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Filosopi Kearifan Lokal Tri Hita Karana Dalam Menjaga Kelangsungan Kelompok Wanita Tani “Jempiring” Kabupaten Badung I Gusti Ayu Diah Yuniti; Anak Agung Ayu Rai Wahyuni; Anak Agung Rai Tirtawati; Ni Wayan Suryathi; I Gde Agoes Caskara Surya Putra
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Special Issue Budaya & Pendidikan
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (633.081 KB) | DOI: 10.37329/jpah.v0i0.1618


This study aims to analyze the sustainability of the “Jempiring” Women Farmers Group, Badung Regency through the implementation of tri hita karana local wisdom. This study uses secondary data sources. The types of data include qualitative data. The data analysis technique is using qualitative analysis. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that the sustainability of the Women Farmers Group (KWT) "Jempiring" in Badung Regency is still running. This is due to the belief of the group members to continue to implement the local wisdom of tri hita karana in terms of parayangan, pawongan and palemahan. The implementation of various rituals (religious ceremonies) as a form of devotion to Ida Hang Hyang Widhi Waca, for the yadnya human ceremony, as well as for the implementation of the nyomia butha kala ceremony, continues.
Pergeseran Makna Carok Bagi Masyarakat Pulau Sapudi Kabupaten Sumenep Madura 1970 – 2010 Supriyadi *; I Ketut Ardhana; Anak Agung Ayu Rai Wahyuni
Humanis Vol 18 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.984 KB)


Bas kally every culture has rules that apply. To people who embrace the culture, as well as the culture carok in Madura.this culture was originaly to have rules and methods applicabe for ad herents. For exsemple: the ritual, then only about ho nor wemen who can couse carok. But now it began to erode any of the above, it is due to cack of public know ledge Madura againt carok actual ordinanes, carok is bascally a fight thay has been overshad owed by the abuse of dignity of women and the approval of his opponeny. In contrast to carok happens now, with out the consent and with out the above back groud, so that the meaning is in the curren carok certainly been a shit very for from the actual meaning carok.
Pengembangan Usaha Kain Endek di Denpasar 1975-2015 Ni Made Ariani; Putu Gede Suwitha; Anak Agung Ayu Rai Wahyuni
Humanis Volume 17. No. 1. Oktober 2016
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (31.248 KB)


The developing program of Endek in Denpasar is begun since the first Bali Art Festival is held for the first time in 1979 and endek become an office dresscode in 1990. In the 1980's, endek reach its glory in Bali Province which centered in Klungkung Market, Badung market and Kumbasari. The Development of Endek is continued by Mayoress Selly Dharmawijaya Mantra for the Traditional Cloth's revitalisation and developing endek that well known by the society. Endek is developed because its a cultural heritage from the ancestors which full of philosophical meaning.
Bendi : Transportasi Budaya di Kota Solok Sumatera Barat Antara Tantangan dan Peluang Tahun 1970-2000 Mila Yefriza; I Ketut Ardhana; Anak Agung Ayu Rai Wahyuni
Humanis Vol 24 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (704.172 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2020.v24.i01.p06


This study has discussed about the existence of traditional transportation in the Solok city in 1970 or it's called bendi transportation. Bendi is a traditional transportation which still existed until 2000 in the middle of more sophisticated transportation in that era. This study has three problems to be discussed, they are (1) Why the bendi transportation still existed in the Solok, West Sumatra? (2) What are the challenges of bendi tansportation as traditional transportation in the Solok, West Sumatra? (3) What are the role of government in it?. This study used city's historical method and theory of history and social science by Wellman and Wortley in a modern sociology by George Ritzer were applied. The results of this study reveals thatbendi isa traditional transportation which still existed in the Solok, it’s describes the challenges of bendi as traditional transportation, and explains how the government plays a role in maintaining and preserving bendi as a traditional transportation asset in Solok, West Sumatra.
Tanggung Jawab Sejarah dan Kebudayaan di Balik Pelarangan Buku di Indonesia Anak Agung Ayu Rai Wahyuni
Humanis Vol 24 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.94 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2020.v24.i04.p16


