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Penentuan Effort Rate Pada Estimasi Effort Menggunakan Metode Use Case Point Untuk Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Website Kepemerintahan Kurniawan, Wahyu; Sholiq, Sholiq; Sutanto, Teguh
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Abstract: Effort estimation using Use Case Point (UCP) method obtained from the multiplication of the UCP with the Effort Rate (ER). Some studies conclude that there is some value of ER used in the calculation of effort estimation. However, the most often used is the ER with value 20 man-hours given by Karner. Disputes about the research that is ER by Karner occurred in 1993, so it is possible that the ER by Karner not suitable when applied in the calculation of effort estimation for the project worked on in 2013 and the years to come. This study used 8 data of governance website software development projects. The data is used to calculate actual effort, making use case diagrams, and calculations UCP estimation. Further level of analysis that is performed correlation and regression equations for actual effort and the UCP estimation. Based on the regression equation then performed calculations tangent θ to produce the ER. From this research produced the ER as big as 5,178 man-hours. The ER is much smaller than the value given by Karner ER. Case is possible for several reasons, among others: 1) Enginering software technology that is growing rapidly. 2) Manufacturing website using components. 3) Source of the internet so complete. Keywords: Effort Rate (ER), Effort Estimation, Use Case Point (UCP), Governance Website
Cost Modelling For E-Learning Implementation In Higher Education With Fuzzy Activity Based Costing Sholiq, Ach; Pribadi, Apol; Algadri, Ach Naser
Jurnal GEMATIKA Vol 11, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Jurnal GEMATIKA

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This study presents a model of costing framework for the e-learning implementation by integrating the value chain, analysis, activity based costing, and fuzzy logic to Fuzzy Activity Based Costing (FABC). This method will be very useful in: (i) in the emerging economic era marked by rapid economic growth and global environmental uncertainty (ii) the limitations of historical accounting information. With the model can be known to the e-learning implementation costs per cost object that uses the e-learning, namely: (i) the cost per student, (ii) the cost per course, and (iii) the cost per Semester Credit System. The results obtained by the cost of implementation of e-learning in College XYZ per cost object is: (1) the cost per student of Rp 209,521.7 (2) The cost per course of Rp 8,333,250 (3) the cost per semester credit system of Rp 69.840.57. Research output is the estimation model of costing that can be used as a reference for noncollege or college institutions to conduct financial feasibility studies prior to implementing the e-learning
Analisa Kesenjangan Proses Bisnis Perencanaan Produksi Operasional Berdasarkan Solusi Best Practice SAP Anggun K, Agnesia; Sholiq, Sholiq; Mahendrawathi, Mahendrawathi
SMATIKA JURNAL Vol 6 No 01 (2016): Smatika Jurnal : STIKI Informatika Jurnal

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PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI sebagai salah satu perusahaan manufaktur penghasil gula akan melakukan implementasi SAP ERP. Dalam SAP, dikenal proses Production Planning - Material Requirements Planning (PP-MRP). Untuk menuju implementasi, dilakukan analisa kesenjangan yang terjadi antara proses bisnis perencanaan produksi terkini perusahaan dan proses bisnis berdasarkan best practice SAP. Dari kedua model proses dilakukan analisa kesenjangan yang menghasilkan daftar gap untuk proses penyesuaian perubahan perusahaan. Hasil analisa kesenjangan yang terjadi menyatakan bahwa bahwa penerapan proses PP-MRP SAP akan membawa dampak antara lain peningkatan kinerja fungsi perencanaan produksi, percepatan proses, dan penambahan aktivitas pada proses perencanaan produksi operasional perusahaan.
SISFO Vol 7 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Information Systems, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

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Cooperative Employee of PT. Wonosari Jaya is the largest saving and loan cooperative in ASEAN at the beginning of its opening. Business processes of the Employee Cooperative of PT. Wonosari Jaya include the recording of saving and employee’s loan. However, the transaction processing is still using a manual method. With the increasing amount of transaction, it needs an application that can facilitate users in accessing the transaction data. In this paper, the need of users is explained using the VORD method and then the design of cooperative application is developed using Iconix process method. This application is expected to help and facilitate the employees and members of the Cooperative Employees of PT. Wonosari Jaya in recording the saving and loan transactions.
Penentuan Effort Rate Pada Estimasi Effort Menggunakan Metode Use Case Point Untuk Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Website Kepemerintahan Sholiq, Sholiq; Sutanto, Teguh; Kurniawan, Wahyu
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Abstract: Effort estimation using Use Case Point (UCP) method obtained from the multiplication of the UCP with the Effort Rate (ER). Some studies conclude that there is some value of ER used in the calculation of effort estimation. However, the most often used is the ER with value 20 man-hours given by Karner. Disputes about the research that is ER by Karner occurred in 1993, so it is possible that the ER by Karner not suitable when applied in the calculation of effort estimation for the project worked on in 2013 and the years to come. This study used 8 data of governance website software development projects. The data is used to calculate actual effort, making use case diagrams, and calculations UCP estimation. Further level of analysis that is performed correlation and regression equations for actual effort and the UCP estimation. Based on the regression equation then performed calculations tangent ? to produce the ER. From this research produced the ER as big as 5,178 man-hours. The ER is much smaller than the value given by Karner ER. Case is possible for several reasons, among others: 1) Enginering software technology that is growing rapidly. 2) Manufacturing website using components. 3) Source of the internet so complete. Keywords: Effort Rate (ER), Effort Estimation, Use Case Point (UCP), Governance Website
Estimasi Penentuan Harga Perkiraan Sendiri Menggunakan Use Case Point Untuk Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Skala Kecil Menengah Dengan Model Agile Juliyono, Aris; Sutanto, Teguh; Sholiq, Sholiq
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Each application of the procurement of goods / services required the manufacture of Self-Estimated price derived from the approximate (estimated) price of a job (goods / services) to be held. This above is in accordance with Indonesian Presidential Regulation No. 70 Year 2012 on Procurement of Goods / Services, Article 66 digits (5) points a. But what is happening now in the procurement of many software companies individuals or businesses, government officials and developers of software that performs supply and demand for software procurement, had difficulty in making the report HPS. So it can be deduced to solve the problems occurred is needed to set the benchmark in the determination Self-Estimated Price (HPS) method Use Case Point in software development projects by activity agile models. model testing is done using 5 software development project data gets deviation between the estimated level of HPS with the actual cost by 10%, which indicate that the models estimated in this research has a good degree of accuracy.
Penentuan Effort Rate Pada Estimasi Effort Menggunakan Metode Use Case Point Untuk Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Website Kepemerintahan Kurniawan, Wahyu; Sholiq, Sholiq; Sutanto, Teguh
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

