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Inersia : Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 15, No 2 (2019): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (937.28 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/inersia.v15i2.28624


 ABSTRACTPile cap is one of the many types of structures that are entirely Disturbed-region. The structure undergoes a non-linear strain because it was meeting point of the pile and column with centralized forces. In addition, geometry changes occur at the meeting between the column, pile cap, and pile, so the Bernoulli concept is no longer suitable for this condition. Pile cap testing consists of two groups of specimens and each group consists of three specimens. The first group was designed using the STM method (SNI 2847: 2013 Appendix A) and the second group was designed using conventional methods (SNI 2847: 2013 Article 15). Loading is the application of a centralized static load that is channeled through a centric column until the pile cap structure has collapsed. The results show that: (1) The flexural reinforcement which experiences the first yield condition both on the pile cap testing of the STM method and in the conventional method was the X direction flexural reinforcement (outsidest flexural reinforcement). (2) The average strain of the yield conditions and load on the pile cap STM method were 2242 με and 528.97 kN, whereas the conventional method were 2436 με and 437.03 kN. (3) Increasing the load capacity of the yield conditions (Py) of the pile cap STM method and conventional method on the plan load (Pn) were 32.2% and 9.3%.Keywords: pile cap, four piles, Strut and Tie Model (STM)  ABSTRAK Pile cap merupakan salah satu dari jenis struktur yang sepenuhnya merupakan daerah terganggu (Disturbed-region). Struktur tersebut mengalami regangan non-linear karena merupakan titik pertemuan pile dan kolom dengan gaya-gaya terpusat. Selain itu, terjadi perubahan geometri pada pertemuan antara kolom, pile cap, dan pile, sehingga konsep Bernoulli tidak cocok lagi pada kondisi tersebut. Pengujian pile cap terdiri dari dua kelompok benda uji dan masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari tiga buah benda uji. Kelompok pertama dirancang menggunakan metode STM (SNI 2847:2013 Lampiran A) dan kelompok kedua dirancang menggunakan metode konvensional (SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 15). Pembebanan berupa penerapan beban statik terpusat yang disalurkan melalui kolom sentris sampai struktur pile cap mengalami keruntuhan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tulangan lentur yang mengalami kondisi leleh terlebih dahulu baik pada pengujian benda uji pile cap metode STM maupun pada metode konvensional adalah tulangan lentur arah X (tulangan lentur terluar). (2) Rata-rata regangan kondisi leleh dan beban pada benda uji pile cap metode STM adalah 2242 με dan 528,97 kN, sedangkan pada metode konvensional adalah 2436 με dan 437,03 kN . (3) Peningkatan kapasitas beban kondisi leleh (Py) pada benda uji pile cap metode STM dan metode konvensional terhadap beban rencana (Pn) adalah 32,2 % dan 9,3 %. Kata kunci: pile cap, empat tiang, Strut-and-Tie Model (STM)
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 6 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.136 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i6.5438


Abstrak: Pengelola Yayasan Riyadul Falah berupaya menambah sarana prasarana berupa gedung sekolah yang recananya akan dibangun dua lantai. Namun di tengah proses pembangunan gedung tersebut mengalami kegagalan konstruksi, struktur balok bangunan mengalami lendutan yang mengakibatkan plat lantai menjadi tidak stabil. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah melakukan pendampingan pengelola Yayasan Riyadul Falah Kabupaten Bogor untuk melakukan perbaikan pada bangunan yang mengalami gagal konstruksi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu peninjauan, diskusi serta pendampingan untuk melakukan proses perbaikan. Peserta kegiatan terdiri dari 4 Dosen, 4 Mahasiswa serta mitra pengabdian pengelola Yayasan Riyadul Falah yang berjumlah kurang lebih 20 orang. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan pengabdian, masyarakat memberikan respon kepuasan atas pelayanan dan pendampingan dengan hasil sangat tinggi terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan masyarakat. Hasil kuisioner menunjukkan sebanyak 61,36% memberikan jawaban sangat setuju dan 38,64% memberikan jawaban setuju. Secara tidak langsung pengelola mendapatkan pengetahuan baru dalam perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian pada pembangunan, perawatan dan perbaikan bangunan bertingkat rendah. Adapun pelaksanaan perbaikan bangunan gedung menghemat pengeluaran Yayasan kurang lebih sebesar Rp. 50.650.000; anggaran ini meliputi biaya pembongkaran, pembelian material, dan pembangunan ulang.Abstract: The manager of the Riyadul Falah foundation seeks to add infrastructure in the form of a school building that is planned to be built on two floors. However, in the middle of the construction process, the building experienced a construction failure, the beam structure of the building experienced a deflection which caused the floor slab to become unstable. The purpose of community service activities is to assist the manager of the Riyadul Falah Foundation, Bogor Regency to make repairs the buildings that have failed construction. The method used is a survey, discussion, and assistance to carry out the repair process. The participants of the activity consisted of 4 lecturers, 4 students, and service partners of the Riyadul Falah Foundation management, totaling approximately 20 people. Based on the results of community service activities, the community responded with satisfaction to the services and assistance with very high results for the implementation of community activities. The results of the questionnaire showed that 61.36% gave the answer strongly agree and 38.64% gave the answer agree. Indirectly, managers gain new knowledge in planning, organizing, implementing and controlling the construction, maintenance and repair of low-rise buildings. The implementation of building repairs saves a budget of approximately Rp. 50.65 million this budget covers the costs of demolition, purchase of materials, and rebuilding.
Pengaruh Subtitusi Slag Baja Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Porous Non Pasir Erlina Yanuarini; Andi Indianto; Sukarman Sukarman; Ryan Anggriawan
Portal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 14, No 1 (2022): Edisi April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/portal.v14i1.2728


