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Female Librarians Stereotype in the 2000s Indonesian Film Mayesti, Nina; Salam, Aprinus; Noviani, Ratna
Record and Library Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (628.776 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V4-I1.2018.15-21


This paper discusses about the research that had examined the female librarian stereotype in Indonesian films, particularly release during the 2000s. Using the paradigm of cultural and media studies, this research examined six Indonesian films portraying female librarian. The units of analysis in this study are those film scenes that were either set in a library or that portrayed female librarians. The method used to analyze the data source is the Critical Discourse Analysis. The results of this study showed that the female librarians were stereotyped in Indonesian films, such as age, dress and hair style. Librarians were depicted as an old woman with the old-fashioned dress and outdated hairstyle. The film’s portrayal of the female librarians were representative of the stereotype in general, i.e. passive, stuffy, and orderly. But on the other hand they were depicted as a friendly, smart, helpful person, and sometimes breaking the rules. Library profession was portrayed traditionally as “library-keeper”, not as someone who plays a role in information and knowledge dissemination.
Paramasastra Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Vol 4 No 1 Bulan Maret Tahun 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/parama.v4n1.p%p


Literary studies can not be separated from the literary theory initiated and developed by ?Western? scholars. Indonesian Literature also refers to these theories in interpreting and explaining literary works. This paper intends to ask the historical contextuality and the theoretical independence of Indonesian literature as a nation that has a historicity different from the West. The main offer in this paper is the importance of a theory called the theory of harmony-constitution. The important objectives of the theoretical point of view of the theory of harmony-the constitution are 1) all efforts to build an independent society and social justice, 2) a happy and safe condition, and hence the freedom that has been achieved should always encourage unity, sovereignty and prosperity, and 3) the acknowledgment ?on the blessings of almighty God and by the noble driven.? Methodologically, the theory of harmony-constitution is based on semantics. This theory can be used to analyze social and cultural issues, but in the case of this paper will be tested to study literary works, especially the poetry of Chairil Anwar.
Pengajaran Sastra dan Politik Kebudayaan Salam, Aprinus
INSANIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Alternatif Kependidikan Vol 13 No 3 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1708.907 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/insania.v13i3.303


High school textbooks on literary facing serious problem, namely its curriculum didn’t have clear paradigm and political-cultural basis. Its content is still subjectively-based on writer taste and still circling on technical matter. Therefore, literary lesson look like structural and cognitive memorizing. Old assumption that literary is a matter of “esthetical art” that haven’t connection with life reality is still dominant. Lesson content like this should be changed, by formulate or identifying several cultural problems in Indonesia. Based on that formulation and problems identification, literary lesson’s contents packed to understand culture problems in Indonesia, therefore learning literary not only literary itself, but also become a textual ideological strategy that having vision and mission to developing Indonesia. 
ATAVISME Vol 22, No 1 (2019): ATAVISME
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (40.305 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v22i1.549.88-100


Artikel ini membahas tentang karya sastra Mandailing yang berjudul Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk karya Willem Iskander pada era kolonial. Tinjauan ini dimulai dengan melihat fenomena yang terjadi dalam penciptaan dan penerbitan teks tersebut. Teks Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk dan kehidupan pengarangnya sangat kontradiktif dan paradoks. Di satu sisi mewacanakan resistensi namun di sisi lain mewacanakan konstruksi kolonial. Untuk mengkaji fenomena tersebut, penulis menggunakan pendekatan pascakolonial dan metode diskursif. Penulis menggunakan diskursus yang dibangun oleh dua orang pakar yang fokus meneliti tentang teks Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk dan Willem Iskander. Kedua pakar tersebut yaitu, Rodgers dan Harahap. Melalui metode diskursif ini, penulis mengkonstruksi ulang pendapat kedua pakar tersebut dengan menggunakan perspektif pascakolonial. Selain melihat teks, penulis juga melihat konteks sosial, politik, dan budaya orang Mandailing sebagai pendukungnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Willem Iskander merupakan tokoh yang ambivalen. Tokoh yang menyuarakan resistensi dan tokoh yang patuh pada konstruksi kolonial.
GAZE PUISI “AT TA’SYIRAH” HISYAM AL JAKH SM, M. Hafidzulloh; Salam, Aprinus
ATAVISME Vol 23, No 1 (2020): ATAVISME
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v23i1.602.1-16


Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas konsep gaze Hisyam Aljakh dengan perspektif Slavoj ?i?ek. Diskursus mengenai gaze dalam karya sastra menyangkut narasi representasi subjek pengarang dari eksterioritas simbolisnya. Representasi dari the other ini mengindikasikan adanya ideologi tertentu pada pengarang yang sudah terkonstruksi secara sistemik dan direpresentasikan melalui uraiannya. Penjelmaan simbolis the other terhadap ideologi pengarang membuatnya terjerembap pada tataran simbolis, kemudian menjadikannya sebagai objek penyebab hasrat. Dalam konteks penelitian ini, gaze memperlihatkan bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan pengarang untuk memperlihatkan subjektivitasnya menuju posisi the real. Interpelasi the other terhadap subjek pengarang diperlihatkan dalam puisi ?Atta?syirah? karya Hisyam Aljakh yang mengilustrasikan adanya konstruksi simbolis dari eksternal pengarang. Dengan metode analisis tekstual dan identifikasi konstruksi simbolis, penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa gaze berhasil mengkonstruksi ideologi pengarang dengan perjumpaan simbolis yang merepresentasikan eksternalnya sekaligus menunjukkan bahwa tulisan itu merupakan representasi dari tatanan simbolisnya.[Hisyam Aljakh?s Gaze in "Atta?syirah"] This research discusses the gaze concept of Hisyam Aljakh with Slavoj ?i?ek?s perspective. The discourse on gaze in literary works concerns the author?s narration of his subject representation and symbolic exteriority. This representation of the other indicates a the author?s certain ideology which is already systematically constructed and represented through the author?s explanation. The symbolic embodiment of the other on the author?s ideology brings it into the symbolic order, and subsequently makes it the object of desire. In this research, gaze illustratesthe author?s effort to expose his subjectivity leading to the real position. The interpellation of the other on the author?s subject is portrayed on the poem of ?Atta?syirah? by Hisyam Aljakh which illustrates the symbolic construction external to the author. With the textual analysis method and symbolic construction identification, this research found that the existence of gaze successfully constructs the author's ideology with a symbolic encounter that represents the external as well as revealsthat the writing isa representation of the symbolic order.Keywords: gaze; subjectivity; symbolic construction; Atta?syirah; Slavoj ?i?ek
Paramasastra: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa Sastra dan Pembelajarannya Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Vol 4 No 1 Bulan Maret Tahun 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/parama.v4n1.p%p


Literary studies can not be separated from the literary theory initiated and developed by “Western” scholars. Indonesian Literature also refers to these theories in interpreting and explaining literary works. This paper intends to ask the historical contextuality and the theoretical independence of Indonesian literature as a nation that has a historicity different from the West. The main offer in this paper is the importance of a theory called the theory of harmony-constitution. The important objectives of the theoretical point of view of the theory of harmony-the constitution are 1) all efforts to build an independent society and social justice, 2) a happy and safe condition, and hence the freedom that has been achieved should always encourage unity, sovereignty and prosperity, and 3) the acknowledgment “on the blessings of almighty God and by the noble driven.” Methodologically, the theory of harmony-constitution is based on semantics. This theory can be used to analyze social and cultural issues, but in the case of this paper will be tested to study literary works, especially the poetry of Chairil Anwar.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 21, No 1 (2021): APRIL 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v21i1.36658


Mahmud Darwish adalah penyair Arab berkebangsaan Palestina yang menyuarakan kebebasan dan kritik terhadap konflik Palestina-Israel melalui karya-karya sastranya. Sebuah karya sastra berpotensi memberikan kontribusi nyata untuk meneguhkan kedaulatan suatu Negara-bangsa. Puisi Bithoqoh Hawiyah merupakan karya fenomenal Mahmud Darwish yang mencerminkan identitas kebangsaan dan bentuk representatif warga untuk tetap mempertahankan kedaulatan Negara Palestina akibat invansi Negara Israel. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap potensialitas dalam puisi Bithoqoh Hawiyah Mahmud Darwis. Puisi Bhitoqoh Hawiyah menghadapkan reduksi kehidupan ‘politis’ warga dalam kedaulatan Negara dengan kemerdekaan Negara yang imajiner. Potensialitas ditransformasikan secara aktual dalam karya sastra sebagai gambaran kehidupan manusia dengan motif untuk berdialektika dengan kenyataan. Kritik puisi Bithoqoh Hawiyah dieksplorasi lebih jauh melalui perspektif filsafat politik Giorgio Agamben, yang membentuk konsepsi tentang potensialitas politik warga, negara dan kedaulatannya. Potensialitas dalam puisi Bhitoqoh Hawiyah diasumsikan memiliki dualitas yang koheren dengan impotensialitasnya. Impotensialitas bekerja dalam ranah potensi penangguhan untuk menanggalkan nilai-nilai negatif yang terbingkai dari penjarahan Israel. Karena itu, artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa puisi Bithoqoh Hawiyah merupakan bentuk kritik terhadap berbagai peristiwa sosial-politik yang terjadi antara Palestina dan Israel, dan sebagai pengalaman kolektif warga Palestina untuk mengukuhkan kemerdekaan mereka.