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Journal : Jurnal Primatologi Indonesia

Tarsier an endemic primate species to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. It is important to find information on the type of habitat, use of nesting trees, natural food consumed and distribution of tarsier in Central Sulawesi and Gorontalo.  The study was implemented from June to August 2009 at five locations.  Data collected consisted of habitat, nests or sleeping trees, type of vegetation, and natural food sources of tarsier.  Observations of tarsiers activities were started at 04.00-07.00 cont Walberto Sinaga; Wirdateti .; Entang Iskandar; Joko Pamungkas
Jurnal Primatologi Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2009)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Satwa Primata LPPM-IPB

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Tarsier an endemic primate species to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. It is important to find information on the type of habitat, use of nesting trees, natural food consumed and distribution of tarsier in Central Sulawesi and Gorontalo.  The study was implemented from June to August 2009 at five locations.  Data collected consisted of habitat, nests or sleeping trees, type of vegetation, and natural food sources of tarsier.  Observations of tarsiers activities were started at 04.00-07.00 continued from 07.30-10.00 and at 16.00, every day for a period of three months.  Distribution of tarsier was estimated by capturing the tarsier using a net of six, nine and 12 meters.  This study showed that tarsier inhabits secondary forests, and crop fields belonging to local inhabitants. Vegetation used as sleeping trees or nests were bamboo (Bambuseae sp.), beringin (Ficus sp.), alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica), waru (Hibiscus tiliaceus), enau (Arenga pinnata), and liana (Liana sp.).  In addition, tarsier also nested in stony crevices, holes in the ground wood. The distribution of tarsier encompases secondary forest, estates, agricultural land, fields, and brushes. Natural food consumed by tarsier were insects 81.2%, reptiles 12.5% and young birds 1.3%. Mature tarsier consumed 12.76 g/individual/day of edible dry matter or about 12% by body weight and used 69.09 kkal/kg of energy.  These numbers are considered sufficient to satisfy their needs for reproduction.Key words: Tarsius sp., habitat, feed, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo.
Konsumsi Pakan Asal Hewan pada Kukang (Nycticebus coucang) di Fasilitas Penangkaran, Pusat Studi Satwa Primata (PSSP) IPB Walberto Sinaga; Dewi Apri Astuti; Entang Iskandar; Wirdateti .; Joko Pamungkas
Jurnal Primatologi Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Satwa Primata LPPM-IPB

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Abstrak. Sebagai salah satu upaya konservasi, Pusat Studi Satwa Primata, Institut Pertanian Bogor (PSSP IPB) menangkarkan kukang (Nyticebus coucang) di luar habitat aslinya (eks-situ). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data konsumsi pakan asal hewan pada kukang dewasa selama satu tahun di Penangkaran PSSP IPB. Hewan yang diamati berada dalam enam kandang dengan ukuran yang sama, serta umur yang hampir seragam, masing-masing kandang berisi 2 atau 1 ekor kukang dewasa dengan jumlah keseluruhan sepuluh ekor.  kukang berasal dari Pulau Sumatera, dan sudah beradaptasi di penangkaran selama tiga tahun.  Jenis pakan yang diberikan berasal hewan, berupa jangkrik (Gryllus mitratus), ulat hongkong (Tenebrio molitor), ulat sutra (Bombyx mori), cicak (Cosymbotus platyurus) dan kadal rumput (Takydromus sexlineatus). Penelitian perilaku makan kukang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode One Zero Sampling. Komposisi gizi pakan percobaan dianalisis dengan metode proksimat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase rerata kesukaan makan  jenis hewan pada semua kukang, dari yang paling disukai hingga yang kurang disukai (rendah) adalah ulat sutra (Bombyx mori) dengan nilai (100%), jangkrik (91,6%), cicak (60%), kadal rumput (59%), dan pakan asal hewan yang kurang disukai adalah ulat hongkong (2,2%). Total konsumsi bahan kering pakan serangga sebanyak 284,11 g/kandang/hari atau sekitar 84,94% dan energi sebanyak 5626,79 kkal/kg.Abstract. As one of the conservation efforts, the Primate Research Center (PRC) of Bogor Agricultural University  has been developing ex-situ captive breeding of coucangs (Nyticebus coucang) since 2005. This study aims to obtain data on the consumption of feed of animal origin by adults coucang during one year at PRC breeding facility. Animals were housed in six cages of the same size, while age was almost similiar. Each cage consists of 2 or 1 coucang with a total of ten animals. The animals originated from the island of Sumatra, and were adapted to captivity for three years. The type of feeds of animal origin were crickets (Gryllus mitratus), caterpillars (Tenebrio Molitor), silkworms (Bombyx mori), lizards (Cosymbotus platyurus) and grass lizards (Takydromus sexlineatus). Feeding behavior was carried out by using One Zero Sampling method. Nutritional composition of the experimental feeds were analyzed by proximate method. The results showed the average percentage of favorite by the coucang from most preferred to least preferred (low) were silkworms (Bombyx mori) with a value of (100%), crickets (91.6%), lizards (60%), grass lizards (59%), while feeds of animal origin which were less favored were hongkong worms (2,2%). Total consumption of dry feed of all insects given, amounted to 284.11 g/cage/day or approximately 84.94% with a high energy level of 5626.79 kcal/kg.Key words: feed consumption, animal origin, N.coucang, captive breeding, nutrient