Alberta Natasia Adji
Airlangga University

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Being a Sensible Woman: Hypertextuality in Grimm’s Fairy Tale and Juliet Marillier’s Wildwood Dancing Alberta Natasia Adji
POETIKA Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Issue 2
Publisher : Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/poetika.v5i2.26433


The re-writing of a fairy tale caters for characters, settings and values that have undergone changes, be it explicit or implicit. In Juliet Marillier’s Wildwood Dancing, the main female character Jena is transformed from the passive and obedient Twelfth/Youngest Princess of Grimm’s The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes into a brave and sensible figure. She challenges the oppression of patriarchal rules by taking control of her household in her father’s absence, securing her four sisters’ welfare, and keeping secret of their nocturnal dancing trips in the Other Kingdom despite being threatened by her domineering male cousin. In this way, Gerard Genette’s Hypertextuality strives to investigate the underlying patterns manifested in both literary works by applying the Re-vision element. Through it, Jena’s and the Twelfth/Youngest Princess’ sensibility trait and the socio-cultural settings surrounding them are highlighted in order to determine the importance of the overall hypertextuality process that takes place between the two. Later, Jena emerges as the more influential heroine than her predecessor character because she does not stop struggling to be regarded as an independent young woman who can always give advice and make decisions for her family affairs sensibly. Also, it is eventually proven that sensibility is indeed a strong weapon to be possessed by women in order to empower themselves against the conventions of a patriarchal world.      
Wanita dalam Peringatan Hari Kartini: Kajian pada Opini Republika, Kompas, dan Jawa Pos Alberta Natasia Adji
Metalingua: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa Vol 15, No 2 (2017): METALINGUA EDISI DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.905 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/metalingua.v15i2.100


The writing aims to highlight women’s opinions and aspirations under the theme ofKartini Day from three biggest printed media in Indonesia, all published on April 21,2016. The three printed media are Jawa Pos, Kompas, and Republika. The sourcesof the data are three columns written by three women figures regarding R.A. Kartiniand violence issues still experienced by women in the modern era. The principaltheory applied in this study is critical discourse analysis (CDA) theory coined byNorman Fairclough. The applied method of the research is the library method usingthe recording technique. The conclusion of the study toward the three newspapertexts are: (1) Republika praised Kartini’s role as the pioneer of emancipation andmuslimah but did not view her fate as a victim of polygamous marriage, (2) Kompasand Jawa Pos defied polygamy, with (3) Kompas criticising Kartini as the fourthwife and Jawa Pos commenting on the rising trend of patriarchal Islamic novels inIndonesia. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menyoroti opini dan aspirasi perempuan dengan tema HariKartini dalam tiga media cetak terbesar di Indonesia yang diterbitkan pada 21 April2016. Ketiga koran tersebut ialah Jawa Pos, Kompas, dan Republika. Sumber datapenelitian ini adalah ketiga kolom yang ditulis oleh ketiga tokoh wanita terkait tokohR.A. Kartini dan isu-isu kekerasan yang masih dialami perempuan di zaman modern.Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori analisis wacanakritis (AWK) yang dicetuskan oleh Norman Fairclough. Metode penelitian yangdigunakan ialah metode pustaka dengan teknik catat. Simpulan penelitian terhadapketiga wacana tersebut ialah (1) Republika mengunggulkan peran Kartini sebagaipelopor emansipasi, tetapi lebih kepada perannya sebagai seorang muslimah dantidak menyinggung nasibnya sebagai korban pernikahan poligami, (2) Opini Kompasdan Jawa Pos yang sama-sama menentang praktik poligami, dengan (3) Kompasyang mengkritisi nasib Kartini sebagai istri keempat dalam rumah tangganya danJawa Pos yang mengomentari tren munculnya novel-novel Islami yang cenderungpatriarkal pada masyarakat saat ini.