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Synthesis of Catalytically Active High Surface Area Sulfated Zirconia Totok E. Suharto
Jurnal Matematika & Sains Vol 8, No 4 (2003)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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A new synthesis method to produce active sulfated zirconia catalyst has been developed. Sulfated zirconium oxide has been prepared by one-step synthesis, where the sulfatation was directly introduced during the gelating step of zirconium hydroxide. The gelating conditions and other synthesis parameters, such as drying and calcination procedures have important influence on the product properties. The obtained sulfated zirconia has high specific surface area, up to 180 m2g-1. The surface area of sulfated zirconia was influenced by increasing of pH-value of the zirconium hydroxide gel in a range of 5 to 9. Active sulfated zirconia catalyst could be prepared by optimalization of synthesis conditions and resulfatation. The catalytic activity of this catalyst in the isomerization of n-butane was higher than the activity of commercial sulfated zirconia and zeolite of mordenite type. The active sulfated zirconia showed a very high selectivity for iso-butane of 85 – 95%, whereas mordenite showed low selectivity of only 40 – 60%. The deactivated catalyst can be simply regenerated by calcination.
Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Katalis Bifungsional dari Zeolit Alam Suharto, Totok Eka; Gustian, Irfan; Sudaryono, Agus
GRADIEN : Jurnal Ilmiah MIPA Vol 3, No 2 (2007): (Juli 2007)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

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Bifunctional zeolite catalysts have been prepared by three following steps: activation of local natural zeoliteby hydrochloric acid and ammonium nitrate solutions, followed by impregnation of Cr, Ni, and Ti ions separately, and finally by calcination at 500oC for 4 hours. Characterization of catalyst properties was conducted by XRD to analyze its crystal phases, by SEM to study its surface morphology, by methylene blue to determine its surface area, and by IR spectroscopic and adsorbed ammonia gravimetric methods to analyze acidic properties. X-ray difractograms show that all calcined catalysts have amorphous and dominant crystalline phases. The morphology of catalysts analyzed by SEM prohibited similar cracked lamellar layers on the surface characterized by a microporous material. These catalysts have high specific surface area of 110 m2/g. Acid amount measured by adsorbed ammonia gravimetric method is in a range of 3.00 – 3.70 mg NH3/g.   
Reusable Catalyst of KF/Mg-Al Layered Double for Biodiesel Conversion and Optimization using Bohn-Behnken Design Totok Eka Suharto; Fethi Kooli; Sheikh Ahmad Izaddin Sheikh Mohd Ghazali; Is Fatimah
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 2022: BCREC Volume 17 Issue 3 Year 2022 (September 2022)
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering - Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9767/bcrec.17.3.14485.497-507


This work aimed to synthesize a reusable catalyst of KF/Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (KF/LDH) for a microwave-assisted biodiesel conversion from rice bran oil (RBO). The LDH was synthesized by co-precipitation method of Mg and Al precursors with additional surfactant of cetyl trimethyl ammonium followed by hydrothermal method, for furthermore, an impregnation procedure was applied to combine KF with LDH by using impregnation method. Instrumental analysis of materials was performed by XRD, gas sorption analysis, SEM-EDX, TEM and XPS method. Effect of KF loading onto LDH on the specific surface area and solid basicity was also studied. From the characterization by XRD, it can be concluded that the impregnation increased specific surface area of LDH without any structural destruction, which was also confirmed by the lattice fringe comparison by HRTEM analysis and surface analysis by XPS. The specific surface area enhancement is in line with the increasing solid basicity which directly enhanced the catalytic conversion of RBO into biodiesel. Statistical optimization of the use of KF/LDH was conducted by response surface methodology of Box-Behnken Design for the range of 2–4 g/100 mL of catalyst dose, 3–8 of the methanol to oil ratio, and 10–30 min of reaction time. It was revealed that all factors are significantly affect the yield. The KF/LDH catalyst is also reusable as it does not loss the activity until 5th cycles. Copyright © 2022 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License ( 
Cracking of Palm Oil Methyl Esters on Modified Natural Zeolite Catalysts: Perengkahan Metil Ester Minyak Sawit Pada Katalis Zeolit Alam Termodifikasi Totok Eka Suharto
Open Science and Technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Open Science and Technology
Publisher : Research and Social Study Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33292/ost.vol2no1.2022.60


