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Journal : Journal Health

Journal Health & Science : Gorontalo Journal Health and Science Community Vol 6, No 2 (2022): JULI: JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCE : GORONTALO JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCE COMMUNIT
Publisher : Gorontalo State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35971/gojhes.v5i3.13624


Typhoid fever is an unbearable severe infection of the small digestive system, with the side effect of fever lasting up to seven days, and accompanied by stomach related disorders. Typhoid fever is a very common disease in Indonesia, both among clinical faculties and the population as a whole, and assuming that a child complains of fever, antimicrobials are the therapy of choice. Inappropriate use of various types of antibiotics, due to easy public access to drugs, will lead to an increase in the incidence of bacteria, including Salmonella typhi, which are resistant to ABRB (Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria) antibiotics. The type of research used in this study was Experimental Laboratory with a research design using the Disc Diffusion Method. This study aims to determine the resistance pattern of Salmonella typhi bacteria to Ceftriaxone and Ciprofloxacin antibiotics. This study aims to determine the resistance pattern of Salmonella typhi bacteria to Ceftriaxone and Ciprofloxacin antibiotics. The average value (mm) for 24 hours of ceftriaxone: 0.35, ciprofloxacin: 29,175 The average value (mm) for 48 hours of ceftriaxone: 14.8, ciprofloxacin: 29.4 Based on the results of the research data and images, it can be concluded that the diameter of the inhibition zone or clear zone of the salmonella typhi bacteria culture contained in petri dishes with MHA media on the ceftriaxone antibiotic was found to be an intermediate, which is a transition state from a drug resistant state but not completely resistant, while the ciprofloxacin antibiotic showed that the results were still sensitive to salmonella typhi bacteria. , with an average value of 14.8 and 29.4 mm where according to the CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute) standard, the diameter of the bacterial inhibition zone is 17 mm, the intermediate category if the diameter of the bacterial inhibition zone is 14-16 mm, and the resistant category if the diameter of the bacterial inhibition zone is 14-16 mm. Bacterial inhibition zone is 13 mm.AbstrakDemam tifoid adalah infeksi hebat yang tak tertahankan pada system pencernaan kecil, dengan efek samping demam yang berlangsung hingga tujuh hari, dan disertai gangguan terkait perut. Penggunaan berbagai jenis antibiotik secara luas yang tidaktepat, akibat mudahnya akses masyarakat terhadap obat akan menyebabkan peningkatan kejadian bakteri, termasuk Salmonella typhi, yang resisten terhadap antibiotik ABRB (Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Eksperimental Laboratorium dengan rancangan penelitian menggunakan Metode Difusi Kertas Cakram (Disc Diffusion Method). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui polaresistensi bakteri Salmonella typhi terhadap antibiotik Ceftriaxone dan Ciprofloxacin.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui polaresistensi bakteri Salmonella typhi terhadap antibiotik Ceftriaxone dan Ciprofloxacin. Nilai rata-rata (mm) selama 24 jam ceftriaxone: 0,35 , ciprofloxacin : 29,175 Nilai rata-rata (mm) selam 48 jam ceftriaxone : 14,8 , ciprofloxacin : 29,4 Berdasarkan hasil data dan gambar penelitian dapat di simpulkan bahwa diameter zona hambat atau zona bening dari biakan bakteri salmonella typhi yang terdapat dalam cawan petri dengan media MHA pada antibiotik ceftriaxone ditemukan sebagai intermediate yaitu suatu keadaan transisi dari keadaan resisten obat tetapi tidak resisten sepenuhnya, sedangkan pada antibiotik ciprofloxacin menunjukkan hasil masih sensitive terhadap bakteri salmonella typhi , dengan nilai rata-rata 14,8 dan 29,4 mm dimana menurut standart CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute), diameter zona hambat bakteri ≥ 17 mm, kategori intermediet apabila diameter zona hambat bakteri 14-16 mm, dan kategori resisten apabila diameter zona hambat bakteri yaitu ≤ 13 mm. 
Journal Health & Science : Gorontalo Journal Health and Science Community Vol 6, No 1 (2022): APRIL: JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCE : GORONTALO JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCE COMMUNI
Publisher : Gorontalo State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35971/gojhes.v5i3.13611


