacksmith in Mekarmaju village. This research was done with an exposed group of 30 people. Respirable crystalline silica analysis was done by the X-ray Diffraction (XRD) method based on MDHS 101 in 2005. The results showed the average of crystalline silica concentration for 8 hours was 0.2147 mg/m3 where 16 people exceeded SE 01/MEN/1997, 27 people exceeded the TLV-TWA ACGIH and 6 people exceeded the PEL OSHA. Average of Chronic Daily Intake (CDI) value was 0.0140 mg/ Based on threshold value in PER.13/MEN/X/2011, there were 6 people have Hazard Index (HI) value more than 1 which means that their daily activity in work area will endanger the health of lungs.Keywords: Mekarmaju village, hazard index, concentration, crystalline silica, blacksmithABSTRAKDesa Mekarmaju di Kabupaten Bandung merupakan tempat pandai besi terbesar yang masih ada di Jawa Barat. Kegiatan menggunakan gerinda menyebabkan terbentuknya debu pada area kerja. Silika merupakan unsur kimia pada debu dengan kadar tertinggi kedua setelah Fe dan silika diklasifikasikan sebagai Grup 1 yaitu karsinogenik bagi manusia. Pekerja pandai besi sangat berpotensi mengidap penyakit paru-paru karena seringnya terpapar kristal silika melalui inhalasi, tidak menggunakan alat pelindung diri berupa masker dan kondisi lingkungan kerja yang tidak didukung oleh ventilasi yang memadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis potensi bahaya kristal silika terhadap kesehatan pandai besi di Desa Mekarmaju. Jumlah responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30 orang. Analisis kristal silika terinhalasi dilakukan dengan metode X-ray Diffraction (XRD) berdasarkan MDHS 101 tahun 2005. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi kristal silika rata-rata selama 8 jam kerja adalah 0,2147 mg/m3. Dari 30 orang responden, 16 orang melebihi NAB SE 01/MEN/1997, 27 orang melebihi TLV-TWA ACGIH, dan 6 orang melebihi PEL OSHA. Chronic Daily Intake (CDI) kristal silika rata-rata sebesar 0,0140 mg/kg.hari. Berdasarkan NAB kristal silika PER.13/MEN/X/2011, terdapat 6 orang memiliki nilai Hazard Index (HI) lebih besar dari 1 yang berarti pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh 6 orang tersebut termasuk pekerjaan yang membahayakan kesehatan paru-paru.Kata kunci: Desa Mekarmaju, hazard index, konsentrasi, kristal silika, pandai besi
Pengendalian Kontaminasi Total Coliform pada Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang dengan Konsep Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Rinda Andhita Regia; Taufiq Ihsan; Dhita Dwi Tirta
Jurnal Dampak Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.17.1.9-14.2020


 Total Coliform as an indicator of food or beverage pollution can cause food-borne diseases. In the food and beverage production process, hygiene and sanitation are part of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is one of the efforts to avoid pollution to the production process. This study aims to control Total Coliform contamination with the HACCP concept carried out in 10 drinking water depot in Pauh Subdistrict, Padang City through direct field observation and laboratory testing using the Most Probable Number (MPN) method. The test point in this study is the raw water contained in the reservoir, the production water that will be sold to consumers and the drinking water will be consumed for 3 days in gallon. The test results showed hygiene and sanitation of drinking water depot and Total Coliform content had a negative and strong relationship (r = -0.750) means that the higher the hygiene and sanitation of drinking water depot, so the lower the Total Coliform content in drinking water. Based on the results of the hazard analysis which is the CCP point are the filter tube, UV light and gallon washing. Therefore, control measures so that the CCP point that exceeds the quality standard can be accepted are controlling the drinking water process and tightening hygiene and sanitation of drinking water depot employees. Keywords: Total Coliform, Drinking Water Depot , HACCP, Pauh Sub-dDistrict, hygiene sanitation  ABSTRAK  Total Coliform sebagai indikator pencemaran makanan atau minuman dapat menyebabkan penyakit bawaan makanan. Dalam proses produksi makanan dan minuman, kebersihan dan sanitasi yang menjadi bagian dari Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) adalah salah satu upaya untuk menghindari polusi pada proses produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengendalikan kontaminasi Total Coliform dengan konsep HACCP yang dilakukan di 10 depot air minum (DAMIU) di Kecamatan Pauh, Kota Padang melalui observasi lapangan langsung dan pengujian laboratorium menggunakan metode Most Probable Number (MPN). Titik uji dalam penelitian ini adalah air baku yang terkandung dalam reservoir, air produksi yang akan dijual kepada konsumen dan air minum akan dikonsumsi selama 3 hari dalam galon. Hasil tes menunjukkan kebersihan dan sanitasi depot air minum dan kandungan Total Coliform memiliki hubungan negatif dan kuat (r = -0,750) berarti semakin tinggi kebersihan dan sanitasi DAMIU, sehingga semakin rendah kandungan Total Coliform dalam air minum . Berdasarkan hasil analisis bahaya, yang merupakan titik CCP adalah tabung filter, sinar UV dan pencucian galon. Oleh karena itu, langkah-langkah pengendalian terhadap poin kritis yang menyebabkan tidak tercapainya standar kualitas, adalah dengan mengendalikan proses air minum dan memperketat kebersihan dan sanitasi karyawan DAMIU. Kata kunci: Total Coliform, DAMIU, HACCP, Kecamatan Pauh, sanitasi perorangan         
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.249 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jst.v18.n1.p21-26


