Swasty Aninda Piranti
Padjadjaran University

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Application of Spectral Decomposition and RGB Blending for Delineation of “S” Channel At Asri Basin Swasty Aninda Piranti; Shaska Zulivandama; Noor Cahyo Dwi Aryanto; Andi Agus Nur; Ildrem Syafri
Publisher : Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32693/bomg.35.2.2020.688


Gita member is part of Talang Akar Formation is known as hydrocarbon reservoir at Asri Basin, eastern part of South Sumatra. This formation consists of several depositional systems such as braided channel, meandering channel, fluvial-deltaic, and estuarine system. A channel system was an interesting system developed in the Asri Basin, however, to get the channel distribution in Asri Basin is quite challenging because the thickness of the channels caused its appearance is generally close or under seismic resolution, the existence of coal below our target also affects the impression of “S” sand on seismic data. In this study, spectral decomposition and RGB Blending have been successful to identify “S” sand. RGB Blending map is extracted from 15 Hz as low frequency, 45 Hz as middle frequency, and 75 Hz as high frequency. Our interpretation was applied at RGB Blending map and reveal the “S” sand is classified as a meandering channel depositional system with the main direction of the channel is Northeast – Southwest.Keywords: spectral decomposition, RGB Blending, Gita reservoir, Asri Basin: Anggota Gita merupakan bagian dari Formasi Talang Akar yang dikenal sebagai reservoar hidrokarbon di Cekungan Asri, Sumatra Selatan bagian timur. Formasi ini terdiri dari beberapa sistem pengendapan seperti sistem sungai teranyam, meander, fluvial-delta, dan estuari. Sistem pengendapan sungai purba di Cekungan Asri merupakan sistem yang menarik untuk dieksplorasi namun untuk mendapatkan persebaran sungai tersebut merupakan hal yang menantang dikarenakan tipisnya ketebalan sungai yang mengakibatkan kenampakannya pada data seismik berada disekitar atau bahkan dibawah resolusi seismik, keberadaan lapisan batubara dibawah target turut mempengaruhi kenampakan pasir “S” pada data seismik. Dekomposisi spektral serta RGB Blending yang diaplikasikan pada penelitian ini dapat mengidentifikasi pasir “S”. Peta RGB Blending diekstraksi dari beberapa frekuensi, yaitu frekuensi 15 Hz yang diambil sebagai frekuensi rendah, 45 Hz sebagai frekuensi tengah, dan 75 Hz sebagai frekuensi tinggi. Selanjutnya dilakukan interpretasi pada peta hasil RGB Blending dan menunjukkan pasir “S” diklasifikasikan sebagai sungai dengan sistem meander dengan arah utama sedimentasi adalah Timurlaut - Baratdaya.Kata kunci: dekomposisi spektral, RGB Blending, reservoar Gita, Cekungan Asri 
PB RATIO ANALYSIS OF FORAMINIFERA TO OBSERVE PALEOCEANOGRAPHIC CHANGES DURING HOLOCENE IN ARAFURA SEA Swasty Aninda Piranti; Luli Gustiantini; Shaska R. Zulivandama; Catur Purwanto; Lia Jurnaliah; Budi Muljana; Rina Zuraida; Sangmin Hyun
Publisher : Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32693/bomg.37.1.2022.771


Arafura Sea is influenced by several climatic dynamics, it is also a part of the coral triangle that provides most of marine organism diversity of the world. Therefore, this area is an important  waters that impact the climatic dynamic so its paleoceanographic changes need to be understood. For that, we analyzed the foraminiferal PB ratio from marine sediment core ARAFURA-24 with a core length of 179 cm, collected from 47.4 m water depth, combined with that of Aru-07, taken from 276 m water depth (core length 152 cm). Both sediment cores were collected from the Arafura Sea using a gravity corer on board Geomarin III. ARAFURA-24 was sub-sampling in every 20 cm interval, while Aru-07 had been prepared in every 10 cm interval. PB Ratio values from ARAFURA-24 and Aru-07 ranged from 0,56% - 7,43% and from 29,89% to 82,66%, respectively. The age model was reconstructed by 14C radiocarbon dating derived from organic sediment, combined with tie points of PB ratio records. The result indicates that ARAFURA-24 has been sedimented since the last 9.7 kyr BP. PB ratio records reveal three maximum sea level rises, which are before 7.4 kyr BP, at 5.86 kyr, and after 3 kyr BP (approximately at 2 kyr BP at Aru-07). From the age model reconstruction, sedimentation during the last 3 kyr BP was relatively slower than that in the older period. It can be concluded that the foraminiferal PB ratio during Late Holocene was not significantly impacted by sedimentation rate (hence detrital influence), in contrast, during Mid-Holocene detrital influence had more impact on the PB ratio record.