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Implementasi Program Pendidikan Inklusif di Kabupaten Bireuen Ferizaldi Ferizaldi; Fazlina Fazlina
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Policy Vol 6 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52137/humanis.v6i1.24


The aim of National Education as stated in Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System is to give all citizens the right to education, including those with physical, emotional, intellectual, mental, and/or social disabilities entitled to special education. This is also regulated in the Permendiknas R.I. Number 70 of 2009 concerning inclusive education. In this regard, the phenomenon of inclusive education in the Bireuen Regency is still not optimal. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of inclusive education in the Bireuen District encountered numerous barriers. From the aspect of human resources (i.e., teachers), almost all of them are not from an inclusive education background. Most teachers taught in inclusive schools are from the regular honorary teachers. Therefore, special teaching staff with a background in inclusive education are urgently required. Besides, the implementation of inclusive education programs in this region is not well-supported by the stakeholders. From the aspect of facilities and infrastructure, it is not sufficient or inadequate to support the implementation of inclusive education in this district.
Pengaruh Absensi Sidik Jari (Fingerprint) Terhadap Disiplin Aparatur Sipil Negara pada Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Lhokseumawe Ramayani Ramayani; Ferizaldi Ferizaldi
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Policy Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Vol 7 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52137/apjpp.v7i2.63


One of the tasks that need to be considered in enforcing a disciplined and conducive work situation in a government agency is the frequency of the presence of State Civil Apparatus. The frequency of attendance is now controlled through the FingerPrint Attendance system. This study aims to explore the effect of Fingerprint Attendance on the Discipline of the State Civil Apparatus at the Education and Culture Office of Lhokseumawe City. The research method employed was quantitative with a saturated sampling technique (census) and the sample participants were all respondents who are all State Civil Apparatuses within the Education and Culture Office of Lhokseumawe City. The data analysis method used was simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicated that Fingerprint Attendance has a positive and significant effect on the discipline of the State Civil Apparatus, this is evidenced by the results of the t-test (partial test) obtained by comparing the significant value in the t-test table with a significance level of 0.05 obtained (0.000 < 0.05); the result was that the H1 was accepted. Based on the results of the coefficient of determination test (R2), the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.280 (28%).
Patologi Birokrasi dalam Transformasi Politik Lokal: Tinjauan Terhadap Fenomena "Pajak Nanggroe" di Aceh Ferizaldi
Nakhoda: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 16 No 27 (2017)
Publisher : Laboratorium Jurusan Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35967/jipn.v16i27.5793


The term of Pajak Naggroe born post-conflict Vertical volume II in Aceh, with Birth of Local Government The dominant one is filled by the ex-combatant GAM (Aceh Sumatra Merdeka) The members of hearts Containers political parties Local (Partai Aceh / PA), part GAM elite are transformed Become a member local legislative besides Also An advanced as the regional administrations, entrepreneurs and others - others. But behind the phenomenon of political transformation, timbulah A new attitude among Brirokrat Aceh Nanggroe Called WITH Tax Forms Which is illegal Quotes * According to the Constitution of Indonesia but massive and commonplace * According to the new habits in Aceh. This article is trying to portray how the nanggroe tax Form hearts forming Pathology Bureaucracy in Aceh.
Model Akuntabilitas Birokrasi di Era Otonomi Khusus Aceh: (Tinjauan terhadap Tes Shalat dan Baca Al-Qur’an di Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya) Ferizaldi
Nakhoda: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 17 No 29 (2018)
Publisher : Laboratorium Jurusan Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35967/jipn.v17i29.7055


The implementation of local government in the context of the Special Autonomy of Aceh has the freedom of the regional government to administer government in accordance with the principles of good governance. In Indonesia it is regulated by Law No. 28 of 1999 concerning the Organization of a clean and free country of corruption and nepotism, through various innovations and creativity to create good governance based on the public interest. This is to answer various problems surrounding the low performance of the bureaucracy because many are entangled in various corruption cases. One attempt to change the government bureaucracy is good, then introduced a new model through local wisdom in the Southwest Aceh District of Aceh Province, by carrying out the Prayer Test and Reading the Qur’an to prospective structural officials, as an effort to reform bureaucracy to create bureaucratic accountability, which It is expected that these activities will produce bureaucrats who are religiously accountable and customer oriented. However, this program must be carried out in a sustainable and comprehensive manner through complementary programs that support the program and do not underestimate the supervision efforts which as a classic action create a healthy bureaucracy.
Fenomena Pungli dan Patologi Birokrasi Muhammad Hasyem; Ferizaldi Ferizaldi
Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi) Vol 14, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sociology Department Of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jsu.v14i2.19521


