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MAQASHID Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Nov 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah - IAI Al-Qolam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1232.405 KB) | DOI: 10.35897/maqashid.v2i2.327


Di Indonesia sering sekali terjadi perbedaan waktu pelaksanaan ibadah umat Islam, seperti pelaksanaan puasa bulan Ramadan, hari raya idul fitri, hari raya idul adha dan lain-lain, hal ini dikarenakan umat Islam di Indonesia belum memiliki sebuah kalender Hijriyah yang mapan dan dapat dijadikan acuan bersama. Penetapan awal bulan Qamariyah memang merupakan masalah ijtihadiyah karena tidak adanya satu dalilpun baik dari al-Qur’an maupun as-Sunnah yang menjelaskan secara terperinci mengenai cara atau metode penentapan awal bulan Qamariyah tersebut, sehingga banyak para ulama yang berbeda pendapat dalam menafsirkan cara untuk menetapkan tanggal satu pada bulan Qamariyah. Pun juga hasil perhitungan astronomi yang oleh sebagian ahli dikatakan sebagai sesuatu yang pasti atau qoth’i, juga menuai banyak versi sehingga tidak bisa meyakinkan umat untuk menjadikannya sebagai satu-satunya mentode penetapan. Sehingga hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa untuk mewujudkan bersatunya penetapan awal bulan harus ada satu madzhab yang menjadi otoritas yaitu madzhab negara, sebagaimana dalam kaidah ”keputuan hakim (Negara) menghapus perbedaan”.
Analysis of accuracy of the beginning of hijriah months reckoning of ad-Dur al-Aniq book in 20 years Muchamad Choirun Nizar; Bashori Alwi
Ulul Albab: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Vol. 4, No. 1, Oktober 2020
Publisher : Sultang Agung Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jua.v4i1.12811


In the treasures of the development of astronomy and the method of reckoning in Indonesia, there are several classical Islamic astronomy (falak) books with various methods such as the book Sulam an-Nayyirain, Syamsul Hilal, Durus al-Falakiyyah, Nurul Anwar, and so on. One of the interesting things to study is the book Ad-Dur al-Aniq by KH. Ahmad Ghozali Muhammad Fathullah, an expert in astronomy who came from Madura, the book which is declared as a modern Islamic astronomy book with the method of reckoning tahqiq bi at-tadqiq. This method of reckoning tahqiq bi at-tadqiq is the most accurate because it has a long process and there are many interpolations. The calculation of reckoning for the beginning of the Hijri month in this book goes through 4 main stages, namely the calculation of ijtima, the time of sunset, the position of the sun, and the moon at sunset, and the conclusion of the reckoning. At each stage, it also consists of several counting processes and ta’dil. Through the calculation process, it can be proven that the calculation method in the book ad-Dur al-Aniq is included in the category of the tahqiqi bi at-tadqiq method with a very long algorithm and several corrections so that it gets very accurate results. The theory and calculation system are based on modern astronomical formulas (spherical trigonometric theory) and use a scientific calculator or computer as a calculation tool. After comparing the calculation results using the Jean Meeus algorithm and NASA SKYCAL, the result is that the average difference between the three calculations is no more than 2 minutes.
JURNAL HAKAM Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (728.621 KB) | DOI: 10.33650/jhi.v5i1.1983