PT X merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan getah karet menjadi karet remah di Kota Padang. Beberapa kejadian kecelakaan kerja masih ditemukan pada kegiatan produksi pabrik ini. Untuk itu penting untuk dilakukan identifikasi bahaya, penilaian resiko dan menentukan jenis pengendalian resiko pada bagian produksi tertama pada bagian yang sering ditemukan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja PT X, salah satu cara dengan menggunakan Metode HIRARC. Analisis risiko dilakukan dengan mengalikan peluang dan tingkat keparahan terjadinya bahaya pada proses pengolahan raw material, penjemuran blanket dan pengolahan blanket di dryer. Hasil menunjukkan tidak terdapatnya tingkat risiko tinggi pada proses tersebut. Tingkat proses rendah ditemukan pada proses transfer dengan forklft, selebihnya merupakan tingkat resiko sedang. Pengendalian yang disarankan berupa rekayasa teknik, pengendalian adminitratif serta penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD).
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Akibat Paparan Particulate Matter 2,5 (PM2,5) Dalam Rumah Tinggal di Perumahan X Kawasan Industri Semen Rinda Andhita Regia; Vera Surtia Bachtiar; Rifel Solihin
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 19, No 3 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.19.3.531-540


Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis risiko kesehatan terhadap paparan Particulate Matter 2,5 (PM2,5)di dalam rumah tinggal yang berada di kawasan industri semen. Penelitian dilakukan di Blok B dan Blok D Perumahan X. Pengambilan sampel PM2,5 menggunakan Low Volume Sampler (LVS) dan metode gravimetri untuk mengetahui konsentrasi PM2,5, serta pengukuran suhu dan tekanan udara menggunakan Pocket Weatherman . Analisis risiko kesehatan berdasarkan Pedoman Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL) Direktorat Jenderal PP dan PL Kementerian Kesehatan tahun 2012 dengan melakukan wawancara dan kuesioner dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 46 penghuni rumah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi PM2,5 di Blok B dan Blok D berkisar antara 8,87 sampai 23,72 µg/m3 dengan konsentrasi tertinggi berada di Blok D. Konsentrasi tersebut masih memenuhi baku mutu Permenkes RI No. 1077 tahun 2011. Hasil perhitungan ARKL menunjukkan risiko realtime berkisar antara 0,0014 sampai 0,4529 dan risiko lifetime berkisar antara 0,0680 sampai 0,6794. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa risiko realtime dan risiko lifetime semua responden di Blok B dan Blok mempunyai nilai Risk Quotient (RQ) <1 yang berarti paparan PM2,5 tersebut dikatakan aman dan tidak memiliki efek kesehatan yang merugikan terhadap penghuni rumah di Blok B dan Blok D Perumahan X. AbstractThis research aims to analyze the health risks of exposure to Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) in residential houses in the cement industrial area. The research was conducted in Block B and Block D, Housing X. Sampling of PM2.5 used Low Volume Sampler (LVS) and the gravimetric method to determine the concentration of PM2.5 while measuring temperature and air pressure using Pocket Weatherman. Health risk analysis based on the Guidelines for Environmental Health Risk Analysis (EHRA) of the Directorate General of PP and PL of the Ministry of Health in 2012 by conducting interviews and questionnaires with a total of 46 respondents. The results showed that the concentration of PM2.5 in Block B and Block D ranged from 8.87 to 23.72 g/m3 with the highest concentration in Block D. The concentration still met the quality standard of the Minister of Health RI No. 1077 in 2011. The results of the EHRA calculation show that the realtime risk ranges from 0.0014 to 0.4529, and the lifetime risk ranges from 0.0680 to 0.6794. It shows that the realtime risk and lifetime risk of all respondents in Block B and Block D have a Risk Quotient (RQ) value <1, which means that PM2.5 exposure is said to be safe and has no adverse health effects on residents of houses in Block B and Block D.Keywords: Block B, Block D, Cement Industry, EHRA, PM2.5
Potensi Penyebaran Covid-19 di Objek Wisata Indoor Sumatera Barat Berdasarkan Kualitas Fisik Udara Studi Kasus: Lubang Japang dan Istano Basa Pagaruyung Resti Ayu Lestari; Rinda Andhita Regia; Hafifatul Auliya Rahmy; Vezy Hidayatifa Thayyibah; Nadya Fadhillah Febrinaldi
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 6, No 1: Januari 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v6i1.2590


