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Keragaman dan Potensi Genetik Ubi Jalar Lokal Pada Kondisi Partial Submergence Helen Hetharie; Simon H T Raharjo; Anna Y Wattimena; Reny Tomasoa; La Dahamarudin
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 14 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2018.14.1.1


Excess ground water above normal due to high rainfall affect the growth and yields of crops. The objectives of the study were to measure the genetic diversity of local sweet potato clones, to obtain characters of vegetative and yield characters that were responsive against of partial submergence and sweet potato clones that had highest yield components. The method of research was a one-factor experiment involving 21 sweet potato clones using a Completely Randomized Block design with 3 replication. The partial submergence in this study mean that was the lower parts of the plants submerged when the plant were 2 and 3 months old. Data were analyzed with F test, genotype and phenotype variance, and DMRT test. The results show the sweet potato clones have a wide diversities of vegetative and yield characters. Vegetative characters that were positively responsive to partial submergence were the number of green leaves, leaf area per plant, leaf area index, and stem length. Yield characters that were positively responsive to partial submergence were tuber number and tuber length. Some of the clones with the highest production potential were shown through two of the three yields indicators (tubers number, individual tuber weight and tuber weight per plant), i.e. A13, AR15, B9, BSepa-U, BR5, H1 clones and Antin 2 variety.. Keywords: excess water, genotype variance, Ipomoea batatas, Maluku, yield character ABSTRAK Kelebihan air tanah di atas normal akibat curah hujan yang tinggi mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengukur keragaman genetik klon-klon ubi jalar lokal, serta mendapatkan karakter vegetatif dan karakter hasil yang responsif positif terhadap partial submergence dan klon ubi jalar yang mempunyai komponen hasil tertinggi. Metode penelitian berupa percobaan satu faktor yaitu 21 klon ubi jalar menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap berblok dengan pengulangan tiga kali. Partial submergence dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagian bawah dari tanaman terendam air pada umur tanaman 2 dan 3 bulan. Analisis data dengan uji F, ragam genotip dan fenotip, dan uji DMRT. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa klon-klon ubi jalar mempunyai keragaman luas pada semua karakter vegetatif dan produksi. Karakter vegetatif yang responsif positif terhadap partial submergence yaitu jumlah daun hijau, luas daun per tanaman, indeks luas daun dan panjang batang. Karakter produksi yang responsif positif terhadap partial submergence yaitu jumlah umbi dan panjang umbi. Beberapa klon dengan potensi produksi melalui dua dari tiga indikator produksi (jumlah umbi, bobot per umbi dan bobot umbi segar per tanaman) tertinggi yaitu A13, A15, B9, BSepa-U, BR5, H1, dan varietas Antin 2. Kata kunci: Ipomoea batatas, karakter hasil, Maluku, ragam genotip, terendam
Dampak Fenomena El Nino dan La Nina Terhadap Keseimbangan Air Lahan Pertanian dan Periode Tumbuh Tersedia di Daerah Waeapo Pulau Buru Siti Lailatul Nangimah; Samuel Laimeheriwa; Reny Tomasoa
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 14 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2018.14.2.66


The study aimed to determine the years of events El Nino and La Nina, analyze the effects of El Nino and La Nina events on water balance, and determine the available growing periods in Waeapo areas under various rainfall conditions. Climate data analysis was carried out with the following stages: a) generation of rainfall data; b) analysis of extreme rainfall of El Nino and La Nina; c) calculation of land water balance using the Thornthwaite-Mather method; and d) determination of available growing period under various rainfall conditions. The results showed that in the last 30 years in the Waeapo area, there were eight times of a phenomenon of extreme dry rainfall (El-Nino), with an average intensity of once every three years. The phenomenon of extreme wet rainfall (La-Nina) occurred six times with an average intensity of once every five years. Based on the calculation of land water balance, during El-Nino rainfall conditions, there was an annual groundwater deficit of 403 mm or 172% of normal conditions, whereas during La-Nina rainfall conditions there was a surplus of annual groundwater of 775 mm or 222% of normal conditions. When an El-Nino phenomenon occurred, the available growing period was only five months (January to May), and when the La-Nina phenomenon occurred, the growing period was available throughout the year (12 months). Keywords: El Nino, La Nina, land water balance, available growing period, Buru Island ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan tahun-tahun kejadian El Nino dan La Nina, menganalisis dampak kejadian El Nino dan La Nina terhadap neraca air lahan, dan menetapkan periode tumbuh tersedia di daerah Waeapo pada berbagai kondisi curah hujan. Analisis data iklim dilakukan dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: a) pembangkitan data curah hujan; b) analisis curah hujan ekstrim El Nino dan La Nina; c) perhitungan neraca air lahan menggunakan metode Thornthwaite-Mather; dan d) penentuan periode tumbuh tersedia pada berbagai kondisi curah hujan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam periode 30 tahun terakhir di Daerah Waeapo sudah terjadi fenomena curah hujan ekstrem kering (El Nino) sebanyak delapan kali, dengan intensitas rata-rata tiga tahun sekali. Dan fenomena curah hujan ekstrem basah (La Nina) terjadi sebanyak enam kali dengan intensitas rata-rata lima tahun sekali. Berdasarkan perhitungan neraca air lahan, pada kondisi curah hujan El Nino terjadi defisit air tanah tahunan sebesar 403 mm atau 172% dari kondisi normalnya, sebaliknya pada kondisi curah hujan La Nina terjadi surplus air tanah tahunan sebesar 775 mm atau 222% dari kondisi normalnya. Ketika terjadi fenomena El Nino periode tumbuh yang tersedia hanya lima bulan (Januari s.d Mei), dan ketika terjadi fenomena La-Nina periode tumbuh berlangsung sepanjang tahun (12 bulan). Kata kunci: El Nino, La Nina, neraca air lahan, periode tumbuh tersedia, Pulau Buru