Book prohibition in Indonesia has been going on since the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno. This prohibition continued in greater quality and quantity during the reign of the second President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto. In the reform era, when freedom of expression found its space, book prohibition continued. This article examines the historical and cultural responsibility behind book banning. How about the prohibition of books in the Soekarno, Suharto era, and the reform era. What are the pros and cons that occur, as well as what solutions satisfy various parties. The method used is the library method, by reading, inputting data, and studying based on library data. This article explains that the author of the book must be responsible for the content of his writing. Themes such as the Movement of the PKI are sensitive themes, therefore writers must have historical and cultural awareness. Likewise, the government is expected to be able to review a book, and not to unilaterally freeze or ban it. Bringing a book into the realm of law is supported by the necessary evidence, so that all parties get justice based on the law, history and culture of the nation for the unity of the Republic of Indonesia based on the pillars of development and survival as a nation.
Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Bali Artha Guna dalam Bingkai Budaya Masyarakat Modern di Bali Fransiska Dewi Setiowati Sunaryo; Anak Agung Ayu Rai Wahyuni
Humanis Vol 25 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.786 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2021.v25.i01.p04


The purpose of this study is to reveal several problems related to the application of modern management in the management of Savings and Loans Cooperatives (KSP), especially in the KSP Puskopdit Bali Artha Guna (BAG). Puskopdit Bali Artha Guna is a secondary KSP which until the end of 2018 has 20 primary cooperative members with 58,520 individual members spread across Bali. Cooperatives as a form of business entity engaged in the economy have a management structure that is somewhat different from other business entities. To achieve the goals of cooperatives, it is necessary to apply a good management system, namely implementing management functions. Some of the problems described in the discussion include 1) in what ways the development of modern management has been carried out at KSP Puskopdit Bali Artha Guna; 2) how is the implementation of modern management practices in cooperatives in facing today's business competition; 3) what benefits can be generated for the community, especially cooperative members in Bali. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with the method of collecting data through literature studies and in-depth interviews. In general, members of the Puskopdit Bali Artha Guna cooperative have digitized and implemented modern management in their operational systems to remain competitive in the millennial era who are familiar with technology, so that they are able to compete with other financial institutions.
Tanggung Jawab Sejarah dan Kebudayaan di Balik Pelarangan Buku di Indonesia Anak Agung Ayu Rai Wahyuni; Maria Matildis Banda
Journal Social and Humaniora Vol 20 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Udayana University Press bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (481.672 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/PJIIB.2020.v20.i01.p10


Pelarangan buku di Indonesia sudah berlangsung sejak kekuasaan Presiden RI pertama, Soekarno. Pelarangan ini berlangsung terus dalam kualitas dan kuantitas yang lebih besar pada masa kekuasaan Presiden RI kedua, Soeharto. Pada era reformasi, ketika kebebasan epskresi menemukan ruangnya, pelarangan buku tetap terjadi. Artikel ini membahas tanggung jawab sejarah dan kebudayaan di balik pelarangan buku. Bagaimana pelarangan buku pada era Soekarno, Soeharto, dan era reformasi. Bagaimana pro-kontra yang terjadi, serta bagaimana solusi yang memuaskan berbagai pihak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pustaka, dengan membaca, menginput data, dan mengkaji berdasarkan data pustaka. Artikel ini menjelaskan bahwa penulis buku mesti bertanggung jawab terhadap kandungan tulisannya. Tema-tema seperti G-30-S PKI adalah tema yang sensitif karenanya penulis wajib memiliki kesadaran sejarah dan budaya. Demikian pula pihak pemerintan diharapkan dapat mengkaji sebuah buku, dan tidak melakukan pembekuan atau pelarangan secara sepihak. Membawa sebuah buku ke dalam ranah hukum didukung pembuktian yang diperlukan, agar semua pihak mendapatkan keadilan berdasarkan hukum, sejarah, dan kebudayaan bangsa demi persatuan NKRI berdasarkan pilar-pilar pembangunan dan keberlangsungan hidup sebagai sebuah bangsa.
Revolusi Biru dan Human Security Nelayan di Kusamba Klungkung I Wayan Tagel Eddy; Anak Agung Ayu Rai Wahyuni
Journal Social and Humaniora Vol 19 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Udayana University Press bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (629.797 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/PJIIB.2019.v19.i01.p09