Perengkahan katalitik metil ester minyak sawit (POME) menjadi hidrokarbon cair telah dilakukan dengan dua katalis berbasis zeolit alam bifungsional. Metil ester diproduksi dengan transesterifikasi CPO dengan metanol/KOH dalam kondisi yang menguntungkan. Eksperimen katalitik dilakukan dalam mikroreaktor batch yang dilengkapi dengan alat pemanas dan destilasi. Campuran metil ester dan bubuk katalis dipanaskan secara bertahap hingga 673 K selama 2 jam dan diikuti dengan distilasi pada kondisi yang sama selama 2 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa katalis zeolit alam termodifikasi merupakan katalis aktif dalam perengkahan POME menjadi hidrokarbon. Catalytic cracking of palm oil methyl ester (POME) to liquid hydrocarbons has been conducted by two bifunctional natural zeolite based catalysts. Methyl esters were produced by transesterification of CPO by methanol/KOH in a favorable condition. The catalytic experiments were conducted in a batch microreactor equipped by heating and distillation apparatus. A mixture batch of methyl ester and catalyst powder was heated gradually up to 673 K for 2 h and followed by distillation at the same condition for 2 h. The result showed that modified natural zeolite catalysts were active catalysts in the cracking of POME to hydrocarbons.
Green Synthesis of Sulfonated Activated Carbon from Palm Kernel Shell as Potential Catalyst for Hydrolysis of Palm Bunch Cellulose Totok Eka Suharto; Cindy Wulandari; Dwita Oktiarni; Devi Ratnawati; Ibdal Satar
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 9, No 2 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v9i2.24511


Sulfonated activated carbon (SAC) is one of green catalysts that has been successfully synthesized from palm shell waste. The SAC catalysts have been tested in the hydrolysis of cellulose of palm bunch to simple sugar. The SAC catalysts were prepared from palm shell waste by converting to activated carbon followed by sulfonating step. The SAC catalysts were characterized by using XRD, SEM, FTIR and gravimetric methods. The SAC catalysts show as porous amorphous materials and have acidic properties, a prerequisite for good catalytic activity. Preliminary catalytic tests showed that the SAC catalysts can be used for the hydrolysis of cellulose from palm bunch waste that was shown by the existence of reducing sugar in the liquid product of hydrolysis.
Bio-oil from Oil Palm Shell Pyrolysis as Renewable Energy: A Review Joko Pitoyo; Totok Eka Suharto; Siti Jamilatun
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 9, No 2 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v9i2.22355


Oil palm shell (OPS) is biomass with high carbon and hydrogen content, so it has the potential to produce renewable energy through the thermochemical method. Pyrolysis is a relatively inexpensive thermochemical method that continuously converts biomass into valuable gas, bio-oil, and char products. Bio-oil is used directly to fuel boilers and furnaces or to produce fuel oil. This article reviews the pyrolysis process of biomass from oil palm shells, discussing the operating parameters that influence the pyrolysis process and the method of upgrading bio-oil. This review shows a relationship between biomass composition (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) and bio-oil yield. The water content in the raw material needs to be controlled at around 10%. The optimum particle size is closely related to the biomass's natural structure and reactor type. The higher the ash and fixed carbon content, the lower the bio-oil yield. The optimum temperature for pyrolysis is between 450-550 ºC. A high heating rate will increase the decomposition of biomass into bio-oil. Particle size and reactor type strongly influence feed rate, residence time, and reaction time. A fluidized bed reactor gives the highest bio-oil yield. Using plastic in co-pyrolysis and catalyst increases the heating value and decreases the oxygenated content.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Eco Enzyme dari Sampah Kulit Buah bagi Masyarakat Desa Sorogenen II Kulon Progo Adi Permadi; Totok Eka Suharto; Ibdal Satar; Alfi Chasanah; Agung Kurniawan; Arwini Arwini; Daniar Rahmawati; Denik Putri Wahyuni; Denta Kesdik Pawenang; Harminah Safitri; Wahyu Bintoro Sumardani; Winarni Winarni; Zahrotun Nafi’; Suyitno Suyitno
Pelita: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): Pelita: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Perkumpulan Kualitama Edukatika Indonesia

