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Correlation between dietary fat consumption with body mass index and body composition (a preliminary study in community based) Amelya Augusthina Ayusari; Budiyanti Wiboworini; Kusmadewi Eka Damayanti; Dwi Rahayu; Widardo Widardo; Yulia Lanti
Health Science Journal of Indonesia Vol 10 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v12i2.2443


Pendahuluan: Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan hubungan antara konsumsi lemak dengan indeks massa tubuh dan komposisi tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsumsi harian lemak total, asam lemak tak jenuh ganda (PUFA) dan kolesterol total dengan beberapa paramater gizi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross-sectional, dengan 102 subjek. Pemeriksaan yang dilakukan adalah tinggi badan, berat badan, indeks massa tubuh dan pengukuran komposisi tubuh menggunakan timbangan komposisi tubuh Omron® HBF-212. Analisis konsumsi lemak total, asam lemak tak jenuh ganda dan kolesterol total menggunakan Software nutrisurvey 2007. Uji korelasi yang digunakan adalah Spearman Rho dengan menggunakan SpSS 21. Hasil: Konsumsi lemak total tidak berhubungan dengan indeks massa tubuh, massa lemak total, dan massa lemak visceral. Konsumsi PUFA berhubungan secara negatif dengan indeks massa tubuh (p <0,014, -0,24) dan massa lemak total (p <0,001, -0,326), sedangkan konsumsi total kolesterol total berhubugan secara negatif dengan indeks massa tubuh (p <0,019, -0,23), dan massa lemak total (p <0,001, -0,337). Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara konsumsi lemak dengan indeks massa tubuh dan komposisi tubuh. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2019;10(2):128-31) Kata kunci: konsumsi lemak; indeks massa tubuh; komposisi tubuh Abstract Introduction: Studies showed some relation between fat consumption with body mass index and body composition. We conducted a study to investigate relationships between daily consumption of total fat, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and total cholesterol with some nutritional parameters. Methods: This was cross-sectional study, with 102 subjects. The study was examined height, body weight, body mass index and body composition measurements using the Omron® HBF-212 body composition monitor. There was nutrisurvey 2007 to measure total fat, polyunsaturated fatty acid and total cholesterol consumption. We analyzed the correlation by using SpSS 21 (Spearman Rho) Results: Total fat consumption was not related to body mass index, total fat mass, and visceral fat mass. PUFA consumption was negatively associated with body mass index (p <0.014, -0.24) and total fat mass (p <0.001, -0.326), while consumption of total cholesterol was negatively associated with body mass index (p <0.019, -0.23), and total fat mass (p <0.001, -0.337) Conclusion: There was a relation between fat consumption with body mass index and body composition.(Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2019;10(2):128-31). Keywords: fat consumption; body mass index; body composition
Pengetahuan Berhubungan dengan Konsumsi Tablet Fe Saat Menstruasi pada Remaja Putri di SMAN 2 Banguntapan Bantul Prasetya Lestari; Widardo Widardo; Sri Mulyani
JNKI (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia) (Indonesian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery) Vol 3, No 3 (2015): November 2015
Publisher : Alma Ata University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.373 KB) | DOI: 10.21927/jnki.2015.3(3).145-149


Preventing of nutritional anemia among adolescents is low, as evidenced by student a senior high school of 2 Banguntapan which Fe tablet consumption during menstruation is still low. So that is necessary knowledge of Fe tablet during menstruation further more. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and the consumption of Fe tablets during menstruation in adolescent. Analytical survey research design with cross secsional, a number of respondents was 64 with a total sampling technique. Instrument by questionnaire on knowledge and Fe tablet checklist to determine Fe tablet consumption. Techniques of data analysis using fisher excact. The results showed that there are only eight respondents (12.5%) whose consuming Fe tablet during menstruation with enough knowledge category. The results of bivariate analysis by fisher exact p-value=0.321 it’s showed that there was no relationship between knowledge with the consumption of iron tablets during menstruation in adolescent.