Revolusi biru (blue revolution), sebagai strategi pembangunan dan upaya akumulasi kapital, bukan hanya tidak berhasil mengangkat nelayan dari kemiskinan yang melilit mereka, namun ia juga menyisakan persoalan bagi keberlangsungan human security nelayan. Tidak hanya gagal menangkap apa yang sebenarnya menjadi kebutuhan nelayan, paket kebijakan modernisasi perikanan seringkali malah merugikan nelayan dan masyarakat pesisir pantai. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses dan bentuk modernisasi perikanan (minapolitan) yang sedang dalam proses pembangunan serta bagaimana respon para nelayan dan masyarakat pesisir terhadapnya? Selain itu, akan memeriksa apa kira-kira yang akan diakibatkan oleh modernisasi perikanan bagi keberlangsungan human security kehidupan nelayan dan masyarakat pesisir. Penulis terlebih dahulu memulai uraian dengan mengelaborasi konsep pembangunan, human security dan revolusi biru sebelum memberikan ilustrasi kasus nelayan dan masyarakat pesisir, berkaitan dengan pembangunan minapolitan, di kawasan pelabuhan Kusamba Kelungkung.
Tinjauan Makna Keberadaan Pura Hyang Api di Desa Kelusa, Bali A.A. Bagus Wirawan; Fransiska Dewi Setiowati Sunaryo; A.A. Ayu Rai Wahyuni
Lembaran Sejarah Vol 15, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/lembaran-sejarah.59521


This paper focuses on the structure and meaning of the existence of the Hyang Api Temple in Kelusa Village, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province. This temple is a place of worship (parahyangan) from Dewa Agni. From the structure, ritual form, and its function symbolizes the manifestation of Dewa Vishnu and Shiva. The problem raised in this paper is to find out how the structure of the Hyang Api Temple in Kelusa Village and what the meaning of ritual activities are carried out by Hindus in the Pura Hyang Api Village of Kelusa. Through this analysis it can show that there are indications of the existence of Kahyangan Tiga, Tri Murti. The Tri Murti concept in Bali can be seen in the form of a temple. The method used in this paper is the historical method, especially through the collection of historical facts, namely the collection of written data in the form of documents and monuments. Through this analysis, it is expected that the public can have a better understanding of the form and meaning of temples in Balinese society.
PENGARUH HARGA, PROMOSI, DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA RUMAH MAKAN WARUNG BEBEK D’UMA DI DENPASAR Anak Agung Ngurah Oka Suryadinatha Gorda; Ni Ketut Karyati; Ni Wayan Suryathi; Anak Agung Ayu Rai Wahyuni; I Putu Anantakarna Dananjaya
dwijenAGRO Vol 12 No 1 (2022): dwijenAGRO
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Dwijendra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46650/dwijenagro.12.1.1274.22-36


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh harga, promosi dan lokasi secara parsial dan simultan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitaif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah konsumen Warung Bebek D’uma dan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 75 orang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Uji Validitas, Uji Reabilitas, Uji Asumsi Klasik, Anaisis Regresi Linier Berganda, Uji Koefisien Deaterminasi, Uji F dan Uji t. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil: (1) Harga memiliki pengaruh yang positif signifikan terhadap Keputusan pembelian, dimana diperoleh nilai koefisien t sebesar 3,642, nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0,233 dan signifikansi sebesar 0,001, (2) Promosi memiliki pengaruh yang positif signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian, diperoleh nilai koefisien t sebesar 3,702, nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0,213 dan signifikansi sebesar 0,000. (3) Lokasi memiliki pengaruh yang positif signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian, diperoleh nilai koefisien t sebesar 2,205, nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0,135 dan signifikansi sebesar 0,031, dan (4) harga, promosi dan lokasi secara bersama - sama memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian, dimana diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah Warung Bebek D’uma hendaknya selalu membuat kebijakan harga yang sesuai dengan kualitas yang ditawarkan, membuat papan nama yang mudah dillihat oleh konsumen, serta Warung Bebek D’uma selalu aktif melakukan promosi di media sosial agar nantinya lebih dikenal oleh banyak konsumen.