Almost every day, issues and news about corruption become part of several headlines in newspapers, or become a theme raised in television media in this country. This fact indicates that, today Indonesia is still unable to escape from a culture of corruption that is getting stronger and running systemically. Although it is not proclaimed as an Islamic state, Indonesia is listed as a country with a Muslim majority. Even so, the quantity of diversity is not directly proportional to the moral quality and practice of religion which explicitly states, both in the Koran and al-Sunnah, that it prohibits actions that harm others, let alone the State. Because Indonesia is dominated by a Muslim majority, whether it is recognized or not, the perpetrators of corruption in this country are mostly Muslims. This article will discuss the discourse on the eradication of corruption as stipulated in Law Number 20 of 2001 and in Islamic law. By using literature research methods and descriptive analysis of the sources of positive law and Islamic law, this article produces several findings, namely; 1) efforts to eradicate corruption as regulated in Law Number 20 of 2001 are carried out with physical punishments such as fines and a maximum sentence of life which does not provide a deterrent effect to the perpetrators; 2) Islam emphasizes that the eradication of corruption is carried out by means of theological-morality, namely awareness of corruptors and the provision of moral sanctions, such as being displayed to the public so as to provide an educational effect for others. From these findings, this article agrees with Mahfud MD's idea that punishment for corruptors should be carried out in the aspects of physical and moral punishment.
Konsepsi Pengembangan Materi Dakwah Terintegrasi Berlandaskan Logika dan Ilmu Matematika |Conception of Development Da'wah Material Integrated Based on Logic and Mathematical Sciences Faiz Faiz; Farhan Farhan; Bashori Alwi
Al-I'lam: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jail.v4i2.4318


Factor Analysis of Time Deposits on Customer Interests at BMT UGT Nusantara Banyuanyar Probolinggo Branch Niroh Qonita Tillah Maulana Malik Ibrahim; Bashori Alwi
Perisai : Islamic Banking and Finance Journal Vol 6 No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/perisai.v6i1.1582


Customer satisfaction is very important in improving the quality or customer confidence in the improvement or development of Islamic financial institutions. This research has a purpose to see what the customers' perceptions of satisfaction with the distribution of ratios obtained from BMT UGT Nusantara Banyuanyar Branch and what factors influence customer interest in deposit products at BMT UGT Nusantara Banyuanyar Probolinggo Branch. The approach taken is a quantitative approach. The measuring instrument selected in this research is the Likert scale. The population used is the customers of BMT UGT Nusantara Banyuanyar Branch. Purposive sampling method is used to take samples. There are three sampling techniques based on characteristics, namely 1) Customers aged over 20 years, 2) Having time deposits, and 3) Having savings deposits for 1 year and over. Questionnaires were distributed to customers of BMT UGT Nusantara Banyuanyar Branch. A total of 53 samples is in line with the provisions of the characteristics of the determination of the sample. Testing the data taken in this research consisted the classical assumption testing (normality test, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity) as well hypothesis test (multiple regression analysis). The results of research on profit sharing, location, and social environment good impact on consumer interenst. Meanwhile, promotion and religiosity have no impact on customer interest. These results are said to be in the T test and the result are significantly less than 0.05 and greater than the T table.
Pendampingan Fikih Marital bagi Remaja Putus Sekolah Bashori Alwi; Muhtamilatur Rohmah; Moh. Shidqie Muhtadi; Nuril Azizu Anggraini; Siti Yusrohlana; Devi Yunilasari; Nurmasita Nurmasita
GUYUB: Journal of Community Engagement Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Pendampingan Pendidikan, Agama, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/guyub.v2i1.1963


Divorce has always been a phobia for married couples. The causes are almost the same, if not for economic factors, of course due to the lack of knowledge and ethics in the family. Therefore, this community service is carried out to reduce the number of divorces due to these three factors in Karanganyar Paiton village and Asembakor Kraksaan village, Probolinggo. The mentoring process uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, which begins with mapping the problem (diagnosis), planning movement (mapping), carrying out transformative movements (action), observing and evaluating (observe), and compiling theoritization (reflect). The results of this community service are; 1) provide awareness to the public about the importance of marital fiqh education and economic readiness in forming a harmonious family; 2) this activity also resulted in the formation of a family counseling center that can be used by the general public to share, consult and resolve family problems.
JURNAL HAKAM Vol 6, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/jhi.v6i1.3505