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Waste is a problem that has not been resolved properly in Indonesia. Likewise, in Sorogenen II village, Kulon Progo district, where the majority of livelihoods are farmers, gardeners and traders related to agriculture and plantations, there is still not much information on the management of organic waste, especially crop and fruit waste. Several efforts to utilize waste have been made. One way to utilize waste from fresh fruit peels is to ferment it with molasses so that after 3 months it will become eco enzyme. This enzyme liquid has been used as a natural fertilizer, pest repellent, and cleaning liquid. The training conducted by volunteers of the eco enzyme archipelago, PKK group and UAD community service team took place in Sorogenen II village, Kulon Progo district. In addition to the delivery of how to make eco enzyme, the utilization and business opportunities of eco enzyme were also delivered in the training. A showcase of eco enzyme products was also held at UAD and many visitors were enthusiastic about making eco enzyme independently.
Penyuluhan sebagai Strategi Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat tentang Dampak Sampah Plastik dan Pengelolaannya di Desa Panjangrejo Bantul Yogyakarta Ibdal Satar; Arief Syamsuddin; Totok Eka Suharto; Adi Permadi; Trianik Widyaningrum; Mufti Khakim; Ahmad Raditya Cahya Baswara; Barry Nur Setyanto
Pelita: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): Pelita: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Perkumpulan Kualitama Edukatika Indonesia

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Plastic waste has become a significant problem of environmental pollution in recent decades. The nature of plastic waste is complicated to decompose; it has worsened the environmental situation, especially if it is not taken seriously immediately. One approach that can be taken to overcome this problem is to provide counseling to the public so that they do not dispose of plastic waste carelessly. The community service program is a forum for academics to participate and provide counseling about the management of plastic waste. The purpose of this community service program is to counsel the Panjangrejo community about how to manage plastic waste properly. This counseling program began with discussions with the Panjangrejo sub-district officials and related parties, then continued with planning the timing of the extension. Residents and community elements are fully involved, so this program can run smoothly. The counseling program was carried out in three villages, namely the villages of Semampir, Gunung Puyuh, and Krapyak Wetan, and this program was held at night from 20.00 WIB to 22.00 WIB. The outreach results showed that people's knowledge about the dangers of plastic waste and how to manage it could be significantly improved (p < 0.05). In general, this extension program successfully increased respondents' knowledge from "not knowing" to "knowing better" about the dangers and how to manage plastic waste.
Reusable Catalyst of KF/Mg-Al Layered Double for Biodiesel Conversion and Optimization using Bohn-Behnken Design Totok Eka Suharto; Fethi Kooli; Sheikh Ahmad Izaddin Sheikh Mohd Ghazali; Is Fatimah
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 2022: BCREC Volume 17 Issue 3 Year 2022 (September 2022)
Publisher : Masyarakat Katalis Indonesia - Indonesian Catalyst Society (MKICS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9767/bcrec.17.3.14485.497-507


This work aimed to synthesize a reusable catalyst of KF/Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (KF/LDH) for a microwave-assisted biodiesel conversion from rice bran oil (RBO). The LDH was synthesized by co-precipitation method of Mg and Al precursors with additional surfactant of cetyl trimethyl ammonium followed by hydrothermal method, for furthermore, an impregnation procedure was applied to combine KF with LDH by using impregnation method. Instrumental analysis of materials was performed by XRD, gas sorption analysis, SEM-EDX, TEM and XPS method. Effect of KF loading onto LDH on the specific surface area and solid basicity was also studied. From the characterization by XRD, it can be concluded that the impregnation increased specific surface area of LDH without any structural destruction, which was also confirmed by the lattice fringe comparison by HRTEM analysis and surface analysis by XPS. The specific surface area enhancement is in line with the increasing solid basicity which directly enhanced the catalytic conversion of RBO into biodiesel. Statistical optimization of the use of KF/LDH was conducted by response surface methodology of Box-Behnken Design for the range of 2–4 g/100 mL of catalyst dose, 3–8 of the methanol to oil ratio, and 10–30 min of reaction time. It was revealed that all factors are significantly affect the yield. The KF/LDH catalyst is also reusable as it does not loss the activity until 5th cycles. Copyright © 2022 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License ( 
Removal of Lead and Iron in Leachate Wastewater of The TPST Piyungan by Activated Natural Zeolite Totok Eka Suharto; Siti Salamah
Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology Vol 9, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ekw.v9i2.16988


