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Journal : Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat

Virtual Edukasi Tentang Psikologis Dan Tips Untuk Mengatasi Psikotik Pada Lansia Di Masa Pandemik Covid 19 di Kota Palu Ni Luh Emilia; Sabarulian Tarigan
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): January
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.046 KB) | DOI: 10.53690/ipm.v2i03.118


Abstract: During the covid 19 pandemic, it will greatly affect a person's health, personality and psychology problems, including the elderly, especially during a pandemic like now, they will feel lonely, lonely, and worse anxiety is suicidal ideation. There have been many efforts made by the government and health workers, one of which is that it can help the elderly in dealing with stress or psychological problems that are felt and can gradually change the perception of the elderly. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide virtual education to fostered elderly in Palu City about psychology and tips for overcoming psychotics. The method used is virtual counseling and collaborates with the elderly assisted by STIKes BK Palu and students as facilitators. The results obtained were as many as 17 elderly people participated in this activity enthusiastically and gave a good response by asking about material or other things related to covid 19 and the results of the evaluation of the elderly being able to understand and know the material provided. It is hoped that community leaders, especially the elderly posyandu, will provide education regarding other matters regarding covid 19, such as health protocols and important vaccinations. Keywords: Education, Psychological, Covid 19, Pandemic, Elderly Abstrak: Di masa pandemik covid 19 akan sangat pempengaruhi masalah kesehatan, keperibadian dan psikologi seseorang termasuk lansia, apalagi dimasa pandemik seperti sekarang ini lansia akan merasa kesepian, kesendirian, kecemasan bahakan yang lebih parahnya adalah keinginan bunuh diri. Telah banyak upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan tenaga kesehatan salah satunya adalah edukasi yang dapat membantu lansia dalam mengatasi stress atau masalah psikologis yang dirasakan dan dapat mengubah persepsi lansia secara bertahap. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi secara virtual kepada lansia binaan yang ada di Kota Palu mengenai psikologis dan tips untuk mengatasi psikotik. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan secara virtual dan bekerja sama dengan lansia binaan STIKes BK Palu serta mahasiswa sebagai fasilitator. Hasil yang di dapatkan adalah sebanyak 17 lansia mengikuti kegiatan ini dengan antusias dan memberikan respon yang baik dengan bertanya mengenai materi ataupun hal lain terkait covid 19 serta hasil evaluasi lansia dapat mengerti dan tahu materi yang diberikan. Diharapkan keterlibatan tokoh masyarakat khusunya posyandu lansia dalam pemberian edukasi mengenai hal-hal lain tentang covid 19 seperti pentingnya protocol kesehatan dan vaksinasi Kata Kunci : Edukasi, Psikologis, Covid 19, Pandemik, Lansia
Terapi Bermain Untuk Meningkatkan Kekuatan Motorik dan Kognitif pada Lansia Binaan Stikes Bala Keselamatan Palu di Kota Palu Ni Luh Emilia; Denny Susanto; Meilin Anggreyni; Juliana Neng Rifka Sarman
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 02 (2022): May
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (667.098 KB) | DOI: 10.53690/ipm.v2i03.133


   The age group with the fastest growth in the world today is elderly. The health problems experienced by the elderly are varied, such as cognitive disorders and physical or motor problems. Various efforts have been made to restore this condition, one of them is play therapy. The purpose of this community service is to provide play therapy to improve motor and cognitive strength to the elderly that are fostered by Stikes Bala Keselamatan Palu which is located in Palu City. The method in this activity was done by interviewing, observing and running a questionnaire to measure cognitive of the elderly using the MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) questionnaire and to measure the client's motor strength, it was used an assessment of muscle strength then the elderly was divided into several small groups with 5 types of games or activities which will be carried out alternately. The results obtained were that 24 elderly who were willing to take part in play therapy activities with MMSE results data, there were 21 elderly who got an average score of < 21 which means that the elderly have cognitive impairment and the average muscle strength of the elderly has a value of 4 which means there were still lots of elderly who have muscle weakness. After the play therapy was carried out, the elderly seemed active, enthusiastic and very happy with this activity. It is recommended that the health workers, especially community health center, can add this play therapy to the elderly integrated services post program. 
Terapi Pijat untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur pada Lansia Binaan Stikes Bala Keselamatan Palu Ni Luh Emilia; Meilin Anggreyni; Nova Natalia Beba; Juliana Neng Rifka Sarman; Sabarulin S; Yulian Heiwer Matongka
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 03 (2022): September
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53690/ipm.v2i05.168


   One of the health problems experienced by elderly is sleep disturbances both in quality and quantity which can cause effects such as forgetfulness, confusion and disorientation, if it IS happened in long term it will cause trauma. The purpose of this community service is to apply the results of a research is that massage therapy to the elderly in improving sleep quality. The method used was the applying of massage therapy directly given to the elderly assisted by health science college of the salvation army Palu which were consisted of 22 people, it began with an examination of the sleep quality and continued with the applying of 8 times massage therapy which were carried out for 2 months every Friday morning. Result: This massage therapy can improve the sleep quality of the elderly because in the pre test it was found that all the elderly experienced sleep quality disorders and in the post test, it was found that there were 17 of 22 elderly already had good sleep quality but there were still 5 elderly who had mild sleep quality disorders. It is hoped that health workers will continue to apply complementary therapies to the community so that they can improve the health of the community.