Extortion is an illegal levy or request for payment of an amount of money that is not appropriate or is not based on the prevailing laws. The root of and the widespread phenomenon of extortion in Indonesia is a form of legacy of the past, from the era of feudalism to the present modern era. The various forms, types, patterns, and colors of the extortion phenomenon have been entrenched as if they are normal, legal, lawful, permissible, and customary. The impact is that free extortion is carried out in society because the community views it as something normal, what it is, it has always been so, and even someone becomes alienated if they do not give tips/rewards for receiving a service. Sometimes someone also feels ashamed for not giving tips as a result of offering something or offering bribes or rewards so that it is facilitated, prioritized, privileged and other things to be served quickly. History records that the long phenomenon of corruption is increasingly rampant and increasingly difficult to detect in various cases in different time and space. AbstrakPungli atau pungutan liar adalah permintaan pembayaran sejumlah uang yang tidak sah berdasarkan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Berakarnya dan merebaknya fenomena pungli di Indonesia adalah salah satu bentuk warisan atau peninggalan masa silam, dari masa feodalisme hingga masa modern sekarang ini. Berbagai bentuk, ragam, corak, dan warna fenomena pungli telah membudaya dimana seakan-akan hal tersebut adalah hal biasa, sah, resmi, halal, legal, diperbolehkan, dan dibiasakan. Dampaknya pungli bebas dilakukan dalam masyarakat dikarenakan masyarakat memandang sebagai sesuatu yang wajar, apa adanya, memang demikian dari dahulu, bahkan seseorang menjadi terasing bila tidak memberikan tip/imbalan setiap menerima suatu pelayanan. Terkadang seseorang juga timbul rasa malu karena tidak memberikan uang tip (uang pelicin, uang rokok, atau uang minum) akibat menyodorkan sesuatu atau menawarkan sogokan atau imbalan agar dipermudah, didahulukan, diistimewakan dan hal-hal lain agar dilayani dengan cepat. Sejarah mencatat bahwa fenomena panjang korupsi semakin merajalela dan semakin sulit terdeteksi di berbagai kasus dalam ruang dan waktu yang berbeda pula.
Bureaucratic Reform Resistance in Indonesia Muhammad Hasyem; Ferizaldi Ferizaldi; Syamsuddin Syamsuddin; Tarmidi Tarmidi
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM) Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Memperkuat Politik Kebangsaan dan Keindonesiaan
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jspm.v3i1.6265


Formulating, rearranging, and improving and perfecting bureaucratic behavior to become better, productive, professional, efficient, and effective for the formation of a pattern, mode, system and better governance. Commitment, good etiquette, seriousness, and hard work from all parties are absolute, and must be upheld. Our country's political leadership is very weak, there is a politicization of the bureaucracy, there is resistance (resistance) from the bureaucrats themselves and the competence of implementing bureaucratic reform. Political commitment needs to be emphasized and formulated into a solid policy, guide and guide in its implementation along with an evaluation of all activities and there must be an institution that is responsible for making and overseeing the bureaucratic reform policy. Focus, priorities and targets for achievement need to be set. Systematic, consistent, accurate, and controlled from an agenda that is carried out can avoid stagnation, saturation, and can also be separated from the image of mere pretense where every regime in power in the beginning always has a breakthrough or image.Penelitian ini membahas mengenai upaya pemerintah dalam merumuskan, menata kembali, dan meningkatkan serta menyempurnakan perilaku birokrasi menjadi lebih baik, produktif, profesional, efisien, dan efektif untuk pembentukan pola, modus, sistem, dan tata kelola yang lebih baik. Komitmen, etika yang baik, keseriusan, dan kerja keras dari semua pihak adalah mutlak, dan harus dijunjung tinggi. Kepemimpinan politik negara kita sangat lemah, ada politisasi birokrasi, ada resistensi (perlawanan) dari birokrat itu sendiri dan kompetensi pelaksana reformasi birokrasi. Komitmen politik perlu ditegaskan dan dirumuskan menjadi suatu kebijakan, pedoman dan pedoman yang kokoh dalam pelaksanaannya disertai evaluasi terhadap seluruh kegiatan dan harus ada lembaga yang bertanggung jawab membuat dan mengawasi kebijakan reformasi birokrasi. Fokus, prioritas dan target pencapaian perlu ditetapkan. Sistematis, konsisten, akurat, dan terkontrol dari sebuah agenda yang dijalankan dapat menghindari stagnasi, kejenuhan, dan juga dapat dipisahkan dari citra kepura-puraan belaka dimana setiap rezim yang berkuasa pada awalnya selalu memiliki terobosan atau citra.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Policy Vol 8 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52137/apjpp.v8i1.72


