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Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Journal : Jurnal Penelitian Agama

Jurnal Penelitian Agama Vol 17 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (430.339 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jpa.v17i2.2016.pp230-250


Abstract: The results of data analysis showed that disadvantaged-students scholarship and Bidik Misi scholarship recipients succeed in his studies indicated arnaverage IP obtained was 3.43 with details of 5.6% of the students received a designation of high academic ability and 94.4% received a designation capability extremely high academic. Meanwhile, scholarship recipients of non-disadvantaged-students and non-Bidik Misi scholarship have lower IP acquisition anaverage of 3.29 to 8.4% student predicate academic ability is low, 5.6% high, and very high 86.0%. There's no influence of economic factors of students with learning success, there is no effect between the origin of SMA / MA SMK to the success of learning, and there is influence between public or private schools of origin against the learning success. Keywords: Scholarship, Poor, Economic Factors.
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Vol 18 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.771 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jpa.v18i1.2017.pp46-65


Abstract: Learning achievement or academic achievement are things that cannot be separated from learning activities because they are the output of the learning process and are evidence of an individual's ability to carry out learning activities. This is in accordance with the definition of learning achievement is the result achieved from a learning process. Student academic achievement can be known after an evaluation is carried out and reflected in the form of a GPA or Grade Point Average (GPA). In general, if the IP or GPA achieved by students of Mathematics Tadris is less than 3 (three) is not as expected, whereas if the IP or GPA achieved 3 (three) or above 3 (three) is as expected. Learning achievement or academic achievement that can be achieved by students is influenced by many intelligence factors or abilities and external factors including economic factors and social environmental factors. Factors from outside the IAIN Purwokerto Mathematics Tadris students can be in the form of scholarships, schools, students or not, and students joining the organization or not when students are studying. Analysis of scholarship factors, school origin, students or not, and students following the organization or not on student academic achievement can be done using binary logistic regression. Based on binary logistic regression analysis the results showed that scholarship factors if categorized as students getting scholarships or not affecting academic achievement were only 0.2%, school-originating factors from the SMA and MA categories had an effect of 22.4%, high school or vocational category 81, 1%, MA or SMK category of 69.9%, MA or MAK category and SMK or MAK have no effect due to the absence of the IAIN Purwokerto Mathematics Tadris student from MAK, the factor of students staying in the cottage or not having an effect is 10.7% , and student factors follow the organization or not at 71.3%. Keywords: Binary Logistic Regression, Scholarship, School Origin, Education, Organization, Achievement.
Pola Pembelajaran Multimedia (Studi Proses Pembelajaran di STAIN Purwokerto) Rachmijati, Tri; Mutijah, Mutijah; Hadi, Rahmini
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Vol 15 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.011 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jpa.v15i1.2014.pp133-151


Abstract: Multimedia learning useful for improving learning outcomes. Lecturersat STAIN Purwokerto environment also seemed to respond positively STAINPurwokerto effort that has been providing electronic media in the form of LCDprojectors in every classroom. This is evident in the use of laptops and LCD projectorsas a medium of learning in the lecture. Nevertheless, the use of laptops and LCDprojectors require caution in order not to make the learning becomes centered onthe lecturer alone. The results showed that most of the lecturers STAIN Purwokertohave used laptops and LCD in the learning process. Multimedia learning undertakenutilizing text, pictures/photos, sound, animation, and film/video. More than half of therespondents expressed consent to and support for the lectures with a laptop/computerand LCD projector or multimedia learning.Keywords: Learning, Multimedia, Laptop/Computer, SCL. Abstrak: Pembelajaran multimedia bermanfaat bagi upaya peningkatan hasilbelajar. Dosen-dosen di lingkungan STAIN Purwokerto juga tampak meresponpositif upaya STAIN Purwokerto yang telah menyediakan media elektronik yangberupa LCD proyektor di setiap kelas. Hal tersebut terlihat pada penggunaan laptopdan LCD proyektor sebagai media pembelajaran dalam proses perkuliahan. Meskidemikian, penggunaan laptop dan LCD proyektor tersebut menuntut kehati-hatianagar tidak membuat pembelajaran yang menggunakan komputer menjadi berpusatpada dosen saja. Permasalahan yang dikaji melalui penelitian adalah: [1]Bagaimanakah pola pembelajaran multimedia oleh para dosen STAIN Purwokerto?[2] Seberapa banyak pembelajaran multimedia tersebut, dan untuk fungsi apasaja? [3] Bagaimana kesesuaian pembelajaran multimedia dengan strategipembelajaran yang semestinya dilaksanakan berdasarkan tujuan pembelajaranyang ingin dicapai? Dan [4] Bagaimana penilaian mahasiswa peserta kuliah terhadappembelajaran multimedia? Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagianbesar dosen STAIN Purwokerto telah memanfaatkan dan menggunakan laptopdan LCD dalam proses pembelajaran. Pembelajaran multimedia yang dilaksanakanmemanfaatkan teks, gambar/foto, suara, animasi, dan film/video. Lebihdari separuh responden menyatakan kesetujuan dan dukungannya terhadapperkuliahan dengan menggunakan laptop/komputer dan LCD proyektor ataupembelajaran multimedia. Selain itu, ada saran agar lebih variatif dalam menggunakanmedia dan metode pembelajaran, atau sesekali perlu belajar di luarkelas, sehingga terpaku pada materi di power point.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, Multimedia, Laptop/Komputer, SCL.