Many of the salaf scholars have reached their peak in science, fiqh, and wara'-an. Throughout the history of Islamic legal thought, we certainly know the four Imams of the Jurisprudence School: Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik bin Anas, Imam Syafi'i, and Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal. Their schools are still practiced because their works are systematically documented, and the data is accurate, quoted by their loyal followers. The Medina school of fiqh, promoted by Malik bin Anas, whose monumental work al-Muwattha, is a hadith book containing Islamic law, with 1700 legal traditions. This school developed in Morocco and Andalusia, until now it is still spread throughout North Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain. In terms of age, Imam Malik is the imam who ranks second after Abu Hanifa of the four priests in Islamic law. He was born in the city of Medina in 93 H/712 AD and died on 10 Rabi'ul Awal in 179 H/798 AD in Medina. Imam Shafi'i, also one of his students, once said: "Malik is Allah's proof against His creatures." Imam Bukhari said: "The most authentic isnad in the hadith is Imam Malik from Abi al-Zannad from A'raj from Abu Hurairah." According to a narration quoted by Munawar Khalil, among Malik's primary teachers, there were no less than 700 people. Among the many teachers, 300 people are classified as tabi'in scholars.
KONSEP HILAL MAR’I (Analisis Terhadap Pandangan Anggota TIM Hisab Rukyat Kementerian Agama RI) Bashori Alwi
JURNAL HAKAM Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/jhi.v6i1.4466


One of the causes of differences in Eid al-Fitr so far is the difference among rukyat reckoning experts themselves regarding the concept of the new moon mar'i, where there are rukyat reckoning experts who say that the hilal is the lower disk, some even say it is the lower disk. on. This can clearly be a trigger for differences in starting the beginning of the Hijriyah month, especially Eid al-Fitr; that is, when the height of the new moon is critical (about 2 degrees), it may be that according to one rukyat reckoning expert and another, they have different views on the concept of the new moon mar'i; different, so the holidays are different. The researcher's initial hypothesis was that there was a difference in the concept of the new moon among members of the Hisab Rukyat Team of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, because the ulama' differed in opinion regarding the entry of the early hijriyah month, especially the ulama' who allowed reckoning in determining the entry of the early hijriyah month, where there were those who used the criteria for the bright and light new moon. some wear the dark crescent. Besides that, the influence of a teacher's thoughts is quite large on the thoughts of his students, this also results in the similarity of views on the concept of the new moon of a student with his teacher, this happened to a member of the Hisab Rukyat Team of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia who combined the opinions of the majority of ulama' and the opinion of his teacher. (which follows the opinion of the minority ulama'). And after doing research, it turns out that the researcher's hypothesis is true.
Analysis of the Problems of Early Marriage on Islam in Krucil Sumber Durian Village, Probolinggo Bashori Alwi; Sirojul Munir
Risalah, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Wiralodra Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/jurnal_risalah.v9i2.571


This study describes the analysis of the problems of early marriage in Sumber Duren Village. Early marriage has been a long-standing phenomenon, but is now re-emerging on the surface. This study aims to determine the motive behind this phenomenon. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study. The data was obtained through observation and interviews. There were fourteen informants in this study, consisting of village heads, KUA officials, parents and children involved in early marriages. Data analysis uses data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusions. As for the research results obtained, there are four things that are problematic for the occurrence of early marriage in Sumber Duren Village, namely matchmaking, self-will, low economy, and tradition. Matchmaking is one of the causes of early marriage in Sumber Duren Village, and this is because by choosing a partner for their child, the parents feel calmer. The son's or daughter's own will also causes early marriage in Sumber Duren Village. This happens for several reasons: feeling that they already understand marriage, not wanting to burden their parents, and pressure from the couple. Next is the economic factor that causes early marriage in Sumber Duren Village. The family's difficult economic conditions can trigger parents' mindsets to marry off their sons and daughters. It is intended that the financial problems experienced can be overcome. The ancestral tradition of marrying at an early or relatively young age is also one of the causes of early marriage in Sumber Duren Village. Most parents consider that early marriage is a positive and common thing, even considering that early marriage is an ancestral tradition that must be preserved and ignore the rules in marriage.