As a candidate for the new autonomous region for the division of North Aceh Regency, Aceh Malacca has been voiced by community leaders in the western province of North Aceh since 2004. The research objective was to determine and analyze the background that underlies the emergence of the idea of ​​the expansion of the Aceh Malacca district and the urgency of the policy for the expansion of the Malacca Regency area. Findings of this qualitative study could be reported that the background that underlies the emergence of the idea of ​​the expansion of the Aceh Malacca district includes aspects of the political dimension, administrative or technical dimension, and the dimensions of the regional disparity aspect. The urgency of the policy for the expansion of the Malacca Regency area is for the context of improving and accelerating public services, including maximizing public benefits, time efficiency in managing all administrative needs, and regional independence in managing its regional potential. It is recommended that the Central Government reopen the moratorium on expansion so that the Aceh Malacca District can be realized to improve welfare and public services in the region.
Model Kesetaraan Gender Di Arena Politik (Studi Penguatan Posisi Perempuan Dalam Politik di Kabupaten Aceh Utara) Cut Sukmawati; Murniati Murniati; Ferizaldi Ferizaldi
Jurnal Transformasi Administrasi Vol 4 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Puslatbang KHAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This paper is aiming at explorer the phenomenon of political representation of women in the 2014 legislative elections in Aceh. In the tradition of patriarchal culture, "politics" is claimed as the world of man because it is regarded as public domain with full of fight, hard, and give a certain social value (prestige) to the culprit. Political patriarchal society deemed incompatible with the spirit of women who they consider feminine. This study was conducted in North Aceh district, using a qualitative approach, through in-depth interviews, focus groups, observation and document review. Analyzing women in legislative elections in 2014 also Acehnese society perspectives on women's issues, particularly their participation in politics, as well as the limitations / barriers that women experience when a role in politics. Findings from the field indicate that the representation of women is the same as the 2009 legislative elections last April. The cause of this phenomenon include the internal issues related to women candidates in self motivation, passion or ambition they are, financially, on the other hand it is also due to the influence of the patriarchal culture in the society. In his own party, although the rules require women in legislative elections must meet the 30% quota, but the board majority party men are not really serious about supporting women candidates to be elected in April 2014 legislative elections. It is presented a mistaken understanding of the prohibition for women to enter politics into the religious context is also a great stumbling block for women, although there are people who understand that women also have equal opportunity with his brother.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Policy Vol 8 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52137/apjpp.v8i2.129


The number of street vendors along the Lhokseumawe city protocol road is growing and is a major annoyance to motorists. In addition to utilizing road pavements, they also use the road's edge (shoulder) as a selling location; consequently, road congestion frequently causes traffic jams. This study aims to examine alternative policies that are suitable for addressing these issues. The research methodology employed is the qualitative description. The effectiveness of a policy is determined by analyzing its technical feasibility, ecological feasibility, social feasibility, and economic feasibility. Based on the above evaluation of the alternatives, the results indicated that the alternative policy was to construct an integrated hawker center at KP3 Lhokseumawe with public facilities such as parking, children's playgrounds, prayer rooms, and restrooms. It would also connect to the city's traditional market and the beach recreation area. This policy was chosen as the one most likely to be used because it has a high chance of working.
BESIRU : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 5 (2024): BESIRU : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, Mei 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan dan Penelitian Manggala Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62335/wtxen378


Pemerintahan Aceh yang memiliki kekhususan dibidang penyelengaraan pemerintahan sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang – Undang No. 11 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pemerintahan Aceh, yang salah satunya adalah keberadaan Pemerintahan Gampong sebagai sebuah entitas lokal setara dengan desa, di balik kekhususan tersebut justru terdapat fenomena mulai berkurangnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan, terlepas dari berbagai sebabnya kegiatan pengabdian ini berusaha untuk menguatkan kembali partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan gampong, karena sangat penting dalam menciptakan kondisi yang harmonis untuk keberhasilan tujuan pembangunan di gampong yang berkolerasi dengan kepentingan dan aspirasi masyarakat. Diharapkan juga akan tumbuh kembali modal sosial untuk menciptakan gampong yang sesuai dengan karakter Aceh yang khas dengan nilai sosial berupa kekompakan dan kerjasama.