Adiningsih Srilestari
Departemen Medik Akupunktur Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo

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Journal : Indonesian Journal of Cancer

Efek Laserpunktur pada Titik MA-TF1 Shenmen dan MA-AT Kelenjar Parotis terhadap Gejala Xerostomia Pasien Kanker Nasofaring Pasca-radioterapi SRILESTARI, ADININGSIH
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 9, No 1 (2015): Jan - Mar 2015
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.859 KB)


ABSTRACTXerostomia (dry mouth) is a chronic & acute effect on a cancer patient who receives radiation therapy on the areas ofhead and neck. Earlier studies state that acupuncture helps to relieve the symptoms concerning cancer and xerostomiais one. Laserpuncture is an acupuncture therapy technique that uses the benefit of low energy laser beam that does notgenerate pain and is not an invasive procedure which is more comfortable for patients. This research involved 44xerostomia patients who have underwent complete radiotherapy on the minimum course of 3 months up to amaximum of 1.5 years before going through with the research; the research is clustered into ear laserpuncture and shamlaserpuncture groups. The result shows a mean Xerostomia Inventory (XI) score between two states of pre against postlaserpuncture of 3 and 6 times of treatment that were tested on case group and control group; there’s a mean score oflife quality of pre treatment compared to post treatment of laserpucture on those who underwent 3 times and 6 timeslaserpucture treatment on case group and control group on every variable of life quality, except financial difficulties (FI);and there is a mean pH score on the saliva of those undergoing treatment between the states of pre and post 6 timeslaserpuncture treatment on case group and control group. From this study, we can conclude that laserpuncture on earacupoints MA-TF1 Shenmen and MA-AT parotis gland might increase saliva pH and reduce XI score, and we canconsidered as an adjuvant treatment in xerostomia on cancer patients post radiotherapy.Keyword: ear laserpuncture; xerostomia Inventory; pH saliva; life quality.ABSTRAKXerostomia (mulut kering) merupakan efek akut dan kronik pada pasien kanker yang mendapat terapi radiasi padadaerah kepala dan leher. Beberapa studi pendahuluan mengemukakan bahwa akupunktur meringankan gejala ataukeluhan yang berhubungan dengan kanker, di antaranya xerostomia. Laserpunktur merupakan teknik terapi akupunkturyang memanfaatkan sinar laser energi rendah yang tidak menimbulkan rasa nyeri serta tidak invasif sehingga lebihnyaman bagi pasien. Penelitian ini melibatkan 44 pasien xerostomia yang telah menjalani radioterapi lengkap minimal3 bulan dan maksimal 1,5 tahun sebelum mengikuti penelitian. Pasien dibagi menjadi kelompok laserpunktur telingadan kelompok laserpunktur sham. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat rerata selisih skor Xerostomia Inventory (XI)antara sebelum tindakan laserpunktur dengan setelah memperoleh tindakan laserpunktur 3 kali dan 6 kali padakelompok kasus dan kontrol. Terdapat rerata selisih skor kualitas hidup antara sebelum tindakan laserpunktur dengansetelah memperoleh tindakan laserpunktur 3 kali dan 6 kali pada kelompok kasus dan kontrol pada semua variabelkualitas hidup, kecuali variabel financial difficulties (FI). Terdapat rerata selisih pH saliva antara sebelum tindakanlaserpunktur dengan setelah memperoleh tindakan laserpunktur 6 kali pada kelompok kasus dan kontrol.Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa laserpunktur pada titik akupunktur telinga MA-TF1 Shenmen danMA-AT kelenjar parotis dapat meningkatkan pH saliva dan menurunkan skor XI sehingga dapat dipertimbangkansebagai salah satu penunjang pengobatan xerostomia pada pasien kanker nasofaring pasca-radioterapi.Kata Kunci: laserpunktur telinga; xerostomia Inventory; pH saliva; kualitas hidup.
The Effect of Electroacupunture on the Percentage of Lymphocyte Count on the Peripheral Blood Smear of C3H Mice Breast Adenocarcinoma Model Kamalia, Rizki; Mihardja, Hasan; Srilestari, Adiningsih; Barasila, Atikah C; Thamrin Akib, Husniah Rubiana
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Jan - Mar
Publisher : National Cancer Center - Dharmais Cancer Hospital

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (726.552 KB) | DOI: 10.33371/ijoc.v12i1.551


Background: Breast cancer patients often experience decreased the immune system such as a decreased of lymphocytes, which can increase mortality. Acupuncture is expected to be a therapeutic option to increase lymphocyte because current pharmacological therapy is very expensive with the risk of adverse event. This study aims to prove the action of Electroacupuncture (EA) as an immunomodulator for cellular immunity by increasing the percentage of lymphocytes of Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS) in C3H mice of breast adenocarcinoma model. Methods:Laboratory experimental study with post test only controls group design involving twenty PBS preparations taken from 20 C3H mice of breast adenocarcinoma models divided into 4 groups. Group K with no EA treatment, group P1 was given 1 time EA treatment, group P2 was given 2 times EA treatment and P3 was given 3 times EA treatments (with seven days interval). EA stimulation was performed at ST36 Zusanli, BL18 Ganshu, BL20 Pishu with frequency of 2 Hz for 15 minutes. Result:The mean weight of mice was 23.90 ± 3.03 gr in control group, 25.40 ± 1.54 gr in P1 group, 27.00 ± 3.87 gr in P2 group and 25.90 ± 5.83 gr in P3 group, with most of them were female mice. The mean volume tumor in mice of control group was 14.49 ± 2.75 mm3, 16.72 ± 6,40 mm3 in P1 group, 20.18 ± 5.94 mm3 in P2 group and 22.07 ± 6.51 mm3 in P3 group. The mean percentage of lymphocyte was 44.20 ± 15.72 in control group, 43.00 ± 11.70 in P1 group, 49.60 ± 7.02 in P2 group and 43.20 ± 13.10 in P3 group. The correlation between the number of electro­acupuncture treatments on the number of lymphocytes in the treatment group were compared to the control group with p = 0.811. Conclusions: Research acupuncture on cancer management has been done and provided good result. Acupuncture in particular EA has benefits in improving immunity by affecting lymphocyte enhancement. Acupuncture can be considered as adjuvant therapy in cancer patients breast. ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Pada pasien kanker payudara sering terjadi penurunan sistemimun antara lain menurunnya limfosit, yang dapatm eningkatkan angka kematian. Akupunktur diharapkan dapat menjadi pilihan terapi untuk meningkatkan limfosit karena terapi farmakologi saat ini harganya sangat mahal dengan resiko efek samping. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa tindakan elektroakupunktur (EA) dapat berefek sebagaii mmunomodulator terhadap imunitas seluler dengan meningkatkan persentase limfosit sediaan apus darah tepi (SADT) pada mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental ini dilakukan dengan post test only control group design terhadap dua puluh sediaan apus darah tepi yang diambil dari 20 mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara. Kelompok studi dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu Kelompok K tidak diberi perlakuan EA, kelompok P1 dilakukan EA 1 kali, kelompok P2 dilakukan EA 2 kali dan P3 dilakukan EA 3 kali. Tindakan EA dilakukan pada titik ST36 Zusanli, BL18 Ganshu, BL20 Pishu dengan frekuensi 2 Hz selama 15 menit. The