The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting indoor tourism in West Sumatra. The spread of a virus through could be influenced by indoor air quality. This study aims to analyze the potensial spread of Covid-19 in the indoor tourism in West Sumatra based on the physical indoor air quality, including PM2.5 concentration, temperature, humidity, and light intensity. The research objects were Lubang Japang Bukittinggi and Istano Basa Pagaruyung. The research was conducted by using sampling and interview methods. The data obtained were compared to Permenkes No. 1077/Menkes/Per/V/2011 and the suitable environmental conditions for the virus. The results showed that the temperature values in tourist objects were below the standards used. The temperature value in the research objects ranged from 20oC to 30oC. The humidity, light intensity, and PM2.5 concentration values were outside the ranges stipulated by regulations. Lubang Japang humidity was: 75.97 - 94.76 Rh; Istano Basa Pagaruyung: 65.83 - 67.16 Rh. Lubang Japang light intensity was: 0.4 - 4.0 Lux; Istano Basa Pagaruyung: 28 - 38 Lux. The concentration of PM2.5 at Lubang Japang: 187.45 µg / Nm3; Istano Basa Pagaruyung: 77.29 µg / Nm3. Based on this research, the humidity and the PM2.5 concentration of the research objects have the potential to spread the Covid-19.
Potensi Penyebaran Covid-19 di Objek Wisata Indoor Sumatera Barat Berdasarkan Kualitas Fisik Udara Studi Kasus: Lubang Japang dan Istano Basa Pagaruyung Resti Ayu Lestari; Rinda Andhita Regia; Hafifatul Auliya Rahmy; Vezy Hidayatifa Thayyibah; Nadya Fadhillah Febrinaldi
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 6, No 1: Januari 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v6i1.2590


The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting indoor tourism in West Sumatra. The spread of a virus through could be influenced by indoor air quality. This study aims to analyze the potensial spread of Covid-19 in the indoor tourism in West Sumatra based on the physical indoor air quality, including PM2.5 concentration, temperature, humidity, and light intensity. The research objects were Lubang Japang Bukittinggi and Istano Basa Pagaruyung. The research was conducted by using sampling and interview methods. The data obtained were compared to Permenkes No. 1077/Menkes/Per/V/2011 and the suitable environmental conditions for the virus. The results showed that the temperature values in tourist objects were below the standards used. The temperature value in the research objects ranged from 20oC to 30oC. The humidity, light intensity, and PM2.5 concentration values were outside the ranges stipulated by regulations. Lubang Japang humidity was: 75.97 - 94.76 Rh; Istano Basa Pagaruyung: 65.83 - 67.16 Rh. Lubang Japang light intensity was: 0.4 - 4.0 Lux; Istano Basa Pagaruyung: 28 - 38 Lux. The concentration of PM2.5 at Lubang Japang: 187.45 µg / Nm3; Istano Basa Pagaruyung: 77.29 µg / Nm3. Based on this research, the humidity and the PM2.5 concentration of the research objects have the potential to spread the Covid-19.
Potensi risiko pajanan PM2,5 pada pekerja tambang batu kapur di PT.X Kab. 50 Kota Resti Ayu Lestari; Fiqi Arkan Shadiq; Rinda Andhita Regia; Fadjar Goembira; Fajril Akbar
Riset Informasi Kesehatan Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Riset Informasi Kesehatan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30644/rik.v10i2.581


Latar belakang: Penambangan batu kapur di PT.X merupakan salah satu kegiatan penyumbang emisi PM2,5 di Kab. 50 Kota yang berpotensi menimbulkan risiko penyakit pada saluran pernapasan yang mencakup risiko non karsinogenik maupun karsinogenik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui risiko yang dialami pekerja akibat paparan PM2,5. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan sampling PM2,5 serta pengisian kuisioner/wawancara oleh pekerja (responden) yang berjumlah 14 orang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan selama jam kerja pekerja tambang tersebut. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL) untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko kesehatan yang dialami oleh pekerja tambang. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai konsentrasi PM2,5, Al, Pb dan Cd di lingkungan kerja tambang batu kapur PT.X berturut-turut adalah 0,1151 mg/m3, 0,3789 mg/m3, 0,0065 mg/m3 dan 0,0863 mg/m3. Pajanan PM2,5 dan Al tergolong risiko non karsinogenik, sedangkan pajanan logam Pb dan Cd tergolong risiko karsinogenik. Nilai risiko rata-rata non karsinogenik (RQ) PM2,5 dan Al berturut-turut adalah 0,4116 dan 9,484 (realtime). Pada kondisi lifetime, nilai rata-rata RQ dari PM2,5 dan Al berturut-turut adalah 1,2318 dan 28,3811. Nilai risiko rata-rata karsinogenik (ECR) Pb dan Cd berturut-turut adalah 5,43E-04 dan 0,48E-04 (realtime). Pada kondisi lifetime, nilai rata-rata ECR dari Pb dan Cd berturut-turut adalah 1,4E-04 dan 16,30E-04. Kesimpulan: Nilai RQ PM2,5 <1 dan ECR Cd <1E-04 (realtime) mengindikasikan bahwa pajanan PM2,5 dan Cd belum memberikan risiko bagi pekerja. Nilai RQ Al (realtime dan lifetime), PM2,5 (lifetime) >1 dan ECR Pb (realtime dan lifetime), Cd (lifetime) >1E-04 mengindikasikan bahwa pajanan polutan sudah berisiko terhadap kesehatan pekerja.