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Abstract: Effort estimation using Use Case Point (UCP) method obtained from the multiplication of the UCP with the Effort Rate (ER). Some studies conclude that there is some value of ER used in the calculation of effort estimation. However, the most often used is the ER with value 20 man-hours given by Karner. Disputes about the research that is ER by Karner occurred in 1993, so it is possible that the ER by Karner not suitable when applied in the calculation of effort estimation for the project worked on in 2013 and the years to come. This study used 8 data of governance website software development projects. The data is used to calculate actual effort, making use case diagrams, and calculations UCP estimation. Further level of analysis that is performed correlation and regression equations for actual effort and the UCP estimation. Based on the regression equation then performed calculations tangent ? to produce the ER. From this research produced the ER as big as 5,178 man-hours. The ER is much smaller than the value given by Karner ER. Case is possible for several reasons, among others: 1) Enginering software technology that is growing rapidly. 2) Manufacturing website using components. 3) Source of the internet so complete. Keywords: Effort Rate (ER), Effort Estimation, Use Case Point (UCP), Governance Website
Estimasi Penentuan Harga Perkiraan Sendiri Menggunakan Use Case Point Untuk Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Skala Kecil Menengah Dengan Model Agile Juliyono, Aris; Sutanto, Teguh; Sholiq, Sholiq
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (55.334 KB)


Each application of the procurement of goods / services required the manufacture of Self-Estimated price derived from the approximate (estimated) price of a job (goods / services) to be held. This above is in accordance with Indonesian Presidential Regulation No. 70 Year 2012 on Procurement of Goods / Services, Article 66 digits (5) points a. But what is happening now in the procurement of many software companies individuals or businesses, government officials and developers of software that performs supply and demand for software procurement, had difficulty in making the report HPS. So it can be deduced to solve the problems occurred is needed to set the benchmark in the determination Self-Estimated Price (HPS) method Use Case Point in software development projects by activity agile models. model testing is done using 5 software development project data gets deviation between the estimated level of HPS with the actual cost by 10%, which indicate that the models estimated in this research has a good degree of accuracy.
Optimizing Time and Effort Parameters of COCOMO II using Fuzzy Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Kholed Langsari; Riyanarto Sarno; Sholiq Sholiq
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 16, No 5: October 2018
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v16i5.9698


Estimating the efforts, costs, and schedules of software projects is a frequent challenge to software development projects. A bad estimation will result in bad management of a project. Various models of estimation have been defined to complete this estimate. The Constructive Cost Model II (COCOMO II) is one of the most famous models as a model for estimating efforts, costs, and schedules. To estimate the effort, cost, and schedule in project of software, the COCOMO II uses inputs: Effort Multiplier (EM), Scale Factor (SF), and Source Line of Code (SLOC). Evidently, this model is still lack in terms of accuracy rates in both efforts estimated and time of development. In this paper, we introduced to use Gaussian Membership Function (GMF) of Fuzzy Logic and Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) method to calibrate and optimize the parameters of COCOMO II. It is to achieve a new level of accuracy better on COCOMO II. The Nasa93 dataset is used to implement the method proposed. The experimental results of the method proposed have reduced the error downto 11.89% and 8.08% compared to the original COCOMO II. This method proposed has achieved better results than previous studies.
Optimizing Effort Parameter of COCOMO II Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method Kholed Langsari; Riyanarto Sarno; Sholiq Sholiq
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 16, No 5: October 2018
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v16i5.9703


Estimating the effort and cost of software is an important activity for software project managers. A poor estimate (overestimates or underestimates) will result in poor software project management. To handle this problem, many researchers have proposed various models for estimating software cost. Constructive Cost Model II (COCOMO II) is one of the best known and widely used models for estimating software costs. To estimate the cost of a software project, the COCOMO II model uses software size, cost drivers, scale factors as inputs. However, this model is still lacking in terms of accuracy. To improve the accuracy of COCOMO II model, this study examines the effect of the cost factor and scale factor in improving the accuracy of effort estimation. In this study, we initialized using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to optimize the parameters in a model of COCOMO II. The method proposed is implemented using the Turkish Software Industry dataset which has 12 data items. The method can handle improper and uncertain inputs efficiently, as well as improves the reliability of software effort. The experiment results by MMRE were 34.1939%, indicating better high accuracy and significantly minimizing error 698.9461% and 104.876%.