Beton porous non pasir dengan slag baja merupakan salah satu beton yang ramah lingkungan. Beton ini dapat menjadi alternatif untuk mengatasi permasalahan kerusakan jalan akibat genangan air, terutama pada trotoar, jalan taman, atau jalan lingkungan dalam skala terbatas. Slag baja dapat menggantikan agregat kasar karena memiliki kuat tekan yang mendekati agregat batu pecah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh substitusi steel slag terhadap kuat tekan beton porous non pasir. Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan dua variasi faktor air-semen (w/c 0,25 dan w/c 0,3) dengan dua variasi agregat batu pecah dan steel slag dengan diameter 10 mm-20 mm. Uji tekan pada benda uji dilakukan pada umur 14 hari, 21 hari, dan 28 hari. Penelitian ini mengacu pada ACI 522R 10. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kuat tekan beton porous non pasir menggunakan steel slag sebagai agregat kasar memiliki kuat tekan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan beton tidak halus porous menggunakan batu pecah.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Widyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33197/jitter.vol9.iss1.2022.952


Abstract Nickel slag is effluent from the nickel ore waste management process which has no economic value. Based on the visual aspect, nickel slag has a physical form that resembles coarse or fine aggregate. The chemical composition of the most nickel slag is silica with a percentage of 41.47% which is expected to strengthen the hydration process and increase the compressive strength of concrete. Concrete treatment is one of the things that can affect the strength of concrete. Concrete treatment generally uses water that is free from chemical and other substances that can affect the quality of concrete. Concrete in buildings located around the sea will experience direct contact with sea water, while sea water contains elements of salt and high chemical content which can cause a decrease in the quality of concrete. This decrease in the quality of concrete will affect the mechanical properties of the concrete, especially the compressive strength of the concrete itself. Therefore, this study aims to identify the effect of using nickel slag as a substitute for coarse aggregate with seawater immersion on the compressive strength of concrete. The method in this study is using the experimental method by making 48 concrete specimens with 4 variations, namely B.BP, L.BP, B.SN, and L.SN with testing the compressive strength of concrete at the age of 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The results of the compressive strength test at the age of 7.14, and 21 days, the highest percentage of the compressive strength of concrete was 58.25%; 50.06%; 35.93%; on the variation of B.SN to the variation of B.BP, while at the age of 28 days the variation of L.SN experienced an increase in the compressive strength of concrete by 18.54% against the variation of B.BP. Keywords: Compressive strength; nickel slag; sea water; soaking; subtitution
Prototype Jembatan Tipe Plate Girder U (PGU) dengan Lantai Orthotropic Komposit Erlina Yanuarini; Andi Indianto; Sukarman Sukarman
Portal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 15, No 1 (2023): Edisi April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/portal.v15i1.3140


Makalah ini memaparkan tentang model jembatan berbahan pelat, baik untuk girder maupun untuk lantainya. Keduanya dibentuk orthotropic yang menyilang. Girder dibentuk orthotropic arah memanjang jembatan, dan lantai dibentuk orthotropic arah melintang jembatan. Untuk menambah kekakuan girder, maka diatas lantai orthotropic dipasang beton bertulang cor ditempat. Tipe struktur ini diberi nama Plate Girder Tipe U (PGU) orthotropic komposit. Untuk membuktikan apakah beton bertulang yang dipasang diatas lantai orthotropic dapat menambah kekakuan, maka dibuat model jembatan dengan skala 1:10. Model jembatan di uji pembebanan. Uji pembebanan dilakukan terhadap PGU orthotropic non komposit dan terhadap PGU orthotropic komposit. Hasil uji pembebanan menunjukkan bahwa PGU orthotropic komposit memiliki daya layan sebesar 2,7 kali dari daya layan PGU orthotropic non komposit
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan (JITTER) Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Widyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33197/jitter.vol10.iss1.2023.1542


This research, steel welding waste called slag welding SAW was used as a substitute for coarse aggregate in concrete with a content of 50%. This study aims to determine the utilization of SAW welding slag waste as a substitute for coarse aggregate concrete by testing the compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength. The concrete mix design plan uses quality of 25 MPa, using SNI 2834-2000. The specimens for testing the compressive strength of normal concrete and concrete slag welding SAW at the age of 14, 21, and 28 days totaling 18 cubes with a size of 15 x 15 x 15 cm, testing the tensile strength of concrete slag welding SAW at the age of 28 days totaling 2 shapes cylinder with a size of 30 x 15 cm, as well as testing the flexural strength of concrete slag welding SAW at the age of 28 days totaling 2 blocks with a size of 50 x 10 x 10 cm. Slump test of fresh concrete design (60-180) mm. The average compressive strength test results for normal concrete at 28 days were 16,465 MPa. The results of the average compressive strength test of concrete slag welding SAW at 28 days were 15,518 MPa. The average tensile strength test results of slag welding SAW concrete at 28 days were 1.36 MPa. The average flexural strength test results of slag welding SAW concrete at 28 days were 1.17 MPa.