Abstrak Diare merupakan kegiatan defekasi (buang air besar) yang biasanya berbentuk 1/2 padat atau cenderung lebih cair yang berlangsung lebih dari tiga kali sehari atau dalam waktu yang singkat, vibrio cholera adalah salah satu penyebabnya, bakteri ini merupakan bakteri gram negatif yang berbentuk koma galibnya masa inkubasi bakteri ini adalah 12-72 jam. Bakteri vibrio cholerae menyulut penyakit bakteri. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian laboratorium eksperimental dengan menggunakan arsip sampel bakteri vibrio cholerae dan cakram antibiotik ciprofloxacin. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pola resistensi antibiotik ciprofloxacin terhadap bakteri vibrio cholerae. Populasi yang digunakan adalah isolate murni bakteri Vibrio cholera dan sampel yang digunakan adalah sediaan cakram dari antibiotik Ciprofloxacin dan Tetracycline. Nilai rata-rata (mm) selama 24 jam ciprofloxcacin : 37.425 , tetracycline : 24,175 Nilai rata-rata (mm) selam 48 jam ciprofloxacin : 29,875 tetracycline : 22,95 Berdasarkan hasil data dan gambar penelitian dapat di simpulkan bahwa diameter zona hambat atau zona bening dari biakan bakteri vibrio cholera yang terdapat dalam cawan petri dengan media MHA serta cakram antibiotik ciprofloxacin dan tetracycline menunjukkan bahwa bakteri uji masih sensitive terhadap kedua antibiotik uji yang dimana nilai rata-rata nya adalah 29,875 dan 22,95 mm dimana menurut standart CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute), diameter zona hambat bakteri ≥ 17 mm, kategori intermediet apabila diameter zona hambat bakteri 14-16 mm, dan kategori resisten apabila diameter zona hambat bakteri yaitu ≤ 13mm. Kesimpulan bahwa biakan bakteri vibrio choleramasih sensitive terhadap kedua antibiotic ciprofloxacin dan tetracycline. Kata Kunci : Ciprofloxacin; Cholera;  Diare; Tetracycline; Vibrio Cholerae. Abstract Diarrhea is a defecation activity (defecation) which is usually in the form of 1/2 solid or tends to be more liquid (watery) which lasts more than three times a day or in a short time, Vibrio cholera is one of the causes, this bacterium is a gram-negative bacterium that causes diarrhea. In the form of a comma, the incubation period for this bacterium is 12-72 hours. Vibrio cholerae bacteria cause bacterial disease. This type of research is an experimental laboratory study using archived samples of Vibrio cholerae bacteria and ciprofloxacin antibiotic discs. This study aims to determine the pattern of resistance to ciprofloxacin antibiotics against Vibrio cholerae bacteria. The population that will be used is pure isolate of Vibrio cholera bacteria and the sample used is disc preparation of the antibiotics Ciprofloxacin and Tetracycline. Average value (mm) for 24 hours ciprofloxcacin: 37.425, tetracycline: 24.175 Average value (mm) for 48 hours ciprofloxacin : 29.875 tetracycline : 22.95 Based on the results of the data and research images it can be concluded that the diameter of the inhibition zone or clear zone of the Vibrio cholera bacteria culture contained in petri dishes with MHA media and ciprofloxacin and tetracycline antibiotic discs showed that the test bacteria were still sensitive to the two test antibiotics where the average value was 29.875 and 22.95 mm where according to the CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute) standard, the diameter of the bacterial inhibition zone was 17 mm, the intermediate category if the diameter of the bacterial inhibition zone was 14-16 mm, and the category of intermediate was 14-16 mm. resistant if the diameter of the bacterial inhibition zone is 13 mm. The conclusion is that the vibrio cholera bacteria culture is still sensitive to both ciprofloxacin and tetracycline antibiotics. Keywords: Ciprofloxacin ; Cholerae; Diarrhea ; Tetracycline ; Vibrio Cholerae.