Abstract: Landfill generates a problem of soil and water pollution, with leachate wastewater contaminating heavy metals. Wastewater treatment with natural zeolite adsorbents can remove heavy metals from wastewater. We have analyzed the leachate wastewater in the last pond at the wastewater treatment plant at the TPST Piyungan contains lead (Pb) ions of 2.13 mg/L and iron (Fe) of 9.94 mg/L, greater than the maximum levels allowed for sanitary hygienic water. according to the regulations of the Minister of Health. The concentration of Pb and Fe metal ions in wastewater can be removed by activated local natural zeolite adsorbents. The adsorbent was prepared from local natural zeolite by activation with ammonium nitrate solution and calcined at 300 oC for 2 hours. Characterization by XRD, BET-adsorption analysis, and SEM showed that activation can increase natural zeolite's surface area and pore size without being followed by a change in the crystal structure. The leachate adsorption experiment was carried out by varying the weight percentage of activated natural zeolite adsorbent and adsorption time. The concentration of Pb and Fe ions in wastewater can be reduced by activated natural zeolite adsorbents. Adsorption with 10% weight of natural zeolite and an adsorption time of 60 minutes delivered the best results. Under these adsorption conditions, the concentration of Pb ions decreased by 38.50% and that of Fe decreased by 67.10%. The adsorption treatment with activated natural zeolite can significantly reduce the concentration of Pb and Fe metal ions in the waste leachate of TPST Piyungan.Abstrak: Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPS) menimbulkan masalah polusi air dan tanah dengan air limbah lindi yang mengandung logam-logam berat. Perlakuan dengan adsorben zeolit alam dapat mengurangi logam berat dalam air limbah. Analisis dengan AAS menunjukkan bahwa air limbah pada kolam terakhir instalasi pengolahan air limbah di TPST Piyungan mengandung ion logam timbal (Pb) 2,13 mg/L dan besi 9,90 mg/L. Kadar kedua logam berat ini melebihi ambang batas yang dibolehkan dalam air untuk sanitasi higin menurut regulasi Kementerian Kesehatan. Konsentrasi ion logam Pb dan Fe dapat dikurangi dengan adsorben zeolit alam lokal yang diaktivasi. Adsorben dibuat dengan aktivasi zeolit alam lokal dengan larutan ammonium nitrat dan dikalsinasi pada 300oC selama 2 jam. Hasil analisis adsorben dengan XRD, analisis adsorpsi BET, dan SEM menunjukkan bahwa aktivasi dapat menaikkan luas permukaan zeolit dan ukuran pori tanpa diikuti perubahan struktur kristal. Eksperimen adsorpsi limbah lindi dilakukan dengan variasi persentase berat adsorben zeolit alam dan waktu adsorpsi. Konsentrasi ion Pb dan Fe dalam limbah lindi dapat dikurangi dengan adsorben zeolit alam teraktivasi. Hasil terbaik diperoleh dengan penggunaan 10% berat adsorben zeolit dan waktu adsorpsi 60 menit. Pada kondisi ini konsentrasi ion Pb berkurang 38,50% dan Fe turun sebesar 67,10%. Perlakuan adsorpsi dengan zeolit alam teraktivasi dapat mengurangi secara signifikan konsentrasi ion logam Pb dan Fe dalam limbah lindi TPST Piyungan.